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First Person Shooters (Games)

Bot for CS: Source to be Released 71

quan74 writes "The folks at Valve have announced that "The official Counter-Strike Bot will be released for Counter-Strike: Source on Monday (January 17th)." This is great news for those of us that have been anxiously awaiting the feature." The new CS bots have been enhanced with some improved pathing, a better understanding of the foibles of grenades, and a more human-like attention system. Details on the bots available on the forums.
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Bot for CS: Source to be Released

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  • by Kithraya ( 34530 ) on Monday January 17, 2005 @12:25PM (#11386636)
    Now those of us who are sick of aimbot users, speed hackers and other kinds of cheaters have an alternative besides spending half an hour finding a cheat-free server. So these poor bastards won't have nearly as many fair players to abuse.
    • No, then they'll blame things on the bots.

      "Holy shit, no huuman player could have gotten that headshot, the bots must have been cheating!!!11111"

      Honestly, bots can't really compare to a good true online experience, especially in team based games. Howeveer, like you said, they're probably the next best thing.

      I wonder if the behavior of the bots will change based on radio communication. "Team, fall back", "Roger That" That might be an intuitive way to 'control' your teammates without having to go throug
      • by delus10n0 ( 524126 ) on Monday January 17, 2005 @01:51PM (#11387595)
        These bots were first featured on Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, and they're actually very smart. They do respond to radio commands, most of the time. Each bot has it's own stats (bravery, teamwork, skill, etc.) -- if he has a low teamwork score, he's more likely to ignore your commands and just do his own thing.

        Also, these bots can work online, as far as I know. I too hope there will be some way to filter them out. I hate loading up Unreal Tournament 2003/2004 and finding a nice low ping server, only to discover all the other players are bots.
        • Yeah they were good except for one thing: grenades. They threw them at the first side of enemy or just within the first few seconds of the round at the wall which resulted in either a) the bots death or b) the bots death and lots of others being harmed/killed due to FF being on. They weren't very good followers either. Saw an enemy go round a corner and say "I've lost him". Sometimes it would just degrade down to a simple cat and mouse game at which time I would kill the bots in a fury!
        • There isn't a filter for them at the moment, but even if it isn't added, the server dialog [] in steam shows a "B" icon next to servers which are running bots (see the 2nd column in the image I've linked to), so you can easily tell which server to avoid if you don't want bots in your online game.
        • Actually, they were first in CS1.6 up until the night the beta went final, then they were removed not to be seen until further leaks. You can still see references to them all over cs, both in the code (look through the dlls), in the debug stuff (mp_debug), in titles.txt, etc.

        • ... if he has a low teamwork score, he's more likely to ignore your commands and just do his own thing.

          is that a low 'teamwork' score or a high 'just like playing with real people' score?
      • The bots in Condition Zero were quite good at that, they use the radio heavily and act on it too.

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  • Source? (Score:4, Funny)

    by Reorax ( 629666 ) on Monday January 17, 2005 @12:29PM (#11386668)
    You'd think I would've learned by now that just because a story has the words "Counterstrike" and "Source", it doesn't mean that Counterstrike's source code has been released or anything like that. But no, I get my hopes up every time.
    • *agree* the title reads: "Bot for CS" and "Source to be Released". *sigh*
    • I doubt they would ever release the source to Source, but they do have some fun SDK's available for your, uhm, desires.
    • Seriously. I understood that Valve was releasing the source for the CS bots... for a good two minutes i was baffled. "VALVE is releasing source?!?! Weeeeeeeeeeeee!"
  • can the bots say things like 'haha ur ghey', 'pwned', and 'newbee fag' while spraypainting your dead body with a large phallis... and more importantly, will they teabag my corpse? Those are the classic points that make me cherish CS most of all. :/
  • aimbot (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Does this mean people will stop emailing and asking "how do i get ur aimbot to work in cs"?

    aimbot = AIM bot, not aiming bot.
  • This is the same bot thats been in there since the beta, just always disabled. Download the original leak and you'll note the bots are fully functional. It would be different if they even tested it during this time, but instead they just use it to buy time so they can pretend to be doing something good for the community, when instead theyre just rationing out what little they have.

    Call me when they do something new.
  • Cheaters (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Quill_28 ( 553921 ) on Monday January 17, 2005 @01:11PM (#11387190) Journal
    So I just got Half-Life 2 and played a little CS: Source over the weekend.

