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A Brief History of Contra 27

downwithlove writes "Seems most of the sites out there are not digging Neo Contra. I actually think it's better than Shattered Soldier, that one being ridiculously hard. I caught this History of Contra feature on UGO that briefly outlines the progression of the series from Arcade to Next-Gen system. Good for those looking to remember their first NES romp, before the three-dimensional polygonse."
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A Brief History of Contra

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  • by jeaton ( 44965 )
    up up down down left right left right b a select start first post?
  • Quite interesting (Score:4, Informative)

    by AtariAmarok ( 451306 ) on Saturday November 13, 2004 @06:45PM (#10809510)
    In the linked (non Slashdotted!!! Yah) site: "but the Contra name was born out of two Japanese kanji symbols on the side of the cabinet that were pronounced "kon" and "tra". "

    I always thought that it had something to do with the Contra rebels in Central America, who were in the news at the time. Now... I know better.

    • Re:Quite interesting (Score:5, Informative)

      by antifoidulus ( 807088 ) on Saturday November 13, 2004 @07:04PM (#10809601) Homepage Journal
      Slight uber-geek nitpick, there is no "tra" sound in Japanase, it was probably tora, but in English, it sounds kind of dumb to have that extra o in there, so they took it out and made a perfectly good alien drug cartel name from it.
      I hear Reagan was an afficionaddo...
    • Re:Quite interesting (Score:4, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 13, 2004 @08:42PM (#10810085)
      The article doesn't get the game's multiple names quite right. The arcade version of Contra was called Contra in both Japan and North America. "Gryzor" was what it was called everywhere else (Europe, Asia, and Latin America).

      The name change is not surprising--in many countries in the 1980s a game titled "Contra" about machine-gunning people in a jungle setting would have gone off about as well as a game titled "al-Qaeda" about hijacking airplanes would in the present-day United States.

      In a similar case of renaming to suit varying political sensibilities, the SNK arcade game titled "Guevara" in Japan was renamed "Guerilla War" for the North American market. It seems Japanese arcadegoers weren't too picky about the politics in their games--Contra and Guevara were both just peachy :)

      The "Contra" title was indeed inspired by the Nicaraguan rebels, but the game itself was inspired (so the story goes) by someone at Konami watching Commando, Rambo and Aliens and thinking "wouldn't it be cool if..." the three films were all combined--Arnie and Sly versus the Aliens!! Notice that in the arcade Contra and Super Contra games the 1P and 2P characters bear very close resemblances to Schwarzenegger and Stallone respectively.

      Incidentally, the console versions of Contra outside Japan and North America were retitled "Probotector" and the graphics were altered to change the heroes and all humanoid-looking enemies into robots. I believe this was done to comply with a law against depicting humans being killed in videogames in some European country (Germany?)

      By the way, Contra is written 魂斗羅 in kanji. Three characters, not two.
  • by clambake ( 37702 )
    Up, up, down, down, left, right, B, A, select, start.
    • by Dmala ( 752610 )
      True story... I somehow got the code a little confused when I was a kid. I thought it was supposed to give you extra *continues*, and I mixed up the last part with the Ikari Warriors A-B-B-A code. By the time I realized my mistake, I had gotten so good from trying to finish the game with my incorrect code, I could beat it consistently without using the cheat, usually without even using a continue.
  • They forgot this lesser-known version. [ministry-of-fun.com]
  • Haha, thanks for the trip down memory lane, guys. Now, how about my all time favourite arcade game - Alien Vs Predator?
  • my NES Contra Strategy Guide [upenn.edu] at this time. Yes, the site's kinda ugly, but I think it's informative.

There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking about. -- John von Neumann
