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First Person Shooters (Games) Quake

Quake IV Details Emerge 93

1up.com has details as released by Activision and id about the upcoming first person shooter Quake IV. The game, in development by Madison, WI company Raven Software, QIV is going to return to the single-player roots of the second Quake title. From the article: " The Strogg are quickly regrouping. However, with the Strogg's planetary defenses still destroyed, Earth's forces can deliver a full and final assault. This time, you're not alone. You are Matthew Kane, an elite member of Rhino Squad, and part of Earth's next invasion wave. An army of soldiers are fighting with you and an arsenal of weapons and vehicles are at your disposal in this heroic and epic battle between worlds."
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Quake IV Details Emerge

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  • Didn't Raven do Hexen?
    That game was freaking awesome.

    Used to date a girl in Madison
    • Raven has done a lot more than Hexen. Heretic, Heretic II, Hexen II, Soldier of Fortune, Soldier of Fortune 2, Star Trek Voyager Elite Force.

      Raven has made a game for every single id software engine since Doom 1. And I've enjoyed them all. I'm all a flutter with anticipation for Q4 because of that fact.
    • Re:Hexen (Score:5, Informative)

      by th1ckasabr1ck ( 752151 ) on Monday April 18, 2005 @05:19PM (#12275080)
      Raven has done:

      • Heretic
      • Heretic II
      • Hexen
      • Hexen II
      • Jedi Knight II
      • Jedi Knight III
      • Soldier of Fortune
      • Soldier of Fortune II
      • X-Men Legends
      • ... and now Quake IV

      Amongst others.

      • my opinion of those games

        Heretic: cool
        Heretic 2 :not so great but allot of fun
        hexen : oh yeah
        Hexen 2: .. it was fun
        jedi knight II : one of the best star wars license games
        Jedi Knight II jedi academy: really should have been an expansion pack, or atleast in that price range , but fun all the less
        Soldier of fortune: fun knee blasting action
        Soldier of fortune II: what a waste
        X-men legends : havnt played it

        Raven really does have some major points in my esteem . and i hope they make good use of the quake name
        • Hmm. I look at that list, and all the games I think are "solid, decent games - but nothing that really rocked my socks".

          Hexen was frustrating and dull. Hexen 2 was slightly less frustrating and slighly more dull. JK2 was good, but got old with time. S.O.F was directorial genius and gameplay boredom.

          Basically, I'm looking at Raven and seeing a long history of unimaginative gameplay. But I guess I'm just bitchy and negative - I still haven't seen a single player action experience to top Abuse.
      • They're around since the long gone Amiga days. Their first title was the well known Black Crypt, a Dungeon Master clone that made use of the Extra Half Bright mode that gave the game graphics a glorious 64 colors on-screen.The game was visually impressive, but was quite unattractive compared to the competitors offerings, especially Eye of the Beholder which was an official AD&D license.

        It is rumored that the original working title of Heretic was "Black Crupt 3D". There are quite a lot of similiarities.
      • what was the difference between heretic and hexen?
    • Raven has worked hand in hand with ID for years and years, and every time the game has been quality and did not disappoint. Hexen did rule for it's time. I remember buying that game because I just bought my shiny new canopus pure3d card, with a whopping 6mb texture memory, and wanted to run something other than glquake. There weren't a lot of 3d accelerated titles at the time. I have no doubt Quak34 will be of excellent quality. I just hope the rumors are true, that it will be an xbox 360 launch title.
  • Where's Coop (Score:5, Insightful)

    by superpulpsicle ( 533373 ) on Monday April 18, 2005 @05:00PM (#12274866)
    The best part about Quake 1 was Coop and team fortress. We don't need team fortess since we technically have plenty of team alternatives like Wolfenstein. But Coop modes are really lacking in today's games.

