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Star Wars Battlefront Released Today 83

JimLynch writes "Everybody's jazzed up about the DVD releases but Star Wars Battlefront came out today too. There are reviews at IGN and GameSpy."
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Star Wars Battlefront Released Today

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  • And the marketing machine marches on....... Should be a good game though.
  • by eht ( 8912 )
    At least in the US where I am, it was in stores yesterday, haven't had a chance to play it yet as I went to see GiTS2:Innocence last night (I was disappointed with it).
  • by Anonymous Coward
  • So, um, besides requiring the game UT2004, what are the differences between the Troopers: Dawn of Destiny mod and this game?
    • It requires BF1942, but if you have it, you need to check out the Galactic Conquest mod.

      Concidering SW Battlefront is a Battlefield CLONE set in the SW universe, it stands to reason that there's a nice parrallel in the Battlefield MOD set in the SW Universe.

      • I gave up on BF1942 when I realized I was spending more time downloading patches(and having to search for them) and trying to connect to servers, downloading maps, than actually playing the game.

        Then the patches got up to a point where if I connected to any server(if I was lucky) it just booted me out of the game.

        Makes the "lock up when you d/l a new map" in UT2004 seem okay.
        • I gave up on BF1942 when I realized I was spending more time downloading patches

          That can't possibly be true! After all, one single patch accounts for 75% of all BF1942 gameplay (and the original games is the other 20%).

          Your problem is you want variety. Just play DC or Omaha 24/7 and it'll work smoothly.
    • It prolly won't have terrible character model animation/movements like most mod's on UT2004. The upper bodies of the characters look like they are frozen in time when they run. Not to mention they run around like they have a 3 foot pole stuck up their ass. Some mod's are pretty good and I enjoy playing them, but man, I can't stand it how the character's look more life-like when they are dead than they do alive.
    • See here [] for the Web site.

      From what I played recently and briefly, there weren't any vehicles except the one Death Star space map. Play Galactic Conquest [] mod for BF1942 if you want vehicles too.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 22, 2004 @10:44AM (#10319073)
    Being a geek doesn't mean you have to keep giving Lucas your money. You can stop anytime now.

    You're just encouraging him.
  • by th1ckasabr1ck ( 752151 ) on Wednesday September 22, 2004 @10:44AM (#10319079)
    ... we get the chance to shoot an Ewok in the face.
  • These days I want to try before I buy.
  • by MagicDude ( 727944 ) on Wednesday September 22, 2004 @10:54AM (#10319198)
    Bah, who needs another iteration of the Battle of Hoth? []

    Actually, I really do want this game, I'm just miffed that it's on every system but the Cube.
    • it's on every system but the Cube.
      and it shows... i'm playing the pc "demo" and the game's graphics aren't all that great. gameplay is good, but very BFlike. cool original SW cinematics though.
  • xbox demo (Score:3, Informative)

    by sw33tjimmy ( 662009 ) on Wednesday September 22, 2004 @10:58AM (#10319251) Homepage
    included with the bonus disk in the DVD collection is an demo for the Xbox version of battlefront. Most of what I've read says that the console versions of this game are better than the PC version... :/
    • Re:xbox demo (Score:2, Informative)

      From the IGN review:

      On Xbox and PlayStation, Battlefront offers a distinct style of play that has not yet been exploited or overdeveloped as it has on the PC. On PlayStation 2 and Xbox, all this works extremely well, despite its inherent AI and longevity shortcomings. On PC, unfortunately, the problems are all amplified by an overwhelming amount of competition that simply makes Battlefront look a bit simplistic.

      It's not that the PC version is worse, it's just that the PC already has Battlefield 1942, Viet

    • i have never ever played a console game of this type that is better than a pc version.....(period)
  • Battlefield 1942. (Score:5, Informative)

    by HaloZero ( 610207 ) <> on Wednesday September 22, 2004 @11:06AM (#10319338) Homepage
    The game is almost exactly like Battlefield 1942, almost tit-for-tat. Battles are fought on the ground. There are two sides, obviously, with a possibilty of a third party indigenous to the area stepping in. Vehicles are sometimes available, but those who are flight-capable are rather... shifty, and difficult to control. Each battle, infact, is based on a ticket-counter-system (Thank you, BF1942).

    The game is riddled with _major_ balance issues, from the five classes of warrior you can choose and their respective weapon configurations, and weapon lag. (Weapon lag is sighting a target, firing your weapon, and somehow, the target having enough time to SIDE STEP OUT OF THE WAY OF YOUR SHOT, even after it's been fired). I do have to respect the way the game is modeled, giving the player the ability to experience almost any battle, in sequence, throughout any generation of the Star Wars galaxy. That's neat.

