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First Person Shooters (Games)

Black FPS Preview 44

The First Person Shooter that had everyone abuzz at this year's E3 was the simply titled 'Black'. Eurogamer has a piece on the upcoming console-based action game, where it's come from, and where it's going. From the article: "But one thing Ward freely admits is that Black distills the team's best memories of their favourite movies. In fact, the last time out we got a sneak peak at the storyboarding process down at Criterion's HQ, each of the game's levels were explicitly designed to play out like your best memories of the best action sequences they could think of. Not a bad basis for an action game, you might reason."
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Black FPS Preview

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  • by hunterx11 ( 778171 ) <> on Thursday June 02, 2005 @04:31PM (#12708400) Homepage Journal
    This is an outrage. Why do the call it a "black" FPS? Would other FPS's like to be called a "white" FPS?
    • I think you will find that it is a game, of the First Person Shooter genre, that is titled "Black". Such as there is another game of said genre that is called "Quake". for this game, the title of the article could have been called "Quake FPS Preview".
  • It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.
  • While I'm not an FPS fan (gives me headaches), the fact you can do anything to the external environment is extremely exciting for really just about every game, not just an FPS. Outside the scope of the game, I imagine this will be awesome for every other genre. RPGs, adventure games...

    Well, all hype aside, it's sounding pretty cool.
    • I doubt black will match Silent Storm, that has increadible interactivity...
      • I don't think the two relate so much... Silent Storm is a strategy game, you can only click on what you want your guy to interact with. FPS's are different, the user controls directly where the character goes, and the game has to handle all the physics related to the character's actions. Having everything interactive in a FPS is a much more difficult feat.
    • I break stuff in real life all the time. It's really cool!

      Car breaks down - Dose it with gasoline and send it pinballing down a cliff with flames dancing to the sweet night music of destruction. Bump my head on a my basements low doorway - let the sledgehammer rain down wood splinters and chunks of drywall until I have enough headroom. Gumball machine steals my quarter - crowbar it into flying shards of glass and hundreds of colorful bouncing gumballs.

      I'm telling you there's no limit to the number of life
  • Ewww.. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Creepy Crawler ( 680178 ) on Thursday June 02, 2005 @04:31PM (#12708408)
    PS2 or (e)Xbox... No PC eh? Ok, that BLOWS, expessially for an FPS.

    So when will PC get more good games, and not these PS2 or Xbox shill games?
    • If it makes you feel any better, We've had this for ages. Action quake2/Action HalfLife are the exact same premise, The Specialists is also a movie-inspired mod.
    • "So when will PC get more good games, and not these PS2 or Xbox shill games?"

      Probably once developers want to make their games work on a variety of hardware combinations rather than just making it work on one or two specific combinations.
    • ...let go of their fears of their software being *ahem* "pirated" around the Internet.

      Sometimes one has to realize that they are lucky to receive payment for one copy, much less thousands. They should stop suing and be happy with whatever they get from sales.
    • Re:Ewww.. (Score:1, Flamebait)

      by 77Punker ( 673758 )
      Nexuiz [] will be your answer to the FPS problem as soon as a few bugs get ironed out. I just tried it and it's great for somebody who enjoys more "hardcore" shooting.
  • "One thing that's clear is that Criterion is going to finally break with its 'action-only' tradition and furnish Black with the requisite back-story and cast and spin a narrative around the game." - TFA

    Does anyone else interpret this as meaning "cutscenes galore?" Or, has the industry learned from Final Fantasy?
  • Eurogamer sounds a little breathless. Maybe they should give EA's dick a brief respite while they write their reviews.

