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PlayStation (Games)

Playstation Holiday Demo May Erase Memory Cards 55

Audigy writes "The 2004 Playstation Underground demo disc (that includes a playable demo of Viewtiful Joe 2) apparently may contain a fatal bug that destroys all data on the memory card inserted into the system when the first save point is passed."
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Playstation Holiday Demo May Erase Memory Cards

Comments Filter:
  • woops.

    I don't know HOW you code something to do that, but someone dropped the ball.
  • Awaiting the conspiracy theories... oh right, that would only be if that happened on the x-box or gamecube right?
    • Of course, if you has RTFA, you would have seen plenty of conspiracy theories:
      I wouldn't be surprised if Mikami actually was behind this
      It's Capcom's subtle way of saying "Should have supported us on GCN sucka"
      ... etc
  • ...I wonder how many other forthcoming demo discs will have playable copies of Viewtiful Joe 2 on them that do the same thing.

    Egad that would piss me off... 80 hours on FFX and 35+ so far on Star Ocean 3, plus months on other various games... yeah, I don't like to think about memory cards being erased; it gives me the willies.

    Thanks, Slashdot, for posting this story and helping make others aware. :)
  • a "fatal bug"..... riiiiiiiiight...
  • New Feature (Score:4, Funny)

    by BigumD ( 219816 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @12:33PM (#10865645) Homepage
    Wonder if that'll make it into the final game. I guess it's a good thing the PS2 VJ2 got delayed, huh?

    I can see the back of the box now.... "New Viewtiful Format Power! Keeps you playing over and over again!"

    People who have the HDD can back up memory cards to that... sounds like a good reason to do so.
  • Pffft (Score:4, Interesting)

    by PhotoBoy ( 684898 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @12:58PM (#10865968)
    Vice City has had this feature for years now, stick more than two cars in a garage and bye-bye save game.

    Of course this new, improved Demo Disc feature does do your whole memory card... I guess I'm out of touch with the modern gamer, in my day we wanted to keep our save games....
  • This is obviously a fiendish plot from none other than Shinji Mikami, Capcom's resident Nintendo loyalist.
    • As a reaction to the suits dishonouring him by announcing RE 4 for the PS2? After all, he swore he'd behead himself if RE4 was ported to another platform than the Cube.
  • by DarkGamer20X6 ( 695175 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @03:05PM (#10867778)
    "Hey,'s been a while. Don't worry about sleeping with my girlfriend; that's all in the past. Anyway, check out this awesome demo disc. Viewtiful Joe 2 is so awesome. Merry Christmas!"
  • by jeremy_dot ( 734236 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @03:23PM (#10868071)
    This is an e-mail I just got from PlayStation Underground. (The removed stuff generally has e-mail and other things that I'd rather you didn't click on like "unsubscribe").

    Dear PlayStation(R) Underground Member,

    You are scheduled to receive the Holiday 2004 Demo Disc
    including the playable Viewtiful Joe 2 - please take note.
    It has just been brought to our attention that there is a
    glitch in this demo which will erase all of your saved files
    from your Memory Card(s). If you have not yet played the
    Viewtiful Joe 2 demo, please remove your Memory Card(s)
    from your PlayStation(R) 2 computer entertainment system
    before you load the Holiday 2004 Demo Disc.

    Sony Computer Entertainment America would like to express
    our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this may have
    caused you.[removed]

    "PlayStation" and the "PS" Family logo are
    registered trademarks
    of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The Sony Computer
    Entertainment logo is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.

    Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.
    919 East Hillsdale Boulevard, Foster City CA 94404

    [unsubscribe information]
  • I guess <URL: 03-07-07&res=l>that letter</URL> really pissed them off so they decided no one deserved save points.<P>Seriously, I'm on the last mission of San Andreas, I probably would gone on a killing spree if my game had been deleated.
  • by CashCarSTAR ( 548853 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @08:00PM (#10871285)
    ... ...


  • Anyone reminded of Banjo-Kazooie's cheat protection? If you entered in two of the major cheats (there were lots, but only some were considered cheats by the game) then Gruntilda would say something to the effect of "do that again and I'll erase your games." The player of course, not taking her seriously would enter another code, and lo and behold! Grunty would say "I warned ya!" and erase your games. Also, Animal Crossing would pretend to do that if you reset during the game enough. Resetti would say he's

To be awake is to be alive. -- Henry David Thoreau, in "Walden"
