UK Retailers Dumping Gamecube? 134
GameCube Europe is carrying a story stating that major United Kingdom retailers are dropping the Gamecube from their stock. From the article: Argos [has] reduced the GameCube from the RRP of £79.99 to only £39.99 and have also reduced the cost of games and accessories by a drastic amount.
Even so, (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Even so, (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Even so, (Score:2)
And FF crystal chronicles was not a final fantasy game in the slightest. You show your ignorance here. FF crystal chronicles was not final fantasy, period. It a badly designed 3D hack a
Re:Even so, (Score:2)
Then again at the same time I also picked up the graphically enhanced por
Re:Even so, (Score:2)
Re:Even so, (Score:2)
Re:Even so, (Score:2)
A cash-in, yes, but not just to get money out of GameCube owners. The previous Nintendo president dictated to Square that if they wanted to develop for the GBA (which they really, really did) they would have to also develop for the GC, and include GC to GBA connectivity. I believe that Nintendo even fronted some of the development money for Crystal Chronicles via a jointly owned (Square and Ninte
Re:Even so, (Score:5, Insightful)
A while ago Argos reduced the price of the GameCube console because they wished to get rid of their stock. After an incredible increase in sales they decided to carry on stocking it, but seem as if they wish to get rid of it now.
Let's all ponder that for a minute. "A while ago" Argos "wished" to get rid of their stock, and now they "wish" to get rid of it again. The trouble is, people just keep buying the stupid things! Poor Argos, their wish just never comes true! Those pesky customers just will not stop giving them their money.
Seriously, though, two points:
1. This is not new. The article itself says Argos first did this "a while ago", meaning (since this author can't seem to remember exactly) in 2003.
2. The rest of this article is nothing but speculation. "it is worrying that retailers are seemingly giving up on the GameCube" is an opinion based on an assumption based on nothing. The article itself says that prices were reduced previously and yet GameCubes are still on sale - why not assume this is simply a sales-generating tactic that's now been used repeatedly? Do stores never have loss-leader sales in the UK? (Rhetorical question - they obviously do, because Argos did it before with the GameCube.)
Nintendo's in a lot better shape than people seem to think they are. Just read their financial reports and look at the worldwide sales data (it's out there, though Europe's the toughest to come by - NPD and MediaCreate reports are pretty easily obtainable from various sources, though). They're profitable and they've got the #2 home console and #1, #2 and #3 handhelds in terms of current worldwide sales.
Re:I still find it amusing... (Score:2, Insightful)
MS didn't buy anything, their console is succesful with excellent first-party games and third-party support, something the Gamecube lacks.
Re:I still find it amusing... (Score:1)
Just because MS is not making money on the consoles themselves, does not mean that the game division isn't making money.
They make money from games and licencing fees. I believe that this is the case for Sony as well with their PS2.
The money is in the games and licensing.
Re:I still find it amusing... (Score:1, Interesting)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:I still find it amusing... (Score:1)
Stupidity Makes You Blind (Score:1)
Re:I still find it amusing... (Score:2)
I'm really curious to know if MS has made the 2+ billion they spent on it back or not. Even if they don't, I imagine they'll make it up in the next gen. It's an interesting gamble. I'm curious to see how things end up in a few years.
Re:I still find it amusing... (Score:2)
False. Go to the SEC website and check Microsoft's quarterly and anual financial reports. The Xbox division is part of the Home and Entertainment Division... and since the Xbox was launched in november of 2001, the Home and Entertainment division has lost over $2 billion.
Since the Home and Entertainment Division is not making more money than they are spending, and the Xbox and its g
Re:I still find it amusing... (Score:1)
Re:I still find it amusing... (Score:5, Interesting)
I own an Xbox. And I still recognize that Microsoft bought their way into the market. They took huge losses selling their product below cost and on an extremely aggressive advertising campaign. They bought Bungie which made Halo and Halo 2, their best sellers. And Nintendo is still king of first-party games, being the second largest publisher of games in 2003.
Re:I still find it amusing... (Score:2)
Microsoft has officially confirmed details of its acquisition of Rare Ltd this evening at X02 in Seville. The deal, worth $375 million, will see five Xbox exclusives titles including a sequel to Perfect Dark appearing in the next 12-24 months. [gamesindustry.biz]
Oh you obviously meant they didn't spend more than 2% of their cash reserve.
Re:I still find it amusing... (Score:2)
The article say there will be a new perfect dark game 12 to 24 months from the announcement. It was published in 2002.
