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Portables (Games) Entertainment Games

Gran Turismo's PSP Conversion Gets Details, Video 57

jasoncart writes "Sony has confirmed more details on PlayStation & PlayStation 2 killer-app Gran Turismo's upcoming port to the PSP handheld, further underlining the simplicity of PS2 to PSP conversions - series producer Kazunori Yamauchi says: 'Since we're already developing the [Gran Turismo 4]'s system on the PS2 hardware, we're planning to port that directly to the PSP.' IGN PSP has more details from the same interview, and there are also some Japanese shaky-cam videos featuring game footage playing on the PSP, one of the first times the handheld has been seen running in standalone form."
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Gran Turismo's PSP Conversion Gets Details, Video

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  • Anyone else notice? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Stubtify ( 610318 ) on Monday August 09, 2004 @02:20AM (#9918090)
    Was it just me or did that guy in the video put that UMD disc into the PSP while it was "playing" another game? Would that mean all we're seeing here is a nice tft screen displaying a video feed (which is what I was suspecting all along)?
    • What? He didn't really put the disc in, he was only demonstrating where the media loads. Either that or the UMDs load very sloppily into the thing...
    • No, it didn't appear that this was the case. He seemed to be fake-sliding the game along the back of the unit to demonstrate where the UMD cartridges are placed. It still seemed to have enough play from side to side that I don't think it was in the slot.

      Even if it was, that may not mean anything. The "Cats in the Classroom" game may actually be a built-in app used for launching games. If it is, let's hope there are others that appeal to less cutesy tastes.

      Giant Robot X-11: You appear to have inserted
    • What you're seeing is it running off a dev kit.
    • "Was it just me or did that guy in the video put that UMD disc into the PSP while it was "playing" another game? Would that mean all we're seeing here is a nice tft screen displaying a video feed (which is what I was suspecting all along)?"

      Just you. But that's been covered in other posts. It's worth adding that since it's optical, the hardware would be able to keep running a program without the disc. If Sony's smart, they didn't build it to auto-reset in that event. Otherwise, how would Square make t
      • It would fit with other Playstation stuff for it not to have an auto-reset. The other Playstations don't.

        It's only the Sega consoles and the Xbox that (usually) auto-reset if you eject a disc.
        • My Gamecube complains if I take the disc out. It says "put the original disc back in!". I think that's in the software of the game, though. I'm kinda curious if anybody knows more matter-of-factly if the Gamecube could span games across multiple discs.
          • Resident Evil spanned two discs. No doubt the software probably makes a special system call to tell the GC to stop what its doing and allow the user to replace a disc.
          • I'd guess it's part of the Nintendo's libraries, seeing as I've noticed it does that as well. I think in some games (eg: Zelda: Wind Waker IIRC) it trys to keep on going for a while before the message appears though.

            I'd presume there are provisions for multi-disc games on the Gamecube, it would be a bit stupid not to have it (on the Dreamcast for example the auto-reset could be turned off for the disc swap messages).
      • Its also nice knowing that case its optical: -It will eat up power -It will prabably have to go back to the disk between levels, etc. -There will be LOADING times, on a portable! Ack! -The addition of moving parts: unlike my gba (even though i hacked it up installing my first MOD ever, the afterburner) and my GBA SP this thing will actually break! -It will prabably be the first portable to have heat issues. I can't wait for portable cooling systems mods and the like. -There will be no autosave feature
    • by 13Echo ( 209846 )
      It wouldn't surprise me. Before GT3 was released, all of the "screenshots" were simply shots of FMV in action. It's a typical Sony stunt that they use to WOW users with graphics.
    • He almost put the disc in, but never fully inserted it. Maybe he's putting it behind the system? Maybe that's a pack-in game that's running while he's inserting the disc (like picto-chat on the DS or the personal organizer on the NGPC). And of course, maybe it's a mock-up. I'm most willing to think it's a pack-in, since they showed 2 games and only 1 game box at the end.
  • wow (Score:5, Interesting)

    by zors ( 665805 ) on Monday August 09, 2004 @02:57AM (#9918196)
    Was anyone else surprised at how good the image quality was on the PSP? I mean, i've heard about how powerful it was and that it's essentially the same as the PS2, etc. but i really hadn't believed it. At first i thought the GBA SP would still reign over the PSP for me, but after seeing this, i'm not so sure. The idea of playing a real console game while i'm walking around is pretty cool.
    • no doubt this is the same thing that happened with each of the gt series ie. they promote the replay because it looks amazing but the actual game is pretty standard. I could be wrong however - it would be good to be wrong even.
    • "At first i thought the GBA SP would still reign over the PSP for me, but after seeing this, i'm not so sure."

