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Portables (Games)

Web Browsing on Your PSP 247

yodha writes "A guy has hacked the hidden browser inside the PSP to view external webpages. His webpage has info on that, some screenshots and a video. Yes, you can get Slashdot on a PSP! The PSINext forum and engadget are covering the same news."
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Web Browsing on Your PSP

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  • PSP (Score:5, Interesting)

    by dolo666 ( 195584 ) on Sunday March 27, 2005 @09:11AM (#12059665) Journal
    This reminds me of a little Slashdot article about CSS, plus the ongoing Slashdot forum about redoing Slashdot in XHTML and CSS. Now that PSP has browser functionality, I think it's imperative for web developers to examine their sites for usability. I would be interested to see how DHTML is handled on the PSP, for example, by testing the Milonic package []. I seriously doubt it would work very well on PSP, but you never know.

    This raises the issue of UserAgent sniffing. Right now I'm developing an Open Source CMS called Gemsites (link in sig), and I'm considering supporting cut-down templates for PocketPC, Palm and (now) PSP. I've got the code set up to sniff the UserAgent and make a decision on it, thanks to's user-assist messages in the function database. But now I'm wondering if my whole CMS will stand up to the more compact screens used by PSP et al. I guess what I'm saying is that if you're a developer and you know CSS/XHTML and/or PHP, I would like to talk to you about usability [mailto].
    • Re:PSP (Score:5, Insightful)

      by lukewarmfusion ( 726141 ) on Sunday March 27, 2005 @09:27AM (#12059724) Homepage Journal
      Developing a pure CSS/XHTML site means that the site's content will display even without CSS support. If you're using Firefox with the Web Developer extension, you can hit CTRL+SHIFT+D and see the same thing.

      I usually avoid user agent detection, simply because I don't want to keep up with the different browsers. I rarely do anything that can't be supported on all of the major browsers at the time. I've been to sites where I was rejected because I wasn't using IE4+. It was bad coding - someone assumed that all non-IE browsers were probably Netscape 4. Six years later, that no longer cuts it.

      For accessibility (I think that's what you meant), it's worth setting up a handful of stylesheets for different browsers/readers. Definitely produce a print-friendly stylesheet.
      • Re:PSP (Score:3, Insightful)

        >> six years later, that no longer cuts it.

        No sh*t. If you're a web developer and you really need to channel content types, do it after parsing HTTP_ACCEPT not HTTP_USER_AGENT.

        They are both part of the request header and can be used much more accurately to sniff browser capabilities. Even if someone has changed their UA string to googlebot or lynx or whatever, the content-types are still present in the HTTP_ACCEPT string...

        It's just lazy coding IMHO.
      • To be honest.... (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Kjella ( 173770 )
        I usually avoid user agent detection, simply because I don't want to keep up with the different browsers. I rarely do anything that can't be supported on all of the major browsers at the time.

        ...then I don't think you've done much. It's not about doing something that is not supported - it's fixing bugs via CSS. Box model, some defaults must be overridden to get equal output on all browsers, and lots of various workarounds for various differing implementations. Yeah, yeah I *shouldn't* have to do that. Re
        • "Box model, some defaults must be overridden to get equal output on all browsers"

          Why do you need to get equal output on all browsers? It's not a realistic goal, considering the varying levels of support for CSS. What happens if a browser doesn't support CSS at all? My position is that the site should still deliver the content (a big column of text and images, probably) without any styling. The browser - or screen reader, PSP, PDA, etc. - should be able to display something regardless of your intended appea
    • Re:PSP (Score:3, Informative)

      by Agret ( 752467 )
      The PSP user-agent is "SCEJ PSP BROWSER 0102pspNavigator". Just thought you might like to know. I like your idea a lot but I don't have a PSP so I can't do any testing.
    • Re:PSP (Score:3, Insightful)

      by LDoggg_ ( 659725 )

      Don't just rely on user-agent sniffing. Create a selection box on your site to allow the client to override the format your page comes down in and save it in a cookie (Not in database persisted user account prefs). USER-AGENT headers seem to be a moving target.

      Default the one that comes down of course.
      • Re:PSP (Score:2, Informative)

        by jcuervo ( 715139 )
        Isn't this covered by CSS []?
      • The problem with that is what if for example you have a very graphical website, it could be difficult for the users to find the form to submit their information when all your sites images are squished into a portable devices screen.

        What I do is I have a link on the top of my page where users of portable devices can login. No checking for agent types or resolutions. And if the site is squished into a small screen, its easy to find.

        Checking the resolution of the screen is another way to do it (if you do not
        • Re:PSP (Score:3, Insightful)

          by LDoggg_ ( 659725 )
          The problem with that is what if for example you have a very graphical website, it could be difficult for the users to find the form to submit their information when all your sites images are squished into a portable devices screen.

          Make this small and unobtrusive, but at the first part of the webpage if the cookie isn't set.
          Maybe move it out of the way after it is set in case it needs to be changed.

