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XBox (Games)

Season 2 Premiere of Red vs Blue 87

brent_linux writes "Red VS Blue, winner of several awards, has started up their second season. If you missed their first season you can pick up the DVD from their online store. To view the high quality videos you have to donate money to the cause, but like before you can view the lower quality ones for free."
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Season 2 Premiere of Red vs Blue

Comments Filter:
  • Eh? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by lukewarmfusion ( 726141 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @09:34AM (#8020510) Homepage Journal
    Not only is this a dupe, they're on the second episode of the second season. This might have been postworthy if it had gone up a week and a half ago.
    • Re:Eh? (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Yup - link here [].
    • Ya know - the first episode of season 2 did almost nothing for me. Episode 2 is damn funny.
  • by drfishy ( 634081 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @09:42AM (#8020575)
    Because of Red vs Blue myself and all my friends have started calling the rocket launching Warthogs Pumas...
  • by Eric S Rayrnond ( 739458 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @09:44AM (#8020585) Homepage
    The early episodes are beyond comparison, very top notch stuff.

    However, as the first season got on, the writing seemed to degrade noticeably and the plot got a little wonky at the end when Church decides to do that thing he does (avoiding spoilage).

    I'd advise them to slow down a bit, produce fewer episodes and take us back to the excellent writing of the first 5 episodes.
  • tell me now, is it some CTF stuff or someting?
  • Information please (Score:5, Interesting)

    by MacBrave ( 247640 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @09:47AM (#8020611) Journal
    Since I'm cable TV challenged and the site appears to be /.'ed, could someone explain what Red vs Blue is about?
    • by merlin_jim ( 302773 ) <James@McCracken.stratapult@com> on Monday January 19, 2004 @09:55AM (#8020681)
      Red vs. Blue is machinima, that is, animation made with the help of consumer 3D software; in this case, Halo for the XBox.

      So they took a bunch of guys, hooked them up in Halo, wrote a script, got some cameraguys, and recorded a DVD. It's VERY VERY funny stuff.
    • by ( 547663 )
      could someone explain what Red vs Blue is about?

      The short version is that it's a kind of sitcom produced using the Halo [] game for XBox.

      The show centers around a completely irrelevant valley, on a warridden planet, in which two groups (rather stupid) soldiers from opposing sides have been stationed.

      The dialogue is hilarious, and the show can't be recommended highly enough.
    • Red vs Blue is an online animated series featuring characters from the video game Halo. It falls under the category "machinima" - which means that they use existing engines to create or animate characters and "act" out scenes. Sundays and Mondays are particularly bad for them because (after being mentioned on Slashdot last year) their traffic has increased tremendously. After last year's success, they put together a DVD of the first season and some additional stuff. It's $20 and well worth it if you enjoy
  • by WIAKywbfatw ( 307557 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @09:50AM (#8020635) Journal
    Why do Red and Blue have to be up against one another? Can't they just get along? I bet if they worked together they could make a lovely shade of purple.
  • the red vs. blue is reminiscent of the existentialist thought processes. it reminds me of samuel beckett's "waiting for godot" -- really great material, especially if you've ever played halo and contemplated on life
    • Waiting for Godot? Ugh. Red vs. Blue is about 100x better.

      If you want existentialism that isn't boring, might want to check out "Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead" by Tom Stoppard.
    • I can't believe I never thought about "Waiting for Gadot." So would that make RvB, Machinama of the Absurd?

      So is Tucker, Vladamir and Caboose, Estragon, or is it Simmons and Griff? Or is it the otherway around?
    • The comparison is right, but the label's a little off. Beckett and RvB are both "absurdist," not exactly existentialist. Yes, the former is an offshoot of the latter, but the point of absurdism is really just to show that existence is pretty much meaningless and all our efforts amount to nothing. The existentialists didn't take such a dim view of the human condition.
  • High quality videos (Score:2, Informative)

    by gpinzone ( 531794 )
    Are there torrents available? That way, they don't have to pay for the bandwidth, and I don't feel guilty not donating.
    • by peterb ( 13831 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @10:35AM (#8021032) Homepage Journal
      Not to be the neighborhood scold, but this attitude is really insulting.

      I don't mean the "I don't not want to pay for it" attitude -- hey, there's lots of things we all don't pay for. But the idea that you would only feel guilty if you use their bandwidth. It kind of implies that the "valuable" part of Red Vs. Blue is the money that goes in to hosting their site and streaming the media instead of, oh, I dunno, the time and sweat and effort it takes to produce something -- anything -- worth watching.

      I know you didn't mean it that way, but I just had to say it. If you're going to feel guilty about not donating, feel guilty because you're not paying them for the huge effort they put in to create something you enjoy. If and when you decide to donate (or buy a DVD), do it because you want to reward them for their creativity. Not for their bandwidth.
      • by Anonymous Coward
        Are you nuts?! Why would anyone pay for this stuff in the first place? It's mildly humorous - but it's nothing you can't see in a million other venues, in slight variations.

        This is more of the "hey, that's kind of silly" rather than "oh my god this is genius" variety. Paying for it would be a lot like having to pay to see fark altered photographs. Mildly amusing but, again, not enough to actually care to pay for it.
      • Not insulting at all, especially with a rampant slashdotting of their site going on.

        Especially since you're berating him for wanting something they GIVE AWAY FREE. All their past episodes are still available, AND on bittorrents for the most part that rvb links to to save their own bandwidth.
      • Its not insulting in the least bit to have the attitude of "its on the Internet, its machima, it should be free." We aren't talking about a corporation here. I don't feel guilty reading 10 web comics in the morning even though they put their time into it. If you want to create something for the Internet then don't expect to become rich off of it. Red and Blue was driven from word of mouth from the free versions.

