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Info On Upcoming XBox MMOFPS 19

Via eToychest, an interview at TeamXbox with Kijong Kang, executive producer of the upcoming Xbox Live enabled MMOFPS game Huxley. The game will exist within a persistent world which draws inspiration from several game genres, and is slated to use the Unreal 3 engine to bring the shiny. From the article: "Compared with Planet Side, there are some common features such as MMO, PW, and FPS. However, the biggest difference is the level of action. Planet Side is an enjoyable game, but it is a strategy-focused FPS game rather than an action-focused FPS game. With outstanding features, Huxley is an absolute action game such as Quake or Unreal."
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Info On Upcoming XBox MMOFPS

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  • Looks good. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Sheetrock ( 152993 ) on Saturday April 02, 2005 @01:55PM (#12120674) Homepage Journal
    I'm quite impressed with the rendering quality of the XBox vs. its contenders, at least with regards to the pictures in this article. If they manage a reasonable fps with online MMOFPSing I will seriously consider picking this up.

    There are a few ways they could improve on the formula of Planetside however. For one thing, I wish that there was a way to bring in your own maps and limit a particular arena to a certain number of players. For another, having any sort of information tied to your longterm performance such as a level, new abilities or score creates a disincentive to stick your neck out -- if they'd just let you join and play and wipe all your stats out at the end of the hour it'd be a lot more fun! It'd also be nice to have a single-player mode where you could get experience in the gaming world by battling monsters through a series of levels.

    Regardless, for restrained multiplayer mayhem I will be investigating this title further.

    • Re:Looks good. (Score:3, Insightful)

      by C0rinthian ( 770164 )
      So basically, you want to turn a MMOFPS back into a traditional FPS...
    • Re:Looks good. (Score:3, Insightful)

      by netfool ( 623800 )
      I think about this from time to time. Developers/creators etc really must struggle with the level of control they grant their customers.

      On one hand the developers are trying to portray or share an idea while giving the customer a good time.
      On the other hand, the customer wants to make the game into what they want (they want more control over it) if they don't like the original idea.
      I'm sure a lot of developers realize, if you grant the customer too much control, you're potentially sacrificing the essen

      • Damn. That should read:

        "...get the game though. The article get's a bit vague on any real details."

      • Re:Looks good. (Score:3, Interesting)

        by jericho4.0 ( 565125 )
        I thought the statements made were pretty indicative of an awesome gaming experience. 5000 person battles in a persistant universe? Cool! The Unreal 3 demo vids [] show the seamless loading of gargantuan maps (vid #4), check that out, and then imagine 5000 players in that map.

      • Re:Looks good. (Score:3, Insightful)

        by cgenman ( 325138 )
        Most of the worries around player control doesn't come from the artistic side of things. People have a way of wanting to do things that will destroy the experience for them. If you let FPS players create their own weapons, they would create the "kill everyone but me in one flash" gun. If you let the players choose all of the parameters of the game, they frequently choose settings that are boring, not fun, etc... like 5-square mile maps in a 2-person combat game. If you give MMPORPG players the ability t
    • "I'm quite impressed with the rendering quality of the XBox vs. its contenders, at least with regards to the pictures in this article."

      Towards the end of the article they start talking about Xbox 2... I think that's what Huxley is coming out for and they just don't clearly state it. They say "next generation" several times.
      I'd be pretty surprised if a current-gen console could do the lighting in those shots (though Doom 3 is getting ported so maybe I'm wrong).

      Anyway, who needs Huxley? Quake 2 supported 12
  • Darwin must be rolling in his grave.
  • by Dragoon412 ( 648209 ) on Saturday April 02, 2005 @04:39PM (#12121714)
    Compared with Planet Side, there are some common features such as MMO, PW, and FPS. However, the biggest difference is the level of action. Planet Side is an enjoyable game, but it is a strategy-focused FPS game rather than an action-focused FPS game.

    I have to ask the submitter - have you ever played Planetside? This comment leads me to believe you have not.
    • Dude, the submitter simply quoted that text from the article. []
    • Secondly it raises the question: Why not just play Halo2?

      If this game is all about balls out action, what the hell is the point of standing around in an "immersive" world chatting?

    • I donno. There's a good deal of strategy involved in Planetside. In order to make any progress as far as taking over facilities, zerg tactics will only get you so far. A more intelligent commander that can get his forces to outmanuver the other can usually force his opponent into a corner where they get ground to a pulp.

      Of course, that was when I had last played. I've been in Iraq for the past 8 months and haven't played PS in about a year. I'm sure things have changed. I hope they haven't changed so much

      • I last played about 6 months ago, and it's nothing but zerging. Especially since the introduction of stat tracking. People are so overwhelmingly concerned with their kill count that all you saw were Reavers rocket-spamming infantry, and infantry using HA/RExoshield setups.

        Stat tracking destroyed any semblance of tactics left in that game. I mean, sure, theoretically a semi-organized zerg would win against a disorganized zerg, but honestly, have you ever seen that? No one listens to the commanders, and cons
  • its not just Xbox (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Zeussy ( 868062 )
    its coming out on the PC as well, inless M$ stops them.
    We are developing a PC version of Huxley. We are also considering the possibility of allowing Xbox 2 and PC gamers to play together.

    Console vs PC gamers argument is really going to have something to chew over now! Ill just stand in the corner, watching and sniggering.
  • that the Unreal 3 engine was for next-generation games only?

In specifications, Murphy's Law supersedes Ohm's.
