Killing The Fun - Cheating In Online Games 167
Thanks to the San Jose Mercury News for its story discussing the ever-present problem of cheating in online games. One of the issues discussed is cheating on Xbox Live using Action Replay-like devices, with a Microsoft spokesperson suggesting: "We didn't go into this with the idea that no one's ever going to be able to exploit this... But we absolutely take this stuff seriously and are taking action on it every day." However, noted FPS player Dennis 'Thresh' Fong laments an unfortunate side effect for the dextrous: "Because there is this perception that everybody cheats, people that are good are not recognized for their skills. When I play online, I'm always accused of being a cheater."
Oh... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Oh... (Score:5, Funny)
Using this list you can't have any false positives. So don't bother replying with the usual "I use all of those things and I never cheat" because if you do that, not only are you a cheater, you are also a liar.
Re:Oh... (Score:2)
Re:Oh... (Score:2, Informative)
Cheating not only in online games... (Score:5, Insightful)
Take for example the olympics. The "arms race" to build the ultimate undetectable performance enhancing drugs closely mirrors the battle between online game cheaters and cheat detection.
It's a sad fact that when the more there is at stake, the greater people will be willing to go in order to obtain a win.
Re:Cheating not only in online games... (Score:2)
Did you ever think... (Score:5, Insightful)
Did you ever think people might cheat because they might not want to deal with the "dextrous" players who play 4-50 hours a week?
Online gaming needs match making and player rankings built into their in game browsers.
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:3, Insightful)
I think there are all too many people who would be casual game players, but who can't get into anything, because while they're trying to figure out what's going on, people like this dude NAIL them. I know I'm one of them.
Don't tell us that we'll get better if we work at it - WE DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO. We want to be able to sit down and play with people at comparable skill levels and enjoy the game *now*, without having to devote our lives to learning to become uber-1337 at it.
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:5, Insightful)
The whole beauty of online gaming is it's chaos. No blood, no foul. Just like life.
Besides, a game is meant to be competitive. Cheaters have to do just as much work programming those bots as it takes to get good at the game. Not to mention they're caught, and kicked, often making the point moot.
That doesn't solve Fong's unfortunate side effect, but it does make for some interesting online experiences.
The things that happen through these machines are only an extension of our intentions. Tell me you've never heard of people sent to die in the deathchamber that were found to be innocent later?
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:5, Insightful)
Competitive, yes, but not at the expense of being enjoyable.
game (n.)
1. An activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime: party games; word games.
A game is supposed to be FUN. I'm a casual Halo player, and when my friends and I get together to play split-screen or LAN Halo on the XBox, we have fun. When I play Counterstrike online, I get OWNED (or PWNED, or pwn3d), and it is NOT FUN. People much better than me make the game not fun, and it becomes an exercise in walking out, getting brained by some cat who spends his days playing Counterstrike, and waiting for the next round.
You don't put a high school pitcher on the mound against the Yankees, you don't put a twenty-something who commutes to work and back in a stock car at Daytona, and you don't put a casual player on a public CS server. It's competitive in the sense that two parties are trying to acheive mutually exclusive goals, but it's nowhere near fair. There's no doubt as to the outcome, no fun for the loser and no sense of accomplishment for the winner.
Thank you very much, but I'll play something else if I want to have fun, and I'll play Counterstrike if I need to feel inferior to a 14-year-old who doesn't do his homework. (A brash overgeneralization intended to illustrate a point; put down your flamethrowers.)
A bit idealistic? (Score:2)
Tough. Life isn't fair. What you can do about it is either suck up your pride and accept the fact that you are going to lose, or leave. Skill is the reason people continue to play - they want to be like so-and-so, who is a legendary player everyone looks up to. You take skill differences out, you alienate the loyal customer base. Single play
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:3, Insightful)
As for finding a server of my skill level, that's what I'm asking for. In my experience, most game browsers make doing so waaaaay too hard.
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:2)
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:2, Insightful)
The two things that really improved my skill in FPS games were playing against Eraser bots in Q2, which I did for about 2 weeks before rejoining the multiplayer population, and joining my clan in TFC. In the 2 weeks playing against the bots my skill level rose an amount that it probably never would have against r
thinking all the time (Score:5, Insightful)
I see what you are saying, but I am not sure that there is really any relevance to the subject at hand here, I mean I don't think its fair that I own a crappy car, but does that mean you could empathize with me if I robbed a bank to buy a better one?
