Uru Live Cancelled, Expansion Packs Promised 49
Datasage writes "Announced today on the UbiSoft community boards. Uru Live, the online part of Cyan's PC title Uru: Ages Beyond Myst, will be closing down. They were not able to get enough subscribers (even within the free Beta) to sustain the world. Instead Cyan has refocused its efforts, and will be putting out expansion packs for Uru, the first of which, due out a couple months, will be freely downloadable." Andrew Plotkin has written an informative FAQ regarding Uru Live, explaining the now defunct collaborative online part of this single-player PC game from the Myst creators.
Re:huh, wha? (Score:3, Interesting)
I couldn't care less about a company that distrusts its users, releases alpha code as a finished product, and doesn't respond to those who take the time and energy to write to them.
Hmm. This story may be 'news for nerds', but I'm
Re:huh, wha? (Score:2)
I wrote to whomever was in charge at the time. It was almost three years ago, after all...
However the post - and the sentiment - are still valid.
Re:huh, wha? (Score:1)
Suggestion... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Suggestion... (Score:3, Insightful)
Having said that, anyone who can put together a successful mostly free MMORPG in open source will pose a real serious threat to the big guys. MMORPG is really begging for a "free" approach. O/S games development sadly lags way behind the rest of the industry however.
Assuming they can find some kind of paypal/wish/donation system to keep up servers and pay for bandwidth, anyway.
Re:Suggestion... (Score:2)
Uru Live (Score:1)
More stuff I've written about Uru (Score:3, Interesting)
You can probably tell I'm a raving Cyan fan, and this is a crying shame. The game could have taken off, if they got through the technical problems -- it would have been a slow process certainly, as word got around what they were building. There must have been far more planned than the beta/Prologue phase could show off.
But it's hard to argue when the guy with the wallet says he's tired of the money drain. Sigh.
--Andrew Plotkin
Crying shame indeed (Score:2)
I see that they've now started the Mac version of Uru. Bittersweet news.
And people would've payed for this why? (Score:5, Interesting)
1) The Myst series has been and will probably remain a series for the casual player. A lot of people who are turned off by the blood and action of fast paced FPS and involving RPGS and RTSes typically enjoy Myst.
2) People aren't going to pay for a service that they won't make use of.
3) Casual gamers don't usually have a whole lot of time to commit to a game for an extended period of time.
4) Since the user base for the Myst series isn't "hard-core" they most likely will not have the time to justify for paying for something like Uru (which was to ultimately become a pay-for service)
5) Finally, think about it. Myst by myself is cool. Myst with other people no longer sounds like a game anymore? How would puzzles work? What would be the objective of the persistant world? What are people supposed to be doing in this game?
When you think about it that way. Would you honestly want to pay to play what would most likely become a 3D chat room? (Granted that MMORPGs seem that way sometimes, but the Myst franchise does not lend itself to an MMORPG easily)
If they had gone through and done something like Battle.net with this (where the service is free), then maybe it would've worked. But I know if I buy a single-player game, the multiplayer had better be free.
Maybe if Ubisoft/Cyan had did this as a free online thing, maybe it would've ended up doing better. I really can't say though.
Re:And people would've payed for this why? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:And people would've payed for this why? (Score:2)
That sounds pretty cool having the social aspect in there though.
I haven't really played any of the games since Riven, however the books were very cool, and I've been wanting to make a return to the series at some point (especially once I get a DVD drive and Uru and the 10th anniversary edition containing Myst, Riven, and Exile).
Cyan has created a really interesting game-world, and I hope they continue it even without the Online play as a deterrance. I would not scoff at downloading add
Re:And people would've payed for this why? (Score:2)
The only reason I bought the game this early was to participate in the early on-line, else I would have bought it later down the road for a fraction of the price. And as most Myst fans would know if they looked into Uru, you get different options on line once you complete the game. I haven't had the time to complete it (employed) so I didn't make th
Re:And people would've payed for this why? (Score:2)
Re:And people would've payed for this why? (Score:2)
Re:And people would've payed for this why? (Score:1)
Maybe I'm not understanding the social aspects of the game, but I fear what you describe would quickly degenerate into people pestering you:
"dood, i need the aswner to this puzzel"; and ruining your attempts to figure things out yourself: "just click the btns in this order: 5 4 2 6 1 3".
Re:And people would've payed for this why? (Score:2)
Uru Live was advertised to me much less as an MMORPG, but rather as "new content for the game delivered via the Internet", and that's what I would've liked.
