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Counter-Strike on Source Engine, Codename Gordon On Steam? 33

Thanks to ShackNews for its report indicating Half-Life 2's multiplayer mode includes Counter-Strike running on the Source Engine, and "will be available at the same time as when Half-Life 2 ships", which is said to be "this summer, although no specific date was given." It's also noted that "Half-Life 1 is also ported over to the Source engine and will be available at the same time as when Half-Life 2 ships." Elsewhere, has announced that Codename Gordon is being released 'soon' for PC via Steam, Valve Software's "broadband platform for direct software delivery and content management." Codename Gordon, as previously covered on Slashdot, is an initially fan-created, Metal Slug-inspired game that "...takes players through dozens of levels inspired by Half-Life and Half-Life 2, challenges players to a slew of puzzles, and showcases many of the familiar creatures in an all new, 2 dimensional playing field." But is the previous assertion that "the game gets out 100% before HL2" still true? The race is on. Update: 05/12 22:31 GMT by S : Slightly more important Half-Life 2 news added.
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Counter-Strike on Source Engine, Codename Gordon On Steam?

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  • Meh. (Score:5, Informative)

    by Trurl ( 3494 ) on Wednesday May 12, 2004 @04:50PM (#9132747)
    Code Gordon was supposed to be out "before HL2" even before the HL2 hack fiasco. So, unless the Code Gordon developers' servers have been hacked and all their code stolen, then they're completely full of shit.
    • Valve? Full of shit? Well I never.

      The nerve of some people, insinuating that such a honest company should ever fib about anything! Preposterous!
    • Did you ever think that NuclearVision is not the one controlling the release date of Codename Gordon? My bet is that the game has been done for a long time and Valve is holding them back so they can flood the market with all things Half-Life related come release time (HL2, HL on Source engine, Codename Gordon, CS on Source engine). I dunno, seems pretty smart to me.
  • Steam Update (Score:5, Informative)

    by AstrumPreliator ( 708436 ) on Wednesday May 12, 2004 @05:14PM (#9133072)
    It's supposed to come out with the next Steam update according to X-Tender. Join #hld on Quakenet and he will tell you in person.

    Now as to when the next Steam update is I don't know. Supposedly it's today or something like that.

    So yeah, cross your fingers.
    • For a while (don't know about now, I haven't logged on in a while) they were updating weekly, on wednesdays, so if they've kept that up an update today is very likely,
      • They've kind of gone off that schedule: there have now been several updates coming at all sorts of different times. I think they are moving to "trickle" updates where they don't actually upload everything to people at the same time: they just activate it all at once after enough people have downloaded enough of it.
    • It just started pre-loading tonight. :)
  • What? HL2 just announced that it's multiplayer options will include Counter Strike ported to Source, and Slashdot posts a 5 day old story about a side scroller being released on Steam as a joke?

    This just in: you can pick up a bag of Doritos on your way to buy Doom3 at ebgames!
    • That Codename Gordon story (which was announced on yesterday, btw) is, I agree, somewhat less important than the new Half-Life 2 news, so I re-arranged and added that info rather than post a whole new Half-Life related story - thanks for the heads-up.
  • by junkgrep ( 266550 ) on Wednesday May 12, 2004 @05:40PM (#9133426)
    Just so everyone knows, Shack got a bit ahead of itself. Gabe does not say that CS: Source is the ONLY Multiplay option that ships with HL2. In fact, it now sounds like they are porting ALL the Valve owned HL mods to source, including HLDM. Still no word on whether there is a HL2 themed DM or other teamplay option.

    I sure hope so, because as popular as CS is, and as good a move as it is to bank on it, people either love it or hate it. I sort of hate it (not saying its fans are bad people, just not my thing), and I certainly would be more excited by some creative new MP option making real use of their new features like physics and vehicles (something different from all the other such games or retreads of old content).
  • by Spiffae ( 707428 ) on Wednesday May 12, 2004 @06:13PM (#9133792)
    Thought you might like to see some of this stuff in motion. This is a shaky-cam video of the 15 minute ATI booth presentation of HL2 and CS: Source. Frankly, the Half-Life 2 stuff looks really great, and the CS stuff looks about like CS, with a facelift.

    Here is the torrent []
  • Video Impressions (Score:5, Informative)

    by sirmikester ( 634831 ) on Wednesday May 12, 2004 @06:22PM (#9133860) Homepage Journal
    There's a video posted here. []

    After downloading it and watching it, I have to say that Half Life 2 looks VERY impressive. I love all the little details like moving door handles and wood splinters. If this is the way pc gaming is going, count me in. ALSO, the Counter Strike mod on the source engine looks amazing... however it doesn't look like it offers anything new in terms of gameplay. It still should be fun to play for a little while. Good job valve!
  • by MMaestro ( 585010 ) on Wednesday May 12, 2004 @08:09PM (#9134737)
    We're getting a bunch of remakes a la Metal Gear Solid : The Twin Snakes?

    Nice but necessary, not to mention unimpressive to almost 90% of all games who already own a copy of Half-Life, Counter-Strike, and will probably download Codename Gordon online for free.

  • It's a great work!
    Just play it!
  • They spent too long on HL2. It should have been released already. They've missed the boat bigtime. The game looks incredible but by the time it comes out it will be

    a) Probably an anticlimax
    b) Compared with all the other similarly pretty or prettier games that will be out there at the time

    Everyone's already masturbating over Far Cry, because it never got the kind of hype that HL2 got and somewhat surprised us, plus it's beautiful. So, will HL2 be worth the wait? And when will we stop hearing hype about
    • Re:Missed the boat (Score:4, Interesting)

      by fireduck ( 197000 ) on Thursday May 13, 2004 @09:04AM (#9138932)
      They spent too long on HL2. It should have been released already. They've missed the boat bigtime.

      Funny thing about this, the original HL was released about a year too late. and it was released on a modified Q1 engine (when Q2 had been out for a year or so). And yet, 5 years later, here we are still playing it and the various mods that have been released for it.

      Valve hit gold with HL. More importantly, they hit platinum when they decided to have very open exchanges with the mod makers and the gaming community. There's reason a reason you find an order of magnitude more players on HL than any other game (you add up the total number of people playing the 39 games below HL on gamespy, and you're still less than the number playing HL).

      Will it be worth the wait? Probably. Can it live up to the hype? Probably not. The "amazement" of HL can't be duplicated. An intro level on a train just won't be as exciting the 2nd time around no matter how much more beautiful it is. But it sounds like there's enough fun new toys (physics) that we're gonna be very entertained. Since it sounds like its shipping with most (or all) current mods ported over to the new engine, every HL gamer will upgrade.

      And when will we stop hearing hype about it?

      The funny thing about this comment, is that HL2 wasn't even official until this time last year. Valve basically dropped the bomb at E3 by announcing the game. So any hype that has been generated is only a year old (or was been fan driven by unsubstantiated speculation prior to any official announcement).

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