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GameCube (Games)

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Sites Appear 46

b0r1s writes "Gamespot was among the dozens of gaming news sites to point readers to the arrival of the first of Nintendo's apparent marketing sites for Metroid Prime 2 Echoes. Having started the trend with Datadyne prior to the launch of Perfect Dark, Nintendo apparently pokes fun at with several different fake domains. Also included are links to government contractors sites. It seems like Channel 51 and Orbis Labs will both be updated in the weeks prior to the release of Metroid Prime 2. Channel 51 seems to have new stories every week, and Orbis Labs promises that test videos of the Battle Sphere are coming soon. In addition, there is a name and password login on the Orbis site, which we expect will be leaked--or even "hacked"--later on."
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Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Sites Appear

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  • I remeber that you could get a login and password in the end of the game for login in to the good guys website :)
    • Actually that's two half-truths stuck together. If you get as far as the Attack Ship level on Perfect Agent (the hardest preset difficulty level) and pick up Cassandra's necklace, you find her username and login (which I don't remember offhand). And if you get a ranking of 1: Perfect in the Combat Simulator you get another username/password ("Entropic Decay" and "Zero-Tau" if I remember rightly).

      Rare had originally intended to use these passwords for cool online stuff but they never did it, the lazy devil

      • You think they should bring the websites back online since PD is coming out for xbox. But thanks for correcting me. I only got the necklace login, but I found out the other when searching for the holy grail cheats. I wonder how many people are still looking for cheats in PD, those in Goldeneye was a mistake, they intended to remove them before it shipped it was used only for beta testing.
        • Wha? You had to earn(unlock) the cheats in goldeneye, I would hardly call that a mistake, and you could get cheats via unlockables or the Transfer Pak(and a GBC Perfect Dark cart).

          There is NO confirmed Perfect Dark game coming to the Xbox. We don't even know for sure if Rare retains the rights to the franchise(knowing Nintendo, I doubt it), and the most you'll find is a few screens, a video(from late last year) and mention of it being made for the Gamecube(3 years ago no less).

  • I guess I better hurry up and finish the first one. I was really enjoying it, but I burnt out before completion. I know it's good to have longevity in a game, but this was a bit much.
    • Yeah, I found the game absolutely incredible and would consider it one of my all-time desert island games, but I couldn't beat the omega pirate!
    • I actually got to the very end, but never beat the last boss. I find that I do that often, though. With most games, in the end, I've already seen what there is to see and the idea of sitting an hour through a disproportionatly difficult boss just to see a really, really crappy ending, doesn't strike me as very fun. =)
      • You sissy :) I am doing my third run of Metroid Prime, second run I got 100% items, but I missed some of scans for the research logs, which I need to unlock one of the galleries. (Yes, I am a completionist). I should do it on Hard after, but well, I think it's gonna be Hard. Normal is challenging, but with enemies sustaining twice as much damage and inflicting twice as much damage, as well as being smarter, the game is essentially 4 times harder on Hard mode.... Metroid Prime 2 is allegedly going to be a
      • I agree with you that the final boss is difficult, but...getting there is a lot more difficult, you know.

        I think I cursed more on the freaking metroids that push you off the platforms on your way to the final boss, than I ever did on him (whom I killed on my second try).
        • Agreed. The damn Metroids near the end are VERY VERY annoying. I usually just let them grab me and powerbomb them away, but they come back so quickly...
        • Yeah, they shouldn't have made both getting to the last boss difficult AND the last boss itself as difficult as they are. I gave up because the metroids pushing me off the cliffs annoyed the hell out of me.
          • Yeah, they shouldn't have made both getting to the last boss difficult AND the last boss itself as difficult as they are.

            In general, I like that style of gaming, mainly on RPGs. Nowadays, most japanese RPGs put a save point just before the boss, in every dungeon. And most of these games give the player items that fully recharge the characters, but can only be used at save points, so, the temptation is strong...

            I liked more the way that Lunar: SSSC did it. You had a savepoint outside the dungeon, and mayb
          • The easiest way to get through the Impact Crater is always keep moving, with one exception.

            When you enter, just run. Stay to the left of the central pillar so the Metroid doesn't pick up on you right away. Jump on the floating platform, then to the ledges along the wall. When you get to the floating platforms, turn during your jumps so when you land, you are already facing the direction of your next jump.

