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Games Entertainment

Yet Another Guild Wars Beta Event 17

If you didn't get enough Guild Wars last month TunaSub2 wrote in to mention that "Guild Wars is getting ready to beta test again on December 4th." You can download the client here, and if you're interested in some softball questions to the design staff Filefront has you covered.
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Yet Another Guild Wars Beta Event

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  • Not an open beta (Score:4, Informative)

    by Wylfing ( 144940 ) <brian AT wylfing DOT net> on Tuesday November 30, 2004 @04:02PM (#10956528) Homepage Journal
    This is part of the normal preview "comp" for preorder customers. Merely downloading the client won't get you into the game.

    • Re:Not an open beta (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Reo Strong ( 661900 )
      indeed, which is why I preorderd and can't wait until this weekend... I missed the first preview weekend... ISP was working on something and I didn't have a connection, but I was there for both of the previouse open ones. I hope that this model of pay per update catches on... but I'm skeptical...
      • Actually if you look at Everquest, DAoC, Final Fantasy XI, City of Heroes, Star Wars Galaxies, Anarchy Online, Shadowbane, etc. Pay-per-update HAS caught on... but not as a we-plan-to-improve-this-game-often system, OR a replacement-for-monthy system.

        In other words, if this takes off (which it will if the game is any good) it will be severly undercutting the costs of every other MMORPG currently out there. I have hopes.
    • That's why they call it a beta, rather than an _open_ beta. And its not just a nod to their preorder clients, it's also an attempt to get more people interested in the game, and hence preordering. There are other ways to get in, most notably the friend invite that comes with the preorder. It'll create little cluters and chains of people who preorder, and then give a weekend to a friend, who preorders and... so on.
  • You still have a chance to play the beta even if you haven't preordered... but only if you live outside North America. From the Guild Wars FAQ:

    We hope that those are interested will be able to obtain a preorder package. The following publications will offer a one-weekend invitation for the Beta Weekend Events:
    * United Kingdom: PC Gamer - 25th October issue
    * United Kingdom: PC Format - January issue
    * France: PC Jeux - 24th/25th October issue
    * France: TJPC (Total Jeux PC) - issue due e

    • Do also remember that every preorder, as well as coming with a beta key for every weekend for the buyer, also comes with one weekend key for a friend. So for every buyer (who will mostly be in the US), there will be one friend (again mostly in the US)
  • by triso ( 67491 )
    No linux client.

  • Also... (Score:4, Funny)

    by Swanktastic ( 109747 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2004 @07:24PM (#10958694)
    "Guild Wars is getting ready to beta test again on December 4th."

    What a coincidence. World of Warcraft is also getting ready to beta test on December 4th too.
  • by Squozen ( 301710 ) on Tuesday November 30, 2004 @10:22PM (#10959936) Homepage
    I played during the last beta, but EQ2 and WoW have come out since then. I'm enjoying WoW too much to waste time on any other betas at the moment. :)
  • Does anyone know if those of us who played in the last beta test will be allowed to automatically be able to play in this weekend's test? I haven't preordered or anything, just got a key to play last time through gamespot or some other gaming site. Now I'm getting paranoid that I may not just be able to log on this weekend. Anyone know if everyone from last month will be able to play this weekend again?
    • No. You will not be allowed to play unless you get a beta key by: a) Preordering b) Getting a friend key from a preorderer c) Getting a key from a magazine, website, etc. The list of these is not very large, and is apparently not complete yet If you _do_ get hold of a key, tho, your character will still be there for the first 2 weekend perorder betas.
      • Ok, so the key I got from gamespot to use the last beta weekend won't allow me back in this weekend. I'll have to get a new key is what your saying? That sucks. Guess I'll have to just go and preorder finally.
  • Monthly (Score:2, Informative)

    by Jedyte ( 640981 )
    > Guild Wars is getting ready to beta test again on December 4th."

    Uhm, isn't that because it's a monthly beta weekend?

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