Re:thinking all the time (Score:3, Insightful)
"People that cheat are people that either don't want to lose, or they are doing it just to ruin the game experience of others. I would be very surprised if you could find me a below average player that uses a couple of cheats to level the playing field."
Ok, prepare to be very surprised. I've used cheats to level the playing field with games I'm not good at. So does my little brother. Why? Well, because I'm simply a
Re:thinking all the time (Score:2)
> Fact is, cheating becomes acceptable to me if it enables me to enjoy my game that I purchased.
> Seriously, try to understand that people may share other views than you.
First off, if there's no reasoning with you, we don't have to continue this conversation. If you're interested in discussing, please reply.
Your reason for cheating is that it makes the game more fun for you - but what about everyone else? How can you ask
Re:thinking all the time (Score:2)
Your point about asking others to understand me when I refuse to try to understand them is valid. I will retract my statement about how he should try to understand this. I really don't care if he understands this.
Now, for the record, I don't cheat at every game. Hardly. In fact, I don't usually play the games I'm not good at because
Re:thinking all the time (Score:2)
Then why play online games? It's a give and take situation Dweomer and if you don't want to play in the neighborhood you are free to stay indoors.
Unreal Tournament (original flavor, 2003, 2004 extra crispy et cetera) has excellent bot customization options that could allow any player to create a match that they can have fun with offline and without power game
Re:thinking all the time (Score:2)
Thank you for suggesting UT2004, unfortunately, I don't have a computer that can handle it, nor is it really my style of gameplay. But it is good that they have made improvements to bot performance. However, I enjoy the social aspects of online gaming
Re:thinking all the time (Score:2)
Doesn't take much time to learn how to spawn camp an un-cappable flag does it?
Re:thinking all the time (Score:2)
Coming first in bf1942 is not something I normally associate with a large amount of skills, especially with some of the maps. While I was not trying to troll, I was just pointing out that kills/scores in bf1942 is not what it is all about.
As Eng at the north base on Wake I've held it on my own from incoming tanks, infantry and planes, I didn't get many kills, but I kept the flag. My score for that round? Middle of the round, skills I needed to do that, many and varied.
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:3, Insightful)
I've seen my share of this. I've seen a lot of people cry "FAGGOT CAMPER!!". I know I've been the victim of that. Evidently, sitting on a sniper perch and sniping is against the unwritten rules when you become proficient at it. I have never ever once heard "Hey man, you're making this too hard for me. Coul
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:2)
I agree. I have seen abusive camping before, though. I played a deathmatch on a very busy server one night. Somebody sat right in front of a respawn site with a railgun. Every time somebody materialized *ZAP* killed them. He won every single game.
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:2)
Atleast in a game like counterstrike even the best strat depends highly on your team being able to pu
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:2, Insightful)
I don't get this. It's like you try to make some point of the fact that in something more important, or grand, or something, than a video game, stuff equivalent to "camping" happens. And because it's not called as "bad" there, then this invalidates, in some way, such a label for camping in these games. It's supposed to give perspec
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:2)
On topic : Personally I have no protests about about "casual game players" complaining about gaming being too tough. I start protesting when "casual gamers" try to play
So an aimbot evens the field?? (Score:5, Insightful)
Its not like the cheats are a handicap where you can give yourself 30% extra life or money or something... They are all or none.
Re:So an aimbot evens the field?? (Score:2, Insightful)
I've seen aimbots that actually have scales for setting the hit percentage (because it makes it harder for people to realize you're cheating). That being said, though, it's AIM, not life, money, armour, ammo, guns, whatever. If you can't AIM, why are you trying to play multiplayer? You'd think that people would figure out they can't aim before they got to the point of trying to play with/against othe
Re:So an aimbot evens the field?? (Score:3, Insightful)
Off the top of my head:
Fullbright (add an insanely bright light where the players origin is, removing any shadows making it easier to see anything)
Skinhacks (make all cts blue and all terrorists red, use is obvious).