            When you cross the central pillar halfway up and get back to another ledge, ignore the missle reloa
  • Funny (Score:3, Funny)

    by Lisandro ( 799651 ) on Saturday October 23, 2004 @11:40AM (#10608814)
    I enjoyed the picture of the badass sphere machine in a green, calm field. [] Subtle parody, i've seen quite a site with similar images in their "investors" links.
  • Come, Now (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Rie Beam ( 632299 ) on Saturday October 23, 2004 @12:22PM (#10609055) Journal
    I take it by the fact that the "Government Login" doesn't mask passwords, that of course it's supposed to be easily-guessable, and most likely a run-on name of some sort...

    And no, before you ask, "George" and "Bush" don't work. :p
  • Surprising. (Score:3, Funny)

    by Cutriss ( 262920 ) on Saturday October 23, 2004 @12:22PM (#10609059) Homepage
    When I saw that the domains were just copycat, I was surprised they didn't register "" and "". I mean, who says you have to promote *one* product on a website? Surely they might be able to generate an extra sale or two from a Pokemon fanatic... :P
  • I hate bees. (Score:4, Interesting)

    by KramarDanIkabu ( 818804 ) <> on Saturday October 23, 2004 @12:27PM (#10609083) Homepage Journal
    This is why Nintendo continues to be the greatest. And for anyone who didn't notice, the logo for Channel 51 is a Metroid. That's probably the most obvious, not to mention that many of the pictures and vids from it are just blurred MP2 Screenshots. Peace.
  • SCAM (Score:3, Funny)

    by venomkid ( 624425 ) on Saturday October 23, 2004 @01:32PM (#10609479)
    "Self-contained Armored Machine"

    Ha ha ha!
  • Well, they're not exactly fake domains are they? I mean, they're registered and all.

  • Heh heh... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by SamSim ( 630795 ) on Saturday October 23, 2004 @05:46PM (#10610652) Homepage Journal
    for the sake of sanity, and so you can at least put a name to the pretty mug around the piercing, consider this scientist's name to be Samantha Manus
    "". Subtle.
  • Full list: (Score:5, Informative)

    by Recoil_42 ( 665710 ) on Saturday October 23, 2004 @06:15PM (#10610784) Homepage Journal m/
    http ://
    http://www.ilovehees.c om/
    htt p://
    http://www.ilovebreeze.c om
    http :// m
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I noticed when reading the info on the channel 51 site that the person running the site was born in Sumas, WA , which is believed to just be 'samus' backwards, but do a search on google and it comes up web sites for a real Sumas, WA! either that, or they went waaaaaaay into it. On another note, she mentions someone named xy455 contacted her via AOL Instant Messenger about some info. Well, I put that name in my buddy list before I went to work, and nothing happened. I just came home, and the name was active,
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Just noticed this:

      [N]o [A]dventurer [R]eveals [P]asswords And [S]ecrets; [S]ome [W]onder [O]f [R]ighteous [D]esires.

      • Funny.. check out this cheat code for the original Metroid: Super password: Enter NARPAS SWORD0 0000_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as a password. Note: "_" indicates a space, and except for the letter "O" in "SWORD", the remaining characters are the number zero. You will start at the beginning of the game with unlimited life, unlimited missiles, and all upgrades. The word in this is "NAR PASSWORD". "NAR" is an abbreviation for the name of the person who designed the password system, Tohru Narihiro.
  • What is so popular about I had never heard of it before now, and when I went there I didn't see anything of particular interest there. Just some crazy pictures and no content. Can someone clue me in onto why why this is such a popular website?
    • from what i understand, it's a alternate reality game []. As a reward for solving various puzzles and/or completing certain tasks, players are given audio stories [] that flesh out the Halo universe a little more. It's actually been pretty good, the voice acting is great, and the climax of the story is going to lead right into the Halo 2 launch.
  • A Pilot episode will be airing tonight on The Movie Network. [] is the site which people at home experience the Alternate Reality and playing along on Television. This concept has been tried before by the TV show Push, NV. And with the excitement ILOVEBEES has created it may finally be time for this concept to fully take hold.

    Players are using http://http// topic.php?t=754 [http] as a means to share discoveries. They also have an a place IN-GAME/IN-

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