    • I disagree. Not many people used to play in coop mode, at least compared with the number of people who played deathmatch... Not to mention Quakeworld, which made deathmatch spectacular.
      • Nah man I loved Coop. I played coop over a modem without an ISP, if any of you can remember those days. Quake actually handled the dialing and the connections. good times.
      • That's because co-op is (generally) only fun if you know and can trust the other people.
      • coop makes games fun, gives them extra *ooomph*. playing with a pre-programmed bunch of stupid hicks that the bots are is not anything like cooping with some good friends. what the hell you think was the funnest thing about halo with friends on splitscreen? TFA is pretty much useless though. all it says there's some squad action in there. I friggin hated republic commando because of that.. that wasn't squad action.. that was "you can't press that button yourself" action... the squad wasn't your weapon, ra
      • Bah, I don't play FPSes *because* all there is these days is deathmatch in one form or another.

        If it's pure deathmatch, then it's just general free for all madness, which makes me bored fairly quickly. Team play is often not a lot better.

        Now finishing Quake 1 in cooperative mode was one of the most fun times I had. You can actually plan things out, discuss some kind of strategy, decide who gets the ammo/goes first, provide help, protect a team mate, etc, that is, it can actually involve THOUGHT, instead o
        • Have you tried Enemy Territory [4players.de]? It's a free online multiplayer game, and the best part, IMO is that it's objective based (with some great stock maps to boot). A variety of different classes allow you to play to your strengths, particularly if you're not up for a fragfest.

          Granted, your mileage may vary with how many noobs and assholes you're willing to deal with, but there are some good servers and some great players out there.

          I've been playing it for almost two years solid and I'm still not bored. I'

      • Bah, I have never had more fun playing a FPS then when my four college buddies and I would team up to beat Doom 2 levels in nightmare difficulty COOP.

        Also never been presented with more of a challenge.
      • Nothing beats "accidentally" hitting your teammate with the shrink ray and stepping on him. Muahahahaha
      • Co-op whas my favourite part of Doom, Doom2 and Quake. Duke Nukem 3D also had co-op that was fun, but after that, co-op seems to have gone out of fashion.

        Everything is just deatmatch, or some variant of it, and I really miss co-op. I am sick & tired of deatmatch, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
    • You also still have the option of playing the original Quake COOP and the original Teamfortress, just as it is still fun to play other old games like Chess.
    • For co-op check out Serious Sam and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter. They are cheap, use a great engine, and has lots of Doom I/II style action, tons of monsters.
    • Someone will make Q4 TF, and I have a feeling no one will play it. :(
    • We don't need team fortess since we technically have plenty of team alternatives like Wolfenstein.

      Or better yet, ETF [etfgame.com], a free Team Fortress modification for the free game, Enemy Territory. [/shameless plug]

    • A list of games with coop either shipped with or through a mod:
      Quake 2 (and all of the doom/quakes before it)
      No One Lives Forever 2
      System Shock 2
      Farcry (mod)
      SWAT 4
      Serious Sam (first and second encounters)
      Doom 3? (I've heard of mods for it)
      Diablo 1, 2
      Ghost Recon
      Lego Star Wars (site says it's coop)
      Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
      Alien vs Predator 1, 2 (mod)
      Delta Force
      Rune (mod)
      Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising
      Baldur's Gate
      Half Life 1 (sven coop mod)
      Half Life 2 (sven is in the works)

  • Raven's record gives me high hopes. A pure play is looking at what they did with the Q3 engine and Elite Force and Jedi Knight. That, along with JK2 and Xmen Legends and SoF 2 lead me to believe this will be the best Q game yet.
    • Jedi Academy (JK3) is my life addiction. I'll be playing that until I die probably (multiplayer, not singleplayer.). Heretic/Hexen are pure gems to remain immortal in the days to come (Not Hexen2/Heretic2.. both are good, but not as good as the Doom1-engine originals). I've heard from several friends that X-Men Legends is kick ass (I plan to play it eventually).

      Raven Software ranks up there with the greats of Video gaming. Unless something really fucks up, this game will kick ass. I hope TTimo pulls a L
      • Heretic was indeed the best deathmatch ever. Not only could you turn your opponents into mostly-helpless chickens, there was a countermove that meant it wasn't always a good idea to do so.

