Sony Produces Fewer Units, Not Sorry About Delays 55
Sony has ordered its suppliers to produce fewer units of the PSP handheld, 1up reports. From the article: "While meeting with suppliers, Sony reportedly plans to manufacture only 12 million units, reports Next Generation from Japan's Nikkei BP. Previously, suppliers had expected orders in excess of 18 million units for the portable hardware. No reasons were cited in the original article, and representatives for Sony Computer Entertainment America were not available for comment." Meanwhile, GameIndustry.biz is reporting that the company is unrepentant about the PSP's launch delay and the consistent PS2 shortages. From the article: "...despite the constant criticism of the company, which will launch PSP in Europe in September nine months after the Japanese launch, in fact, 'we like this - we don't want to go first.'"
No win situation (Score:3, Interesting)
Wouldn't that be a tacit admission that the hardware wasn't really ready at the time of the first launch?
Still can't figure out why they'd want to produce less units though, unless they figure it would be better to undershoot and have a higher demand for a smaller number of units than to overshoot and glut the market, but if true that also wouldn't sound too good once you decyphered the market-speak.
Re:No win situation (Score:2)
Unless you really need the latest gadget RIGHT NOW - it's a good idea to wait a few generations before buying it.
Recall the drive issues with first-generation PS2s and XBoxes. Recall the problem with the headphone jack in the first generation iPod.
A shortage of the first generation PS3s isn't necessarily a bad thing. No matter how much testing the company does, it's nothing compared to the early ado
PStwo fragility? (Score:2)
Recall the drive issues with first-generation PS2s and XBoxes.
Recall the lid issues with current generation PS2 systems. I've read horror stories of the disc drive lid breaking off after a week.
What about Gamecube? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:No win situation (Score:1)
The market-speak is seems pretty clear to me:
Re:No win situation (Score:1)
Agreed. Although, the PSPs did have quite a few bugs at launch. Like my brother's PSP would convert AVI movies to MP4 files. We're not sure why it happened, but it effectively reduced the entertainment value of the PSP by 1/4. A
Sony - Arrogance Inc. (Score:5, Interesting)
Sony Computer Entertainment, even with the translation gaffes and communication errors, seems to be one of the cockiest and unapologetic companies in the gaming business. The PSP alone has already generated a myriad of problems, all of which are dealt with from indiffference to outright hostility towards their customers:
Yes, the PSP is beautiful. Yes, it's sleek and sexy. But honestly, I swear Sony made it for themselves, with customer satisfaction as a distant afterthought.
Re:Sony - Arrogance Inc. (Score:2)
Re:Sony - Arrogance Inc. (Score:1)
The need to blow on NES games to get them to play was fixed with the top loading NES.
Re:Sony - Arrogance Inc. (Score:1)
Besides, new connectors are easy to come by on eBay. You can't say that about PSP shells.
Re:Sony - Arrogance Inc. (Score:2)
You can't choose your relatives (Score:2)
And really, if you were a little more delicate than the average 8 year-old kid, you wouldn't have that problem to begin with.
I can't stop 8-year-old video-game-playing cousins from visiting my house. Now what do I do? Should I just hide the PSP and let people play the GBA alternative to Lumines [jk0.org]?
and never-ending "I want more" claims from users (Score:1, Interesting)
I agree. Yeah I agree:D. F*ck it.
* X Buttons:
Sony has fixed this problem before US launch and you/I don't have the problem. You are believing a rumour which is about a year old. And you don't have anything to back your claim up now. I owns PSP and I can see its quality is no less than that of home console machines.
* UMD:
UMD has been somehow in successful position. I have no doubt with this. Compare it with DVD at its first year. DVD was protected tightly as well. I guess if it is fully
Re:and never-ending "I want more" claims from user (Score:2)
It's 'universal' in the sense that it does more than simply play music or video. It plays games and presumably other types of media, too. It's 'universal' in the sense that the V in DVD means 'versatile'.
Re:and never-ending "I want more" claims from user (Score:3, Insightful)
The UMD is currently used by one device... One. I will not consider it a success until there are non Sony products using it. Some people would call Mini-Disc a success. They would be wrong. Considering that a portable DVD player with a much larger screen is available at your local Sam's Club for $100 less
Re:and never-ending "I want more" claims from user (Score:3, Insightful)
"Hmmm. Well. Here I am at the old game store and there's still no more PSP games out. On the other hand, there are some UMD movies here. Yeah. I think I'll spend my money on a movie with fewer features than a DVD with worse audio/visual quality. It's a good deal because the price is only a LITTLE higher than DVD and I can play the movies on my PSP...well, only my PSP...Come to think
Re:and never-ending "I want more" claims from user (Score:1)
Look! It's a small portable screen, and it's playing a movie! Isn't that amazing?
Re:Sony - Arrogance Inc. (Score:2)
This largely seems to stem from the personality of its head, Kutaragi.
He's widely reviled within Sony itself (even the SCE employees I know seem to regard him with a sort of air of amused disbelief). However a cocky attitude does seem to have been a part of SCE's success, and people don't really want to mess with that...
[Sony the larger
Re:Sony - Arrogance Inc. (Score:2)
I'm still trying to figure out what the business plan around UMD movies is. I've seen a commercial twice now advertising "Hitch... on DVD and PSP!" DVD is bad enough!
A portable system that could play DVDs, now that'd be great. But if you have to buy separate, lower-capacity disks in order to watch movies on a
Nothing new (Score:1)
Re:Nothing new (Score:2)
Re:Nothing new (Score:2, Insightful)
Sony's Strategy (Score:2)
They're probably hoping that they can keep the price high enough for now that only the most interested people will buy PSPs. Then, word will get out on the street about how cool they are and everyone will get one for Christmas at an only marginally lower price, thereby making Sony look like a god of holiday toy/electronic/video game sales.