The Myst world in single player mode is great to look at, has great puzzles and overall an amazing feeling and atmosphere. The single player portion got pretty good reviews everywhere. And that's where I wanted Uru Live to step in
Re:And people would've payed for this why? (Score:2, Informative)
Uru, at the very least, was a great idea. One of the most original games to come along recently, and hey, no guts, no glory. It's easy for you to see in hindsight that it was destined to be a flop, right? It didn't fail because it was a bad idea. It failed because Cyan made some poor design decisions and some mistakes implementing the multipl
An important part of the good news... (Score:2)
Re:An important part of the good news... (Score:2)
Re:An important part of the good news... (Score:2)
Not shedding any tears. (Score:1)
Re:Not shedding any tears. (Score:1)
More users? (Score:2)
Non enough players for Beta? really... (Score:2)
Perhaps they messed up their signup system or something.
I applied to get into the Beta months ago and was never accepted (not a peep).
Re:Non enough players for Beta? really... (Score:1)
Re:Non enough players for Beta? really... (Score:2)
Re:Non enough players for Beta? really... (Score:2)
Nope. I bought it and didn't get into the Prologue - so that's one - how many more?.
I call bullshit on YOU (Score:4, Interesting)
It is a simple case of economics. If there aren't X number of customers Cyan couldn't cover the burn rate of Y. If you aren't making enough money, isn't it better to change early, instead of going [url=http://www.enron.com/]bankrupt[/url]?
That makes me [corelands.com] a moron?
I am afraid you should stop speaking out of your ass now. If you looked at the auctual use of in-game bandwidth, URU uses signifigantly less than most common First Person Shooters. I should know, I wrote an Ethereal [ethereal.com] plugin while I worked at Cyan [cyanworlds.com]. This plugin would disect our own protcol. We closely examined every byte that is sent over the network.
The True cause of the lag lies mostly with the Client. Improvements to this were being made. But since the online part of URU has been stopped, they will never see the light of day.
URU Might of come before its time, and I am deeply saddened to see a project I worked on go down this path.
-Paul Querna
Re:I call bullshit on YOU (Score:1)
Re:bull (Score:4, Insightful)
do you even own the game?
this game uses... NO BANDWIDTH.
the fact that it needs to be on a broadband connection is due to content download, not because it chews bandwidth, you idiot.
this game uses almost nothing! stop talking out of the side of your neck!
if anyone is to blame, its ubisoft. they are imcompetant assholes to say the least.
if there was any server issues, or inadequate bandwidth, it was their fault. keep in mind cyan didnt run the servers, ubi did.
blame them for the problems, dont flame the developers. they did their best against the bunch of idiots that ran the servers.
Re:bull (Score:1)
Re:bull (Score:2)
Re:bull (Score:1)
Generic Response (Score:3, Interesting)
1) Myst sucks, why would anyone pay for an online version?
Everyone has different tastes. Just because I think that 90% of the shows on TV are crap, doesn't mean that there aren't millions of people that watch them. The Myst series has millions of die-hard fans, and they are the major portion of the target audience here.
2) They were doing just fine up until Myst 3. That game was buggy as hell. Why would I pay for anything else they made?
Myst 3 wasn't created by Cyan. It was created by Presto Studios. And while the initial release of the game was riddled with bugs, the patched game is one of the most beautiful and well-done adventure games out there. If you don't agree, then you're just one of the people that disagrees. Like I said in #1, people have different tastes.
3) I was in the beta/I already own it. It's buggy as hell.
You're right, it is very buggy. Ubisoft, like 99% of video game publishers, pushed the product out into the market before it was finished. And now Cyan is scrambling to catch up. Unfortunately, it just wasn't good enough to support the online version.
4) The whole idea of the game is broken. It's just a pretty chat room.
Anyone who says this hasn't even seen the game. Aside from the single-player version, you can play with your friends online. Future expansions were going to include puzzles that would require more than one person to solve (easily). The built-in voice chat, while broken at this time, worked great during the beta, and really made you feel like you were there with the other people.
5) Myst is just for people who can't take REAL games like FPS and RTS.
Wrong. Find me a Myst fan who just sits around staring at their computer screen waiting for the next one to come out. These people are GAMERS, they just have a slightly different taste than your average CS-junkie or Evercracker.
Remember when: we used to sit (Score:2)
Sit Ubu, Sit! [tvacres.com]
no Mac version (Score:2, Insightful)
I'm only one person so my $$ wouldn't do much, but the fact that they left out an entire game community (Mac gamers) that tends to enjoy more the Myst style gaming experience was a real shotgun-to-the-foot kind of mistake.
Re:no Mac version (Score:2)
As a BETA tester for URU Live... (Score:2, Interesting)
I felt there were a few issues with the service. Yes I realize that it was a BETA, so the service may not have been complete.
The prior games did not have most of these issues, obviously becau
Why online? (Score:2)
That is, it was basically a single player game that happened to have other people running around in it. That's not compelling, that just MMO tacked on to a single player game.
The only reson I didn't subscribe... (Score:2)
Also around that time my M$ Windows partition ate itself for the umpteenth time, and I decided to stop dual-booting. Not worth the pain. So no I couldn't just reboot into Windows.
Why I didn't play the demo, buy the game, etc... (Score:2)