Will Harvey On Virtual Worlds, Technology Curves 94
CowboyRobot writes "Slashdot's former editor Chris DiBona has an interview with videogame creator Will Harvey over at ACMQueue. Harvey has had a hand in lots of stuff you've used, from Zany Golf to Adobe AfterEffects, and now runs There, a kind of online 3D 'virtual world' game. Their conversation covers games in general, as well as specifics of the challenges that There is facing. From the article: 'You have to project the curves: the rendering curve; the CPU speed curve; the money spent on the Internet on online games curve; the number of people who play online games curve. I think we guessed right on almost everything, but we underestimated Moore's Law and we overestimated the low-end graphics capability'."
There has interesting people. (Score:5, Informative)
In some ways success was so easy for them, they may have been overconfident too.
One Curve to Rule them All! (Score:5, Funny)
And in the darkness *bind* them? (Score:1, Insightful)
Sounds good
Re:One Curve to Rule them All! (Score:1)
Where is the 3D porn? [dansdata.com]
I wonder (Score:4, Informative)
Re:I wonder (Score:5, Informative)
If the game runs too fast, here's what to do:
Find the game's executable file (the file you run, usually
{somename}.exe) using Windows Explorer. Right click on the file, and
choose "Properties".
Click the "Program" tab. Click the "Advanced" button.
Check the "Comaptible Timer Emulation" box. Click "OK", then "Apply", then "OK" again. See if that fixes the games speed.
If that doesn't fix the problem:
A utility called "Moslo" can help solve this problem. Read the FAQ on Moslo here:
DOSGAMES.com FAQ #3: Moslo [dosgames.com].
Re:I wonder (Score:5, Funny)
No, most of the older games run at blazingly fast speed in windows on modern computers
Just turn the Turbo key off... oh wait...
Re:I wonder (Score:1)
A: The easiest way to slow down old games is to hit the Turbo button on your computer, if it has one.
Re:I wonder (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:I wonder (Score:2, Informative)
Re:I wonder (Score:1)
And a lot of them just used vsync for polling anyway.
Re:I wonder (Score:1)
Re:I wonder (Score:1)
Old Games, New Hardware. (Score:1, Interesting)
A old game in new hardware sould run faster, but not too much faster. If you need a old game to run faster, you have to rewrite some code, add
Re:Old Games, New Hardware. (Score:3, Interesting)
Since then everything from CPU to memory, bus, and video speed has increased dramatically, and the later DOS 3D games do play much faster and smoother on a modern system (if they play at all). You can usually crank all GFX up to full and never see any slowdown.
The main "problem" I notice is just that the software rendered
Re:I wonder (Score:2)
On top of that, it wouldn't be taking advantage of anything other than the raw CPU speed; it wouldn't have any idea how to use the amount of RAM a modern system has or any of the hardware 3D's capabilities.
Music Construction Set on Apple II (Score:5, Interesting)
It used precisely timed 6502 assembly to get 4-voice polyphony out of the system address $C030, which only toggled the speaker diaphragm from one state to another. Amazing.
Also: Commodore 64 Marble Madness and The Immortal (Score:3, Informative)
I was of comparable age (very young) at that time he did the C64 game, so I've always kind of looked upon Will Harvey as a kind of patron saint of kid programmers.
I'd love to ask him how the hell you're suppose to beat the secret level in Electronic Arts' versions of Marble Madness.
The same prolem for all new MMORPG (Score:5, Interesting)
Having been in there since an early beta... (Score:5, Informative)
First, the company really has it together, I received the lastest version of the beta on CD mailed to my door with no questions asked every three weeks or so, with a couple spare accounts to give to friends to try... Of the other MMO games (AC,AC2, horizons, SWG) I've beta'd, I had to download over 500mb+ to start, and Sony would send you a beta CD, provided you paid them $12 to do so...
