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Halo 2 World Tourney Finals - Aussie Champ's View 115

Remorhaz writes "Some of you may be aware that the finals of the Worldwide Halo 2 tourney over Xbox Live was held on Friday night (10th June) with the 24 Xbox Live Region winners duking it out for ultimate glory. I was there with Cabel (the Australian representative), his brother and Pidge from Microsoft Australia to play the finals - Cabel made it to the grand final round - but didn't take first place unfortunately (congrats to King Tuur from the Netherlands) - but he's done us Aussies extremely proud :) Here's Remorhaz' "writeup of an insider's view of Australia's Halo 2 representative - Cabel's progress to the finals and the night's events at Australian Microsoft HQ."
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Halo 2 World Tourney Finals - Aussie Champ's View

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  • No more sleep for me
  • I've heard somewhere that these things can be screwed with because of the programming foundation of the game. Is it true that certain players may be able to somehow take advantage of the game without anyone noticing?
  • by hobotron ( 891379 ) on Sunday June 12, 2005 @02:05AM (#12793419)
    I've long since been burned out on the incessant stream of racial, sexual, and downright lame spoutings of the usual "gamers" in every online game no matter what the genre.
    It really is a nice sight to see what real gamers around the world can come together for actual GAMING
    Hats off to you guys.
  • In true /. form, i haven't RTFA. An aussie fights the final against a dutch guy, the dutch guy wins, and the article is done with the looser (just kidding! loser)?
  • I had this great idea for a glove-type of controller. It would allow for quicker movement (especially with caffeine).

    It's so bad.
  • by sinner0423 ( 687266 ) <> on Sunday June 12, 2005 @02:25AM (#12793465)
    Playing a first person shooter with a joystick is analogous to driving a car with your buttcheeks.

    I've played PC games for over half my life and I still can't grasp controlling a FPS on a console. I'm sure any awards that were given out were well deserved.
  • Some of you may be aware that the finals of the Worldwide Halo 2 tourney over Xbox Live was held on Friday

    Oh of course, loads of us. There was a world wide Rise of the Triad competition the other day too.

    Timothy, don't turn into a Michael and put stupid shit like this on the front page.
  • Kinda Lame (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Saige ( 53303 )
    A number of guys that made it to the finals boosted their way there. You can check some of the match histories for the gamertags and see the boosting that's happened.

    Kinda ruins the whole thing when you can't trust that the people who should have been at the top actually were.
    • Ok, I'll bite... got a good link that explains "boosting" in a Halo 2 context (or any other gaming ranking system for that matter)?
      • Re:Kinda Lame (Score:4, Informative)

        by HD Webdev ( 247266 ) on Sunday June 12, 2005 @02:59AM (#12793543) Homepage Journal
        Ok, I'll bite... got a good link that explains "boosting" in a Halo 2 context (or any other gaming ranking system for that matter)?

        Try the [] forums for example.

        You can see how ranking is figured out there.

        Once how the rankings are computed is understood it's easy to get to a very high ranking as long as you understand and implement it better than most other people. (tracking down higher rated players and catch them on a losing team and then joining the winning team is one of the most useful tactics to boost stats regardless of the specific ranking system).

        As far as ranking, being the better player is more difficult than figuring out how to trick ranking systems into thinking that you're a better player.
        • Re:Kinda Lame (Score:3, Interesting)

          by Have Blue ( 616 )
          It's actually a lot harder in Halo 2 than you make it sound- the system is pretty resistant to being gamed, especially after the recent patch. In ranked play, you give up control over what you are playing and who you are playing against- the only choice you make is what category of game you want to play (deathmatch, objective, 1v1, etc). You don't get to choose your opponents either; you can't see who you are playing against until the game has started. If you leave after the game has started, it's counted t
          • Re:Kinda Lame (Score:2, Interesting)

            by Saige ( 53303 )
            Well, there are still ways to do it. I think one way is to get on at a time when fewer people are playing in your area (middle of the night, for example), and make sure to have a group of people together. If you were to, say, form two 4 person teams with the same highest ranking player, and manage to start looking for a game about the same time, the odds are much higher that you'll get matched up with each other.

            If you can play around with switching people on teams and starting games at the same time whe
        • Congratulations on being the only >= 3 post that isn't bitching about not being able to use a mouse and keyboard! Your brain must have been accidentally left in the "on" position while posting to /..
  • by Anonymous Coward
    A Day in the Life of an International Halo 2 Tournament - Cabel vs. the World!!!

    An insiders view of Australias Halo 2 representative - Cabel's progress to the finals.

    The scene was set - it was the day of the World Halo 2 Xbox Live Championship Finals. The 24 Xbox Live Region champions had been decided and it was game on for the final series.

    This was the worlds first global Xbox Live Halo 2 tournament and the final series was being decided by a playoff on Xbox Live. The global championship rounds were pla
  • I've never used WASD. I just place my hand on the keyboard like normal: ASDF[SPACE].

    • F: forward
    • D: back
    • S: strafe left
    • SPACE: strafe right
    • A: jump

    I now have... six keys I can reach with little to no stretch with my little finger without letting off of the movement buttons. Of course, I don't strafe in two directions at the same time, so that leaves at least one additional finger to press a myriad of buttons at all times as well. Plus my fingers don't feel squished into a tiny arrow key configuration.

