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PlayStation (Games) Entertainment Games

Ratchet Gets Multiplayer, Jak Trilogy Wrapped Up 18

Thanks to GameSpot for its preview of Insomniac's PS2 title Ratchet And Clank: Up Your Arsenal and a similar hands-on look at Naughty Dog's PS2 game Jak 3, as Sony's big platform-action titles for Xmas 2004 get shown in detail for the first time. Notable changes for Ratchet And Clank 3 include "a fully loaded multiplayer game as well, for online or offline play. The broadband-only mode will support up to eight players, with voice support via the PlayStation 2's USB headset" - the preview calls it "a nice bit of addictive madness that had some surprising echoes of Battlefield 1942." Contrastingly, Jak 3 apparently "does a lot of what Jak II did in terms of gameplay, in that it takes the bulk of its predecessor's mechanics and builds out" although we're assured the title "is being tweaked to address player concerns with Jak II's gameplay."
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Ratchet Gets Multiplayer, Jak Trilogy Wrapped Up

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  • Whats going to be the theme this time? How can you go from "Happy"(Jak) to "Angst"(Jak II) to what?

    Not to say I didn't like Jak II, but what kind of sequel does this make?
  • by WasterDave ( 20047 ) < minus threevowels> on Saturday April 17, 2004 @12:59AM (#8889514)
    For those who haven't been following, this is bad news. Jak 1 was spectacular, from start to finished. Jak 2 had some good bits, but they were surrounded by interminable crap - driving around the city and crappy f*cking "shoot the crap out of the baddies" stage. I can't see 3 being any better, and I can't see me buying it either.

    FFS. Stick to one genre. GTA is GTA. Platform games are platfom games. Shoot em ups are shoot em ups. By mixing genres all you end up with is something to piss off everybody.

    BTW. Prince of Persia - sands of time suffers from the enormously. Quite why someone would take such a wonderful platformer and interlace it with a shitty zombie game, I do not know.

    • FFS. Stick to one genre. GTA is GTA. Platform games are platfom games. Shoot em ups are shoot em ups. By mixing genres all you end up with is something to piss off everybody.

      I tried Jak2 and really didn't like it but I actually thought the shooter/platformer combination worked beautifully in Ratchet 2. In fact, I'd have to say it stands as one of my favorite platformers.

    • What? Mixing genres leads to pissing people off, and never to anything good? Huh? So, I guess you didn't like Metroid Prime (to take a recent example), probably not FF:CC, nor Mario Sunshine... hell, even GTA is a genre-crosser, and you seem to like it! Noted, there are some horrible examples of genre-mixing done wrong, but without those brave enough to try, we'd still be stuck with Mario and Duck Hunt. Please, at least try to recognize that we need that sort of creativity in our games.
      • Please, at least try to recognize that we need that sort of creativity in our games.

        Creativity? That's different. Blindly dropping "driving round the city because it's cool" as a way of getting between the interesting bits of Jak 2 was not, even remotely, creative. They just copied.

        Never played Metroid, nor Mario Sunshine - both, I suspect, to my detriment. Very tempted by a game cube, it has to be said ... but we are then looking at a "second" console.

  • Lame subtitle (Score:3, Insightful)

    by antin ( 185674 ) on Saturday April 17, 2004 @05:13AM (#8890461)
    Is it just me, or have they given the new Ratchet a lame, immature and extremely childish subtitle? I really hope it isn't an indication of the type of humor you can find in the game.

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