Soundpakcs (replace default sounds with more distinguishable noises, for example giant 'OUCH' sounds when someone gets hit, making it easier to tell if you hit someone through a wall)
Whitewalls (remove all textures,
Re:So an aimbot evens the field?? (Score:2)
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:2)
Find another server. There are approximately a gazillion games out there (plus or minus a bazillion) and they all have different skill levels. Or, as an alternative, find some friends who want to play that aren't Gods among men. Or, play against bots and set their skill level down. I used to routinely practice Quake Arena with 5-10 bots at varying skill levels...it was great practice, and I
Simple Solution... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Simple Solution... (Score:3, Insightful)
The newbie servers are always packed, with most of the games being full of so-called pr00bs; advanced players who continually recreate their accounts to circumvent the rank limitations in the newbie servers. They're only there to grief newbies, and you'd be amazed how often a bunch of those dipshits are sitting there, on the
Re:Simple Solution... (Score:2)
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:2)
Still, I agree.
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:2)
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:3, Interesting)
For about a year I ran a Counterstrike server. My brother bought me a copy so I'd run it for him but I ended up getting hooked on it for a while. I saw my fair share of cheaters but I took a relaxed approach to it - if the player wasn't ruining the game for other people I let it slide. It added a ch
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:2)
Re:Did you ever think... (Score:2)
With MMORPGs it's impossible to incorporate any sort of ranking system when a single server might be holding every player in the entire game. Sure, they say that high level characters aren't a problem, but from experience playing RO for a couple of years says otherwise. High level characters run through the area of low level characters, killing everything you're trying to kill, and stealing your fun.
So it's absolutely understandable that people would cheat. Levels come so slowly that the only way thos
Aimbot Author here... (Score:4, Interesting)
Other people in my clan/grief group botted for other reasons. One guy just liked looking uber to noobz. Another just throught it was funny.
Re:Aimbot Author here... (Score:2, Informative)
I met a few guys that always cheated when they played counter-strike a few years ago. They said they cheated just because it made the other players so angry.
I personally do not cheat at any of the games I play. I enjoy the thrill of completely owning the other players without the need for cheats.
The best way to avoid cheaters is to join a clan or start your own clan. Get the other players to pay dues and then get a clan server. From there you can ban anyone th
Re:Aimbot Author here... (Score:3, Insightful)
And you know what those guys think of you now? That you're a mindless, shitball, cliquey clannie fuckhead. Way to feel superior, moron.
Cheaters are sick. (Score:4, Insightful)
So in other words, you're a sociopath. You derive pleasure from antagonizing others in a way that leaves them no recourse.
Let me guess - pulling the wings off of flies and burning ants with a magnifying glass are among your cherished childhood memories. Maybe you had "fun" with firecrackers and the family pet?
I'd hate to run afoul of Godwin's Law, but the senseless sadism exhibited by cheaters seems like it would fit right into some sort of guard/prisoner dynamic.
Re:Aimbot Author here... (Score:2)
You're probably the wiseguy who thinks that it's a great idea to sneak in a turbocharged/nitro car in a race meant for normally aspirated cars.
Re:Aimbot Author here... (Score:2)
I seem to remember that the first UT aimbot was "Funbot", written by Darkbyte[S&D] after discussing the possibility of UT cheats with players who insisted UT was cheat-proof. It was a proof of concept, but was released after he foolishly sent a copy to someone who claimed to be an anti-cheat developer. Was that you?
(UT players might also know Darkbyte as the co-author, with Dr.Sin, of Client-Side Hack Protection.)
I haven't used Funbot, but I was sent a copy by someone who'd collaborated with
Re:Aimbot Author here... (Score:2)
When Windows Windows gets infected with viruses or worms, people bitch at Microsoft.
When Linux gets a root exploit, people bitch at the kernel developers.
But when a game developer leaves in an easy route for an online cheat, and people exploit it, everyone goes after the people who wrote it, and the people who use it.
Talk about a double standard!
People, if you really care about online gaming cheats and treat it as some religious campaign, then petition the developers to remove the availability of th
Take it as a compliment (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Take it as a compliment (Score:4, Insightful)
But that's only the beginning. Some games allow players to be even more proactive... ie: voting. Believe me, when you're playing fair and square and every few minutes a vote comes up to kick and/or ban you from the server..... not my idea of fun. Especially if you actually DO get kicked. Talk about killing the mood.
Yeah, it's flattering in a way. But it gets old FAST.
