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PlayStation (Games) Entertainment Games

Getaway Sequel Pours On The Mockney Charm 16

Thanks to Eurogamer for its preview of PlayStation 2 driving/action title The Getaway 2, as initial details for Sony's sequel to the reasonably rated PS2 gangster romp are revealed. Apparently: "Out goes Mockney geezer Mark 'unlucky' Hammond and morally dubious cop DC Carter, and in comes thug-for-hire Eddie 'O Connor, a crop-haired East ender with a taste for too-tight V-neck jumpers." Promises of greater graphical detail and a "much-needed overhaul" for combat are also made, with the article noting: "It's fair to say that although we loved The Getaway for its atmosphere and the occasional show-stopping mission... we'd be the first to acknowledge that there was plenty of room for improvement."
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Getaway Sequel Pours On The Mockney Charm

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  • I'm all for "mood", but would it really kill them to bring the lights up a couple notches?
  • The Lies! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Jason Scott ( 18815 ) * on Monday January 19, 2004 @07:02PM (#8026506) Homepage
    What will always be my memory when I hear the words "The Getaway" is "The Big Lie", the lie, of course, was in the screenshots that got posted to fark.com that I happened to see (this was 3 years ago, and Fark was tiny).

    Luckily, the web provides the shots I originally saw: here [gamerweb.com], here [gamerweb.com], here [gamerweb.com]. I mean, if you saw these things, your mind said "we're here, we have photorealistic games, the world has opened anew in dewy wonder and I am reborn".

    So I waited and waited and waited for this game to come out; the dumb "Getaway" name made it hard to keep track of, but man, when I did re-find those screenshots, I mean, it was like a lollipop in my mind.

    Finally, quietly, the damned game came out and it wasn't anywhere near those initial promises. Yeah, call me naive, but they really did look so good.
  • Nice one guv. (Score:2, Interesting)

    by nickos ( 91443 )
    Am I the only person who's pissed off with the general sterotypes that get portrayed in modern media?

    Improved communications have meant that it's easier then ever to talk to people from all over the globe, and yet we always come back to this sort of crap. As a UK resident who went to the states recently, it seems that if you don't speak the Queens English or Cockney, people don't know that you're from the UK.

    God help people from the smaller EU states.
  • I finished the first half of the game, with MArk Hammond, and am trying to get through the second half. Some of the driving sequences are just rediculous. One mission, just the driving half I had to attempt more than 60 times before I got through it. Some sort of map within the game, if only at the start of a mission, to tell you where you are starting, and where you need to go.

    The physics ont eh cars nee dto be adjust. They are way to prone to spinning out, fishtailing, etc. I did like that it gets harder
  • Umm... so? (Score:2, Troll)

    by scot4875 ( 542869 )
    A mediocre game is getting a sequel. Why is this news I should care about?

  • Okay, so here's probably the first considerable GTA-like game here on our hands.

    1. First off, the game has no map like GTA and countless other games. You rely on the vehicle's turn signals to get you from A to B. This is flawed since sometimes it leads you to the wrong way down streets. And in London, traffic seems to average 10 miles/hour

    2. There is an incredibly steep learning curve. I had to look on the web to find out if I held down three buttons, I could auto-target thugs and maybe survive. The fris
  • The Getaway was a great game, and I'm pretty excited about the sequel. Hopefully the plotting, acting, etc., will be as good, or better, than the original. That being said, some of the so-called "realism" of the game was a little unnecessary, and actually detracted from the experience. Hopefully, they'll fix this in the second game. First of all, there's the player's "mutant healing factor." I know medkits are unrealistic, but is magically healing whenever you lean against a wall any more realistic? I

A fail-safe circuit will destroy others. -- Klipstein