Where is it? I guess I should try to finish the first one, before the second one comes out. (I hate area 51)Re:I still find it amusing... (Score:2)
Re:I still find it amusing... (Score:2)
second of all.. they more than 'bought' the number 1 title for it that kept it going.
anything "first party" for ms just means "ms bought the creators a while before the game release to gain exclusivity".
or did they port ms flight sim to xbox - the one thing that could be considered first party
Re:I still find it amusing... (Score:2)
All these retailers making noise about dropping it can't be good. The cube is definatley the console that's disappearing slowly from the UK market. IMO.
Now's the time. (Score:5, Interesting)
There are a good deal of games worth getting for the system that you can find for cheap noawadays. Matroid, the Mario/Luigi games, Zelda Wind Waker, Star Wars, Smash Brothers Melee, amongst others. As an earlier poster stated, they might raise the prices again, so get 'em while they're cheap.
Re:Now's the time. (Score:4, Informative)
No, you're right. Despite the weak dollar, at the current interbank exchange rate £39.99 is worth $76.76 - most US retailers are still at the $99 point, IIRC. Of course, back before the dollar started its slide, it would have been around $60. ;)
Re:Now's the time. (Score:2)
Re:Now's the time. (Score:2)
Indeed - they've hit a price point now where not only is it not even economically viable on a pure fiscal basis to buy second hand, but that new shelf units are cheaper than they're selling for in many pawn shops.
However - the "mass" market here in .au seems to be drying up as well, I wandered into a Harvey Norman the other day while I was killing time at a mall, and found they'd silently dropped 'Cube from the lineup.
I sold my XBox and used the proceeds to buy a cube and a handful of accessories and game
A pity (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:A pity (Score:1)
Re:A pity (Score:2, Insightful)
But that should be pretty obvious to anyone who knows the profit margins on console hardware in comparison to console software.
On a note in regards to the grandparent - Nintendo fans can always go to Nintendo's website and order the products they want if their local reta
Re:A pity (Score:1)
Nintendo's problem was discussed in an earlier article [slashdot.org]. Personally, I think Nintendo's being naive.
Re:A pity (Score:1, Redundant)
It's also worth noting that we're talking about 1 region here, not the entire world. As I recall, XBOX wasn't doing so well in Japan.
Re:A pity (Score:2, Interesting)
In Japan the sales figues were (official Media Create figures):
But that doesn't include include DS and Gameboy figures which add up to almost 4 million units in Japan alone. Nintendo doesnt spend as much as Sony and Mircosoft so they dont need to make as much. I'm sure they still turn a healthy profit.
They also have 7/10 of the best selling games of the year.
Re:A pity (Score:1)
Re:A pity (Score:1, Informative)
Hmm, really? The numbers disagree [gamesarefun.com]
Re:A pity (Score:1)
Isn't it 2005? If you're going to refute the parent, at least get some recent sales numbers.
I'm not saying that you are incorrect in refuting the parent. It seems like MS has been moving quite a few units during the holidays but who knows - it's very difficult to get accurate sales figures in regards to consoles. One thing I can say for sure is that the Gamecube is outselling the XBox in Japan.
TROLL (Score:1, Troll)
Troll exposed (Score:1, Troll)
Isn't it 2005? If you're going to refute the parent, at least get some recent sales numbers
Isn't it 2005? If you're going to refute the parent, at least use some brainpower. I know that it's been 2005 for almost, 0M6, 2 D4Yz0RZ now, and I'm sure your 31337ness gives you access to NPD's live feeds or something, but I'll go with what's been published. The article also points out the stigma that Nintendo face
Re:A pity (Score:1)
Those numbers are for what country?
Nintendo isn't as strong in the UK as it is in the US. The PlayStation series has always been a bigger seller.
Re:A pity (Score:1, Troll)
Oh crap, I posted a link on
The PlayStation series has always been a bigger seller.
The Playstation consoles have been bigger sellers WORLDWIDE, but only during their existence. I would doubt, however, that they sold better during the NES and early SNES days.
it not selling so get rid of it.... (Score:1, Interesting)
nintendo cube sales are not good in the highstreet
frankly all the kids I know have playstation / playstation 2 or xbox
what is going to be intresting is the price of a GameBoy after PSP is released
john jones
PAL neglection (Score:5, Insightful)
What would surprise me though, is if Nintendo just would let this pass without action.
