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Shadow of the Colossus Impressions 18

The Ico sequel Shadow of the Colossus has been showing its stuff on the expo floor since the doors opened on Wednesday. IGN, Gamespot, and Gamespy have looks at the upcoming title. From the Gamespy article: "Following the light from your sword will allow you to locate a colossus, but that doesn't mean your approach will be without difficulty. While Ico was focused on a castle, Shadow is focused on the wider world and its natural features." Update: 05/19 23:40 GMT by Z : has a look at the game as well.
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Shadow of the Colossus Impressions

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  • FYI (Score:2, Informative)

    Um, this is not a sequel to ICO, it just happens to look similar and is being made by the same development house, but it is not a continuation of the story at all.

    Just want to get that clear.
    • Re:FYI (Score:2, Interesting)

      by wongn ( 777209 )
      Not sure why people formed that opinion too much. It is however very useful to compare the two games and see what advances have been made. The screenshots are flabergasting - but it's almost a shame that it isn't Ico 2.
    • Re:FYI (Score:3, Interesting)

      by zr-rifle ( 677585 )
      however, if you've seen the trailer, you'll recall a horned boy shown in a split-second sequence, so it might be set in the same world of ICO and share the same mythology.
  • From the Gamespy article:
    The game begins in a temple in the center of the game world. This is where the main character's loved one lies.

    Sound familiar to anyone else? We've seen this intro before, many years ago. =)
  • It seems to me that this game runs the risk of being short and/or boring. 52 areas, 16 colossi, no items to find, no lesser enemies. That leaves 36 areas (most of them) that are just kind of there. Is it just going to be endless puzzles the rest of the time? Once you figure out how to solve all the puzzles and defeat all the colossi, where is the replay value?

    Certainly the world looks beautiful, but that's no substitute for gameplay.
    • Couldn't the same be said about Ico?

      It was pretty much endless puzzles, fighting three different types of enemies that had very little variation, and just one final boss. It wasn't boring at all.
    • Sounds like Ico, which is just fine by me. When I purchased Ico originally, I had no idea what it was about, but once I turned on the machine and started playing, I couldn't stop until it was done. Very unique.

      While not a sequel, I have hopes that the team has created another game pulls off the same sense of exploration, puzzles, and adventure.
    • Have you seen the clips? I don't know about you, but if the first Colossus if any indication of what the game is going to be like, I'd gladly play through 80 colossi. This is going to be one hell of a game. Apparently the one in the video clips is the first Colossus AND the smallest. I can only imagine what the last one will look like. *i scaling up an Everest-sized Colossus and seeing the curviture of the earth at the top as it moves along* Awesome.

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