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PlayStation (Games)

Ico Sequel Revealed 32

Jonathan Prugh writes "1UP has a story on Wanda and the Colossus, the "sequel" to Ico (formerly referred to by Sony as Nico). Screenshots are available at Namako Team, and IGN has an article on the sequel as well."
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Ico Sequel Revealed

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  • One-time deal (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rinkjustice ( 24156 ) <> on Friday September 17, 2004 @09:30PM (#10282490) Homepage Journal
    Ico had an emotional element to the game that is so completely absent in this medium. It pulled at your heartstrings. I remember actually giving a damn about the boy hero born with horns and the frightened spectre of a girl he was trying to protect. It also had a signature look and mood and it would surprise me if they could somehow upgrade the graphics and still maintain it's intangible qualities.
    • co had an emotional element to the game that is so completely absent in this medium
      No crap! Those shadow things still scare the shit outta me. I actually wish that they would just let me solve the puzzles and leave me alone while I escape the incredible castle. =D
      • From what I heard ICO for PS1 had a ridiculously sad ending. Though I have yet to even play the game. Does anyone know if the gameplay/fun factor is worth it to try the game?

        • Ico is a PS2 game, but I gather from other people (don't have a PS2, haven't had a chance to play it) that it's a great game. The graphics do look very good, especially considering it's an early PS2 game.
  • by Maserati ( 8679 ) on Friday September 17, 2004 @09:38PM (#10282543) Homepage Journal
    OMFG !!! This teh R0KZ !!!


    Ok, I feel better now.

    But still, this looks amazing. The screenshots are from a movie made in the Ico engine, so if they just work on the anti-aliasing they already have a beautiful and moody engine in hand.

    The story is of a boy (no horns) on a quest to awaken a girl. No details on the relationship are given. The player roams a vast lonely plain with only his trusty horse for companionship. Some of the enemies are huge and need to be climbed on; the gameplay for this will involve some maze-like elements and platforming elements to find a path up to the monster's weak point.

    And there's some sort of colossus involved.

    I'd say the outlook is for another critically acclaimed game that should sell pretty well based on Ico's [] word [] of mouth [].
  • Wow, I'm psyched (Score:5, Interesting)

    by amarodeeps ( 541829 ) <dave@dubitabl e . com> on Friday September 17, 2004 @09:41PM (#10282555) Homepage

    Okay, so I'm a big Half-Life fan, I really can't wait for the sequel to that game to be released. But my OTHER favorite game of all time has to be ICO. This game approached, more than any other that I've ever played, the sort of ideal achievement that a video game should approach: it coordinated an atmosphere, along with an explorable world, and a simple objective with interesting puzzles, and deep characterization--although, ironically, you never really learn too much about any of the characters in the game. The sound cues are beautiful, and the graphics were extraordinary for the place and time (an early release on the PS2).

    I realize this is kind of a fawning review of this game but really--if you think this is anything like something you would appreciate--check it out, and be excited for the release of the sequel. I believe ICO came closer than anything I've played before to being a work of art.

  • emersive... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by ddsoul ( 756692 ) * <harry @ i> on Saturday September 18, 2004 @08:36AM (#10284437) Homepage
    What I loved about ICO was it threw you into this whole new world, it felt cold, it was HUGE and very emersive. I remember parts of the castle where it literally took me almost a minute to run across a path to reach the other end, but it was like the scenic route everywhere you went. The imagery was just so amazing that I could really literally stare at the screen running back and forth and admire this art in motion.

    Its one of those games where you want to show it off to your friends, something I'm guilty of when I play a great game.

    Now imagine the depth that ICO had but without the confinements of the castle walls - I can't wait for this unofficial sequel even though it may have no relation to the previous story. The thought of a new world with the style of ICO excites me. I think I can easily speak for all ICO fans when I say this makes US all giddy. =)

  • Ico is one of the few third-person games that I've ever played where the camera is actually an asset and not a liability. The way the camera panned and zoomed as you ran around the map was totally cinematic.

    I also completely agree with the praise this game recieves. For me it ranks up there with Valkyrie Profile as one of the most underrated games I've played.


    • Valkyrie Profile was definitely a wonderful game. Too bad that so many people are graphics whores and can't get past the fact that its 2D.

      And now I forget the point and start ranting: So many console RPG fans are also anime fans, and most console RPGs are based on some anime or anime-like theme. Anime is all 2D, but the console RPG fans bitch and moan and complain if an RPG is also 2D.

      And now back on the point: I only had one complaint about VP: The stats were sickeningly high. I had about 50,000 hp by th
  • IIRC, Ico was originally slated to be a PS1 game. It eventually got pushed back and fancied up to be an early PS2 title. Any chance the same thing will happen here? Tell everyone that it'll be a PS2 game, but then delay it, gussy it up and make it a PS3 launch title.
    • Really? Are you sure about that? I saw an early demo at the Tokyo Game Show in 2001. But now you mention it, I remember the textures being really low quality, which is why I passed this game up when it first came out, and kicked myself after I played a retail version a year later.
  • Not too long ago, Filter (the Top 10 [insert adjective here] Games countdown show) featured Ico in the top 10 games deserving a sequel. I think it came in at 2, and was topped by Vagrant Story. Let's hope some of the other overlooked sequel-worthy games get their share of the spotlight, too.

If I have not seen so far it is because I stood in giant's footsteps.
