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Role Playing (Games)

FFXII News Coming At Square Enix Event 40

Gamespot is reporting on the upcoming Square Enix Summer gaming event at the end of July. From the article: "As expected, the most anticipated stage presentations at the event will be the two planned for Square Enix's upcoming role-playing game, Final Fantasy XII. On day one, series' music composer Nobuo Uematsu will discuss the game while showing off some new footage. The company will also be making a major announcement about FFXII."
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FFXII News Coming At Square Enix Event

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  • i never played FF games before FFXI (MMORPG), and as a hardcore ffxi player i'm wondering if anyone knows if S-E is planning another MMORPG?

    ffxi is 3+ years old now and any new MMORPG they announce could be seen as the beginning of the end for FFXI.
  • Final Fantasy 11 is and was the only game that is online. Every other from 1 - 10b and now 12 are all single player rpgs This isn't compition just another sequal While final fantasy is a good game series i wish they would start another one as they are sort of plowing final fantasy into the ground i mean come on ff12 is realtime action not turn based. The begining of the end i say for the series. -Jayson
    • Real time action done right is fun. Granted, it isn't my idea of what Final Fantasy is, but the games have gone from rigid turn based combat through to less structured delay based combat so why not realtime action? We've seen the begining of the end for the series before (VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, and XI have all been called that by people who didn't like abandoning squatty sprites, changes in the magic system, nostalgia-fests, voice acting, same world sequels, or online play respectively and I think it's safe
  • I have to admit it and come clear right now. I don't know roman numerals. I just don't. So please Final Fantasy, I realize they make you look cool and it's essential to your brand image, but for my sake USE REGUALR GOD DAMN NUMBERS. Thank you.
    • Okay, so the next one will now be labeled Final Fantasy C.

      No? How about Final Fantasy 1100?

      Final Fantasy 22? 110?
    • by IllogicalStudent ( 561279 ) <jsmythe79.hotmail@com> on Monday June 20, 2005 @12:17AM (#12860533)

      I don't know roman numerals. I just don't.

      They're actually quite easy.

      • I = 1
      • V = 5
      • X = 10
      • L = 50
      • C = 100
      • D = 500
      • M = 1000

      So, if you have III, it's 1+1+1=3. If you have LXVI, it's 50+10+5+1=66.

      Where it gets mildly confusing is when you have a lower-value numeral preceding a higher-value one, as in the case of IV or XL. In these cases, you read it literally as "1 before 5 (4)" and "10 before 50 (40)".

      For practice figuring these things out, all television shows have a production date at the end (usually following the credit rolls). Present shows are easy (MMV -- 1000+1000+5=2005), but try those from the 80s or 90s. For example, MCMXCVII = 1000 + 100-before-1000 (900) + 10-before-100 (90) + 5 + 1 + 1 = 1997.

      Hope I haven't confused you further.

      • According to my grandfather, who got his master's in classical studies, the placement of a preceding number to indicate a lower value is an invention of the 1700's, and the romans always just wrote VIIII to represent 9, for example. Furthermore the letters Y and W did not exist. Y is known in French as "Greek I" and W was simply written as two v's, also known in french as "Double V" rather than double u.
  • there will be two versions of FFXII, one for PS2 (the version they have been working on) and one for PS3 (a quick port with highly improved graphics and the same gameplay)...SE was irked when Sony announced the release date for the PS3 around the same time that SE was going to release FFXII for PS2. This is just a way to make the best of a less than ideal situation...
    • Doesn't seem too likely; early '06 launch is right in line with all expectations, and in fact a longer life for the PS2 than the PS1.

      Also note that FF3 came out 27 April 1990 to the Super Famicom's release 21 November, FF6 2 April 1994 to the PS's release 2 December 1994, and FF9 7 July 2000---4 months after the PS2's release on 4 March.

try again