Re:Take it as a compliment (Score:2)
You exposed something that's right at the heart of this. I used to be a "casual" Counter-strike player, maybe 5 hours a week, just having fun. Definitely not interested enough to cheat. But some days I would really be ON, and I'd get a lot of headshots in the first 10 minutes, and look here comes the vote to ban me as a cheater. Some of the playe
Re:Take it as a compliment (Score:2)
The Cheat Wall [combatcertified.com]
It's funny, we've had people come and ask to be removed from the "wos" etc.. those people won't be so quick to accuse again.
Re:Take it as a compliment (Score:2)
I guess it wouldn't be a stretch to write a server which auto-kicks/bans any user who uses inappropriate language.
If the computer isn't good enough at figuring out what is offensive, you can do what some ISPs do, which is to actually employ people to randomly enter and play games, to spot this sort of behaviour. If you admin a gaming server you might as well randomly enter every now and then to boot people out. With games like Half-Life which can identify people by their CD key, you can cause quite a pr
Re:Take it as a compliment (Score:2)
Why? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Why? (Score:4, Insightful)
Because Online Casino's aren't open source, and don't encourage modding of their games. Have you ever seen Roulette-"Counter Strike edition"?
FPS games would be much more secure if they weren't so open and didn't allow for modding. I know the open source advocates here are going to scream about how open source is more secure, but it isn't when it comes to games because some things in games can not be patched aftermarket.
Re:Why? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Why? (Score:2)
Not true. The server keeps track of where everyone is. If someone looks "lagged" on your screen (running in place) and you shoot them, it won't count on the server. Otherwise a player who is lagging could kill everyone on their computer and when they stopped laggi
Re:Why? (Score:2)
Re:Why? (Score:4, Insightful)
What is implied from this is that the server should deny or delay to the client any data it doesn't absolutely need. There are many problems with this of course, but they can be dealt with..
Re:Why? (Score:2)
Have you ever done any on-line game programming, particuarily of the type like FPSes where the updates must be done as quickly as possible if not faster? If you have some amazing ideas of how to make players not be able to see things they shouldn't while keeping the lag at anywhere near a reasonable level, there are lots of people willing to pay you ALOT of money
If not, don't assume things are easy just because thinking about them for 5 seconds doesn't produce any problems wi
Re:Why? (Score:2)
Here's one idea, make sure everyone only plays on gigabit ethernet. ;-)
Another idea is not to make fast-paced FPS games, since that genre appears to be the only one where this comes up. You don't see wall hacks and aimbots being so notorious in RPGs, for instance, although I'm not saying they wouldn't be useful (scripting of RPG characters would probably be as useful in multiplayer as it is in single player.)
Re:Why? (Score:2)
"your machine knows more than it's telling you, therefore you can cheat by accessing this data."
'That's not the only cheat thought - don't forget wall hacks (seeing through walls)'
Well done, you just provided a perfect example of cheating by accessing the extra data, while trying to make a contradiction. :-)
Re:Why? (Score:3, Interesting)
Listen, bud. Have you seen a pirated copy of Microsoft Office lately? Is that because it's "too open"? Adobe Photoshop? 3D Studio Max?
The reason online casinos have not been hacked is because the client DOES NOTHING (At least, in every intelligent casino I've ever seen). The client is a graphical display with a button, just like the one-armed-bandits in real casinos. You click a button, the CASINO does the processing
Re:Why? (Score:2)
(please stop reading here if you aren't interested in reading my random ranting)
I don't, in the general sense, consider an aimbot cheating though. It is definitely unbelievably lame, I won't argue that. It is also probably against the rules of any tournament. Now, if som
Re:Why? (Score:2)
An aimbot breaks the rules of the game at least for the games I play.
In some games you can go invisible or pretend to be a teammate.
But an aimbot can ALWAYS find out.
An aimbot can find targets _through_ walls, even if the targets are silent and haven't done anything to blow their cover.
Re:Why? (Score:3, Interesting)
Having worked for said online casinos I can tell you that some of them do and nearly all of them get caught.
The other posters are correct, in that the client software really does nothing, but some of the leading casinos out there have stacked the odds only slightly in their favor in some games - mainly blackjack.
The only kinds of cheats you will find for casinos are auto-players. They play BJ 100% by the book and often come out
Re:Why? (Score:2)
If you're still reading this -- presumably if you're offering virtual blackjack, you could use a shoe with an infinite number of decks, right? That would eliminate any card counting. Can you get a meaningful edge just from playing by the rules or is counting possible with online casinos?