          What I do is I have a link on the top of my page where users of portable devices can login. No
    • Re:PSP (Score:3, Insightful)

      by glesga_kiss ( 596639 )
      Now that PSP has browser functionality, I think it's imperative for web developers to examine their sites for usability.

      Why now? This has been an outstanding problem for mobile browsing for years. Anyone that has a PDA, cellphone or palmtop that has net access can attest to that. Some sites are good, and there are many link sites lists which ones are the best for PDA viewing. It's good to hear that you are actively working on supporting these for your CMS package, I just wish others would do the same!

    • The article you are talking about is at A List Apart [] and is a two part piece titled, "Retooling Slashdot with Web Standards. []" (and part II [])
  • by Lispy ( 136512 ) on Sunday March 27, 2005 @09:15AM (#12059679) Homepage
    Could it be that his PSP browsing /. adds to the /. effect of the story about him browsing /. with his PSP?
  • cmon this news is like a day old already *yawn*
  • Is interesting, but of course you know that means that if he could hack his self out other willcan hack in, so waiting for the upcoming exploits and patches ;)
    • I think you either misread or didn't read the article. The guy just plugged his PSP to a LAN where he can DNS spoof himself at will, so he basically redirected the default site to anything he wants. The PSP is capable of following links, so he did a jump page that links to various sites, including Google.

      It is very similar to an ad blocking technique by editing /etc/hosts. They just point the name of known ad servers to (your own machine). That way, unless you're serving ads to yourself, you can
  • by ayersrj ( 701333 ) on Sunday March 27, 2005 @09:22AM (#12059709)
    So with a browsing solution out there, and obvious easier to implement hacks on the way, who flinches first and releases their web browser? PSP or DS? You know they both have them up their sleeves, or will we all just have to wait until E3 like good kids?
  • what browser? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Turn-X Alphonse ( 789240 ) on Sunday March 27, 2005 @09:23AM (#12059711) Journal
    What browser though? What plug ins will be made and other such questions could do with answering.

    Then can someone tell me why I'd want to use a PsP when I can use a laptop or a desktop just the same and not need to wardrive or be at home?
    • Re:what browser? (Score:2, Insightful)

      by CharlesV ( 22919 )
      Because a PSP is 250, as opposed to laptops which are at least twice that.

      Because a PSP is portable, as opposed to desktops which definitely don't fit in your pocket.

      Because uh, it's shiny?
    • "hen can someone tell me why I'd want to use a PsP when I can use a laptop or a desktop just the same and not need to wardrive or be at home?"

      Because you might be a teenager who may not have a laptop, but has a PSP and plenty of games that he carts around with him everywhere, and who is around wifi access, who might want to access the internet.

      I'm no longer a teenager, but my brother is, and thats his situation. And I myself don't have a laptop, and wish to god something like this would be possible with m

    • can someone tell me why I'd want to use a PsP when I can use a laptop or a desktop just the same and not need to wardrive or be at home?

      I can tell you. I work in a freelance environment and change job sites every three months or so. I don't want to lug a powerbook around just to check email and browse /. I currently have a treo 600 and hate it because of its bugginess and no clamshell form factor. I would love to travel with a slim clamshell phone and a PSP as most of my jobsites have open wifi acces
    • "Then can someone tell me why I'd want to use a PsP when I can use a laptop or a desktop just the same and not need to wardrive or be at home?"

      Convenience. You can't use a laptop standing up.

      It's not the most critical thing in the world, but it's a nice to have for a niche group of people. Ask anybody who seriously uses a palm device with 802.11.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 27, 2005 @09:23AM (#12059712)
    As per the Slashdot article from yesterday, PSP Reception Lukewarm in US? []
    "According to IGN sales of the PSP have been lukewarm, with many outlets selling as little as 10 out of the 80 units they received."

    The potential to run homebrew code and fiddle with a PSP surely increases it's desirability, especially amongst the geek market? I haven't bought a DS yet, mainly due to the fact the PSP looks a hell of a lot better, the mention of PSP hacking has certainly pushed this higher up my list.
    Gadgetspy []
    • I wonder if the "lukewarm" sales have anything to do with the fact that most dealers will only sell you the PSP as part of a bundle with a bunch of lukewarm launch titles.
      • Actually, I would hardly call Wipeout Pure and Lumines "lukewarm". I have actually been very impressed with those two titles in particular...lots of fun.

        I also picked up Untold Legends, but that's because I'm a total sucker for hack n' slash games. And it is actually pretty damn good. Up until now, the hack n slash offerings on portables have been lame, but this one is full featured. I'm looking forward to playing games that don't feel "scaled down" on a portable on an airplane. I almost forget I'm us
      • Of the 5 places I've been to with PSPs, only one was forcing you to buy a game bundle (KB toys, I think).
    • Bah. You said it yourself, this really only appeals to the geek market which, let's face it, is a rather small segment of the population Sony is targeting. Thus, I highly doubt this will have any effect on PSP sales.
      • Well, as a note, Sony already did their best to appeal to the mainstream market with a launch lineup composed entirely of sequels and updates to existing mainstream banality (Lumines notwithstanding), so if the whole "appeal to the hardcore geek market" thing doesn't work, they might have to do something drastic.

