Blizzard Teams with Pandaren Xpress 51
Always on the lookout for opportunities, Blizzard Entertainment has teamed with the Pandaren Xpress restaurant chain to provide meals to your door from within the world of Azeroth. From the press release: "Blizzard Entertainment, in conjunction with the Pandaren Xpress® chain of quality restaurants, is proud to announce the /panda program! Don't let the inconvenience of eating impede you from reaching your Maximum Gaming Potential!...Now, thanks to Pandaren Xpress®, creators of low-priced gourmet meals, you no longer have to leave the group for a food break...No more tedious walking over to the telephone! No more arduous pushing of unfamiliar phone numbers!" Update: 04/02 18:02 GMT by Z : April 1st hoax story.
Re:isn't april fools over already (Score:1)
Bring me a beer! (Score:5, Insightful)
The bleeding is intense! (Score:2, Funny)
A few of these are funny, now it's just frickin' retarded.
Re:The bleeding is intense! (Score:2)
EQ beat them to it (Score:2)
Re:EQ beat them to it (Score:2)
no link? (Score:2)
Re:no link? (Score:2)
Here. [worldofwarcraft.com]
Re:no link? (Score:3, Informative)
The name is more than likely a play on Panda Express, a chinese food company. http://www.pandaexpress.com/ [pandaexpress.com]
Re:no link? (Score:2)
That's what I thought, at first, but I couldn't figure out why they used the term "gourmet," if that was the case
Re:no link? (Score:2)
Well, kinda. The race was first unveiled...well, three years ago on this very day. It was the April Fools joke before WC3's release. According to their little article on it, it was to be a fourth playable race.
Then, in the WC3 expansion, the Pandaren Brewmaster made his appearance.
It was the second time a Blizzard April Fools joke actually made it into a game, though I
I smell lawsuit (Score:2, Funny)
Urgh... (Score:1)
Reason: Don't use so many caps. It's like YELLING.
RTF.... (Score:2, Funny)
A link to the article would've been nice (Score:1)
Doesn't a post usually have a link included? (Score:3, Informative)
What game was it... (Score:1)
Back to the subject, there is a game out there that teamed up with Pizza Hut to really allow one to order while in the game... what was it...?
Re:What game was it... (Score:1)
props to Blizzard for not only making a funny April Folls day joke, but taking a shot at their competition at the same time
Re:What's more pathetic? (Score:2)
Clever Idea... (Score:1)
Re:Clever Idea... (Score:1)
News Flash: (Score:3, Funny)
Editors of the popular technology "news" site, Slashdot were found twitching uncontrollably with blood pouring from their ears in the early morning hours of April 2nd. According to the last lucid survivor, a man who only identified himself as "CowboyNeal", all apparently succombed to madness in a last minute orgy of posting numerous, and increasingly bizarre April Fool's spoofs to their site.
According to "CowboyNeal", "Once we started, we just couldn't stop. It was like crack or something."
Re:News Flash: (Score:1)
Next they can team up with Port-a-potty! (Score:2)
Much funnier (Score:2, Offtopic)
Be careful when ordering the Kung Foo Surprise (Score:2)
on the other hand, if you defeat them, they leave a fortune cookie worth $10 off your next order of food while playing the game.
my guess is someone thought it was funny
Finally! (Score:3, Funny)
I think that the
Re:Finally! (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Finally! (Score:1, Insightful)
Now I know it's a fake... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Mean while in wow-europe... (Score:2)
April's Fool and all... (Score:2)
The subtitle of the thumbnail of this screenshot is
Get a FREE in-game fortune cookie with every order from Pandaren Xpress! Warning: fortunes may come true...
The text of the fortune cookie, besides your lucky numbers is :
A change in lifestyle will lead to new possibilities for romance
A very cool April's fool joke, with clearly some thought put in it : I would have never fallen for it though (not a WOW player anyw
Nice april fool blizzard. (Score:2)