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Bungie Speaks On Halo 2 Leak 400

BlueMoon writes "A moderator on the official Halo 2 forums posted some speculations and warnings about the Halo 2 leak. To the question where the leak originated he answered "is almost positively the work of some jerk in the manufacturing plant who pocketed the game". They also send out a warning that posting any kind of information about leak will result in "having your XBox Live account's ability to play Halo 2 crippled as we can and we will ban your gamertags from access to vital parts of Halo 2's online experience"." TalkXbox has a repost of an official statement asking community members to assist in the capture of the folks who leaked the game.
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Bungie Speaks On Halo 2 Leak

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  • And... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by keeleysam ( 792221 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:12PM (#10539889) Homepage Journal
    ...How are they going to find out my gamertag?
    • Re:And... (Score:5, Informative)

      by jchenx ( 267053 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:15PM (#10539917) Journal
      The threat of banning your gamertag is for those who post leak information (where to get it, H2 spoilers, etc.) in the forums. You have the ability to link your gamertag to your account.
    • Well, if someone stupid enough to try to play H2 on XBoxLive with a pirated copy, I imagine it'll be pretty easy to find out who they are. I assume each factory-stamped copy is tagged. When suspicious activity associated with a single tag start showing up (simultaneous log-ons, etc.), I'm sure flags will be raised, and the MS ninja legal team will be deployed, Tuttle-like, to take out the perpetrators.

      And anyone stupid enough to play H2 on XBL before the official release is sure to get some scrutiny.
      • Re:And... (Score:2, Informative)

        by jerw134 ( 409531 )
        In order to play the Halo 2 release, you'd need a mod chip. If you go on Xbox Live using any game with a mod chip enabled, you're automatically banned anyway. So you'd have to be doubly stupid in order to do it with a game you're not even supposed to have.
  • by pudding7 ( 584715 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:13PM (#10539897)
    Rule number one: Don't talk about Halo:2 leaks Rule number two: See rule number one

    Microsoft employs ninjas? Who knew?!
  • by slagdogg ( 549983 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:13PM (#10539899)
    ... to the first Slashdotter to post a link to the Halo 2 torrent whilst screaming "lol ban me you M$ l0s3rz -- i am s0 3l33t!"

    3 ... 2 ... 1 ...
      • Two minutes.. that's not too shabby...
      • Congratulation, by that single post the size of the leak has been amplified by several orders of magnitudes. That torrent will be burning soon. A post at the front site of already says that their ISP's been asked to take the file down and they denied the request.

        Good work soldier!

        P.S : Don't ask me if I'm sarcastic, I'm not really sure yet.
      • That doesn't had to be screaming. Try again with your caps lock on!
    • So, the real question is... do you work for Microsoft? Will the ninjas be running to bust down some doors any second now?
  • folks (Score:3, Funny)

    by hrm ( 26016 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:14PM (#10539912)
    TalkXbox has a repost of an official statement asking community members to assist in the capture of the folks who leaked the game.

    Ha! Detailed language analysis shows that slashdot editorials are written by the Bush election campaign!

  • by Visceral Monkey ( 583103 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:15PM (#10539922)
    I hear in the French version Master Chief surrenders to the Covenant within the first 10 minutes of the game anyway. Problem solved.
  • Zonk (Score:2, Funny)

    by holzp ( 87423 )
    Also, Zonk, your account will be suspended for posting links on the front of /. to the website. Thanks for the crash!
  • Ninjas? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by cdrudge ( 68377 ) * on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:16PM (#10539934) Homepage
    What is Microsoft going to do about this?

    There's no doubt in my mind that Microsoft has people tracking down whoever was responsible for this. I hope whoever it was thought that leaking the game was worth his job, I hear the Microsoft legal team employ some very effective ninja.
    Ninjas? Was this written by an 8 year old?

    When will companies realize that piracy is just an unfortunate part of doing business. Did they honestly think it wasn't going to be posted up on the internet? I've talked to a variety of friends and strangers. Those that are familar with Halo and Halo 2 all said that they knew of the leak, but they were still going to buy it when it comes out in a few weeks. Those that steal it now...probably wouldn't have bought it anyways.
    • Im so going to get screwed by the "copyright infringement isnt theft" brigade (I understand that - but I personally believe that copyright infringement decreases the value of the item) but:

      When will people realize that lack of privacy is just an unfortunate part of an extensively connected internet. Did they honestly think their private details werent going to be posted up on the internet? I've talked to a variety of friends and strangers. Those that are familar with myself and my life all said that the
      • Ah. But theft is a part of any business. Any business is going to have some type of a walkoff account in their GL books.