        Now that's thinking it all the way through.

  • by Spokehedz ( 599285 ) on Monday April 18, 2005 @05:09PM (#12274964)
    Don't you mean 'Meat Shield(s)' helping me out?
    • As a friend of mine's character said, "He's pretty dumb. All he can do is walk point and take the first hit."

      Probably a quote, but I don't know from where.

      I thoroughly enjoyed the Eraser Bots for Quake II. Quake IV might actually entice me to upgrade my hardware.
  • by dougmc ( 70836 ) <dougmc+slashdot@frenzied.us> on Monday April 18, 2005 @05:10PM (#12274977) Homepage
    Rhino Squad? I guess it's official -- there must be no good names for squads left now.
    • I wouldn't say that - Cotton Candy squad has yet to be taken.
    • God, I don't want a squad, I just want single player where I take on an army from Hell--ALONE! I don't want some stupid AI cannon fodder to watch out for, especially if they are not skeletons you can resummon all day long.
  • by oni ( 41625 ) on Monday April 18, 2005 @05:12PM (#12274999) Homepage
    IMHO, every FPS is just like every other FPS in terms of gameplay. If you've played one then you've played them all. Sure, they keep adding eye candy, but that's about it. Only two FPS games every stood out from the pack in my opinion.

    The first one was Quake 3. The thing that made is so different was the speed of it. That game was fast as hell. Particularly in some of the mods, like RA or threewave or CPMA, it felt like you could run like a bat out of hell. The maneuverability made it feel more like kung fu than a firefight. After playing quake for years, I tried to play UT2k3 and I just felt like I was stuck in molasses.

    The other unusual game was tribes.

    Anyway my point is, RTCW, Doom3, Halo, HF2, they all seemed pretty much the same to me. They're cool. Don't get me wrong (this being Slashdot I'm sure someone will take this the wrong way). All I'm saying is that Quake4 should be a sequel to Quake 3 in terms of gameplay. For the story, yeah you pretty much have to make a sequel to Q2 because Q3 didn't have much of a story. But for the gameplay, they should follow Q3 and make this a game unlike all the others. As it stands, I'm afraid Q4 is going to be YAFPS

    but I'll buy it anyway I guess.
    • not true , whilst it may tar a few games , Compare Thief , System shock 2 and deus ex alot of fps games do follow a paint by numbers aproch but not all .
      these may not be typical fps games and are far better when compared to rpg games , these are still under the fps brush .
      (the only reason i had windows installed on any system ,untill cedega caught up were these games)
    • As it stands, I'm afraid Q4 is going to be YAFPS

      Yet Another Freakin Pointless Seqel?

    • If you've played one then you've played them all.

      I'm thinking Savage, Deus Ex, Counterstrike, Metroid Prime, Thief, Battlefield 1942, Natural Selection, Avara... There are a lot of FPS games that don't follow the standard FPS mold. Some are even successful.

      I do agree with you about Quake 4, though. I would really rather Quake 4 be an extension of the gameplay driven arena style FPS pioneered by Quake 3 than another story-driven FPS like Doom 3.
    • Apparently you have never played Quakeworld [quakeworld.nu], which is where Quake 2, Quake 3, and mods such as CPMA got their inspiration from. Quakeworld [quakeworld.nu] is even faster than CPMA btw. Also, since the client and server are free and open source, with ports to most computer platforms, there is little reason not to play if all you want is hardcore, fast, and furious deathmatch.
    • Quake 3 was fast, but unreal tournament (and 2k4) has the game speed slider... push it to maximum and you need to drink espresso between frags to have a hope of keeping up. 2k4 also has some fancy jumping and dodging moves like CPMA, though not really on the same level.