Second, there is more like a giantic chat room with lots of activities etc etc... its not really like the old "lemme kill 80000 rabbits so i can use the screwdriver to kill 80000 "mildy greater rabbits, but not by that much"... its really much more of an opened ended social atmosphere more towards the sims then hack and slashes...
and there's plenty of premade stuff in there
either way, it was pretty smart of them to create their own space instead of trying everquest #42, which i doubt they would have ever made...
sorry if i sound like an apologist, but your post struck me as lacking background in what exactly is in There, which is actually pretty common
Re: your logic (Score:2, Insightful)
I was saying if someone is gonna ask for your help and you're money, well... that just doesn't seem quite right...
hey bob, fix this computer for me, and while you're at it, give me $20...
come on
Re:The same prolem for all new MMORPG (Score:5, Interesting)
That's like saying that the Internet will never work because what most people want is to just sit in front of a TV set and watch.
There ARE online activities that you would like to just be a passenger in, but there are also things where you want to be the driver too. Why else would so many people have their own web pages, spend so much time creating textures and flash presentations, or post messages to something like Slashdot for that matter?
Early online games were tightly controlled because the technology didn't allow it to be otherwise. I think MOST, not just a few, 3D online content of the future will be open-ended. Once you have the proper infrastructure in place there is no reason to separate user created content from that provided by the infrastructure vendor.
Second Life is where There plans to be in two or three years. It needs a broadband connection and 3D graphics card, but if you have those there is no reason to be using a more primitive system such as There, or Sims Online. Might want to give it a try, if you have the hardware.
One small step... (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:The same prolem for all new MMORPG (Score:5, Informative)
Not quite on the head, but as close as you can get in describing MMORPG mentality. Here is what my obserations have been, on MMORPG's (I have played quite a few, including two from this company [nexon.net], one in about 1994. Yeah, it's still making money.
basically here is it: People who play online RPG's for the most part Do Not Seem To Roleplay. Go into Anarchy Online and start asking around about george bush or something, nobody is going to say, "George who? Is he a new planet overlord?" or whathaveyou. Because they are probably not getting into it that way.
Fine, whatever.
But when you trust those same users to entertain themselves, you tend to end up with Missions or Quests or whatever that go like "Kill rabbit, get GiantGlowingSwordOfExplosionNess" Or just crap that isnt that entertaining to ME, or to anyone else for that matter. Why? They'll say "It's just a game." or more likely "d00d itz jus a game, U R GAY how dos you dad lek it??".
The games I've played from Nexon Inc, Including one named "Darkages" (NOT DAoC) was very different. When it was released, they players were put in charge basically. They made laws for the various cities (Only two had governments, but there were like... 8 cities in all that you could go to. They just didnt have an established gov't) These players, as one of the first rules or laws if you will, stated "You have to actually Roleplay in this game or you get kicked out of these two bigass main cities with all the good hunting/commerce places"
There were very complex rules regarding punishment for breaking the laws, including capitol punishment by the hands of these wierd wraith looking things (called Sgath), being kicked out of one town or another, and so on. There was also Organized religion. 8 of them. Yes, all handled by the players, because they wanted to, they were dedicated to the community in some way, and certain features were implimented by the developers.
On Commerce, The players will make their own comemrce system. Im a whateverclass and I need a whateverstick to hunt with people this way at this level, so I get one. Then I sell it to someone in my own position later. Or I need a magicgreenringthingy to give to the giant crab as part of a BigMagicSword Quest, theres a market for these items. Fairly simple if you ask me, markets create themselves among players if conditions are right. You even see inflation and recessions!
Now this is drawing on, and theres more including guilds, guild/religion quests, and a buttload of player created content and contests including a very, very, VERY vibrant community consisting of: Art, poetry, music, stories and anything inbetween including webcomics.
Nowadays it's changed quite a bit and some law have been 'repealed' if you will, and the RP aspect isnt so nazily enforced by the PLAYER ELECTED OFFICIALS.
This is an example of a game kinda done right. The only thing it needed was more content created by the developers in the form of Hard Coded Item Giving Quests and Events. But nonetheless, players carried on doing things that you might do in real life and having a blast doing it.
Now FINALLY getting to my point (and I'm sorry). I believe equal shares of Developer Content and Player Content and Community Encouraging Activities are required to produce a game that is fun, and will stay fun/fresh for YEARS.
You cant let players loose in a box and expect them to play tag. You also can't yet players loose in a roped-in-line of quests and level hunting either. You need it all if you expect to make cash for a long time. Though if you sell each copy of the game for 50 bucks, you make your money either way. What a system!
