Doom 3 Beta Patch to Address Config File Cheating 63
Jason Shoulders writes "There's a discussion at Quake3World about an upcoming change in the first Doom 3 patch. Specifically, Id Software's Robert Duffy has updated his .plan file and mentions making 'r_skipNewAmbient, r_skipSpecular, r_skipBump, and r_shadows cheat protected'. This will force players to use features such as bump mapping and shadows. What settings gray the line between tweaking and cheating?"
Re: (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Why? (Score:2, Interesting)
Back when I had a REALLY lame machine and I played Unreal Tournament, I had a lot of graphical stuff off, including dynamic lighting. Game ran well. Problem was, when I went to play online, it forced the options on, making the game unplayable.
Hold up! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Hold up! (Score:2)
Re:Hold up! (Score:1)
Re:Hold up! (Score:1)
You're implying that if you're system can run CS, it SHOULDN'T be able to run Doom 3:) Is this some weird new game company gimmick? I mean they already blacklist perfectly legal software with their copy protection, surely blacklisting competitors products is the next logical step.
My system is below the minimum specs of Doom 3 on a couple of spots, and runs the game just fine.
cheating? (Score:3, Insightful)
If they are talking about multi-player, whatever. The multi-player in doom3 sucks; they are leaving that up to modders.
I still don't see how it is bad? Are people hiding in shadows and other people aren't seeing those shadows? Wouldn't that make the ones hiding campers? I hate campers.
Re:cheating? (Score:4, Interesting)
That is exactly what I thought, and it seems like this is only going to make it more difficult for that all so important "it can carry our mulitplayer capabilities" mod community to actually mod it.
I wonder though, are adding cheats and mods to single plyer games some day going to be sited as violating the DMCA? It could be argued that cheats make game easier, lead to quicker completion and thus lower sales (not that I am saying it is, but I believe nintendo once used an argument similar to this in one of their long ago battles with cheat devices like the game genie)
Maybe what they should do, is add a little feature that forces the client to provide the server with a copy of their config file; if the host wants to block people messing with the lighting effects, they could turn on a filter that could block the would be sort-of-cheaters or choose to ignore them if they don't care?
Re:cheating? (Score:1)
Re:cheating? (Score:1)
Re:cheating? (Score:1)
Personally I think that cheating drive up sales of single player games. The sooner I complete a game the sooner I want to buy a new one so if I cheat to complete a game I will be putting my hand in my pocket quicker than I normally would. I am sure I am not alone here.
Re:cheating? (Score:1)
Trust me, it's no fun to play a pre-alpha game for an hour just to replicate one crash bug, if you can do the same thing in 5 minutes with liberal applications of iddqd and summon_weapon plasma rifle.
Re:cheating? (Score:2)
If you force me to turn shadows on, I can't play the game - it's too slow. I guess I won't play online, because somehow it's been decided that turning shadows off is cheating.
Re:cheating? (Score:3, Informative)
I can get Doom3 to run in single player just fine-- high quality setting, 1024x768 on a Radeon 9800 Pro 128meg card...
Re:whats to stop somebody from just (Score:3, Interesting)
Also once the Linux version is out there will be nothing to stop us cranking up the gamma by running something like xgamma -gamma 1.7 (and I presume there is an equivalent in Windows) before we launch the game.
Re:whats to stop somebody from just (Score:2, Informative)
Re:whats to stop somebody from just (Score:2)
What's cheating? (Score:5, Insightful)
If everyone but you agrees to play by certain rules, and you still butt into the game, then you're an arsehole.
Simple as that. It's not "the game physics/programming/server allows me to so it's not cheating".
For example: if you get on a server where the players already on are playing "knife/melee only" AND they tell you so when you join. If you then go blow them to bits with a shotgun, you're just being a juvenile prick. If you don't want to play knife only, convince them to play the way you want. If the only way you can convince them is by being an arsehole, well then you really are one.
There could be implicit or unwritten rules - e.g. if you install a custom video driver that lets you see through walls AND the _default_ way people want to play is "no see through walls" then you're cheating.
