UO Players Donate Virtual Gold for Tsunami Victims 58
J. R. Cook writes "A man by the name of Crazy Joe recently set up a site to start taking donations of virtual gold to convert them to real life gold on ebay. All proceeds made from the auctions are being sent to the Red Cross for help with the Tsumani fund in Asia. Crazy Joe has houses set up on every server in Ultima Online to accept the donations. You can take your character to the houses to donate your gold in-game. He's raised hundreds of millions of gold which in turn can be converted to thousands of dollars."
Taxes? (Score:2)
And if the people have credit cards to pay for their game subscription, why don't they just donate their real life money?
Re:Taxes? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Taxes? (Score:2)
What I meant was "If these people have credit cards to pay their subscriptions, why not also use the credit cards to donate money to the Red Cross directly?"
Re:Taxes? (Score:2)
But any money that come in (no matter how) is good money for they peoples over there in tsunami land. I would say, "don't look a gift horse in the mouth." -- err i guess that doesn't quite fit. HOw about, "Don't insist on seeing the pasture that a gift horse was raised in." How is that?
Re:Taxes? (Score:2)
Unless that money goes to the Red Cross [apfn.org], yeah.
Re:Taxes? (Score:3)
a) You assume that they haven't already given through traditional means already.
b) It is quite possible that they don't have any spare money. Some people playing UO do that as their only or almost only form of recreation. I know (or knew) people without cable or cell phones who play UO.
c) It is a fun gimmick that is raising money for a charity that can really use it. Why are you upset about it?
Re:Taxes? (Score:5, Informative)
Perhaps I misunderstood you, and you're referring to the people who are buying the 'gold' who could make the donation directly. If that's what you're suggesting, then you've missed the point: the people who are buying the gold aren't doing it as a disaster relief effort. They're simply BUYING the gold. They're paying real money, and they want gold for their character. It's a simple business deal. The people doing the donation are the people who are giving their in-game gold, for free, no strings attached, so this guy can sell it and get real money to donate. The people buying the gold probably couldn't care less where the money is going, besides out of their pocket.
Re:Taxes? (Score:2)
Re:Taxes? (Score:3)
Re:Taxes? (Score:2)
I've heard about people like you.
Re:Taxes? (Score:1)
Till now we were able to generate additional donation of 3000 dollars. It's not a fortune, but it's something.
Also I know for a fact that many people who donate their virtual possessions are also donating RL money, but not everyone is able to do so, unfortunately.
Plus, apart from everything else, this action is giving us, the players, an incredib
Re:Taxes? (Score:2)
Re:Taxes? (Score:2)
Don't knock it. It's a good thing. Odd, I'll grant you that, but good.
newsflash (Score:5, Funny)
Re:newsflash (Score:2)
Re:newsflash (Score:2)
Come on people, open up your backpacks and give!
UO being the only game that would allow this. (Score:1)
What if you don't have the moneys? (Score:1, Insightful)
wtg there citizen of the earth (Score:2)
and you are sure that the Red Cross does no charity work in the US ?
Re:So what. (Score:3, Insightful)
"Health economy, outsourcing, poverty, education" are nearly trivial at this point for people struggling for survival. I hope no one takes this attitude with you should you, God forbid, ever be in a similar situation.
Re:So what. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:So what. (Score:1)
It also helps keep the petty thugs from acting on the disaster and trying to overthrow any of the countries affected by this.
Re:So what. (Score:3, Insightful)
It's the biggest natural disaster for many years. If it had killed on US soil we'd be hearing about it continuously for *decades*.
Re:So what. (Score:3)
The rest of the world did things for America.
And, if I recall correctly, European countries and Israel offered their services in going through the building ruins for survivors, since they have experience doing that sort of thing.
