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Role Playing (Games)

A Tale In The Desert II Progress Report 12 has a progress report available for the indie egyptian MMOG A Tale in the Desert. They detail new implimentations in the game, such as recent trials, petitions, and some information on the uber-political test of the demi-pharoah. From the article: "Periodically, there is a test of the demi-pharaoh. This test takes all applicants and puts them into juries of seven. The seven people in each jury are given a set amount of time to converse, argue, discuss and pick the most worthy among themselves to advance to the next stage. If all seven cannot agree on one of their own to advance, no one advances."
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A Tale In The Desert II Progress Report

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  • by neostorm ( 462848 ) on Thursday June 09, 2005 @12:28AM (#12765689)
    First they pioneer a non-violent MMO (though I guess IRC could qualify as that). Then they start thinking of alternate styles of gameplay for non-violent scenarios. If any game puts the social aspect in the onling genre first, this one does.
  • Isn't the 7 people picking 1 person just survivor in reverse? I don't watch the show, and I don't see how this is a breakthrough or exciting.

    Also, can someone explain to me why "non-violent" is so important? It's not like most mmorpgs are that terribly graphic about the violence anyways; certainly WoW, DAoC, etc don't rate beyond PG or PG-13 in that regard.

    • Most ATITD players do not pursue Leadership (one of the seven Disciplines). For those that do the jury rounds of Demi-Pharaoh voting are very tense. I've never made it out of first round. Too big a mouth and what good works I do under the radar. The jury rounds move forward until the final candidates go to voting from all of Egypt. It's an important vote: the Demi-Pharaoh can kick paying players. Yup, you read that correctly. Covered Cartouche, also in Leadership, is Survivor: Egypt. Not one of my favorite

Them as has, gets.