There are so many ways of cheating that writing down the explicit rules against various cheats would make for a very thick and unwieldy rule book.
That said players themselves may quietly agree that certain nonexplicit rules can be broken/bent occasionally - after all playing a multiplayer game is a "people" thing. You are playing the game _with_ other people. If you want to be an arsehole/cheat you may find yourself playing alone.
Perhaps Hell is you playing alone for eternity - all the powers and toys you want but nobody around to play with you.
Read the EULA (Score:1)
Doom3? (Score:1, Troll)
Re:Doom3? (Score:5, Insightful)
What I'm afraid of now, with the long delay of the Linux binaries, most Linux gamers will use Wine or get Windows somehow, and play the game, and when the binaries and boxed sets are released, a minority will buy or download, and it'll apprear as if there were no Linux gamers out there.
Id, where are our binaries?
Re:Doom3? (Score:1, Offtopic)
Even though it's probably 100% factual and non-inflamatory, its presented in such a way as to almost scream "TROLL!"
Note: I did not moderate the post, but if I had, this would be why...
Re:Doom3? (Score:1, Offtopic)
You're right... that's pretty typical of most adults.
They are going to release binaries, just at a later date. It's not like 99% of the games out there that HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING INTENTION (notice my adult use of all caps and the F-bomb) of ever releasing a Linux version.
Re:Doom3? (Score:1, Offtopic)
You used an explicative and it perfectly conveyed exactly what you were thinking. As far as saying fuck, well, it's good enough for Dick Cheney. It's just a word. I for one applaud your use of the word fuck to relay your idea. One would hope you wouldn't mod yourself down for doing it. As for Doom3, I'm more annoyed they didn't release the Linux server binary. There are more Linux game servers on the net than anything else. They definitely dropped the ball. Most of the people I know that run quake3
Re:Doom3? (Score:2, Offtopic)
As a Windows gamer and a part-time Linux user, I can see both sides of this discussion, however the Windows gamer side of me says "If I had to wait 60 more days for Doom 3 to hit store shelves instead of being released on my birthday (it was, really!), then I'd be really pissed off".
I thought that h
Re:Doom3? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Doom3? (Score:2)
Heh. Welcome to gaming in Europe, where big brands don't release games and when (if!) they finally do several months after the US and Japanese releases they claim poor sales as an excuse not to bother with it. It's not because everyone who h
Re:Doom3? (Score:1)
TuxGames is preselling a Doom3 DVD [tuxgames.com] with Linux binaries, quoted to be coming out October 1st. So Linux server should be out, and client soon after once Dustin is finished.
It's in
Re:Doom3? (Score:2)
A similar thing happened with Wolfenstein ET (Score:5, Insightful)
Some mods just turn foliage off for everybody. It's so boring that the problem of cheating in online games means the game has to run for the lowest common denominator.
It always seems like the developers get the flak for this too: yet what are they supposed to do? The whole situation is getting like that with cracks - the only way for developers to 'fix' things is by constant updates. Such a shame but I suppose that's the way of the world - a couple of idiots ruining everyone else's fun.
Re:A similar thing happened with Wolfenstein ET (Score:1, Flamebait)
Re:A similar thing happened with Wolfenstein ET (Score:1)
Believe it or not, if your in the grass you can see less then someone outside the grass looking in at you.
On your screen it would look like your hiding in the grass but on the person on the outside looking in at you, you would be perfectly visible.
Wierd huh?
Re:A similar thing happened with Wolfenstein ET (Score:1)
Re:A similar thing happened with Wolfenstein ET (Score:2, Flamebait)
Welcome to America, land of the lowest common denominator. Our games, TV, even our politics are all aimed at that LCD.
Re:A similar thing happened with Wolfenstein ET (Score:1)
If you turn off the foilage you can shoot out of it easier, but you are still seen by people outside of the foliage.
If you were on a lan you would be able to see what I mean.
Say player 1 was hiding in the foliage, he is directly behind a leaf on his screen so he can't see people coming directly at him.