Re:Why? (Score:2)
Not sure on the shoe size (Ha ha) but I never heard of someone geting caught card counting when I worked there. It was always the auto-players. The house is supposed to take you on BJ but if you can play the by book it seems like you'll take them. Or you could 4 years ago (when I worked there.)
This stuff is on a Need to Know basis in taht industry and I was not in a position to Need to Know. So mo
Online casinos are smarter than that (Score:2)
Online casinos, and most MMO games do something else though. What you have on your end is basically just a graphics engine and input. The server takes yo
Re:Online casinos are smarter than that (Score:2)
Just to elaborate on this a bit -- He means EXACTLY the same program. The speedhack that was floating around back in the cs 1.3 days works fine for speedbuilding in (war/star)craft, speed running in a MMORPG, or even slowing down the clock in m
Killed, all right (Score:2)
I'm also wary of MMORPGs for the same reason.
Re:Killed, all right (Score:2)
Re:Killed, all right (Score:2)
Technological solution (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Technological solution (Score:2, Interesting)
Note that there's a little sidebar on Action Replay cheating on XBox Live that runs with the Merc article.
Re:Technological solution (Score:5, Insightful)
Typical examples include cheats that let you see trough walls, or cheats that give you a wider field of view.
But that's not the *entire* problem. There's a few more classes of cheats. And those cannot be eliminated by the server only telling the client stuff that the player should see;
Aimbots. You see (and should see) the enemy on the screen. Some program helps you aim so that you hit better than you otherwise would. If you always hit 100%, it could conceivably be detected, but the problem is that the aimbot can be adjusted to be *precisely* as good as the server will allow anyone to be.
You mention casinos, card-games and turn-based games. Those can be cheated (well, it's up to you if you count it a cheat, but atleast it'll give one player an unfair advantage over the other players) for example by having a program count cards for you. It's quite a big advantage in for example online bridge to *always* know *exactly* which cards have been played and which remains. Good players will remember some of it, but a program will remember all 100%.
Then there's the problem of behind-the-scenes communications. To stick with the bridge-example, two players on a team have a *humongous* advantage if they can tell each others, somehow, what cards they have. With online gaming, this is obviously as simple as IM.
Or let's say online poker. Let's say it's implemented with Schneiers cryptographically secure poker-system, so that no client can cheat. But, the thing you don't know is that the three other guys at the table are really friends, and communicating over IM. They'll tell eachothers who has the best hand, and the others will fold. Essentially, you're playing against a player who gets three hands every round, and can choose the best one to play with. You will loose. There is nothing the game-client can do to prevent this. Even if it *somehow* blocked all other ip-communications, the others could be sitting in the same room and communicating by talking, or they could be sending eachothers sms or any of a 100 other possibilities.
You're rigth that telling the client less will reduce or eliminate *some* types of cheats. You are wrong however in claiming that this is the only reason cheating is possible at all.
Aimbots (Score:2)
Re:Aimbots (Score:2)
Sign the network communications. Then sign every piece of code which needs to be run to make up the game. The game itself, the gaming library, the mouse driver, the entire operating system. Then ensure that the user can't hack their computer hardware to disable code which isn't signed.
And yet whenever trusted computing is brought up, everybody objects, so this will never happen.
Re:Aimbots (Score:2)
Re:Technological solution (Score:2)
Aimbots could probably be defeated by using trusted computing, oddly enough. You ensure that all connections between the client and the server must originate from the client and be signed (deals with proxies and standalone bots), and you ensure that the client code can't be altered (deals with .exe hacks.)
the aimbot can be adjusted to be *precisely* as good as the server will allow anyone to be.
Lag permitting. :-) Though of course, a good aimbot will know to lead its target.
You mention casinos, c
Re:player ranking is the only solution (Score:2)
Actually, if you are a good enough of a poker player this won't matter. It's all in how they act and what they tend to do in different situations and how well you read it. Besides, you don't have to win every hand to do very well.
There is a lot less input regarding "how they act" when the game is online. All the usual poker advantages from real life are gone, you have to bluff without any emotional tricks to back it up.
Re:player ranking is the only solution (Score:2)
Yes it will. You are being disingenious. I *said* that when I said "cheating" I really meant unfair advantage. Are you saying that getting three hands dealed, and getting to choose which one to play in poker is *not* an advantage ?