It's still expensive here... (Score:2)
Re:It's still expensive here... (Score:1)
Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:2, Interesting)
For the Xbox, I own about 15 games. Obviously, Halo, Halo 2... plus MechAssault 2, Breakdown, Burnout 3, Soul Calibur, Rainbow 6, Splinter Cell 2... Anything cross-platform, I get on the Xbox.
For the Gamecube? I have 2 games. Smash Bros and Mario Kart. I had Metroid Prime and Echoes - both were great the fir
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:5, Informative)
I'm no Nintendo apologist by any stretch of the imagination (the GC is the first Nontendo console I'll actually have in my house) but they've put out some great games for it. The PS2 and the XBox have some great exclusive titles, and the cross-platform titles are a bit better on those systems, but the GC does have a lot going for it. The GC has a lot in common with the Dreamcast when it's all said and done, and that's unfortunate, because both systems have excellent hardware, excellent software, and are so completely not to American gamer tastes.
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:2)
Pikmin didn't seem like a bad game at all, but it just didn't grab me. I thought F-Zero was a terrible racing game that was way too difficul
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:1)
The GBAs were not the reason it was bad, and it's not even that bad if you played it multiplayer. Legand of Zelda: Four Swords uses GBAs, and it's one of the best games I've ever pla
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:1)
I could go on about blah blah modular leveling blah secret goals blah blah spell fusion, but really, you get my point. Great game. I highly recommend it if you can get all the equipment together.
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:2)
SC II - Namco
Puyo Pop Fever - Sega
Rogue Leader - Lucasarts
Those wouldn't be first-party games.
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:2)
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:1, Redundant)
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:2)
To the GP: I don't have any other consoles, but I have 36 'Cube games. 10 or 12 (Prime and Echoes?) of them are first party, if I counted my bookmarks correctly. Granted I didn't buy all of them myse
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:1, Interesting)
What I see are guys who have PS2s for the exclusives only. Most (mind you, this is a domestic & import game shop with not-so-low prices, so the people that shop there obviously dedicate some conscious time to "being gamers" beyond your typical Wal-Mart game shopper) also have at least one other current console, and almost all also have GBAs. Most often, the two consoles that my two-console sho
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:1)
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:1)
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:2)
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:2)
A) have absolute SHIT for replayability; many of Nintendo's first-party games are definitely worth a rental, but not worth buying. Or...
B) Require that you have multiple friends over to really get the most out of (a design tendancy that obviously favors the younger Hey, come over to my place after school crowd).
I think the problem is that Nintendo isn't aiming at your demographic. They're aiming for
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:1)
I have all three consoles, too. Plus a Dreamcast. And of course, a PC.
I have 5 XBox games, about 15 PS2 games, about 10 Dreamcast games. .
And 32 GameCube games.
There are a handful of awesome games on PS2, a couple of great ones for Xbox, and even a few for Dreamcast. But I've got over a dozen games on GameCube that I consider great.
It seems like the ratio of great games to average games is higher on GameCube. Xbox and PS2 are both about the same, but the PS2 has more great games by si
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:2)
Live has what? 1 or 2 millions of users. It's irrelevant.
Re:Does this really come as a suprise to anyone? (Score:2)
I own all 3 consoles. I have 4 games for the xbox, 5 for the PS2, and over 40 for the gamecube.
Whenever there is a game available for all 3 consoles (like Tony Hawk games) I get the gamecube version because I like the controller better than the xbox controller, and because the PS2 version always looks like shit (and the PS2 controller is the worst of the 3).
3rd party games are almost always available for all 3 consoles, and the king of first-party games is Nintendo.
So honestly
Down from £79.99 to £39.99? (Score:2)
Re:Down from £79.99 to £39.99? (Score:2)
Why did this even get posted? (Score:5, Insightful)
Go to the site's gamecube [argos.co.uk] listing. "Offer ends 21st January 2005. " Last thing you do is trust anything from GameCube Europe. They're just as bad as Nintendo Now.
Re:Why did this even get posted? (Score:2)
Love for the 'cube (Score:4, Insightful)
After looking at all of these factors I really had to choose the Gamecube as being the best of the batch. It has four player support out of box (unlike the PS2) and a number of great multi-player games that are fun for groups (Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart). It also has some really great exclusive titles (both the aforementioned, Zelda, Metroid, Paper Mario, Eternal Darkness). The major titles I'd be missing are often not only ported to the PC where they're often better (e.g. Grand Theft Auto), but many are originally designed for the PC and only co-developed for consoles. What's left is often multi-platform meaning I won't miss out (e.g. Prince of Persia, X-Men Legends, Tony Hawk). It also has a few revamped PS1 games that I'd wanted a chance to play (Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil) but had missed out on. Online play is something I'd often be able to get better on the PC regardless and while it would suck for a few titles, it was something I could deal with.