This is why these games are ridiculously difficult to get right, and make it last. (In adition, Not charging 50 bucks for a game Im going to pay monthly to play AN
Re:The same prolem for all new MMORPG (Score:1, Insightful)
I understand it's somewhat 'hackish' to ocassionally capitalize words for Added Effect, but you've gotten carried away.
Re:The same prolem for all new MMORPG (Score:1, Insightful)
I wouldn't even put RPG into There's label. In my opinion, it's more of project to divert consumerism from the real world into their ow
Re:The same prolem for all new MMORPG (Score:3, Insightful)
Player driven economies seem wonderful in theory. I love the idea, and that's what used in the perfect MMORPG th
Re:The same prolem for all new MMORPG (Score:3, Interesting)
You can play with a lot more of the innards in an MMOE like SL & There.
I don't know much about There, but in SL you can build 3d objects, create custom textures & clothings, write scripts, and even great games within the world. And you don't need anyone's permission to build things, upload your textures or sounds, or approve your scripts.
You can't do those sorts of things
Player Created Content for The Sims (Score:3, Insightful)
I believe that one of the major reasons that The Sims Online has failed (in stark contrast to EA's expectations, and the success of the offline version), is that The Sims Online doesn't support player created content. It's been promised, but EA never executed on Will Wright's vision.
The Sims was originally designed to support player created content. Thanks
Don't think I (Score:4, Funny)
Wow, that sounds great. Just like my dreams.
IE Required...so no Linux boxes playing here (Score:2, Informative)
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After downloading and installing Internet Explorer, please launch it and go to:
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You do not need to
My reaction to There(tm) (Score:4, Interesting)
Especially with that one brunette.
Re:My reaction to There(tm) (Score:2)
Re:My reaction to There(tm) (Score:2, Funny)
FIT pr0n would be great, I guess. Until someone writes a virus that replaces "Hot erotic massage" by "hard gay BDSM". Although, that would give people a damn good reason to install and actually use and update their virusscanners.
Re:My reaction to There(tm) (Score:3, Informative)
No problemo.
Re:My reaction to There(tm) (Score:4, Interesting)
It did immediately answer my question about what platforms were supported though: Windows and nothing else...
Re:My reaction to There(tm) (Score:2)
Re:My reaction to There(tm) (Score:1)
Indeed. Very annoying.
But, for the sake of gathering information, I used IE. I noticed that some of the links display differently. In Moz1.6, the 'download now' button reads "Free trial". In IE6, the same button reads "Public Free Beta Sign-up." Why the difference, I wonder?
Windows 98 SE/2000 SP1 (or later)
800 MHz Pentium III CPU (or faster)
At least 256 MB RAM
56K Internet connection (or faster)
400 MB free HD space
Any ATI RADEON graphics card, any NVIDIA GeForce, or NVIDIA nFORCE gra
Music Construction Set (Score:5, Insightful)
Goddammit, I KNEW I recognised that name. Music Construction Set is one of the best apps I've ever seen, on any platform. That thing was amazing.
Re:Music Construction Set (Score:2)
Actually, you can still download and run it - just look in the abandonware sites. I was playing with it a couple months ago, but I couldn't get the sound to work, which detracted from the overall experience somehow...
and... learning curve? (Score:4, Insightful)
My experiences. (Score:5, Informative)
The tricks you can do on a hoverboard are fun. Nothing like about 8 backflips as you fly off the rim of a valcano down to the valley floor on a hover board. Or using small mounds of dirt or small hills to get some nice huge air time.
At first the transitions seemed slightly odd but after reading the article and seeing how different areas are handled from different servers it makes sense and now I think it's nicely done given the challenge of keeping things in sync between multiple servers.
The paingun battles are fun and cute but definatly not up to Quake or UT feel. They're still fun to pelt someone from the top of a mountain with a well placed shot and watch them fly across the valley floor. No scope or zoom so you have to have skill.
The only thing I really feel disappointed on in There is the fact that the water is as solid as the land. I can litterly dune buggy across the bay to the next island or walk like on dry land. That was a big disappointment for me, but the other aspects of it don't let it dwell on my mind long.