      I wouldn't judge based on graphical quality. Problem #1 is you're seeing a video from a shakey cam, as opposed to the direct-to-video demos we've seen from Nintendo. Problem #2 is that Nintendo's changed the playing field somewhat. Even if the PSP can run circles around the DS in terms of graphical capabilities, there's still the interface to consider. The stylus interface for the DS kicks ass
    • you're forgetting just one thing.

      being technically superior(faster) never meant jack in the realm of portable consoles.

      and uhm.. if you havent been playing 'real console games' while walking around why don't you buy some of the currently available portable gaming machines(most have the possibility of running a bit older real console games..). playing while walking around sucks though, can't concentrate on the screen then.

    • If this is the real thing (what a faked press release using non-existing hardware displaying pre-rendered footage? NEVER!!!!) then Nintendo better rethink the DS or be prepared to cut prices. The GBA screen can't compete. Put these two next to each other and it would be like trying to sell at 14 inch CRT standing next to 21inch sony LCD. With the lcd being only twice as expensive. That could mean that GBA becomes the cheap handheld bought by the poorer parents. I pity them as kids want the latest greatest b
      • by 13Echo ( 209846 )
        The Nintendo DS will also be 1/3 of the price. Now tell me... How many people will be willing to shell out $400-$500 for this portable? I'm sure it will have its niche but you seem to not understand that both portables are aimed for entirely different markets. Nintendo doesn't "have to compete" because they have a product in a market all its own.
        • The Nintendo DS will also be 1/3 of the price. Now tell me... How many people will be willing to shell out $400-$500 for this portable? I'm sure it will have its niche but you seem to not understand that both portables are aimed for entirely different markets. Nintendo doesn't "have to compete" because they have a product in a market all its own.

          Where are you getting these numbers from? Oh, that's right. You're making them up.

          Sony is not entirely stupid. They're also highly competitive. If you t

          • I still like some GBA games but a lot of it is frankly old ancient stuff that is only there as library filler AND still being sold at full price.

            The GBA and GBA SP are nice toys but graphics wise they aged extremely badly. There are racing games for the GBA and they are fun for while but they are definitly hurt by the lack of cpu power.

            Screen size and quality is another downer. The GBA SP is a joke, its screen doesn't compare to my old afterburner GBA, has to oft mentioned lack of a headphone jack, and i

      • IF the PSP can really deliver this kinda quality then WOW. Fuck battery life, fuck price. I can carry extra batteries. I can always sell my body to science. BUT I GOTTA HAVE IT.

        I'm sure there are a lot of Game Gear, Lynx, TurboGrafx Express, etc users who agree with you.

        Eh, who knows. Nintendo used to have mroe brand power than it does now; if Sony allows sufficient ports, maybe you have a point. But Nintendo knows how to make fun games in a small screen; there's always the chance that some direct PS2 p
    • I'm surprised with the very wide vertical FOV on the display, but it had a lot of blur on it (as most LCD's do). I couldn't really get a sense of the image quality or the real framerate. That photo of the PSP playing GT4 on the page is most definitely a mock-up, though, as that long of an exposure time would surely capture a few frames in real life (and it would look lower-contrast than that, too).
  • I think by now it's clear that GT4 is a killer, must win app for the PSP. And even if photos and video havent been confirmed - this looks a little too shaky - I am looking forward to trying this out first hand very much.

    I have very little interest in the DS - Ohh, a touchscreen - I can use Pda Functions, just like... on... my... PDA... And the Games just dont look as appealing.

    And come on - It has A game Called "PSP Racer" - What more could you want?

    • by NanoGator ( 522640 )
      "I have very little interest in the DS - Ohh, a touchscreen - I can use Pda Functions, just like... on... my... PDA... "

      How can you play PC games and not find the PDA style screen interesting?

      "And the Games just dont look as appealing."

      As much as I'd love to run to Nintendo's defense, I think you're spot on here. The games, ultimately, should direct you where you want to go. If any of us Nintendo fan boys give you shit about that, hold on strong to the choice of games. Ultimately that's what we en
  • Additional (Score:4, Insightful)

    by NanoGator ( 522640 ) on Monday August 09, 2004 @03:51AM (#9918326) Homepage Journal
    " Say whatever you will, it's a new generation of portable hardware, with performance that lines up with the PS2. Therefore, software development takes quite a bit of work. If you don't give it your all when making games, producing something good is difficult."

