Unreal Gets Annihilated, Community Bonus 29
heXXXen writes "The first release of Unreal Annihilation is out now - it's a total conversion for Unreal Tournament 2K3/4 that mimics classic PC RTS title Total Annihilation. However, the first release only supports UT2K3, with 2004 support coming June 6." Elsewhere, an anonymous reader writes "Part two of the Community Bonus Pack for UT2004 has been released, featuring a whole host of new maps, skins, and mutators for the game, with information and screenshots available at FPSCentral. Torrents can be found at PlanetUnreal (UMOD version and ZIP version.) The 'official' CBP2 channel can be found at #cbp on irc.enterthegame.com."
UT2003 vs 2004? (Score:2)
I'm also of the understanding that Unreal 2 is a new engine, whearas the engine used for UT2003/2004 is the same original engine, just modified.
Re:UT2003 vs 2004? (Score:5, Interesting)
Unreal 101 (Score:5, Informative)
Then they revamped the whole thing and came up with their "Unreal Engine 2" (sometimes called the "Unreal Warfare" engine, though the oft rumoured Unreal Warfare has yet to appear, and according to the developers, doesn't even exist). By the time that hit (UT2003), it was somewhere around the v2000 mark, with a short run up to v2225 (2227 in house). Then they have their "Unreal Engine 2.5", which powers UT2004. Same engine, only its up to v3204 as of now. That should give a good indication of just how many changes there are between UT2003 and UT2004, for those of you who doubt. As for licensees, there are a lot of them in this generation, and they're spread all over the place. Epic's UDN [epicgames.com] claims "Unreal 2.5" is the engine behind all their latest and licensees latest games, but in reality the whole mess spans over a thousand build numbers. Unreal 2, for example, uses a modified version of the UT2003 era engine. Of course, they made their own in house changes and improvements ("GOLEM" animation system, and a much improved particle system), but technically its UT2003 based. Other titles include *deep breath*: Splinter Cell, Deus Ex: Invisible War, XIII, Lineage 2, Postal 2, Devastation, Americas Army, Unreal Championship, and much more [epicgames.com]. (God only knows what kind of franken-unreal-engine the DNF team is working with now.
Now beyond that, you're looking at a bit of a fork. Namely "Unreal Engine 2X", their custom X-Box version of the engine (which will be powering Unreal Championship 2), and "Unreal Engine 3" which is the big bad kahuna daddy they flashed around at E3 this year. UE2X is a dead end build though, and UE3 won't be out until 2006 or later. Those are their known current to future plans at least.
So yeah, thats Unreal in a nutshell (my advance apologies to the few Epic employees reading this incase I screwwed something up
-MD (Unreal fanboi for life)
Re:Unreal 101 (Score:2)
BTW - I think the Deep Space 9 game, The Fallen, was an excellent and incredible use of the Unreal engine.
Re:Unreal 101 (Score:2)
I'm working on that! ;)
Seriously though, im just a big fan of Epic's work on Unreal. I was absolutely hooked by UT, fell into the mod scene, was zombified for two years by Tactical Ops, and later had a little fling with U2:XMP. Now I spend my days chasing my tail around in circles with UT2004, a couple lisenced games (will be playing Thief 3 later tonight), and about half a dozen excellent UT2004 mods
Re:Unreal 101 (Score:2)
Do these changes (and ones from other developers) ever get folded back into the main engine?
Re:Unreal 101 (Score:3, Interesting)
Maybe some under the table stuff goes on (especially between Epic and Digital Extremes [digitalextremes.com], since they've codeveloped practically every major Unreal game in history), but I can imagine that Epic wouldn't want to deal with the headache of letting someone else tinker with their work before they sell it to
Genre bending . . . a new trend? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Genre bending . . . a new trend? (Score:2)
What the hell does Savage have to do with anything? The BattleZone games mixed FPS and RTS games back in the '90s, and did it better imho (well, if you wanted one army per player, at least).
Re:Genre bending . . . a new trend? (Score:3, Interesting)
The Neverwinter Nights toolset is really good if that stuff is your thing, not sure they do this with their other games, but I imagine they will with similar titles in the future. The better the toolsets are, the longer the game will remain popular and the longer it'll be profitable for them. I'm glad Epic and Biowa
Re:Genre bending . . . a new trend? (Score:1, Informative)
Quake 1 had boardgame, car racing, side scrolling and many other modifications. It's nothing new.
Alien Swarm for UT2004 (Score:5, Informative)
Find download links (including Bittorrent) here [blackcatgames.com].
Ouch! (Score:1)
To quote the site. .
That being said, they are also running on a server, which they do pay for, and it has limits. Each hosted site is dished out a limited amount of bandwidth and disk space. Our limit is 5 gig per month.
When I chose to move the site here, I never imagined this site would require anywhere near 5 gig to operate. However, this month we have used a total of 5.5gb of traffic this month.
Let's play nice for a change?
But UT2K4 remains not free (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:But UT2K4 remains not free (Score:1)
Re:But UT2K4 remains not free (Score:3, Informative)
Re:But UT2K4 remains not free (Score:2)
Re:But UT2K4 remains not free (Score:2)
No CD required! (Score:3, Informative)
advantage Id (Score:1)
completely free games for total conversions.
also of note is that their free download enemy-territory is modable. Urban Terror among others gets ported to it.
Oh good god (Score:1)
Re:Oh good god (Score:2)
nice to see you Proud, i should add you as a freind...
As he said though, please be easy on the server if you can, UA has put quite a demand on it already.
Applause to the UA team! (Score:2, Interesting)
UT2004 is unbelievable (Score:2)
It's a killer game. Incredible graphics. (Run around in CTF MoonDragon sometime on a machine with a good graphics card and monitor.) All kinds of cool weapons, gametypes, vehicles, etc, and all wonderfully balanced without being symmetrical. Also Mutators which let you tweak games: force all weapons to be rocket launchers, modify gravity strength, etc.