      Anyway, more on topic - Quake 4 will have Doom 3 style lighting, so I'd expect that the single player will have lots of shooting at shadows and the multiplayer will be a camper's paradise. So it'll be different to previous Quake games whatev
      • The campers paradice thing really depends on the level design.. the Doom3 levels didn't really lend themselves to any sniping or sneaking, the gameplay was more like UT03 but not as good.

        While some people really dig spastic hyperactive gameplay (ADHD?), I prefer slow and stelathy. I don't camp, but I do get a lot of satisfaction from taking someone's head off from across the map, especially when playing on a lan when you can hear someone scream upstairs. The reaction from your friends is the best part of
      • I'd expect that the single player will have lots of shooting at shadows and the multiplayer will be a camper's paradise. So it'll be different to previous Quake games whatever happens.

        Quake was also a very dark game. Quake2 and 3 were brighter, though.
    • After playing quake for years, I tried to play UT2k3 and I just felt like I was stuck in molasses.

      Which is why I always played it at 1.35 speed, in mostly low gravity... I think almost everyone agrees with you that the apparent speed of 2k3 was too low.
    • Quake 3 fast?? God no. IMHO everything after the shift to "real 3D" has been slow as molasses. Bring me back any DOOM (or Build) engine game and _then_ we'll talk about fast-paced deathmatches.
    • UT2k3 is still my favourite multiplayer FPS. Either that, or one of the Action Quakes (I've played 2 and 3). (For those not in the know, AQ is probably best described as "CS for people who don't like CS"; it was also the first FPS I was actually capable of consistently winning a game of.)

      What I love about UT2k3 is the game's style - graphical, aural, and in terms of movement and weapon selection. In what other game can you jump, double-jump, and wall-rebound in one move? Plus the way the player models flip
      • Also, IMHO, it has ragdoll physics that still feel more right than D3 or HL2; bodies tend to get stuck in unrealistic-looking positions less often, and the bone-crunching sounds while it all happens are so very satisfying.

        I disagree completely, UT's ragdolls feel like there is no weight or friction involved, the deaths feel floaty and tweaked towards showing off instead of simulating death. A dead body is heavy, the ragdolls in UT didn't look like it. And I've seen many more unrealistic poses (and clippin
        • I'll have to own up here and admit that I've not been able to play a decent game of multiplayer D3 ever (yet), or for that matter any FPS for a while now. I'm stuck in rented accomodation with no landline, so I have wireless broadband, which means decent downloads but terrible latency.

          Therefore, it's single-player HL2 and D3 that I'm going by, and even you admit that D3's monster ragdolls

          As a final note, I don't think a game like UT2k3 is overly concerned with physics realism, as long as things look good,
    • Don't you people read anything about these games before complaining about them? The single player component is modeled after Quake 2, while the multiplayer component is modeled after Quake 3.

      All that remains to be see is how effective the multiplayer is at recreating Quake 3.
    • The first one was Quake 3. The thing that made is so different was the speed of it. That game was fast as hell. Particularly in some of the mods, like RA or threewave or CPMA, it felt like you could run like a bat out of hell.

      If you like speedy gameplay, be sure to have a look at ETF [etfgame.com], a free mod for Enemy Territory (another free game). (ported from the Q3-mod, Q3F [q3f.com]

      I know this is my second shameless plug in this thread ; But hell, if speed is what made you like Quake 3... This is -your- game :)

  • Meh. (Score:2, Informative)

    by TsukasaZero ( 850187 )
    As long as this has either:

    A) Big battles like in Rome Total War but in First Person and shiny.
    B) Multiplayer like Quake III.

    I'm good.
    • Re:Meh. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by |/|/||| ( 179020 ) on Monday April 18, 2005 @05:45PM (#12275315)

      Big battles like in Rome Total War but in First Person and shiny
      Yeah, that would be pretty awesome, and that's pretty much the image I got from this quote:
      An army of soldiers are fighting with you and an arsenal of weapons and vehicles are at your disposal in this heroic and epic battle between worlds.
      Sounds great, but I think it's doubtful. The one screenshot with the article shows a single enemy in a dark room. Can the DOOM3 engine actually handle large outdoor environments with hundreds of enemies and vehicles? I don't know, but I certainly haven't seen anything to suggest that it can. :(

      • I'm sure the engine can handle it.