Player 2 is coming the opposite way can see player 1 with no problem because the leaf that is covering player 1 screen doesn't get rendered unless your right on top of it. (ie
Makes sense... (Score:5, Informative)
This just in! (Score:5, Insightful)
Come off it. Cvars starting with "r_", mostly, concern renderer debugging. They're good for modders, and good for "oh neato wow" adventures in single player, but the very nature of the commands is to tell us more about a scene.
It wouldn't be fair if I was running around with bump-maps while someone else isn't. In most cases the difference between light levels is minimal, however this all depends on the bump maps. Some bump-maps can drastically reduce the amount of light visible on a surface, thereby giving the user with bump-maps enabled a handicap compared to the user with bump-maps disabled.
A lot of options should be disabled in multiplayer (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:A lot of options should be disabled in multipla (Score:1)
It's not a problem at all.
Re:A lot of options should be disabled in multipla (Score:2)
The "feature" of scriptability of commands and consoles in games has been one of the biggest problems with games lately.
I totally disagree. The ability to win a game via scripting merely points to a bad game (or bad opponent). I think it's silly to force players of any game to go through repetitive actions ad nauseam. This is especially true of level-grind MMORPGs. There is nothing wrong with having the high level view of the game that is allowed by scripting. Why reward only the fast twitchers w
Good. People who have seen tournaments will agree (Score:5, Insightful)
This isn't about trying to prevent people from making the game run better. It's to prevent people from playing a completly different looking game in competitions.
Re:Good. People who have seen tournaments will agr (Score:3, Interesting)
Lunacy. But still, as long as the client has to render the scene, there always be "cheats" like those to be used.
Re:Good. People who have seen tournaments will agr (Score:2)
Remember how cool you thought that wavy effect was the first time you jumped in the water? I don't know any serious players that didn't turn that off. Most people also changed the fov settings just slightly, to get rid of the weapon model. Another tactic some DM players used was to increase the d_mipcap setting to lower the resolution of the map textures, to make player models stand out more.
Even id software guys used these tricks. American
Re:Good. People who have seen tournaments will agr (Score:2, Informative)
No fog. A zoom key. A locked INI because the game would reset my 150 degree FOV to 90 all the time. Now? UT2k4 doesn't have any of these abilities. FOV is an optional command enabled on the server. Fog is required "to make your framerate better". And the FOV has an engine-enforced limit of 100 now, locked INI or not.
And the moral of this story? I still suck. I used to get about 10-20 frags in a normal CTF game, and maybe over 100 in all-out
wtf id (Score:1, Informative)
com_showTics cannot be changed in multiplayer.
com_timestampPrints cannot be changed in multiplayer.
in_mouse cannot be changed in multiplayer.
m_showMouseRate cannot be changed in multiplayer.
g_kickAmplitude cannot be changed in multiplayer.
g_kickTime cannot be changed in multiplayer.
g_knockback cannot be changed in multiplayer.
g_skipParticles cannot be changed in multiplayer.
g_g_skipViewEffects cannot be changed in multiplayer.
image_preload cannot be changed in
Re:Shared Libraries (Score:2, Informative)
Shared Libraries (Score:5, Informative)
However, if ID is relying on a shared library for their OpenGL implementation, then they're ultimately playing a losing game. There are a number of software projects [sf.net] that can swap out the OpenGL shared library at runtime and intercept all of the gl and wgl calls. With this functionality, you can make the graphics look however you want them to. Remove shadows, change fov, even change the viewpoint entirely [stanford.edu]!
Re:Shared Libraries! (Score:1)
Tweaking (Score:1)
Because those people that get higher FPS have an advantage then those that have a low FPS. Any slowdown in your game will give the other guy the advantage.
Tweaking allows the guy with the 1ghz pentium 3, GeForce TI 4200 computer, compete with the 3.2ghz Pentium 4 ATI 9800 Pro computer.
Player 2 can have a significant advantage over player 1 if you turn on all the pretty stuff.
But if you loosen the restirictions on