Thus, in my opinion, at least, while the Gamecube might not be the best system for someone who will be playing consoles exclusively (I do miss Katamari Damacy, Burnout 3, and some others) if you already have a PC it's probably the best console to pick up to scratch those itches that only a console can.
hmm.. (Score:1)
Yep (Score:2)
I don't live in that big a town, so the only shops selling Cube games now is an ASDA supermarket, but there the Xbox (a
Australian Cube (Score:1)
Second-class gamer (Score:2)
Dixons group stores (PC World, Dixons etc), the main high street electrical goods retailers, stopped stocking GC completely a whi
linux box? (Score:2)
Re:linux box? (Score:2)
We have Linux with full networking/sound/3D support. The only thing we have yet to complete is external storage. I will be receiving an SD card HW interface in the mail within a week so I will write a kerne
Sega Saturn (Score:2, Interesting)
Virgin Mehastores sold it stock of real cheap just before xmas about £35 for the unit and £2-15 for the games...,
I just missed out on it, but and a friend got a crapload of stuff from it even got the crap fishing game with real pole for £5...,he ripped the sensors out of it.
It allso have a full keyboard and modem for the this Web on TV crap...,
Anybody got *nx runn
my guess is.... (Score:2)
People would rather have their games be cool, rather than well designed.
Look at G4techtv (if techtv even fits in there.) Before the so called 'merger,' tech tv was a bastion of great programming. Post 'merger,' techtv turns into G4techtv, a way for game companies to hype their games. Its sole purpose is to attract advertisers, and turn a profit
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:3, Insightful)
With great games like Super Smash Bros Melee, Metriod Prime, All The Zelda Games and I love the Mario Party games.
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:3, Insightful)
We could sit here and debate what a great library the Gamecube has, but the bottom line is that it's competitors offer a wider selection of games and that's appealing to consumers (and people who play games, I'd think).
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:2)
It's the double edged sword of Nintendo's reputation. They have developed a rep for making excellent games that are great for the whole family. Yes, there are some which are not-so-family friendly, but that's their rep.
Devs seem to think that cube owners are all children, so few mature games.
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:1)
They made a HUGE deal about FFVII "Only available on Playstation", well I think they also said that about crap games, but they hype it as much as anyone else IMO. YMMV.
It's all about attach rate really... (Score:2)
The fact is that Gamecube owners just buy less games than owners of other systems, mature or not. I don't have the game attach rates handy right now, but they are easily the lowest among this generation. Something like half or even less of what PS2 gamers buy. And of course most of those comparatively meager sales go to Nintendo, so there just isn't much room for third parties.
The GBA's attach rate is also pretty low, which is kind
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:2)
And the X-Box has what.. cross-platform games and halo.
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:2)
The PS2s library is incredibly large and varied; it would be easy to find a handful of games I'm sure you'd enjoy. The Ratchet and Clank series is by far the best action/platform game on ANY system, period. Let's say for instance there ARE 320 racing sims (the Gamecube has a severe LACK of racing games, BTW) - the granda
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:3, Funny)
If it's not native, you can probably find an emulator for it.
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:2)
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:2)
Your point?
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:2)
Online play is a non-selling point for me, as you really can't play RPGs online (No, I am not convinced that so-called MMORPGs are aptly named) and twitch-shooters and sports games bore me.
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:2)
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:2)
We had it first and we do it best.
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:2)
The first attempt at anything is often improved upon.
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:2)
X-Box Live really isn't much of a factor for me at this point for that reason. No matter what they do, they're never going to get rid of the idiots that permeate the entire online gaming community anymore. They're on PC, they're on PS2, the
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:1, Informative)
Analog buttons with no give = pointless anyways. For PS2 games that don't need them, I prefer to use my PSone controller with digital buttons, since it is m
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:2)
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:I can't blame them... (Score:2)
Huh? The controller buttons (minus Start and Back, IIRC) are analog on the Xbox. They always have been. And you get better analog triggers and sticks, too.
Some people obviously aren't into online play, and you sound like one of them. A lot of us can put up with the occassional dumbass, and smart developers can d
Re:fanboys are their own worst enemy (Score:2)