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ATITD Mac Beta Released 29

darkwing_bmf writes "A Tale in the Desert 2 has just released a beta version of their Macintosh OS X client. The game itself was covered in a previous Slashdot story. Supported clients already exist for Windows and Linux."
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ATITD Mac Beta Released

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 10, 2004 @07:46PM (#10218223)
    1. Mine Uranium.
    2. Build centrifuge from reed and papyrus, enrich uranium.
    3. Make explosives out of hippo droppings.
    4. Make sphere out of enriched uranium, wrap hippo poop explosives around sphere.
    5. Detonate hippo poop explosives shell.
  • by keiferb ( 267153 ) on Friday September 10, 2004 @07:53PM (#10218249) Homepage
    That way it'll eventually turn into a sociology geek/grad student's wet dream. I can see the thesis now... "Influence of Operating System Preference on PKilling Style"
    • by Anonymous Coward
      except there's no killing of any kind in ATITD

      unless you count sacrificing a sheep to make obscene sculputures..
  • by Colazar ( 707548 ) on Friday September 10, 2004 @08:28PM (#10218426)
    The ones I know are Shadowbane (which I haven't quite given up on yet), Lineage (couldn't quite bring myself to play), and the upcoming World of Warcraft (I'm sure I'll get sucked into that one somehow). Now with A Tale in the Desert that really takes care of most major MMORPG game-styles, doesn't it?

    Are there any other Cross-Platform ones out there? I don't count Mac Everquest, BTW, cause Macs and PCs can't play on the same servers.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Puzzle Pirates.
    • Actually yes, there are. World of Warcraft has Mac and PC clients as of at least the stress-test beta. I've played the same character from both platforms, so it seems to be true multi-platform - the combined installer was also a good clue.

      It's also officially awesome.
      • I. Want. Linux. WoW. Thank you, that is all.
      • WoW Beta has been on Mac since at least March when I got in on phase 2. For the record, it's run pretty well on my 1.25 Powerbook w/ 512MB. Also it has steadily gotten better every update. Furthermore, they are very proactive on their message boards in responding to Mac-based problems and comments.

        Blizzard has always released their games for both platforms, but this may be their most concentrated cross-platform effort yet. There's an article about how both Win and Mac benefit from OS X's XCode here [].
      • I don't think I understand why this comment was moderated +5.... All the poster is doing is agreeing with the parent. And there's not even any good information in the new comment; he talks about the stress test which happened just last week, when (as another commenter noted) macs have been supported since at least the alpha.

        And if you just read this comment in isolation, the "Actually yes, there are" statement would lead you to believe that the commenter was *disagreeing* with the parent, not just saying t
    • by MonaXier ( 563400 ) on Saturday September 11, 2004 @01:43AM (#10219547)
      The Puzzle Pirates [] are cross-platform (since it's built on Java, presumably there's Linux support, but I've never tried it). Fun little game, with excellent concept.
    • Final Fantasy XI is also cross-platform. What's more, users on the supported platforms play on the same servers and there seems to be a fairly even split between the platforms these days.

      Don't go looking for a Mac client, though. The two platforms it supports are PC and PS2. Given Square's history of support even for the Windows-PC is erratic at best, I wouldn't go expecting it to appear on Mac or Linux any time soon.
  • Colour me stupid, but I can't see an OSX client listed for download on the linked page.
  • 12j (Score:4, Interesting)

    by grue23 ( 158136 ) on Sunday September 12, 2004 @10:30AM (#10227768)
    I beta tested ATITD version one. It's an intriguing game and worth checking out - there is no combat and no killing. It's all about players collaborating to work on projects together. I didn't play the main game because I don't generally have the 2+ hours a day needed to focus on most MMORPG's, but the beta was fun.

Truth is free, but information costs.
