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Portables (Games)

Sony Exec Confirms PSP Delay Possibility 23

PSP launch delays have been discussed before, but GamesIndustry.biz is running an article today in which network systems exec Izumi Kawanishi confirms the system may be delayed. This despite continuing announcements regarding launch titles for the system. From the article: "Speaking in an interview with Impress Watch AV, Kawanishi said that it is still possible that the console will be released this year in Japan, but that this depends on whether game publishers will have software ready for launch."
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Sony Exec Confirms PSP Delay Possibility

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  • Are we surprised? Nope.

    When the hell are we going to learn that Sony says one thing and does another? The PS2 will push 100 bajillion polys a second and have more power than a super computer, and so on. Why do we believe this shit?

    Can't they be at least a little more honest? Especially about hardware problems with the PS2, of which I don't own anymore since the last two failed. They really are their own worst enemy and have completely lost credibility with me.

    End of rant.

  • by News for nerds ( 448130 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @03:58PM (#10539739) Homepage
    The original Japanese interview on which this story is based on is here [impress.co.jp]. It has a sequel at here [impress.co.jp].

    But I found interesting is, there's difinitely some unfortunate mistranslation of those US/UK media (Gamespot, Gamesindustry.biz) that jumped on this 'confirmation' like some brainless Nintendo fanboys.

    This is the literal translation of the original article [impress.co.jp] (You can't find what Kawanishi stated directly, but a summary by the interviewer).

    "For the release date (of PSP), he said, while it depends on negotiation with software makers, it's sure thing that (Sony) will release it (PSP) in this year." So what matters is not when it will be released, but when in this year it'll be released.

    It's as if those news websites mistranslated it like "for the release date (of PSP), he said, while it's sure thing that (Sony) can release it (PSP) in this year, it depends on negotiation with software makers", but it's not the case, for even the caption of this paragraph is "The release is in this year with a reasonable price". It's an impossible speculation job to connect it with delay when even the original interviewer doesn't.

    Since Kawanishi is the head of developers at Network Systems Division and not a high exec like CTO/CEO or whatever who can announce the exact date, he made it vague relating it with software schedule. But he confirmed the release in 2004, not delay.

Seen on a button at an SF Convention: Veteran of the Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force. 1990-1951.