        I understand they work hard and want some money for their series so they offer a high-res vers
        • And then I realize the subject is about the high-res versions (yeah he should have kept his mouth shut if he wanted something for free which others pay for). Just like ripping off movies, music, and other media he should realize that hard work where people expect to get paid shouldn't be downloaded for free.
      • I know you didn't mean it that way, but I just had to say it. If you're going to feel guilty about not donating, feel guilty because you're not paying them for the huge effort they put in to create something you enjoy.

        Look, by that logic, they should be donating to me.
      • If and when you decide to donate (or buy a DVD), do it because you want to reward them for their creativity. Not for their bandwidth.

        That's the same as with piracy. I will never ever pay these guys a single kopeck (penny, eurocent, yuan). These videos are fun, but I am not a rational economic agent, so for me they are simply in a different category - "stuff, which I can enjoy for free, but will never pay for". Do you enjoy chatting with your sister or wrestling with your brother? But would you consider pa
      • um... they give it away free. should i feel guilty for watching it for free? all this guy says is that he already feels like a mooch watching it for free (even tho they encourage it) and doesnt want to tie up their bandwidth. i see absolutely nothing wrong with this.

        i prefer downloading linux distros via torrent for the same reason. i already feel like theyve given so much letting me have it for free, id just assume not have them have to pay even more for me to download it
    • Yes, go to the red v blue page, there are bitorrent links for the whole first season, haven't checked season 2 yet.
    • OK, how about any torrents for the free low quality videos considering the current state of their server?
    • by SkunkPussy ( 85271 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @12:32PM (#8022241) Journal
      here is a link to a torrent from suprnova:

      Season 1 Episodes 1-19 []
      • I love the double standards here on Slashdot. Everyone cries that CDs are overpriced and that you'd prefer to compensate the artist directly. Yet the high quality episodes are only available to paying subscribers and the parent comment is a link to a torrent that gives you that materal for free. Whats more, this comment is marked informative. Never mind the fact it advocates not compensating the creators of this series.
        • > Yet the high quality episodes are only available
          > to paying subscribers and the parent comment is
          > a link to a torrent that gives you that materal
          > for free.

          Im not sure if this is true - the link I put here is only ~200MB and it hasn't downloaded yet so I can't check it out, there
          is another torrent ~4GB which is an iso of the DVD. I didn't put a link to that one.

          > Whats more, this comment is marked
          > informative.

          It is informative!
        • > I love the double standards here on Slashdot.

          I love the people on slashdot who don't bother to check out the article/link before having an opinion on what it supposedly contains.

          I can confirm the link I provided is to the LoRes episodes seeing as my torrent finished downloading today.

          You plonker rodney!
    • About halfway through the first season they started providing all the downloads in BitTorrent. Not sure why that's not happening this time.
  • you missed their first season you can pick up the DVD from their online store
    Is this about the red vs blue dvd war. Well, then picking up the dvd would be interesting :)

    You are right. What the heck is red vs blue? The site is /.ed
  • Medic: "I'm a pacifist."
    Soldier 1: "You're something that babies suck on?"
    Soldier 2: "Isn't that a pedofile?"
    Medic: "I'm a PACIFIST."
    Soldier 2: "Ohh, my mind was on something completely different..."

    I'm doing this from memory, sorry if it's slightly off, but I found it to be hilariously funny.
    • <scary voice>Don't ever be alone</scary voice>
    • you guys find this stuff funny? i watched that same episode and about 30sec after this part i just closed is this funny? it's boring, slow, derivative and not witty in the least. i'm not saying i could do anything much better but jeez...

      i hate to say it but, is this what geek humor is?
      • "i hate to say it but, is this what geek humor is?"

        Yes. It is. You see, humor does not have to be funny to EVERYBODY to work. And why even bother posting that you don't find it funny? Why are you even reading this story? What a troll.

      • ok, tell me something that you like and it is likely something i dont care for. once you tell me what it is, i can ridicule you for liking it and get a superior attitude towards you for it.

        i dont mean to sound like a prick, but i like this stuff and find it entertaining. just because you dont like it, doesnt mean its drivel.

        i like fast, gas-guzzling, american muscle cars. you most likely do not. does that make whatever kind of car you like crap? probably not.
      • i hate to say it but, is this what geek humor is?
        A really good joke takes at least 3 people. One person to tell the joke. One person to get the joke and one person to laugh at for not understanding it.
        Obviously, you're number 3 in this case. Not a problem.. I just hope that you don't mind being laughed at.
    • Chicks are like voltron, the more you hook up, the better it gets.

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    • "So I said, if you've got a ship that can carry a tank, why not put guns on the ship instead???"

      "Shut up, you're ruining the moment!"

  • Sure would help if the poster was a bit more descriptive for us not in the know.
  • by sootman ( 158191 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @10:44AM (#8021118) Homepage Journal
    I loved the season 1 episodes but the sound was horrible--sounded like they were yelling into a Radio Shack mic and it was often too quiet or too loud. Is the sound on the DVD any better?
  • The joys of jumping around in a blue T-shirt with "BLUE ARMY" - "CHURCH 13" and another fruitcake with a brown one "ROJO" - "LOPEZ 1010" and no-one knowing what the hell this is all about... Wonderful. =)

    (We need to sharpen our ghost impersonation/Spanish skills, tho.)
  • Ok, I'm intrigued. But. Guys. Do. Not. Host. Download. MPEGs. On. The. Same. Site. As. Your. Online. Store.

    I would really, actually buy one of these to see what all the fuss is about, but the Store is /.'ed.

  • There don't seem to be bittorrent links this season. Do they really want to pay for all this bandwidth themselves?

"And remember: Evil will always prevail, because Good is dumb." -- Spaceballs