        Like, say, decrease their price from current "We're bigger than Jesus. You don't want to pay $70 extra for a tiny memory stick and a slip case? Tough luck," to "...Please buy our hardware. Plea

  • Someone has already kindly setup a portal for all you people who want to view this without setting up a DNS server or from any access point.
    You can see his portal with your web browser (computer) here: []
    To use this on your PSP simply set your DNS to inside the network settings then go into Wipeout Pure and hit Download.

    For more information visit this dudes website avaliable at: []

    In other news the PSP firmware has been updated on the Japanese handhelds. See the following forum thread for more info: t=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight= [].

    For those curious you can extract the files from the update by using this C program avaliable on the following site: [].

  • I think he's running his webserver on it too. *bows head*
  • Security (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Teppy ( 105859 ) * on Sunday March 27, 2005 @09:29AM (#12059736) Homepage
    I believe that every widely distributed browser has had at least one run-arbitrary-code exploit found.

    So, wagers on how long until unsigned code can run on PSPs?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 27, 2005 @09:43AM (#12059784)
    Now I have to buy this little Sony wonder.
  • by blair1q ( 305137 ) on Sunday March 27, 2005 @09:45AM (#12059789) Journal
    His website will be back up in 3 days...
  • Minimo (Score:5, Interesting)

    by jeffehobbs ( 419930 ) on Sunday March 27, 2005 @09:48AM (#12059801) Homepage

    It occurs to me that with both 802.11b and an awesome screen, the PSP would be an really great platform for the Minimo [] project.

    Maybe it's time for the Minimo developers to go down to Best Buy and dip into that Mozilla Foundation money (no extended service contracts though).

    • Re:Minimo (Score:3, Insightful)

      by gl4ss ( 559668 )
      ..and they're going to get it published on the psp how?

      I think they're better spending their time developing for platforms that embrace 3rd party independendt developers.

      • On my PSP, there seems to be an option for running "Games" off the memory card. It's certainly possible.

      • I gotta say, trying to even find out how much it costs to get into developing for the PSP platform was way more trouble than it should've been. Basically, if you're not already a big-name developer, it seems like Sony won't even talk to you.
    • My PDA has twice the internal memory the PSP does, and 802.11b, albeit a smaller screen with slightly less resolution - but it's Palm OS, so no minimo.
  • Back before my WiFi-equipped Palm immolated itself I usually surfed the web over SSH and Lynx. It adjusted better than the graphical browser that came with the PDA, which beyond suffering from the small screen was poorly coded with a tendency to crash.
    • that your palm came with a shitty browser doesn't mean that small screen browsing can't work.

      opera for one had wonderful zooming feature on the zaurus. most of the sites seemed perfect.

    • Tungsten C, eh? The Pro version of the browser works fine, as does browsing with the AvantGo browser. I almost think PalmSource crippled the browser deliberately (it crashes the whole OS on trying to open certain URLs) to force people to buy the Pro browser. Just one more reason that when my Tungsten C finally gives up the ghost, I'm going to swallow my pride and buy an iPaq - unless the Zaurus becomes more available, and eReader comes out with a Zaurus client.
      • I just started doing calendar on my iPod. And for Web, my iBook isn't that large, and at school I carry it anyhow. I never tried the pro browser; I didn't feel like paying for something that by all means should have been included with the then-$500 PDA. when SSH works okay.
  • Browsing widescreen nudity on the bus. I knew the day would come!
  • >Yes, you can get Slashdot on a PSP!

    Next, you'll be saying we can get Slashdot with Firefox!


  • Sometimes Slashdot editor complain about the fact that everything is riddled with ads. This [] is very ironic (notice the ad in the picture). An ad, in a Slashdot page, blocked on a hacked device. That's [triple] irony for you!
  • by exp(pi*sqrt(163)) ( 613870 ) on Sunday March 27, 2005 @12:26PM (#12060469) Journal
    Tell me. If this thing can surf the web do you think you can make it work like a computer? Could you, say, program the PSP? Wow! Just think, people could write their own programs. Hell, maybe you could even write games for it. Imagine that, games on a pocket sized device!
  • I want to phone and personal organize with my gaming device (insert optional curse!);
  • Holy heck this is a pain to do....... key api is cumbersome at best.
  • PSP (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Sv-Manowar ( 772313 )
    Applications that have been produced already will really increase the marketability of the PSP in the following months, and this is just the beginning.

    I think by making it exploitable, sony have increased their market demographic hugely
  • He whipped up a portal page and added a hosts entry? Impressive hack!!@

    Of slightly more interest would be if someone actually hacked the firmware update (assuming it has the URL encoded in it) with a hex editor and made the "net update firmware" function go straight to your portal from anywhere you can find 802.11 access, not just home.

This place just isn't big enough for all of us. We've got to find a way off this planet.