        I didn't mean that Bungie doesn't deserve to be paid for what they created or that it should not be posted on the internet. What I was saying is that theft is an unfortunate cost of doing business.

        People shoplift at Wal-Mart every day, Walmart knows about it. They put measures in place to try to prevent it, but it still happens. They ultimately pass that cost on to the consumer as i
        • Theft is an unfortunate part of doing business, but that doesn't mean that companies shouldn't work towards minimizing thoses losses. You kinda make it sound like they should just throw their hands up, say, "Oh well, can't do anything about that!" and move on. Stores prosecute shoplifters, why shouldn't IP owners seek out and prosecute infringers?
    • Re:Ninjas? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by gl4ss ( 559668 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:29PM (#10540084) Homepage Journal
      well, fanboying a company that doesn't really need to worry about going under anyways.. of course it's written by an 8 year old, well, maybe 12.

      (the way to 'fight' this kind of very early leaks is simple: don't think that you can sit on them and wait for the right release window, because if you've spent _any_ time in the industry you know it _will_ be leaked).

      they don't need any help, and whats the problem anyways.. doesn't really matter if they guys who would copy it copy it couple of weeks earlier or on the release day. you can't get on live on a modded xbox so isn't the whole fucking threat a moot anyways, and everyone playing online owning a legit copy, so they're only possibly going to fuck up a _legit_ customer? way to cow, bungee!
    • Re:Ninjas? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by NaugaHunter ( 639364 )
      You've never read a Bungie post before, have you? They've always been just barely serious, dating back to the Marathon days.

      Their post is more about keeping information about the leak off of their OWN BOARDS. In fact, if you actually read the post they almost come off more concerned about screenshot spoilers. Not that they aren't concerned about piracy, etc., but that is always a problem. They just didn't expect the spoiler problem since normally for software the leak doesn't happen until everyone wh
    • by TiggertheMad ( 556308 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:37PM (#10540154) Journal
      Ninjas? Was this written by an 8 year old?

      Parent is correct, the notion that MS employe ninjas is silly. Everybody here at MS knows that Ronin are far more effective in terms of bang for the buck. Ninjas are very expensive, and non-tax deducatble.
    • Re:Ninjas? (Score:5, Funny)

      by shish ( 588640 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:38PM (#10540169) Homepage
      Ninjas? Was this written by an 8 year old?

      No no; ninjas are the natural enemy of pirates, and the only force strong enough to combat them! It all makes perfect sense

      • Re:Ninjas? (Score:4, Funny)

        by MustardMan ( 52102 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:43PM (#10540203)
        Plus they have REAL ULTIMATE POWER!

        I was going to do a whole "bungie has real ultimate power" post and would probably get +5'ed for it, but it's friday and I don't feel like karma-whoring. That said, I applaud your joke for the clever application of both obscure internet jokes and a witty pun. Bravo.
    • Ninjas? Was this written by an 8 year old?
      Perhaps he wrote this [] as well?
    • Re:Ninjas? (Score:5, Funny)

      by worst_name_ever ( 633374 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:45PM (#10540221)
      Ninjas? Was this written by an 8 year old?

      Don't mock them. They have Real Ultimate Power.

      • Re:Ninjas? (Score:5, Funny)

        by blincoln ( 592401 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @05:28PM (#10540654) Homepage Journal
        Don't mock them. They have Real Ultimate Power.

        Yeah, no kidding.

        One time I was at a bar with a bunch of ninjas after practicing at the ninja dojo. My friend (who is a ninja, but also a pirate, but also a babe, resulting in a great paradox in the lore of ninjas) thought "ooh, ninjas!" and sprayed all the other ninjas with Silly String. But she accidentally got some on the waitress, who decided to ban all the ninjas from the bar.

        Then the ninjas totally flipped out and started stabbing people in the face while others took turns wailing on electric guitars. By the time it was all over, the bar totally looked like the opening shot from Bram Stoker's Dracula except instead of pikes all the people were impaled on pool cues because that's why the ninjas were at the bar in the first place and they wanted to make a point about denying ninjas their pool.

        So you people just think twice the next time you start to get all hating on the ninjas. They might just flip out and go all taki ori zenpo kaiten from ichimunji no kamae on your punk pirate ass.
    • Re:Ninjas? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by GregAllen ( 178208 )
      Those that steal it now...probably wouldn't have bought it anyways.

