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Resident Evil 4 for PS2 48

slumpy writes "An article Gamespot is running states that Resident Evil 4, the highly anticipated exclusive from Capcom, will no longer be for Gamecube only, breaking the deal they had with Nintendo. Does this show Nintendo's third-party support dwindling even more?"
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Resident Evil 4 for PS2

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  • by Acidic_Diarrhea ( 641390 ) on Monday November 01, 2004 @01:26PM (#10688679) Homepage Journal
    Most third party games that sell well don't stay exclusive forever. Resident Evil 4 is going to be exclusive to the Gamecube for nearly a year. That's a pretty good window for Nintendo to sell Cubes in.
    • I agree that it's a good window of exclusivity, but I don't think that RE:4 would really be a console seller.
      Most people who are into survival horror probably own PS2 (Fatal Frame 1&2, all the RE games, and the Silent Hills), and since this game is coming out for the PS2 anyway I really don't see people buying a NGC just to have a game early.

      I'm not trying to say people won't buy one partly because of this, but I don't see it being a huge boost to their sales.
      • by Grey Ninja ( 739021 ) on Monday November 01, 2004 @01:42PM (#10688974) Homepage Journal
        Actually, I've always thought that the GameCube was doing pretty good with survival horror. We have ALL of the Resident Evil games (including Zero, which the PS2 does not have), as well as Eternal Darkness. Silent Hill is notably missing, but I think that Eternal Darkness makes up for it. (btw, Resident Evil: Remake sold better on GameCube than Silent Hill 2 on PS2)

        I thought that Resident Evil 4 would really be the clincher.
        • Remember, Capcom got onto this whole Evil / 'Cube kick because it was rehashing games that were mostly available on the PS1, and finding them selling surprisingly well. I don't think anyone expected a port of a PS1 game to generate as much hype or sales as RE:1 did, and with the costs they sunk into it I bet it was one of their most profitable titles for the year. Thanks to that, the 'Cube got more and more entrenched with Resident Evil. Someone probably just came to their senses WRT RE:4, and realized t
          • by Grey Ninja ( 739021 ) on Monday November 01, 2004 @10:21PM (#10696211) Homepage Journal
            But you see, the problem is that the creator of Resident Evil, Shinji Mikami, absolutely HATES the PS2, and has publicly stated that he was trying to keep Resident Evil off of it. I think he's going to be quitting pretty quick now because of this.

            Also, Nintendo has been very good to Capcom. They have even allowed Capcom to develop THREE Zelda games. Capcom has responded to all of this by stabbing Nintendo right in the back.
    • by lion2 ( 779555 ) on Monday November 01, 2004 @01:50PM (#10689135) Homepage
      It's a pretty good window, but announcing this totally kills it. Capcom should've waited till a couple of months after the game was released on the Gamecube to announce this. Now PS2 owners know they are getting it and will just wait for it to be released for them.
  • by Xaroth ( 67516 ) on Monday November 01, 2004 @01:26PM (#10688681) Homepage
    Nintendo is dying!

    Er, wait. I'm guessing that Capcom just decided to branch out a bit, and that the money they'd make on the PS2 after porting would be greater than that they'd make with an exclusive GameCube deal.
  • by Grey Ninja ( 739021 ) on Monday November 01, 2004 @01:39PM (#10688916) Homepage Journal
    The only thing I can tell you now is Resident Evil 4 will definitely release only on GameCube, not on another console, if it happens, I will cut my head off. []

    After years of promising Nintendo and its fans that Resident Evil 4 would ONLY be for GameCube, Capcom shows its true colors.

    I am mostly angry because ports always go TO the PS2, and not vice versa. Viewtiful Joe did well on GameCube, and it was a great game. So it got ported to PS2 (and sold horribly). Resident Evil 4 is about the most hyped game on GameCube right now, so Capcom decides that they will avoid the whole "not selling well on PS2", and announce the port before the GameCube version even comes out.

    Meanwhile... Onimusha and Devil May Cry are doing well on PS2, but nobody thinks to bring them to GameCube.

    It's just irritating to a great degree.
    • Its about money (Score:3, Insightful)

      by LordZardoz ( 155141 )
      PS2 is king as far as raw numbers go. A game that only does moderately well on the PS2, (say, 10% of PS2 owners buy game X) would need a much greater penetration on Gamecube or X-Box to match the sales.

      When the PS2 has about 50 million units sold, and the gamecube / X-Box have about 5 million each, then hitting 10% on the PS2 is going to match hitting 90% on the other platforms.