    • by ( 841449 ) on Sunday June 12, 2005 @04:35AM (#12793738)
      Since when was WASD the standard?!? I always thought it was
      • K: up
      • J: down
      • H: left
      • L: right
      • I don't see how any of you play games like that. It's not very intuitive at all. I use the following.
        J: Jump
        U: Up
        D: Down
        L: Left
        R: Right
        F: Forward
        B: Backward
        C: Crouch
        Left Alt + S: Strafe Seft
        Right Alt + S: Strafe Right
      • This is what I use. Relatively straight forward:
        up: up arrow
        down: down arrow
        strafe left: left arrow
        strafe right: right arrow
        jump: middle click (though this depends on the game...for something like UT this works fine...but CS:S...)
      • You may be modded funny, but in truth, I think us lefties have a natural advantage when it comes to such games. Although it bugs other people to use my computer, I always have the mouse on the left and use the numeric keypad for directional controls. It's pretty convenient not only because the buttons are nicely lined up, but it's surrounded by other buttons that are good for reload, jump, duck, etc.

        Also, the keys that are further away (+, enter, and 0) are bigger, so they're pretty handy too.

        Couple that
        • It was a bad vi [] joke. I didn't intend for it to be interpreted literally.
        • There will be zero correlation between the "handedness" and skill. It is all about practice, practice, practice. I am right handed and if I wanted to could use the numeric pad, it would be a matter of sliding my keyboard 10 inches to the left. Besides the letter keys aren't lined up perfectly because it is more ergonomic, which is needed for playing hour after hour to guess what? practice practice practice.
    • Think you're weird?!

      My quake3 controls are:
      z: strafe left
      x: strafe right
      a: back
      space: jump
      right mouse: forward
      q: select railgun
      w: select RL
      e: select shotgun

      Allows me to play one handed, which is useful for drinking [insert favourite beverage]. :)

      All other games I use wasd though
      • How do you turn around? With that, you're limited to facing one direction. o_0
        • How do you turn around? With that, you're limited to facing one direction. o_0
          By moving the mouse...
          When I say I can play one handed, I mean just for a little while, take left hand off keyboard to grab a drink, while changing direction + moving forward + firing with just the mouse :)
    • Well IMHO your config is suboptimal because you wast to fingers for farward/backward, plus the fact that giving spave to right isnt that good on most keyboards (because space usually has worse feedback when hitting non-centred).

      With wsad, middle finger can easily hit both forward and backward, a and d for left and right each have their finger, the thump is resting on space ready to jump and the base if the little finger rests on control, ready to crouch, while the tip can activate shift for running without
      • Well IMHO your config is suboptimal because you wast to fingers for farward/backward, plus the fact that giving spave to right isnt that good on most keyboards (because space usually has worse feedback when hitting non-centred).

        I would argue that I can naturally react and move more fluidly though. I've done the arrow key position (which is what WASD is if I'm not mistaken), and you have to lift your finger off the W and move it to the D to change directions. I don't have to do that. It's probably not a

    • I always used the arrow keys, seems more natural as my fingers can rest on the keys and the bottom of the keyboard rather than having to have them suspended over the rest of the keys if I were using aswd or something. It's a hassle having to move your finger tips everytime you want to change direction, with the arrow keys you just press down with different parts of your finger which are already lying over the keys.

      Then I use space for jump and control for shoot or something. Apparently some people use mice
    • Screw WASD.

      MOUSE1: Forward
      MOUSE2: Backward
      MOUSE3: Alt Fire
      MOUSE4: Fire
      MOUSE5: Reload
      Q: Strafe Left
      W: Strafe Right
      • You're almost as freakish as me...

        Mouse1: Fire
        Mouse2: Forward
        D: Strafe Left
        F: Strafe Right
        Space: Backwards
        S: Jump
        C: Next Weapon

        E usually gets mapped to "use" or something like that.

        This is how I was taught to play back in the original Doom days when I switched from gamepade to mouse. I've become extremely good at it (although I'm not as competitive as I was back in the day) but I don't know if I'd go so far as to recommend it to anyone. The hardest part was learning not to "lock up" by hitting forward
    • Up:Jump
      Left:Strafe Left
      Right:Strafe Right

      Nearly nobody does it this way but me: the benefit is that I can do all my running around with 1 hand, and use the other hand only when I need to engage something. :/ The setup was modified from the original Quake setup, which had fire and move forward as mouse buttons.
  • Tourney means to compete in a tournament , it's is not a short form for tournament .
    "Halo 2 World to compete in a tournament finals-Aussie Champ's view"
    • Tourneys is the short form of tournament not tourney
    • What are you talking about? Tourney is a valid abbreviation of tournament in English. What I say has been true for at least three decades.

    • Apologies , i was wrong its also acceptable :D well i just made a fool of myself nice way to start a Sunday , Well i blame it on lack of sleep.
      But well done to the guy , It would be interesting to see how well he could hold up against someone with a keyboard mouse combo though.
      Apologies again
  • *sigh*

    Mind you, I'd had the nickname inflicted on me before pokemon [].

"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry." -- Chekhov