    How common are cheaters?

    And how do you know.

    For instance, I died early in a round and follow one of the players with a high score. I noticed he head shot someone even though it looked to me like he was off.

    The other person(who had the highest score) said he is sick of cheaters and left soon after.

    Later I followed the "cheater" and he wasn't doing so good, missing plenty of people.

    And I have also been accused of cheating though I never have?
    • Re:Cheaters (Score:5, Interesting)

      by lemkepf ( 727820 ) on Monday January 17, 2005 @01:59PM (#11387670) Homepage
      That is the question that may never be answered. "How good of a score do you have to have to be considered a cheater?"

      I know for a fact i've been accused of a cheater and by most accounts I suck. I have noticed that i play in spurts. One round i'll be 4-15, the next i'll be 15-1. Sometimes it depends on your teammates, or the lack of teamwork on the other side. The type of weapon (auto-snipers...) or the map itself.

      I play on a group of servers that usually brings in high quality gamers and you rugularliy see 20-2 scores. (and my 4-15...) I have to say though that not one of them is a cheater.

      And about the "headshot and it didn't even look close..." issue; CS:S has some bad hit boxes and will dole out random headshots. It sucks, i know. From compiling some stats on those servers it's usually 1 in 4 kills is a headshot. Also, it could be lag that you made it look like he was way off, but in reality could be right on.

      Oh yea, and cheaters aren't that prominent. Stay away from non-admined servers. Usually when there is an active community around the server they have admins in there cleaning out the cheaters. Also, People just like to complain... "He is 20-1, he must be a h@x0r" when in reality he's just that damm good.
      • Alright, I am older(married 3 kids) and ok at CS.
        I don't have enough time to become an excellent player nor do I want to spend the time.

        I value teamwork and will work together within a team.

        I just play for fun. I prefer the teams to be as even as possible.

        Any good servers you know of?
    • AS he said there is no really way to tell. I joind a server last night where the TS went round in one big group of 10 and CT's split up every time. Team work was no exsitant. In the end i had to auto snip just to get some kills as soon as my socre went up i was accused of cheating. I dont think cheaters are as coman as people think. You just have to be having a good game to be acused of cheating these day's.
      • Cheaters are pretty common but the situation has gotten a little better.

        The easiest cheaters to spot are aimbotters, when the cursor jumps immediately to a persons head and kills them in one shot (then jumps to the next head and kills them, repeat, repeat) that's an obvious cheater.

        The other kind of aimbot continually scans for players and will jump to any enemy players on the screen and start firing.. the way to tell these are by the way the curosr "jerks" around the screen when there ae no enemies prese
    • Re:Cheaters (Score:3, Informative)

      by Poseidon88 ( 791279 )
      I don't think they're as common as some people like to think. I play a fair amount, but I'm no CS junkie. In my experience the people who have the highest scores are the ones that have every tiny little detail of the map committed to memory. They know where all the hiding spots are and they know what paths you are likely to take. They know how to move and aim to maximize their accuracy while reducing their chances of taking a hit. They also tend to use the voice comms and work as a team.

      The result is

      • I am good with literally every fps game... except on CounterStrike. I get pwned like no tomorrow, every server, every time.

        There has to be cheaters all over! Honestly I have never played a fps so long and sucked with so little improvement.

        • I've gotten to a point where I can usually break even on kills/deaths and occasionally luck out with a 2:1 or 3:1 round.

          I've noticed though, that unless you've memorized every single possible camping position and all of the normal routes people take from point A to point B, most of the encounters are pure luck, where whoever snags the hitbox for a headshot first wins.

          There are people much more skilled than us of course, who know exactly how to aim and where to aim to produce those headshots much more ofte
      • Don't be so naive :

        I'm hardly the guy screaming out "You f*cking cheater!" at everyone with a high score, but there are -alot- of cheaters around (maybe less so now VALVe has announced to detect cheats, but only ban a few weeks later, as not to 'warn' the cheater-community of detected cheats).