Re:Sri Lanka = Nazis (Score:2)
Re:Sri Lanka = Nazis (Score:3, Informative)
Sri Lanka and Israel;
Sri Lanka and rebels;
India refusing outside aid;
Re:Sri Lanka = Nazis (Score:2)
Re:Sri Lanka = Nazis (Score:2)
India refuse aid [telegraphindia.com]
Sri Lanka and rebels [yahoo.com]
Re:Sri Lanka = Nazis (Score:3, Interesting)
Not just aid from Israel (which I don't think they would have any objection to per se, dispite the checkered past between the two nations), but aid from yltra orthadox religious group it should be said (not all that welcome amoung the largely Muslim population I don't imagine, indeed likely seen as rather antagonistic in their eyes).
I'd have told them to bugger off too quite frankly (more extreme crusading religious zealots of any pe
Re:Blame the Palestinian government (Score:1)
That's quite widely reported of course, and given the very limited control the Palestinian authority have over some terrorists groups I should think it has happened (and is quite dispicable, and I'm sure the Palestinian authority could have done a lot more to prevent this).
It's not fair to blame only the Palestinian a
Re:Sri Lanka = Nazis (Score:1)
But leaving that little bit out does help you 'prove ' your point.
Re:Sri Lanka = Nazis (Score:2)
I'm sure there is truth in that.
However BBC have shown TV footage Israeli army also detaining both Red Cross ambulences / Medecin Sans Frontieres staff (with people inside the ambulences requiring attention). Distressed represantatives from both organisations pleaded to be let though but even after inspection the Israeli soldiers still refused. As a result, at least one o
Re:Sri Lanka = Nazis (Score:3, Insightful)
It's a bad thing for your country to reject aid workers because of their national origin (and in this case, religion).
It's worse, however, if you allow those workers into your country-- and are unable to keep suicide bombers from attacking them and killing innocent people.
A simple fact of the matter is that Sri Lanka is predominantly Muslim, which as a faith is largely benign, yet does seem to ha
Re:So what. (Score:1, Insightful)
Convo with CrazyJoe (Score:4, Interesting)
CarnivorousJoe: thanks for the kind words!
CarnivorousJoe: http://games.slashdot.org/
Nihir Nighthawk: Yep, that's where I heard about you.
CarnivorousJoe: my host may go down soon, so say hi to it now!
Nihir Nighthawk: It's responding fine to me, but you did make the front page, so we'll see how long it takes to fry
CarnivorousJoe: haha
CarnivorousJoe: i warned my host
Nihir Nighthawk: they respond?
CarnivorousJoe: not yet. may call
Nihir Nighthawk: Maybe your host is more resilient than you think, it's still responding fine. By now, the server should be on fire.
CarnivorousJoe: ya they are awesome
CarnivorousJoe: but i like to cover the bases
Nihir Nighthawk: How much have you received so far? I didn't see it listed anywhere
CarnivorousJoe: http://www.crazyjoe.us
CarnivorousJoe: and go click on "Status"
He's gotten over 310 million gold, which amounts to a few thousand $USD. Assuming all of it sells, he'll have donated at least $5,000 to the Red Cross.
Re:Convo with CrazyJoe (Score:1, Insightful)
I lack the time to register.
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Re:Convo with CrazyJoe (Score:1)
Re:Convo with CrazyJoe (Score:1)
Encouraging that you're not having a problem, even though you don't seem to have any extra-large files.
Re:Convo with CrazyJoe (Score:1)
We played together a few years ago, back before you founded Scoundrels Cove. I'd gladly donate gold, but my account has been dormant for ages. Long live AAR!
Maybe Galad can pull off another scam or two....y'know, for the Indonesians.
Gio (AKA Gioman the disarm thief)
Re:Convo with CrazyJoe (Score:1)
Ebay won't like it (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Ebay won't like it (Score:2)
Red Cross (Score:1)
Or at least that is what a red cross volunteer told me.
Re:Red Cross (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Red Cross (Score:2)
In this case, though, there won't be a "too late". Yes, a lot of money needs to be spent in the short term on food and medical relief but much will be needed long term to rebuild homes and businesses to get the economies back afloat.