        Our hardware is another story.
      • Re:Meh. (Score:3, Informative)

        One example [doom3world.org] and another [doom3world.org]

        Now, I won't claim that these shots prove the viability for outdoor maps on the Doom3 engine, but they do look promising. The first screenshot from the first link is especially good, I think. The trees underneath the power lines really are that far away. And the map plays really well, too.

        I can't find it right now, but somewhere on the Doom3World forums is a screenshot of a really friggin' big landscape, so big that the Cyberdemon put in is only a few pixels tall at a normal gamepl
  • Yay! (Score:2, Funny)

    by Xanlexian ( 122112 )
    I hope this doesn't turn into, "Quake IV: Forever".

    If so, then I'll just have to play it on my Phantom console.

  • Humm, was expecting more I guess than a doom3 remake.
  • Quake 5 (after this one) might be pushing it too far in terms of story. I wonder if they'll ever do a Quake Zero, a prequel?
  • <a href="http://www.geocities.com/aragorn_39th/unf/"> here </a> are some older screenshots that are quite interesting, I have never seen a game like it.

    Link does not render well in FireFox.
  • Quake 4 will fail (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Ka D'Argo ( 857749 )
    Sorry but this is just bad news.

    If anything id Software should have learned by now what works and what doesn't. After the lukewarm luster of Doom 3 (sorry but the uber darkness of the game combined with no weapon use while using a flash light was fucking ridiculous), they need to stay on course.

    Quake is a multiplayer game. Sure Quake 1 had a singleplayer but it wasn't all that great. id Software's singleplayer kings are Doom and Wolfenstein (though RTCW had both a great single and multiplayer). Quake is

    • Honestly if they market Quake 4 as a singleplayer game with a half ass multiplayer like Doom 3, Epic Games will destroy them.

      Isn't Quake 4 supposed to have a much higher max player limit in multiplayer? I heard it was around 16 or 20. It seems pretty logical that they would want to focus on multiplayer since Doom 3's multiplayer sucked so badly, which contributed to the lack of ongoing popularity.
    • Am I the only one who has even heard of Q4 before this point? Quake 4 is the fusion of Q2 single player and Q3 multiplayer on the Doom3 engine. That is how it has been described in every article up until this point.

      And the models? Did you PLAY Q3? Did you SEE Keel and Tankjr? Quake2 had big stupid looking robots, too, but obviously the multiplayer was super slow paced with giant robots lumbering around!!!
    • Sure Quake 1 had a singleplayer but it wasn't all that great.

      Riiight...This is so un-true.
      You're on par though, that the D3-engine is getting quite some heavy competition from the Unreal 3 tech [unrealtechnology.com], and John Carmack really has to put in quite some work to beat the visuals of that.

      Imo, one of the biggest backstabs id gave to themselves, is limiting the multiplayer of D3 to 8 players.
      It seems they will be getting back to -real- multiplayer in Q4 though.

    • I think the reason you were disappointed with Doom 3 is that you expected it to be Quake, which it clearly isn't. Doom isn't so much about twitch reflexes as it is about ambience. The reason the flashlight is so annoying is so it builds tension. When you encounter the first zombies in total darkness and they're literally inches from your throat you get nervous, and that's what the Doom experience is about.

      Go back to Doom 1 and 2, and tell me if you see any shock surprises like that ? Walk past an invis
  • I find it appalling that they say that Q4 is going back to the roots of Quake by focusing on Q2-style single player missions. Roots of quake? OMFG. The roots of quake are in releasing an innovative engine and environment and in fast-paced fragging. Q1 was the very first real 3d engine and still has the best network play IMO. Q3 was the ultimate in innovation at the time. Single-player missions are a dime a dozen these days, but IMO id did themselves and the Quake franchise a tremendous disservice by n

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