The fact that an advantage *can* theoretically sometimes be overcome by a much better player is irrelevant. That is like saying that doping is not cheating aslong as there exists someone who can beat you e
has punkbuster helped? (Score:2)
Re:has punkbuster helped? (Score:2, Interesting)
There will always be some cracks, but Battlefield certainly became better off it, as it was kinda booming.
Either way, people will always cheat in some way or another, the thing is you just have to keep on fighting it. Blizzard is one of the examples who have a strict anti-cheat policy and don't shy away from banning people's accounts and the like.
So with starcraft and Diablo
Re:has punkbuster helped? (Score:2)
I am an avid (if second-rate) BF1942 player, on regular BF, RTR and SW servers. I've only seen about 3 players in the last year where I definitely suspected cheating, including engineers who would score headshots on moving, concealed targets at massive distances while jumping (!).
Out of curiosity, I once downloaded and tried out a few cheats, including an aimbot. They were utterly horrible and useless. First, a complete pain in the ass to get installed. Second, the ones that
Re:has punkbuster helped? (Score:2)
Spelling? (Score:2)
How about instant replays? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:How about instant replays? (Score:2)
/record demoname
Re:How about instant replays? (Score:2)
Re:How about instant replays? (Score:2)
So, an instant record/stoprecord just for the killcam? Could be interesting... A show-reel of your deaths [:
Cheaters are not that bad (Score:5, Interesting)
At least cheaters you kick and they go cheat somewhere else. TKs keep coming back cause they enjoy it too damn much. Not to mention TKs have a sad history of coming back with different name.
At least cheaters are wanted by one team. TKs are hated by everybody. The team that win gets an unsatisfying victory. The team that lose gets abused.
Re:Cheaters are not that bad (Score:2)
Re:Cheaters are not that bad (Score:2)
At least cheaters you kick and they go cheat somewhere else. TKs keep coming back cause they enjoy it too damn much. Not to mention TKs have a sad history of coming back with different name.
Of course, that kind of makes me wonder why games all seem to have a static view of what a "team" is. Anyone who is killing more of one team than another should automatically be considered friend/foe as appropriate. Hell, I'd like to see things go a step further and have a "neutral" designation where people are d
Find some people you trust... (Score:5, Insightful)
Same goes for first person shooters or any other game. Find yourself a clan with trustworthy members, and play.
Just because everyone else cheats, doesn't mean you have to expose yourself to their damnation.
- shazow
winners never cheat (Score:4, Insightful)
It was quite effective to watch as he was able to predict exactly where everyone was (ie shooting through doors or being rather hesitant when going up or down the sewers..etc etc, I think if cheating is such an issue, there could be designated "Watchers" who get the ability to see through walls and observe, just there to monitor the play like referees at a sporting event. Fighting fire against fire so to speak.
But from what I remember anti-cheat software (is punkbuster still around??) has really progressed in the past few years, I guess the same can be said about cheaters tho.
My story (Score:3, Interesting)
Anyway... I've never used a cheat in my life and now, in CS 1.6, it's really hard to cheat yet I've been banned from servers because I "cheat".
If I had learned to cheat, I would have never learned to play well, I can hold my own against most clanners in lan houses and I'm respected as a gamer despite being "old". Mind you, I play about an hour a day (when the wife lets me).
Cheating sucks, it really, really does.
Social Psychology At Work (Score:3, Insightful)
Somewhere along the line there's been a paradigm shift, and maybe it occured so gradually that no one noticed it was happening at the time. Winning has become more important than anything; this is a generally accepted value.
It may seem like splitting hairs, but I think at some point, the cultural value was more that you wanted to be the best (at whatever). Winning wasn't the goal, per se; it was just the natural consequences of being the best. Somehow that middle step of excelling has been lost, has become a vague ???? not unlike a failed dot.com business plan. Once upon a time working hard and becoming good at your chosen endeavor filled that gap, now whatever means that seems most expedient (including cheating) is permitted to suffice.
How or why that happened, I couldn't say.
Re:Social Psychology At Work (Score:2)
I think there's more: people believe that you deserve everything that you get, or that happens to you. Winning is the proof of being the best, not the result. That means that if you cheat and no one catches you, you're the best and you can point to your win to prove it.
Along the same lines, people are very focused on evidence, and not so much on the truth. It's like people think they're in a court of law all the time, and knowing that they did something wrong means nothing as long as they're the only on