      Actually, my guess is that lots people want to download it because it's cool and they can. Many will still buy it when it's available so they can do the online stuff. It's funny that they hype it so hard and are then surprised when people want to get it ASAP.

      I can remember downloading the 1993 Rush album (Counterparts) in 8KHz Sun .au format, just so I could hear it early. I still bought the album when it came out. This was before Napster
  • and about that.. if I'd write anonymously somewhere about the leak, or the game, how would they know it's me?(to be able to fuck my xbox live ability, which I don't have, hell, I don't even have a xbox).

    so.. they're resorting to fud to keep the lid down on this... which is kinda stupid because the leak is already mentioned on PRINTED papers as well..

    here's an idea though, next time you're making a game: don't fucking sit on it for a month once it's ready, especially when you know that THESE THINGS HAPPEN
    • by Jeff DeMaagd ( 2015 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:20PM (#10539983) Homepage Journal
      It does take a little bit of time to go from start of producing the discs, packaging and to go through the distribution channels such that all the stores have all the copies they need for release week. One month isn't that long of a time.
    • and about that.. if I'd write anonymously somewhere about the leak, or the game, how would they know it's me?

      Yeah, because they couldn't possibly be referring to posts on their OWN boards.

      Bungie != Microsoft. Bungie has finished the game and turned it over for distribution. It is completely out of their hands. But that doesn't mean they want the closely guarded secrets in the game coming out before EVERYONE has a shot of finding them, and there's no reason to expect them to allow it on their own bo
      • ok, and I can't create an account with fake name on their boards then?

        that goes without saying that they would delete any posts(that weren't fanboying and crying how sad it is) about it on their bbs's.

        and closely guarded secrets? come on, it's just a game! if you don't want spoilers don't read the fucking forums!
  • by yerfatma ( 666741 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:17PM (#10539948) Homepage
    . . . asking community members to assist in the capture of the folks who leaked the game

    Now I loved Halo and can't wait for the sequel, but have we really reached the point where we'll turn in our neighbors not just to the gubmint but to the corporations we love as well? Can I get some Monopoly game pieces from McDonalds for killing the guy who made Super Size Me?

    • by jbellis ( 142590 )
      as long as it's from microsoft.

      or is it ok as long as it's from any corporation?

      how about your local computer dealer, you know, the one who hasn't been driven out of business by walmart yet? (because we all know stealing from walmart would be okay.)
    • but have we really reached the point where we'll turn in our neighbors not just to the gubmint but to the corporations we love as well

      I think you're missing the point - is the theft of the CD justifiable in any way, shape, or form, that doesn't translate out to some stupid, selfish reason? Is there some overriding social good, an overall benefit to humanity that justifies the taking of this property?

      I sure can't think of one.

      This is not feeding a starving family or doing any one of a number of other ac
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:18PM (#10539953)
    This is exactly the kind of thing peer to peer networks didn't need right now with all the litigation going around. Microsoft is sure to blame evil Kazaa, EDonkey, et al for what is obviously an internal matter.

    Microsoft and other corporations need to look on the inside at their own employees before they blame P2P...P2P can't make it magically appear.
  • by MinusBlindfold ( 775913 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:21PM (#10539992) Journal
    The more people that know its actually been leaked, the more that will go out on the net seeking it. However, I don't feel that this leak will have a big impact on the games sales. It would be interesting to find out how many people actually have modded xboxes, and then on top of that... how many people would be happy with a 'french' version of the game. And of those people, how many will not care about gaming online.... i dunno, i think Halo 2's big selling feature was the Xbox live support. Lets wait and see.
  • by happyfrogcow ( 708359 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:24PM (#10540022)
    They also send out a warning that posting any kind of information about leak will result in "having your XBox Live account's ability to play Halo 2 crippled as we can and we will ban your gamertags from access to vital parts of Halo 2's online experience"."

    Could someone please explain how they could do this to someone who talked about the leak? I guess I don't understand the connection between an XBox Live account, what gamertags are, and if they mean talking about it on Bungie Forums only.

    • I also don't understand how we are supposed to help them track down the perps if we can't even talk about it.