    Final opinion: The game needs serious polish, and rebalancing. If you've played Battlefield 1942, and liked it, give this a shot. 4/5? Yeah, that'll do.

    On a side note: the version of DirectX that came with the game was MASSIVELY BROKEN and lead to SERIOUS STABILITY ISSUES with Windows XP. Downloading the (allegedly) same version of DirectX (9.0c) from the Microsoft website seems to have fixed the problem.
    • Keep in mind that many of the issues you describe existed in BF1942 1.0 as well. After a couple point releases, I'm sure the game will be more than up to par.
    • sighting a target, firing your weapon, and somehow, the target having enough time to SIDE STEP OUT OF THE WAY OF YOUR SHOT, even after it's been fired

      Hello? That's how Star Wars works. You remember some 50-plus Stormtroopers blasting away at Han Solo as he ran around the Death Star?

      "Sorry Lord Vader, we just can't hit the Rebel scum! It's weapon-lag!"
  • ...Georgie is so uptight about Han looking like a scoundrel that we now have THREE versions of the Cantina scene, yet LucasArts drops a little Ewok-toasting humor into some of the Battleground ads?

    Does George not imperially seal everything that comes out of his studios? Where's the consistency?

    For the record, I thought the "Shoot" bit was funny and appropriate. And I don't think I'll be rushing to buy the DVD boxset anytime soon... Perhaps I'll spend that money on Battleground!

    - Using the Ligh

  • There was talk of a Linux port. Anyone have an update? .p hp?storyid=430
    • maybe they will pull a "Bioware" and we will see the client after they release several expansions..

      Or maybe they will pull a "idsoftware" and they will release it "soon".. AKA months after

      Any way.. i have as much faith in starwars battle front port as i do seeing hl2 released this year..
      • i have as much faith in starwars battle front port as i do seeing hl2 released this year..

        You should have less. The Valve actually promised to release HL2 soon, and they've got a financial incentive to do it (bigger sales if it's out by xmas).

        But the Starwars developers not only havent expressed a plan to release a linux version, they wouldn't make any money by doing so.
    • There was talk of a Linux port. Anyone have an update?

      The developers gave absolutely no suggestion of a Linux version, aside from the dedicated server that all PC multiplayer games get. Anything more is just over-optimistic speculation.

      Slashdot posted an incorrect headline [] on the subject- the actual article [] had zero mention of a Linux client. Only server.

        Actually if you read the artical, it was a two part question

        Will you be able to play SWBF on 'exotic' platforms like the Linux-kernel or Mac OS? Will you release a dedicated-server-software?

        The question states "Will you be able to play SWBF"


        "will you release a dedicated-server-software"

        Being able to play, implies a client.

        The answer was yes they were looking into a linux version, but they never said which part of the question they were answering.

        The real ori
  • by Jaeph ( 710098 )
    I'm not much of an FPS guy; I bought this for the Star Wars aspect. I really was stinking up things single player until I got to play the droids vs the Jar-Jars; suddenly the kid gloves came off, the sniper rifle came out, and we won that battle by a mile.

    You're not buying SWBF, you're buying "Kill Jar-Jars".


    P.S. Storming through Mos Eisley with my buddies in white shooting chewbaccas is a close second. :-)

    P.P.S. Anybody know what good Chewbacca is over the standard issue rebel guy?
    • Re:Kill Jar Jars! (Score:2, Informative)

      by jfsather ( 310648 )

      If you go through the little training movies, it gives most of the differences. I think for Wookies, the biggest is that the weapon can be charged to do a spread show if you happen to be facing more than one person. I think there is a droid that has the same ability. On the XBox, I think you just hold down the right trigger to charge and then release. Sort of like some of the MechAssault weapons.
    • P.P.S. Anybody know what good Chewbacca is over the standard issue rebel guy?

      er.. pull your arms out of their sockets? Wookies are known to do that, apparentley.

      And if you are a Gundark - you should probably run. And put your hands over your ears. :P

    • when chewbacca charges his bow, it generally kills the guy it's aimed in one shot.
  • ... But I have much higher hopes for this game than I do for Episode 3.

