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Games Entertainment

Metal Gear Movie? 35

blue.26 writes "Finally, a Metal Gear Movie?" From the article: "Speaking to Hollywood bible Variety, Kojima said, "Things one can express in a game are different of those in a movie. It would have to be a very different script, almost a different story."
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Metal Gear Movie?

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  • It would have to be a very different script, almost a different story

    Like, maybe, so much of a different story, it ends up as just a bad script with the names and characters from MGS added for extra recognition / box office potential?

  • It would have to be a very different script, almost a different story.

    He's destryoing my dreams to become a big movie producer.
    I just wanted to release my blockbuster movie of Metroid Prime (2 years in the making!) to the public.
    Highlights include my 28 attempts to kill that plant-like boss monster and hours of clueless running around searching for these things you have to collect. Notworthy are also thousands of rather unaesthetic falls when I jumped too short and had to climb up a long way - again..
    • Get ready for all the nintendo fanboys/moderators. Nintendo games are fun, but they're not like God smiling down from the heavens telling you you are his most perfect creation. Case in point: Metroid Prime.
  • Required (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Here's... The... Script...

    .... .... ....
  • Awesome! (Score:2, Funny)

    by Zenikase ( 622230 )
    I bet the audiences would love the 30-minute codec conversations.
    • Don't forget such classic lines [seanbaby.com] as "Uh-oh, the truck have started to move!", "I feel asleep!" and "First, attempt to contact missing our 'Grey Fox'. Then try to find the Metal Gear."

      Check the Way! Over.
  • aint it cool news [aintitcoolnews.com] had this [aintitcoolnews.com] a few days ago too...

    as they mention: My advice, Punch, is not to believe bearded men on your television. For now, let's just call this one an interesting rumor.
  • type debacle. Maybe if they actually relate it to the game it might actually do better, or a whole lot worse. I think the biggest mistake that the Final Fantasy crew made was naming the movie after Final Fantasy. The casual moviegoer who may have been interested in the title was probably turned off by the fact that it was called Final Fantasy, and they figured that if theyh didn't play the game then they would not be able to follow the story. And hardcore fans were a bit upset because other than a chara
    • And hardcore fans were a bit upset because other than a character named Sid, the movie had absolutely nothing to do with any of the games.

      Huh? It had the same plot as every other final fantasy. There is a threat to the world, there are bad guys helping the threat to the world, a small band of people fight to save the world from the threat. It's like saying Final Fantasy X was a disappointment because it had a different story than all previous Final Fantasies.

      I really don't think the title made much o
  • by tweder ( 22759 ) <stwede@@@gmail...com> on Thursday December 02, 2004 @12:20PM (#10975711) Homepage

    This series has, above any other, the potential to overcome the game into movie curse - so long as they can avoid becoming mired in cheap "Hey I was your favorite video game, remember THIS sequence?" scenes, and just stick to creating an original tactical espionage action story.

    Also, no unwinding the entire plot in codec scenes -- MGS2, I'm looking at you here!
    • just stick to creating an original tactical espionage action story.

      Uh, doesn't the MGS series span 3 (with a 4th coming) games over a period of nearly 40 years with a cast of over 3 different 'main' characters? (Naked Snake/Big Boss, Solid Snake, Raiden and maybe Ocelot depending on what happens in the 4th game.) The only reason the MGS series has an 'original' story is because it spans over such a long period of time. Compared to the James Bond movies, which take place in a span of a few weeks, Hideo Koji

      • Who made the rule that a movie's story must take place in the span of a few weeks?

        For example, the Shadow Moses incident that comprises MGS would be a fine example of a movie just on it's own. All the allusion to the connections between Solid and Liquid could either be addressed at the time or in a sequel involving Big Boss.
  • maybe they can get Stallone for it?
  • by SansTinfoilHat ( 759207 ) on Thursday December 02, 2004 @12:28PM (#10975803)
    I think they should make a game out of the Metal Gear Solid 2 movie first.
  • I am sure this will be another great addition to the long tradition of legendary game-movie conversion. Recall such greats a Boob Raider, Mario Brothers, and the best of all Wing Commander!!! Seriously, Wing commander 3 and 4 were better movies with far better acting than that pathetic Hollywood attempt.

    As much as it may suck I would rather see great games make crappy movies than see great movies (Star Wars) turn into nothing more than game launching platforms (Pod Racing).

    Plus there is alway
  • As long as... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Scipius ( 31261 ) on Thursday December 02, 2004 @01:26PM (#10976356)
    ...David Hayter writes the screenplay, this could be interesting. This would be one case where the writer has an intimate knowledge of the source material.
    • Hear motherfucking hear. The man's a good voice actor and an excellent writer-- I was really surprised to learn he wrote X-Men and X-Men 2. As long as he's involved, count my $6 spent on this one.
  • Am I the only one who heard the "Breeeep" sound and saw a giant exclamation point over the moniter when I read the headline? These video game movies don't have a very good track record, and I'm afraid of how they're going to change Solid Snake to fit the hollywood cookie cutter hero mold.
  • Actually, the concept of Metal Gear (a mech-thingy that is capable of launching a nuclear strike from anywhere in the world) is something that would probably translate well into a movie, unlike some other tries. Hopefully, if it is made, it will not be incredibly stupid.
  • I bought Metal Gear Solid for the GameCube. The cinema scenes were painful! "Call me Otacon. It's short for Otaku Convention!" Are you kidding me? Two hours worth of that?

    I only got as far as beating Psycho Mantis. The game play just didn't grab me, but I might have stuck it out for longer, but I just couldn't stand the cinema scenes and corny dialog! I sold it back to the game store soon after.

    For the life of me, I just don't understand the appeal of this franchise. (Though I own and really enjoy
  • Kojima is on the absolute bleeding edge of his craft, and I can say with utmost sincerity that I have no greater respect for any other developer except Shigeru Miyamoto. He's very right about MGS not carrying over properly into a movie. The MGS games are written from the position of being video games--the stories they tell fall apart without the interaction of the player.

    Take MGS2, for example. Raiden is a specops newbie, trained entirely in virtual simulations, working through a mission designed as a p
  • Kojima already had a movie, it was called Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.

    He should just go release the 46 hours of cutscenes and useless dialog from the save game screen and put it on a 14 DVD set.

    No real extra production cost. ITS BRILLIANT!
  • Guard 1 "We have an intruder on the premise, make sure you stay alert and dont let anyone by"

    Guard 2 " YES SIR!"

    a few minutes pass

    Guard 2 "I FELL ASLEEP!"

    brilliant, now that is oscar winning stuff.

"Say yur prayers, yuh flea-pickin' varmint!" -- Yosemite Sam