      Bungie, what happened to you? You used to be so cool. I can understand being upset over the leak but not even letting us discuss it and then asking for our help in the same breath? Forget it. I won't even buy the game now.
      • *Bungie, what happened to you?*

        what happened to them? they got bought, some people left, some stayed, got integrated into MS.

        btw, from some warez forum:
        **The graphics are not nearly as good as the touched up screen shots
        they have released, but they are still very good. I couldn't play the
        multi player, but I was able to go to online match options, and there
        was no option for online co-op.**

  • by IronChef ( 164482 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:26PM (#10540051)
    no need to seek the leak if you want a peek []

    FWIW I am a temp at MS. I have played Halo 2 multiplayer. It's a good game, but I am more of a PC guy and I prefer UT2004.
  • Full Text (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:32PM (#10540113)
    Is it true? Is Halo 2 really leaked?

    It seems to be that way, yes. It would seem that the french PAL version of the game has surfaced on the internet.

    Did Bungie get hacked or something?

    Of course not. This is almost positively the work of some jerk in the manufacturing plant who pocketed the game is it is being printed in mass for world release on the 9th of November.

    What can I do about it?

    For starters:


    The rules have not changed from what we said about leaked magazine shots. Clearly, this leak is highly illegal. By posting links to where it can be downloaded, or even by posting links to screens of the leaked game, you're contributing to the problem by spreading the leaked information. Further, you may spoil the game for people who have worked hard to keep their first experience of Halo 2 pure.

    As such, expect harsh reprimand for the posting of leaked information. A link or offer to give out a link via private media on the forums will get you banned permanently. The same goes for any kind of leak-related spoiler information. Further, you risk having your XBox Live account's ability to play Halo 2 crippled as we can and will ban gamertags from access to vital parts of Halo 2's online experience. We are NOT kidding around here. There will be no warning, no appeal, you'll just be gone.

    If you come across a link to the leaked game, do not reply to it, do not post about it in other forums, do not in any way spread the problem. Message me, SketchFactor, Frankie, or Achronos immediately upon discovering the leak, and then leave it alone. Even telling your friends can result in the spread of the leak, which does us as a company harm.

    What is Microsoft going to do about this?

    There's no doubt in my mind that Microsoft has people tracking down whoever was responsible for this. I hope whoever it was thought that leaking the game was worth his job, I hear the Microsoft legal team employ some very effective ninja.

    What do I do to avoid spoilers now?

    I'm not sure what to tell you. This post makes it quite clear that spoilers from the leaked game will get people seriously banned, but we all know that won't stop some idiot from running in here with a screen of some huge spoiler. My suggestion? Avoid Halo 2 forums if you want to make 100% sure that you don't see any major spoilers. If you must visit forums, make sure you're very choosy about which threads you read. Avoiding spoilers is up to you, now.

    That covers it. From here on out, any threads related to the piracy of the game will be deleted on sight.
  • Huh? (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Those are some outlandish claims. Where to start...
    First of all you can't play these copies of the game on xboxlive. You can't play any backups on xboxlive because your modchip has to be on and nobody, I mean nobody has a way of playing backups on xboxlive.
    Second of all how does it help you to stop spreading information about the leak by posting stop spreading information about this leak on your message board? I mean really. "Lets all just pretend this didn't happen okay guys?" That is a silly attitude
  • by MustardMan ( 52102 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:34PM (#10540132)
    As is predictable with slashdot, the kneejerkers are out in full force, so I'm going to clear a few things up here:

    1.) Banning your xbox live account. Can the stupid bullshit about BWAHAHAHA how are they going to know my xbox live name when i post on slashdot. They are talking about banning you if you post on the bungie forums. That's it. Remember this isn't a press release, it's a FORUM POST.

    2.) Banning your xbox live account - part 2. They aren't banning accounts for talking about it - they are banning for people who link to info on how to get it, whats in it, spoilers obtained from the leak, etcetera. Basically they're trying to keep the bungie forums a safe place to enjoy discussing the game, for those who want to retain the surprise at the storyline when the game is legally released, and of course cut down on at least a few people finding out where to get the game.

    3.) "Microsoft piracy hotline is so ridiculous, this is just a game" nonsense. While it's true that the microsoft approach to software piracy in general is sometimes pretty outlandish, it's nothing new. The piracy website has been around a long time. Microsoft has been asking people to squeal on their buddies for a long time. Hell, I've seen advertisements telling you to turn in people who pirate M$ software. This is nothing new, and pretty much standard Microsoft fare, so don't act like it's so ridiculous that they are doing it for a game - It is the de facto corporate response to any piracy.
    • 1 & 2.

      and? they're talking about banning your xbox live account from playing halo2 if you post any link or a link that could lead to the leaked iso. and you can create a .net passport without identity check so how the hell do they know who they're banning? what if I make one and associate some random guys 'tags' with it and then post a link to a torrent? their specific words: "There will be no warning, no appeal, you'll just be gone.".