    He's gotta point. The IGN article didn't mention it, but I've heard it before: The ~$30 price tag of these portable games will no doubt have an effect on development as well. That's significantly less money to be made. It is unlikely we'll see the same amount of effort put into making these games.

    The Nintendo zealot in me wants to point out that this could really hurt the PSP. The more practical side of me says that mabye this could lend to more innovative games. I mean, what is innovation if it isn't the overcoming of hurdles such as smaller development staff or simpler interface?

    As much as I want Nintendo to win at everything it does, I'm very glad to see this competition taking place in the handheld market.
    • Or whatever it is called BUT on the whole it is better to sell a million products at 30 bucks then a hundred thousand at 50 bucks. GBA games are expensive. 30 bucks is far more reasonable. And since the cost of games is the same regardless of the number of sales (it is not like the cost is in duplication) it is better to get a bigger slice.

      Having seen the PSP now (not sure if this stuff was pre-rendered or not) I think Nintendo has got a problem. Sure I like my GBA but the graphics are not that good. All S

      • I don't think Nintendo has "got a problem" as some of you like to point out.

        Don't be fooled by prerendered FMV (as many of you were folled before the PS2 was released... We know what a "graphical powerhouse" that really was).

        All of this expensive technology also comes at a price. I think that Nintendo should be conservative with their next portable. It will keep the costs down to a level that everyone can afford, and the games will still be fantastic and inexpensive to develop. The PSP, on the other h
      • Two Words: Battery Life

        The Lynx was a better system, which smoked the original GameBoy in terms of graphics. Yet today, GBs all around, and not a Lynx to be seen. Why? Because people would rather play 10 hours of a soso-looking game than 2 hours of a great-looking game.
        • Sony is not some newcomer to the handheld market, it bloody invented portable entertainment or have you forgotten about the walkman or even earlier pocketradio?

          My old MD player game with an removable internal recharable batter and a external battery pack. Sleek for the short journeys, long play for the long one. Simple.

          If sony has any brains they will have some way to expand the battery life easily. If they do that and it can be played for a longer journey then they got it. The screen is to much of a leap

  • Article says: "Gran Turismo 4 is apparently around 75% complete and still on course for a release by years end".

    But it's been pushed back so many times with so many movies, demos, and even them preview releases (Preview and the Toyota preview), I wonder if they won't mind holding it back for simultaneous release with the PSP version..

    They might as well name it "Gran Turismo Forever"

  • wget http://www.ferrago.com/video/videos/4210_1.wmv ;p
  • The Gran Turismo footage shows nothing more than PS2 footage being played back as a video on the PSP. Note there's never any interaction.

    There is one bit with the weird game featuring a kitty when he presses a button and the cat appears to start speaking, but I'm still not convinced that it wasn't just him pressing a button at the appropriate time to make it look like interaction.

    I'm sure it's great and all, but it would be nice to actually see someone playing a game on it sometime...
    • It is probably just in demo mode. In all GT games, and pretty much all games, if you don't touch it for a while, it will go into a 3rd persepective demostration. This is a good way to test AI, camera angles, etc.
      • I don't belive that if they had anything looking that good that you could actually play that they wouldn't release some footage of it actually being played.

        Also, given this quote: "Since we're already developing the GT4's system on the PS2 hardware, we're planning to port that directly to the PSP", I find it rather unlikely they have anything running on the PSP that is ready to be shown yet.
  • Shaky-cam? (Score:4, Funny)

    by mbourgon ( 186257 ) on Monday August 09, 2004 @08:14AM (#9919035) Homepage
    To be honest, I wouldn't call that shaky-cam. Aside from 5 seconds or so, it's stable. I've seen much worse [thebournesupremacy.com] lately.
    • Thank you for pointing out Bourne! I say we start a campaign titled "Buy Peter Greengrass a tripod and wide angle lens". These would have made Bourne Supremacy about 1 million times better. How critics liked the second one better than the first is beyond me. Both the camera work and *spoiler* the lack of Franka Potente were major downfalls to the film.
  • Gran Tourismo is a simulation game. It's physics are more or less realistic (please no physics geeks, I'm talking relative to RRT4). I found the game unplayable on a digital pad, and nearly so on analog (try stearing your car some time by throwing the wheel all the way to the left and right to turn, you'll see what I mean). Unless they're gonna make it into an arcade racer, this game'll be an exorcise in frustration

I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was capable of reasoning. -- Plato