    Though there were a few flops, Lucas has had a great track record with their games. Many of them actually had more depth to their stories than any of the movies.
  • Major Issues (Score:2, Informative)

    I pre-ordered this game and quickly installed it when I got home from work. One of the first gripes I had about the game was the ATROCIOUS in-game browser. I am not a GameSpy fan (I use ASE, ASE usually releases support the day after a game is released), so I decided to try the in game browser. Forget about a buddy list, searching by server name, or even getting an actual number for pings. None of that. Nor can you stop the servers refreshing. You just have to wait until all of them refresh. Absolutel
    • Isn't the point of the game to play the battles from the movies?
      If so, it wouldn't make sense to make Hoth a fair fight: the rebels
      had no chance of winning, they were just trying slow the Empire down
      to allow the rebel base to be evacuated.

      I'd rather play battles true to the movies than have battles adjusted
      for game balance that are loosely based on the movies.

      • I see where you're coming from, but nobody will ever play the level if it''s always going to come out brutally one-sided. Now if they release a patch that keeps the balance the same, but adds a rebel win condition of, say "survive for x minutes" or "protect the transports for x minutes", that would be a pretty fun and unique break from the other levels...
        • no, it will have a ton of people playing it.... on the imperial side... then you'll have like 3 people on the trooper saide saying "FAIR TEAMS!!! FAIR TEAMS!!!!"
    • except that when you are contesting a spawn point, enemies still seem to spawn, which is extremely frustrating

      That is really bad, from the perspective of both attackers and defenders. Either the attacker will be swamped by a wave of respawners coming in, or he'll defend himself by camping the spawn and killing them the instant they show up. Neither choice is fun gameplay. Spawning someone close to an enemy should be avoided by the game designers as much as possible: if an enemy is in the forward base,
    • Re:Major Issues (Score:3, Informative)

      by servognome ( 738846 )
      I had the exact same experience
      I also bought the game for PC and found it is fun, but very lacking in polish.
      Terrible interface, bad AI (even at hardest difficulty), even had little issues with installation (for some reason had to insert Disc 1 back in after installing Disc 2, before I could continue onto Disc 3.
      I have an x800, and the graphics are nice, but not up to what I would expect, and multiplayer is laggy, and movement choppy.
      Playing it is fun, so I'd agree it's a patch or two away from being what
    • It is possible for the Rebels to win on Hoth (in multiplayer). They need to take down those AT-AT's though, with the speeders and tow cables for a quicker takedown. The speeders are difficult to fly due to their speed. All of the fighter craft are a bit too fast to use effectively to support ground troops. They could fix the problem with something like "cruise control" so that if you slow your vehicle down it stays slow until you speed it up.

      One other thing, a lot of people don't know that in addition t
  • Great Game (Score:2, Informative)

    by BladesP9 ( 722608 )
    I picked up the game for Xbox yesterday (yes, I'm a heretic I know) and I am really pleased with it. I played through some of the solo campaign to get a feel for the controls before embarrasing myself on Xbox Live. But running around killing Jar Jar Binx is a RIOT... thats my new favorite shooting gallery. I can imagine how fun this will be co-oping with a bunch of my friends who will have this game by week's end.

    After hearing about all the problems with other Star Wars games, I have to say that everything
  • XBox Version (Score:2, Informative)

    by jfsather ( 310648 )
    My friend and I both picked up the XBox version yesterday. I have to say, it is pretty fun. One of the best parts is shooting Ewoks and Jar Jars. We had too much fun taking them out.

    I'm not too sure about the game types, but the only ones were played were Onslaught (UT2004) style games. They are pretty fun and the maps are huge.

    I had some problems controlling some of the flying vehicles (X-Wings, Ties, etc.), but I'm sure it will get easier. Some of the battle areas seemed a bit too confined for flyi
  • Price Discounts (Score:2, Informative)

    by jfsather ( 310648 )

    Oh, one other note. I picked my copy up at Target and got a $10 gift card with the purchase. My friend got his at EB and if he got another game they were giving $20 off. He used his on a pre-order so if you want Halo 2 or something, you can get the $20 off then it comes out next month.
  • Exerpt from my blog: I had Star Wars Battlefront on preorder for months. And after this wait how do I feel about the game? Gameplay: (7 with a lean towards 8) Graphics: (8) Sound: (8) Originality (6) Originality: Let's dive first into the Orginality of the game, as this is the area that I rate the lowest for the game. Let's face it, it is very hard to be an original First Person Shooter (FPS) these days. Add on to the fact that the game is set in the very well known Star Wars universe and it gets even ha
  • In case no one noticed, Best Buy has been selling the game for almost a week. I bought mine on Saturday. Ha Ha Ha Ha. I'm on the east coast if that means anything.
  • You can also see a reveiw of Star Wars Battlefront here at

We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