They recently launched 2.0 of There and from what I can tell you can play various card games now in a social setting. There is a few other things they added as well, have to check out their site for it. www.there.com
Overall I feel like I'm in a big cartoon more then a video game. Which I think is neat. One thing I have to wonder about is their ability to hold on to name "There" especially with the Windows trade mark up in court right now. I don't know what kind of hold the company that runs There has on the term "There" but thats a little aside thought I had recently.
Zany Golf! (Score:5, Interesting)
Bring back Zany Golf, Bubble Ghost, and Droll!
Re:Zany Golf! (Score:1)
Second Life (Score:5, Informative)
The way things are built in Second Life are from a small number of primitives such as cubes and cylinders which can be stretched and twisted. You can apply textures to these primitives which are any jpeg or targa file you wish to upload. There is also a scripting language and you can upload
And there is loads of social interaction too. There are events ranging from bingo to slave auctions (Oops, they made the event owners change that, now they are pet auctions). If you agree to be a pet you have to do your master's bidding but you get to keep the auction money.
It's a blast, check it out. secondlife.com
Re:Second Life (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Second Life (Score:3, Interesting)
SL is much closer to metaverse-like qualities than There or Active Worlds, but I will concede that There has it's place too for those who don't do so well with a technically complex world, and just want a simple place to hang out.
I think SL has greater system requirements too because *everything* in the world is dynamic. Every single primitive shape in every object, the ground mesh, the sky, the trees, particles, etc. are all dynamic and can change right beneath you at any time if the owner is aro
Will Harvey in AI (Score:3, Interesting)
Will Harvey is quite the genius. We were briefly graduate students together before he got his Ph.D. His thesis on a method for complete combinatorial search (with advisor Matt Ginsberg) is still widely cited in the AI literature.
I knew he'd done some game stuff before reading this interview, but never how much. With Will at the helm, I'd take There very seriously.
There, where is my linux client (Score:1)
They run on Linux servers, would it kill them to give us a client?!?! I switched out of XP for good, so I guess ic an't play for now, even triedn in vmware and it complained.
Ah well....
Re:There, where is my linux client (Score:1)
Re:There, where is my linux client (Score:2)
They say there's a Linux version in the works as well, so keep your eyes open =)
At $10 for a lifetime subscription, how can you go wrong?
SL is the first MMO that I've seen that has a one-time (non-recurring) rate to play. The fact that it's $10 instead of $50 is even more impressive.
The 56Kb/s wall (Score:2)
I felt, though, that they should have gone broadband only. Trying to squeeze the experience through 56Kb is too limiting. In There, 56Kb users can only type to each other. Broadband users can talk.
While only 18% of all US online users are on broadband, 50% of online time and hits are from broadband users. So half the target market for There, heavy users, is already on DSL or cable.
Re:The 56Kb/s wall (Score:2)
However, *I* am not on broadband, and have no opportunity to be on broadband in the near future, so I hate your argument, very much. As will the other 82% of dial-up users.
(Heh, not trying to dis ya, it's just human nature to dislike be denied experiences like this.)
Re:The 56Kb/s wall (Score:1)
Will Harvey and AdobeEffects for the record (Score:2, Informative)
If you bring up the about box for any of the "painterly" aftereffects, you will see the Portions copyright Imageware 1989-1995. If you do the lookup of the Patents 5063448, 5245432 and 5325200 yo
Experiences There (Score:1)
There Inc. (Score:2, Interesting)
Now I'm a There user. Using a much newer Windows machine. I've got enough power to access better graphics then THERE offers. I've got broadband, and plenty of it. And There is pretty cool. The system is interesting, the people are cool, and th
Re:There Inc. (Score:1)
Re:There Inc. (Score:1)
Uru had a good thing going. And there is no reason that they won't return in a year or 3 with a model that will work.
Would I switch? Who knows. I'd certainly enjoy better graphics, and my online pal who I play games with is ready to switch from There to something else, because of There's low-end graphics.
800 MHz? Oh well. (Score:1)
Does anyone know anything vaguely like these that'll cooperate with a 450 MHz P3 (okay, let's pretend it's 600 MHz. That usually works, too) and doesn't require a credit card just to sign up for a trial period? (Windows or Linux, don't care.)
Maybe I should check out Furcadia again.
Re:800 MHz? Oh well. (Score:1)
Re:800 MHz? Oh well. (Score:2)
Re:800 MHz? Oh well. (Score:1)