    Most memorably during the course of the presentation, a group of enemies firing on you from the third floor of a ruined building (with the front having already been cast asunder) have the rug literally pulled out from beneath then when the concrete pillars supporting their floor are taken out by an RPG, sending them and tons of dust and rubble tumbling in on itself as every floor of the rem

    • Just as the parent post noted, Eurogamer suggests that most of the 'fun' from Black comes from its physics engine and the ability to destroy crap in the environment. Although having a good physics engine is good, I seriously doubt that Black (coming out on the PS2 and Xbox 1 in 2006) will be able to able to replicate the physics modeling of the upcoming Unreal 2007 engine, or for that matter, even Half-Life 2 (viz. gravity gun). Bottom line: Full environment interactivity is hard enough on a high-end 3.2G
    • when the concrete pillars supporting their floor are taken out by an RPG

      Wow, I didn't know Final Fantasy had that much of an impact.
  • Well.. at least 'till I got the duct tape mod.
  • The one FPS that had people creaming themselves was F.E.A.R.? Black looks pretty good, though...not that this is my kind of magic and no scantily clad ladies proclaiming strange things that make little, to no, sense.
    • Haven't heard of F.E.A.R, but the biggest-hyped up and coming shooter I'm aware of is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Black has almost no hype going on at the moment if you can believe the article - it just got a showing at E3, and EA still hasn't put out any press releases or anything for it.

      What's with all the acronyms these days anyway?

      • My firm belief is that the video game industry, in their small way, is trying to help American kids learn how to spell again...with bold, capitalized letters...and short, succinct words.

        See, by seeing this bright and shiny acronym, the kids will be all, "What does it mean, mom?!" And then they will strive to learn what words coalesced to create this one super-word, and so on, and so forth...

        Or, it could be that they've run out of words to trademark, and have now moved into the realm of 'alternative phrase
  • We clicked on the monkey and it gave us NO price! stay tuned!

    Come on guys, dont you recognize a PR ad-article when you see one?

    Whats next? a link to a free psp conga line?

  • As a rabbid FPS fan,all I can say is WHO HOOOOO!This game sounds orgasmic!I mean...being able to take down an entire building with 3 or 4 RPG's!? Not to mention this oughta give other game developers ideas on how a game SHOULD be made!Though I am still suprised at how few developers took the hint from Red Faction,and used the idea.I'm still jonzing for the driving game that lets you fly through buildings or cut through an alley to take the lead!What about an RPG game where you can make a trap for some huge
  • Bad screenshots (Score:4, Informative)

    by Doomstalk ( 629173 ) on Thursday June 02, 2005 @05:31PM (#12708958)
    The main impression I got from looking at the screenshots is "Wow those weapons look nice. I wish I could see what the actual game looks like, though." None of the images seemed to provide a clear view of what the weapons or environments look like. Not terribly useful for a preview.
  • by oGMo ( 379 )
    The thing that has me most excited about this as a FPS is that it's about shooting. I really love the FPS sequences in, say, Jak3, where you're focusing on the thing it's about: shooting. Not ammo, not finding keys, not running down hallways. See targets, shoot targets.

    I'm hoping it's the same thing with Black. No ammo, shoot everything. (Actually, Project: Snowblind seems to be like this, minus all the nifty environmental stuff in Black. I haven't played very far yet though.)

    What I hope it's not

  • short version. (Score:4, Informative)

    by AzraelKans ( 697974 ) on Thursday June 02, 2005 @06:01PM (#12709194) Homepage
    When you shoot anything it explodes or reacts. the entire level is "interactive" it will have a "story" around the engine that does that. thats it.

    On a curious note: PDZero for x360 suposedly does exactly the same thing.
  • "Black" - didn't that come out last year under the name Doom III?
  • Is there a downloadable trailer? Can I please be one of the cool guys who's "abuzz" about Black?
  • I wonder how the enamy AI will use these features? If I am walking along should I worry about a builing crashing on my head? This will certenly add a level of stratagy to FPS that never existed before, especialy if the AI is "smart"...
  • by Yirimyah ( 884895 )
    Are they saying there that it won't be released on PC? NOOO!

There must be more to life than having everything. -- Maurice Sendak