Re:Sony's Strategy (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Sony's Strategy (Score:1)
Heh (Score:4, Interesting)
Let me tell you what Sony meant a couple of years back.
For example if you bought a TFT. Everyone else quoted TR+TF as latency (time to rise + time to fall). Sony was the only company left which quoted only either TR or TF. So your l33t 25ms TFT with a Sony logo would typically have _higher_ latency than a 40ms from Iiyama, LG or Samsung. (Which also cost less than half the price.)
For example if you bought a Sony "MP3" player: it was the only "MP3 player" which couldn't in fact play MP3. Sony actually stuck to their own crappy codec, which is arguably the worst at a given bit rate, and capped to some 64 kbit/sec anyway. So you'd rip your MP3 at, say, 192 kbit/s, and get a little audio loss. Then you'd upload it to your l33t Sony MP3 player, and it would get uncompressed and recompressed to Sony's codec, at a whole 64kbit/sec. (Actually lower on some models.) And get a LOT of audio quality loss extra.
And so on. Sony never was that big a name for quality, it was just a name for big marketting and high prices. All you got for that extra money was the name "Sony" and quite often _less_ quality than an equivalent product. (E.g., again, see how Sony's "25ms" wasn't quite the same "25ms" anyone else used, or that the ISO standard defined.)
Don't get me wrong, I still did like their Playstation and PS2, because of the massive developper support they had. But if we're talking Sony's own part in it, again, at launch they were shamelessly mis-represented as being far more capable than they realy were. Typical Sony marketting running amok, really.
Re:Heh (Score:3, Insightful)
Let's try to go back a bit further than MP3 players and TFTs. After all, they're more an example of the company's current state of crappiness than anything else. You're only going back, say 3-5 years?
Through the 70's, 80's and 90's Sony was a great brand known for innovation and quality. We're talking the guys who launched the portable television when market research and wisdom of the time stated there was no market for it. The problem happenened
We're talking a COUPLE of years back (Score:2)
And yes, they're a prime example of the company's current state of crappiness, as you very aptly put it. That's what the last couple of years (well, ok, more like over a decade) of Sony has been all about: lots of m
Re:We're talking a COUPLE of years back (Score:1)
Samsung (Score:2)
They now make the quality, well-designed products that Sony used to make until the mid-90s.
(I just wish they'd make Bluetooth phones.)
Maybe it's simple (Score:3, Insightful)
Maybe they just realized that they aren't selling a gazillion PSPs and decided to only produce enough for current and future demand? I know it sounds crazy, but maybe it's just a duck.
Re:Maybe it's simple (Score:1)
It can't be about increasing demand (Score:3, Insightful)
Or, you know, maybe... (Score:2)
I seriously doubt they're profiting on these little machines. Not that that's new for them, of course.
But what IS new to Sony is not having a massive game library. How do you make up losses on system sales when you hardly have any games worth the effort it takes to lift the UMD?
Anyway, arrogant, arrogant, etc., their lies killed Sega, etc.
Re:Or, you know, maybe... (Score:2)
The PS3 is placing it all on Blu-ray which other manufacturers are dumping faster tha
Re:Or, you know, maybe... (Score:1)
My DS has seen about twice the play time as my roommates PSP which doesn't really even get used at all anymore (after we all got over how cool the screen was, there was nothing..)
BTW Kirby Canvas Curse is a GREAT game and Bomberman looks pretty sweet too.
Bloody Sony... (Score:2)
Sometimes living in the UK really sucks...
[1] But still months after everywhere else, although they do release games at about the same time as everywhere else now, instead of months (or in
Re:Bloody Sony... (Score:1)
If you actually want one, of course. There's a grand total of about three decent games available.
Re:Bloody Sony... (Score:1)
you can get an import PSP now
UMD Video is region coded. Japan is Region 2 at 60 Hz; North America is Region 1 at 60 Hz; Europe is Region 2 at 50 Hz.
If you actually want one, of course. There's a grand total of about three decent games available.
Aren't they all available on other platforms in some form, including the PSP's flagship falling block game [jk0.org]?
Re:Bloody Sony... (Score:1)
Lumines is fun, but no more so than Mizuguchi's companion piece Meteos for the DS.
PSP region coding distinguishes Europe from Japan (Score:2)
yes it's Region encoded, but (a) the 50Hz/60Hz thing doesn't count here, as the PSP doesn't have a TV out, and so ignores the PAL/NTSC standards
So? This forum message from Lik-Sang [lik-sang.com] strongly implies that come September, European UMD Video titles will not play in Japanese PSP units. It's to be expected, as one of Sony's other PS Family products enforces TV-system lockout even if it doesn't have to. If I'm playing an all-region PAL disc on a PS2 NTSC U/C system (if it matters, it's Wobbl and Bob vol. 1), i
Re:PSP region coding distinguishes Europe from Jap (Score:1)
I don't doubt that UK UMDs won't play on a Japanese machine, but since I already import all my DVDs from the US I can't say it particularly bothers me. My main point is that UMD films are a dumb idea generally.
Re:Bloody Sony... (Score:2)
Okay, so it's not exactly Zelda, but dammit, I wanted to play that.
Dodging the question (Score:1)
A more mature platform with more games? Sure, but that still leaves the question of why you didn't extend this courtesy to the Eastern/NA markets, Sony?
But there must be some logic behind this move, it's just that noone seems to have any idea what it is. What do Sony