        The best way to find out 'how to detect cheats' is to ... Download a cheat for yourself, and give it a try (be careful, as you're risking a one-year-ban if it's a detected cheat) :

        Allthough I really hate cheaters,

    • Is pretty easy to spot - just see someone running at warp speed to the extent they've knifed the other teams 2 seconds after spawn.
    • I've always been really good at FPSs. I get banned from CS servers all the time for "hacking" and "cheating". The sad thing is, my brother is much much better than me. Some people are just really good at bursting at the number of head shots shouldn't be it. I know how frustrating it can be playing against someone good. When my brother gets an AWP, sometimes it is ridiculous how quickly he can take me and the rest of my team down. Most people would ban him right away...but I stand behind him
    • Sometimes getting headshots when it looks like you 'miss' is cheating, but it can often be other things too.

      Everytime you fire there is a 'cone' of error because the guns aren't always perfect and different guns have different accurace, obviously.

      There is also the possibility of latency and mismatches between your client, their client, and the server so things may not quite appear correct.
  • Marvelous (Score:2, Interesting)

    by ASkGNet ( 695262 )
    Valve has finally created an AI that passes the Turing test.

    Is it just me, or the agitated fanbase doesn't know the difference between non-deterministic state machines (which is essentially what these bots are) and AI?
    • Hate to burst your bubble, but the "fanbase" you've seen on their forums is mostly 12-17 year olds and the only "CS" they know is, well, Counter-Strike..

      The only video game AI that I can remember meeting the formal definition were the pets in Black and White. Not that there's anything wrong with that, devs shouldn't waste their time producing a fully cognitive being simply to play CS (hell, I barely think while I blast away, why should the bots bother?)
  • Was there any real reason that this feature should cause anxiety? Was it seriously rumored to be vaporware? Was there a lot of worry that it would suck?

    Or, perhaps, you were eager for it to be released.

  • how do you play with bots? I only get a Find Servers, or Create Server option...
  • by BTWR ( 540147 )
    Here are my favorite CS:S maps. What are yours?

    de_chateau: Great map - defend the house as a CT with great defensive positions, in which you defend from an elevated position. As a terrorist, you can only break a good CT team if you work together to penetrate their defenses. I used to love cs_mansion, but this map seems like a better version of that.

    de_prodigy: Is this a new map to source? Maybe I missed it on CS 1.6, but it's a great map with an "Aliens" feel to it (i.e. enclosed base) with a good a

    • When i played CS a lot, i was very fond of de_nuke and de_italy. Prodigy is also fun to play, and no, it's not new. I played it on CS 1.5
    • I think my favorite map is Assault, but they've really watered it down since CS went retail. The beta version of CS_assault used to have a sign with the name 'Weaver' on it, and all the hostages were black. i chose to laugh at it, despite being an idaho resident. we're not all gun-toting arians, contrary to popular belief.

      there was another... I think it was called cs_seige... but the ct's started on the far side of a canyon while the t's started in a parking garage. I used to love that map, too.
    • de_piranesi de_torn (I'm not sure if this one's in CS:S) cs_backalley (again, not sure if this one's in CS:S) de_dust2 (even though it's a bit over-played) Those are some great maps too. :)
  • This game is the same thing over and over and over again with a fanbase from hicksville USA and the KKK I can never go into a server and not hear someone say "queer" "fag" "gay" "nigger" "spic" "jew" What a shitty game. This is the most intellegent thing I have ever seen a bot say "Boom lol" that saying something?
    • I have run various Counter Strike servers for several years. It is true that keeping the riff raff off is tough, but if you have a dedicated clan with good admins running a server, you will find less of those KKK types hanging around. Feel free to drop by and visit on my servers. Clan ESREVER.

    • I've always wondered, where exactly is Hicksville, USA? I am pretty sure it's just a few miles north of 'pretentious pricksville', but I was hoping for a little clarification.

      Also, it's nice to know that there are absolutely no racists in the metropolitan areas of the US. That makes it much easier to blame all of America's ugliness on a few people you've never met, nor ever will. Well, if only we could all aspire to live in a big city where there is no such thing as hatred...
  • Ooh! (Score:3, Funny)

    by TitusC3v5 ( 608284 ) on Monday January 17, 2005 @07:38PM (#11390684) Homepage
    Almost as good as the real thing []...
  • these bots cheat worse than humans do. anyone else getting his/her ass handed to him/her on 'normal'? my best run was 5 kills total.
  • Has anyone ever hooked up an arena and invited a bunch of bot developers to go at each other, sort of like an AI-based deathmatch? Never mind the in-game bots, as they generally suck. I'm talking about fan built bots.

Once it hits the fan, the only rational choice is to sweep it up, package it, and sell it as fertilizer.