      so, on basis of a forum posting some poor jerks ability to play hal

    • They aren't banning accounts for talking about it - they are banning for people who link to info on how to get it, whats in it, spoilers obtained from the leak, etcetera. Basically they're trying to keep the bungie forums a safe place to enjoy discussing the game

      Sure, they have a right to control their forums, but the statement Bungie made isn't limited to just their forum. Here's a clip of the rather draconian announcement:

      If you come across a link to the leaked game, do not reply to it, do not post

  • ...if Bungie were still independent. There was a time when the gaming community loved and respected them. Then they became one with the Borg
  • Why (Score:5, Insightful)

    by FiReaNGeL ( 312636 ) <> on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:42PM (#10540198) Homepage
    Why aren't they implementing high security levels in these plants, not unlike diamond/gold mines? I mean, if it's that easy to steal something worth many millions dollars, someone WILL do it (even if won't make a cent out of it, obviously). Prestige of being the first to release highly awaited titles is crucial on the warez scene I heard.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:45PM (#10540227)
    Please go and tell your master that we have been charged by God with a sacred quest, and if he will give us food and shelter for this night he can join us in our quest for the Halo 2 Grail.

    Well, I'll ask him, but I don't think he'll be very keen. He's already got one, you see?


    He says they've already got one!

    Are you sure he's got one?

    Oh yes. It's very nice


    I told him we already got one.

    They all giggle.
  • by tmoore09 ( 815119 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @04:56PM (#10540338)
    The people that pirate the game apparently already have a modded Xbox. Since they modded their Xbox I would guess that they would not be purchasing the game anyway. So really what kind of loss would Bungie be looking at in the first place?
    • It could encourage others to mod their XBox. Modding your XBox and playing before the Nov. 9th release isn't hard, you know, especially if you have a buddy who's already gone through the process.
  • or calling 1-800-RULEGIT

    as RULE GIT, rather than aRe yoU LEGITimate?
  • Is there any review on it? Is it fun or not?
  • by __aailob1448 ( 541069 ) on Friday October 15, 2004 @05:52PM (#10540844) Journal
    What has gotten into Bungie? Reading their comments on the leak is just like listening to a child throwing a tantrum. Here are a few pointers for them :

    1- There is no point in acting as if the world has ended. Games get pirated all the time. In fact, ALL of them get pirated. What made you think yours would be exempt?

    2- Repeatedly pointing out that this is "highly" illegal (is there a lowly illegal?) bores me. EVERYBODY knows it's illegal. Next, please point out that the sky is HIGHLY blue...

    3- Pirate copies are available before your game was officially released, so what? Again, it happens all the time, especially with high profile games like yours.

    4-Is this going to harm you more than if the game had been pirated one or two days before official release? No, to play a copy, one needs to have a modchip installed. People who have a modchip installed and are playing the leaked game were going to pirate it anyways once it was released.

    5- Microsoft is investigating this and will prosecute to the full extent of bla bla bla.

    Again, you're boring me. Most of these investigations get nowhere. If you do happen to catch the leaker, I hope that makes you happy because no one else will give a shit. The guy who leaked the HL2 source code was arrested. This didn't dissuade the guy who just leaked Halo 2. What makes you think this time will be any different?

    To sum it up: It's no surprise that your game was leaked, it's no surprise that it will be pirated, and we all know it will still sell like hot cakes and that you will all make lots of money. Hell, you're already making lots of money, you work for Microsoft right?

    So stop your whining. Thank you.

    Disclaimer: My xbox isn't modded, I have not downloaded this leaked version and do not plan to.

    • i find it disgusting that you think that stealing is so matter-of-course and "boring" that you feel that need to ridicule bungie for rightly posting its discontent about the situation and rigthly threatning those responsible!

      it is like listening to spoilt child throwing a tantrum of 'mummy, i'm bored! like it is your god-given right to be entertained and just because it's been done before and will be done again, geese it must be OK, your obvious beligerent attitude demands that it is acceptable and no on
    • A mod chip is NOT needed. You can use a free software exploit to mod your Xbox without spending a dime. Furthermore, you can use a modded Xbox for things other than pirating Xbox games. I use my modded Xbox with Xbox Media Center, which turns it into a super DVD player capable of playing almost any digital media format: DVD, CD, divx, xvid, mp3, etc.

      I personally don't care for most Xbox games. I only own around 4 games.

Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