      And the only publisher that can expect to get 90% penetration on the Gamecube is Nintendo, and that is with one of their flagshi
      • Now I don't have sales figures handy, but I am right positive that Xbox and GameCube have each sold more than 10 million units. And Sony I thought had sold something like 40 million units. (But I have often wondered just how much of that is replacement units? I know a guy who works at EBGames who says he's been through 4 PS2s so far, and I'm sure that you know at least one person who's been through 2 PS2s themselves. Hell, there was a lawsuit with Sony a while back over their shoddy hardware).

        But I t
        • The problem for third parties developing for the GCN alone is the huge risk factor: Your game can sell a gazillion copies, like Soul Calibur did, but there is a good chance that it'll completely flop. The GCN market is really, really picky, and with great games in its most popular genres, few 3rd parties will risk making an exclusive, big budget game. Only Nintendo, knowing exactly which games have this mass appeal to the GCN market, dares to make something as big as Metroid or Zelda for the console.

          I for

        • One can argue that the GC version of Soul Calibur sold best beacause it had Link as the special character.

          I know someone who has both a PS2 and GC. One of the 3 games he owns for the Cube is Soul Calibur 2 because it has Link as the extra character.

          As a note the extra character in the PS2 version is Heiachi from the Tekken series. The Xbox's character is Spawn from the comics.

          • Well no doubt, but one can also argue that it sold well because it wasn't a half assed port, and took full advantage of the GameCube's hardware. It looked slightly better than the PS2 version, and didn't feature the god-awful load times found in most multiplatform games.

            Just on an almost completely unrelated note, Soul Calibur is one of my ~40 GameCube games [] because it's just a bloody good game.
    • Capcom always did have a habbit of going back on what they say though.

      Remember when they promised Sega gamers that XMen Vs. Street Fighter would only be coming out for the Saturn (thanks largely to the 4Meg Expansion the Saturn had)? Before changing their minds and releasing it on the PlayStation anyway.

      Luckily this worked in the Saturn owners favour, as the PlayStation version was severely cut down (you couldn't even change characters in mid-fight), and only served to show off the Saturn's superior 2D c
  • Do big wig execs think they can continue to get away with this for long? The PS2 is an ancient piece of hardware by computer hardware standards with the Gamecube laughing at it and the Xbox not even acknowledging it in terms of hardware power. In the next generation of consoles, theres no way third-party developers can get away with this if the PS3 doesn't kill Nintendo or Microsoft hardware-wise.
  • The advantage of buying it on a gamecube vs. a PS2 is that the load times will be significantly less on the gamecube. Compare any game on both PS2 and gamecube and the gamecube will win out, except when your comparing controllers of course.
    • What about the graphics? I've all 3 consoles sitting under my TV, and the PS2 games look noticeably worse than their XBOX and GCN counterparts. The lack of any anti-aliasing in most games makes every single edge diagonal edge look bad. Loading times are a factor, but it's a way smaller factor in multi platform games than comparing most PS2 loading times with games tailored specifically to the GCN, like Metroid Prime. Also, remember that bad programming can make any game's loading times too long, regardless

  • Eh? (Score:3, Funny)

    by itwerx ( 165526 ) on Monday November 01, 2004 @02:18PM (#10689616) Homepage
    There's a Bush game out now?!?

    Oh, wait, never mind, I thought the headline said President Evil...

  • Which system will it sell better on?
  • As a nintendo fanboy, this announcement neither surprises me nor makes me mad. I wish I had source, but I read something last year(probably at when viewtiful joe for PS2 was announced that the "fab five" exclusivity deal was no more. I don't think there are any broken promises. It's Just business. While not a fan of the series, I am glad Capcom is offering RE4 as a "Game Cube First title." it will drive system sales at least a bit, and while I am a true Nintendo fan, I am also a realist, and reali
  • I'm not trying to be a Nintendo fanboy here, but the simple fact of the matter is that the PS2 doesn't push as many polygons as the XBox or Cube. Capcom's done this port from Cube to PS2 thing before with Viewtiful Joe, and they had to noticably cut down on special effects in the port (mostly just cutting out alpha-blending on some objects). VJ didn't push the Gamecube to its limits, graphically speaking, but RE4 almost certainly will, and if it does ever come out on the PS2, I'd expect it to be rather la
  • I'll happily see Resident Evil 4 go to the PlayStation IF we see Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas come to the GameCube. Sounds fair, doesn't it?
  • I know it's a bit late, but you need to remember this:
    OMG N1NT3ND0 SI T3H D00M3D!11 []

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