MMOG Market Mutterings 70
In the past few days there have been several new developments in the Massive Gaming market. Jessica Mulligan's departure from Turbine now has an end destination, with the announcement that she'll be the executive producer for Nevrax's Saga of Ryzom. In a swashbuckling tie-in, Disney announced they'll be adding to their Massive Gaming portfolio, with a Pirates of the Carribean MMOG joining Toontown Online sometime next year. The always excellent CNN Money column Game Over has word that Sony Online is planning a new Action MMOG, a possible strategy title, and some new non-mmog titles. From the article: "Though the numbers for massively multiplayer games aren't bad, they remain a niche in the gaming industry. To expand SOE's potential audience, the company will soon announce smaller puzzle games for two and four players. While those games won't be massively multiplayer or have any sort of persistent world, it's not out of the question for the long term." Finally, there are many stories over on Gametab discussing the "I'm cancelling because of the WoW Honor System" thread on the official World of Warcraft boards. They were likely sparked by this Kotaku post about the thread. I just want to put in my two cents and state that this isn't news. Forums are not an accurate way to get a picture of a game's user base. Doom may be coming to Blizzard's game, but the subscriber charts are the only real way to know for sure.
Initial Fallout Comes with Any Media Product (Score:3, Insightful)
New TV shows always seem to have a drop-off in ratings, a cliff in the number of watchers. If the show is decent and watchable, then it'll climb from there at a steady rate. I have no doubt that Blizzard in their infinite wisdom foresaw this, and is probably bidding good riddance under their breath. If WoW is worth its weight in gold (get it, gold?), then it'll begin to slowly accumlate more users through word of mouth while at the same time perfecting the game for upper-level players.
WoW is still for the casual player. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:WoW is still for the casual player. (Score:2, Informative)
Yes, you can use the argument "That's what a PvP server is, dumbass." However, when there are gank squads of 5 people of level 60 patroling a zone of low 50's just in the name of honor points, something is wrong.
And yes, I could also re-roll on a non-PvP server. But with 16+ days of play time, I don't see that being an option. It would be nice of Blizzard to offer character transfers from PvP to P
Re:WoW is still for the casual player. (Score:1)
I'd agree with your inn idea if dishonor mattered. As it stands now, it doesn't do shit. You can have 5 million dishonorable kills and still be rank 14.
As for the n00bs... They're already everywhere. See how many naked male night elves are dancing with those naked male humans at every auction house? Yeah, that's right.
Re:WoW is still for the casual player. (Score:2, Informative)
Wrong. Killing a civilian gives a dishonor point, but those points aren't detrimental at all. They are used for exactly nothing. It's not as if WoW subtracts Dishonor from Honor or something like that.
Re:WoW is still for the casual player. (Score:1)
In summary, I fail to see the problem, except that those 5 are really wasting their time. Once people actually read
Re:WoW is still for the casual player. (Score:1)
Re:WoW is still for the casual player. (Score:1)
Re:WoW is still for the casual player. (Score:2)
Nich (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Nich (Score:4, Informative)
The reason the MMORPG is a nich genre is because nobody in their right mind is going to subscribe to more than possible two titles at a time, whereas most people wouldn't think twice about buying another FPS, even if they already own a few.
What we need is MMORPG's that don't require monthly subscription fees [roma-victor.com]. There are plenty more out there if you go looking.
Re:FUCK OFF!!!! (Score:2)
Re:Nich (Score:1)
So, which is it? Either we need them, or there are plenty.
Or are you saying that what we really need is a game with the expensive production values of WoW or SWG combined with the low, nonrepeating price of Guild Wars or Roma Victor? Fat chance.
Re:Nich (Score:1)
Re:Nich (Score:1)
Not enough options in most games today... (Score:2)
Re:Not enough options in most games today... (Score:1)
Re:Not enough options in most games today... (Score:2)
Re:Not enough options in most games today... (Score:2)
And yes, they have problems with balancing the avatar classes and discouraging senseless PKing. There is a sort of "dishonor" system (Soullight) but it lacks a reasonable mechanism to distinguish between accidents and griefplay.
The economy also seems "too easy".
But to all of these problems reasonable solutions have been posted to the Neocron forums, so they seem solvable. Now if Reakktor could only get it done...
Re:Not enough options in most games today... (Score:3, Interesting)
> it's fanbase happy it will have to have
> constant expansion.
I suggest that in order to force the playerbase to progress, the world must not only constantly expand, but constantly be destroyed. If you don't kill off the old areas, people get bored with them.
If the world could be generated algorithmically, and areas could "expire", previously expired areas could be resuscitated at later times and reused. Consider your average text MUD: instead of havin
Re:Not enough options in most games today... (Score:2)
Second Life as an example provides both pros and cons. The world is constantly evolving, and there are some really talented pe
Honor System (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Honor System (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Honor System (Score:5, Informative)
The problem, mind you, is mainly on PvP (player vs player) servers, and not PvE (player vs environment) servers. On a PvP server, when you are in a higher end zone, you are flagged as PvP-able; in other words, anyone can kill you if they want. On PvE servers, you must specifically enable PvE to be killed.
Now, the highest level in the game is level 60. When you are level 60, you can receive honor points for killing someone 12 levels below you. SO, you can get honor off of someone who is 48. At 48, simply put, you don't have a chance in hell of killing a level 60. It might have happened, but 99.999999% of the time it's not going to. THAT is the problem. If you are level 60, you are fine. If you are between that magic number of 48 where you can give honor to level 60s by dying to them, you are not fine. People have also resorted to roming groups of level 60's who kill lower levels till they can call out the higher levels.
