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Role Playing (Games)

Ultima VII, in Automagical 3D 15

WWWWolf writes "Ultima VII is quite well emulated using Exult. Exult folks have added quite a few handy additions to the game, but nothing they have done quite matches their newest feature: Exult in 3D. There is talk about support for actual 3D models in future. Being an alpha-quality work at the moment, the source is not available, but there's a load of screenshots and a Linux binary to try."
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Ultima VII, in Automagical 3D

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  • True Ultima 9 (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Taulin ( 569009 ) on Saturday October 09, 2004 @02:44PM (#10480304) Homepage Journal
    In actuality, they are making the true plans for Ultima 9. Origin had plans for an isometric 3d game for U9 when they thought it would be cool to drop the camera down all the way. The work this guy has done is incredible.
  • I played this game ages ago and I swear it is starting to look, feel and act more like the Sims every time I hear about it.
  • Oooh, nice. (Score:5, Informative)

    by BadmanX ( 30579 ) on Saturday October 09, 2004 @02:51PM (#10480352) Homepage
    Very nice for a quick hack - this version of the Exult engine basically reads out the bounding boxes of each object, creates a 3D object with those bounds, and then maps the original sprite onto the bounding box as a texture. That's very clever. Of course, actually cleaning this up (look at how flat the people are and how twisted the trees look) will take a ton of work, but now that we've got a taste of a real 3D U7 maybe the project will attract more attention and volunteers.
  • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Well, as of right now, the game doesn't play any differently because of the 3D. Ultima VII's engine, while very pretty and technically advanced, had problems with small, critical objects falling behind large static objects (like tables) and therefore becoming inaccessible (the Goblin King's body in Serpent Isle is a notorious example). Being rotating the view would have fixed the problem, but of course that would have required real 3D.
  • The article is about one of the best games of all time, namely Ultima 7 and the excellent works the Exult people and an affililated project have put in it. And 90% of the posters think it is about Ultima Online and start to rant.

    Sorry to rant here, but I think this one has reached a new low. I mean how hard is it to read either the introduction to the whole thing or to read the posting. The magic word is read before writing something totally unrelated. So mod me down now. As a huge fan of the Ultima 7s I

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