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FFVII: Crisis Core Announced 29

Daemon writes "Square Enix officially announced the fourth installment of Final Fantasy VII based media. The film Advent Children, the games Before Crisis, Dirge of Cerberus and now Crisis Core. This new RPG will for the Sony PSP and has been scheduled for release in 2006."
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FFVII: Crisis Core Announced

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  • No Info? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by astrokid ( 779104 ) on Wednesday October 27, 2004 @01:51PM (#10645160)
    The site is very slim on any kind of information. Are all the games related in anyway? I know they are all an offshoot of Final Fantasy VII, but in what way? Oh well, hopefully a more meaty article will come along.

    Not sure if the naming of all the titles have any hidden meaning or significance either: Advent Children, Before Crisis, Crisis Core, and Dirge of Cerberus
  • Big News (Score:3, Insightful)

    by dancingmad ( 128588 ) on Wednesday October 27, 2004 @01:54PM (#10645191)
    I'm a Nintendo fanboy (though I have a PS2, Dreamcast, and a lot of other machines), but if this is a decent game, it could really be the PSP's killer app, the same way the original Final Fantasy 7 was for the PS1 (I actually bought a PS1 back in the day just to play FF7).

    FF7 is still probably the best loved game in the series in Japan and even if the PSP doesn't do well here, if it sells big in Japan the PSP can continue to hang on long enough for one or two killer (machine selling) titles to come through the pipe.

    Between the rumored price point and launch titles, the PSP looks like it can rival the DS. It's defintley trying to steal some of the thunder from the recent DS announcements. I'm not convinced that the PSP is worth my cash, but it certainly looks better than it did a few weeks ago, after the DS pricing and battery life and tons of screen shots came out.
    • "but if this is a decent game, it could really be the PSP's killer app, the same way the original Final Fantasy 7 was for the PS1"

      Remember we're talking about going up against Game Boy, though. Exclusive Final Fantasy titles didn't do squat to keep the Wonder Swan Color around, and that platform was more or less designed by the same guy who gave us the Game Boy to begin with.

      "FF7 is still probably the best loved game in the series in Japan"

      You misspelled "Dragon Quest."

      Speaking of which, have they m
      • Those "exclusive" WS titles were really just ports.

        You misspelled "Dragon Quest."

        No, read again. I said it was the best loved game of the series. DQ is more popular than Final Fantasy, but out of FF, 7 is the favorite.
  • The 2nd Part (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Neon Spiral Injector ( 21234 ) on Wednesday October 27, 2004 @01:57PM (#10645251)
    It is the second product in this line-up that bugs me. I wonder if we'll ever get to play Before Crisis in the US? And what phones/networks will be supported.

    Before when the FF games were not related one could easily skip a game and not feel like he was missing part of the bigger picture. But now with these related releases it feels like I'm being given a puzzle with a missing piece that I have no way of retrieving.

    Anyway this game will probably be the reason I buy a PSP (I sure hope it can run on AC power).
    • If Square-Enix is smart and Crisis Core sells, they'll either release Before Crisis in America on a mobile phone or a portable device. I have read the limiting factor on bringing out Before Crisis (besides the fact it may not sell) are our mobile phones. So once they are updated to current Japenese standards, it will be one more reason to be able to have it in America.

      As I refuse to buy a mobile phone for a game, I'll never be able to enjoy it. But that's a choice I made :)
  • Can someone post links to bring me up to date? I had heard they were revisting the VII storyline but with THREE games and a movie? Did I get that right?
  • I'm leaning towards thinking that this is probably the updated version of FFVII for which fanboys have been slavoring over the past several years. Before Crisis is known to occur before the events of FFVII, and Advent Children is known to occur after, following the storylines of Cloud, Sephiroth, and the rest, after some sort of event which defined them as people (The advent that they are children of). That implies that the big story in Midgar, the crisis, was the events shown in FFVII.

    Crisis Core implie
  • Action-RPG (Score:3, Interesting)

    by aussie_a ( 778472 ) on Wednesday October 27, 2004 @07:12PM (#10648686) Journal
    This is NOT an RPG, it is an [url= alfantasyvii/news_6111574.html]action RPG[/url]. The difference between this is the difference between Zelda and Final Fantasy. Not necessarily a bad thing, but some people (e.g. me) prefer RPGs because we're no good at action games.
  • I'm not such a big fan of FFVII, so I'm a bit underwhelmed by the news.

    At least before FFX, however, Square never made a direct sequel to any of their Final Fantasy games, which at least caused them to *appear* like they cared more about the game's story then involving themselves in the gleeful retroactive wrecking of their plots for the sake of converting gamers' tears at seeing Aeris get iced into $$$.
  • by Bega ( 684994 )
    FFVII: "Gotta Catch 'Em All!"
  • What about the Cell phone game based on the Turks? Hello?

How many NASA managers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? "That's a known problem... don't worry about it."