Also, there are mass zerg raids happening on all servers. Zerg raids refer to many many many people killing a whole city of NPC's and, on a PvP server, PC's. Things can't get done, people's progress is stopped, people cancel accounts.
Now, I haven't canceled yet, and I'm 54. I personally enjoy it and know it will calm down eventually. Until then, I'm going to keep going with my account.
Re:Honor System (Score:2)
Before the honor system in World of Warcraft, there was no goal that a casual player couldn't eventually meet, although it might take them longer than a die-hard player. But now, the top few tiers of honor system rewards are completely inaccessible to casual players because they are given out by percentage. (i.e. Only the top 2.5% can get the rewards, and that 2.5% will *always* be die-hard 16
Re:Honor System (Score:2)
Blizzard's game, to this point, has had *nothing* designed specifically to appeal to hard-core players, so why did that change with the honor system? That's *exactly* my point! If Blizzard changes their focus on the game, so that they are spending more time making hard-core players happy at the expense of casual players, then why should casual players keep playing?
The vast majority of the 1.4 patch was issues related to the honor system. Mean
Re:Honor System (Score:2)
If that was true then it would defeat the whole purpose of participating in system.
Re:Honor System (Score:1)
Understand the difference?
Re:Honor System (Score:2)
But if everyone can meet it, it almost doesn't qualify as a "goal" anymore- it has become an "expectation". Consider an objective in relative terms instead of absolute- and relative is really the more accurate way to measure it.
The power level of items is only really meaningful in comparison to all the other items out there. If all maxxed-out players can get the same "best" items after enough t
Re:Honor System (Score:2)
The rankings you recieved are determined on how you stack up to other players and there contribution points. As well only the top tier of PVPs will have the fancy name and fancy gear that looks pretty.
From what we have read that might be 10 or 100 people on the entire server with the top tier of gear (depending on population) and yea these will be the guys who play all the time(for whatever reason, not judging here)
If you dont continue to preform well
Re:Honor System (Score:1)
Re:Honor System (Score:2)
Sony's new action MMOG (Score:2)
Simply being profitable wasn't enough for them; they kept pushing for higher sales until, ultimately, the game gave up being a war sim and devolved into MMO Quake with some of the worst net code conceivable, and it's still not any more successful, yet they've alienated most of the original players that weren't there for verbal wanking over kill stats.
Re:Sony's new action MMOG (Score:2)
Re:Sony's new action MMOG (Score:2)
The potential was there. It really was. Unfortunatly they screwed the pooch on a few key issues.
Well firstly, it took me 1 gig of ram and a new pc before I could play the game at an acceptable frame rate.
But they really needed to make the game more, unique, i guess.
It gets very repetative. All of the bases are the same. There are perhaps like 5 or so base variants, repeated, over every continent. While it becomes easy to get around in
mmogchart.com (Score:1)
WoW (Score:1)
"I'm cancelling over the honor system" (Score:3, Insightful)
This will have zero impact on the big picture.
Re:"I'm cancelling over the honor system" (Score:1)
Re:"I'm cancelling over the honor system" (Score:2)
Re:"I'm cancelling over the honor system" (Score:1)
i'm quitting threads (Score:1)
I wonder if more people are 'quitting' WoW over the honor things than people who are 'quitting' eq2 over the exchange server thing, If more wow people are quitting we might see a boost in eq2
Re:i'm quitting threads (Score:2)
Re:i'm quitting threads (Score:2)
Logic flaw? (Score:2, Interesting)
I find the OP's logic flawed... Accurate or not, a discussion forum is the best way to hear the opinions, rants and ideas of a broad variety of players. Excuse me, I mean "user base." You can even (gasp!) participate, and interview the players there to find out what their experience in one area or another has been.
If there's a large amount of complaint threads started by unique forum-goers, then that's an indication of a problem.
Re:Logic flaw? (Score:2)
The issue is that stats have consistently shown that only a very small percentage of the user base participates in any way the the forums. World of Warcraft has hundreds of thousands of English speaking players, but no where near that number participates in the official forums.
Thus, while every single person on the forums may be saying "boo honor system", they're still a minority of the players of the game.
Many dubious decisions hav
Re:Logic flaw? (Score:2, Funny)
The true majority will speak with their wallets. If the Honour System is indeed as unpopular as the forum-whores would have us believe, then we'd witness a massive drop in the WoW subscribership.
So far, the AH on my server is as busy as ever. :-)
Re:Logic flaw? (Score:2)
The subscriber charts (Score:1)
All you freakin WoW Cancellers need to get a life (Score:1)
Re:All you freakin WoW Cancellers need to get a li (Score:2)
I would say part of the problem is that it was pushed out in an incomplete form to try to preempt the launch date of Guild Wars. In addition, the lead designer was interviewed about the upcoming battlegrounds, and he demonstrated a shameful lack of understanding
Re:All you freakin WoW Cancellers need to get a li (Score:1)
Re:All you freakin WoW Cancellers need to get a li (Score:2)
For one, Battlegrounds has been Blizzard's constant mantra for the last week. "Don't like the current honor system? It's ok, Battlegrounds will fix it. Immense lagfests in Tarren Mill/Crossroads/etc? That's ok, Battlegrounds will draw away the masses of players seeking honor. Level 48 characters can't even poke their noses outside of the towns on PvP servers without getting splattered by level 60 chars seeking honor? That's ok, Battlegr