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Games Entertainment

Immersively Kick Ass Kung-Fu 38

Ant writes "Kick @ss Kung-Fu is an immersive game installation that transforms computer gaming into a visual, physical performance like dance or sports. You can fight and defy gravity like kung-fu movie actors -- only there's no wires or post-production needed, thanks to the real-time embodied interaction and virtual set technology. Formula: You + Camera + Software + Screens = Embodied Gameplay."
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Immersively Kick Ass Kung-Fu

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  • This was already on G4TV (Attack of the Show).

    Way to stay on top Slashdot. Half of the stories in the last few months have been duplicates of lame stories (which often are just small blurbs about products or gadgets and not stories) long since aired on G4TV or posted on Fark, Drudgereport or Engadget and Gizmodo.

    I hate to be another Slashdot-whiner, but good god. I kind of feel like my Subscription is a rip-off when most of what I'm reading I already got for free on other sites - days or weeks earlier.
  • by alexo ( 9335 ) on Saturday June 25, 2005 @06:56PM (#12911309) Journal
    ... who are not martial arts experts, cannot set up a special room and shell out mucho dinero for the equipment but still want some immersive fun, there's Eye Toy [].
  • Finally! (Score:2, Funny)

    by superjerk ( 828305 )
    Badly drawn flash games just aren't enough for me. I need immersive badly drawn flash games. Preferably with shaky animation and grating sound effects. This is my dream come true.
  • It'd be rather neat if you could use two cameras to create a 3D-model of a person, instead of a 2D image -- some folks at MIT already did some research on this [], but it'd be pretty cool to see this implemented in a game.

    Maybe the Xbox 360 or PS3 could create a realtime 3D model on the fly?
    • The Revolutionary part of Nintendo's next console is probably that sort of feature. Actually, that will be just one of the revolutionary features. It will do all things! Nintendo can do no wrong! Luigi's Mansion was a great game!
    • by macshit ( 157376 ) * <snogglethorpe@gm a i> on Saturday June 25, 2005 @09:35PM (#12911812) Homepage
      Maybe the Xbox 360 or PS3 could create a realtime 3D model on the fly?

      Well who knows, but it's a sure bet that they'll claim they can...
    • Creating a 3d model from pictures is hard. Creating a 3d model from 2 pictures is damn hard.
      Creating a realtime 3d model that can be animated from two pictures is nigh impossible (never mind they'd have to be from very different angles so every part of the object is visible). Even humans usually work with more than two pictures (three at bare minimum, front, side, back).

      Realtime objects need a very optimized mesh, a computer can't do that yet (which is why art teams are so expensive). Those meant for anima
      • As humans, we use two eyes (visual input sources) to get depth perception and 3D vision. Why can't we do the same with two cameras?

        A raster mesh created 'on the fly' is out of the question (precisely what parent noted), but can't one just map salient physical characteristics of the person to a generalized 3D model? I mean, all humans look fairly similar, and a two-camera model could use depth perception data to customize a humanoid mesh to look like a gamer.

        just my two cents :)
        • You see only a part of the object, your experience fills in the gaps. Reshaping a basemesh to look like the user wouldn't be that accurate as you'd still have to recognize the individual limbs and their shapes (and it'd have trouble with some clothes, imagine a girl wearing a dress in front of that system, where would the system place her legs? Do we expect the user to pose nude and let the program add clothes?). The texture would be the hard part, the computer cannot guess what your backside looks like. Be
          • Very good example -- I totally didn't think about the 'clothing' issue at all :)

            Perhaps fourth or fifth-generation consoles could overcome the computational / design / algorithmic hurdles you mentioned? The 3D-model-in-game sounds quite cool, so I'd hate to discard the whole idea completely...
            • Wouldn't your best bet be to incorporate a black or blue or green suit covered with little white dots? Seemed to work well for the motion capturing guys. You wouldn't look like... you, but it would still work great for 3D games.
              • Motion capturing only records joint positions. You can record animation but to get the character to look like the user you'd have to have it match the shapes of the user. Most importantly the face.
  • Have you seen the movie? Wow, that guy was hot, wasn't he? But if you know kung-fu so well as the handsome player on the clip in question then why would you want to play someone who does? It's like playing sim city by a real mayor instead of ruling his own city or playing half life by someone who already has a life of his own, and a full one at that. Doesn't make much sense. In addition with poor graphics and lame music I just can't see it popular among the video games target audience (read: nonathletic tee
    • Signature: Ironic (Possibly because of poor spelling)
    • By the way, the music in video probably is just for demo purposes. The rest of the demo clips shot on the location don't have music at all. They had this game on TV (part of "Taistelevat Julkkikset" show), where they used Cliched Kung-Fu Music(tm), but I guess it was put there by the TV folks.

      Graphics weren't really that awful, apart of the extremely silly-looking death effect (the 2D character flops down like a cardboard cutout or something =)

    • Additionally, there's something which they invariably seem to miss every time that stupid idea comes around _again_. (There's hardly been more than a couple of months without someone coming up with the exact same "I know, let's make the player kick/swing a sword/run on a treadmill/whatever to make it really immersive" idea.)

      That something is: physical effort involved.

      Do you fancy playing that kind of game for 12 hours on a weekend? It doesn't matter if you're athletic or non-athletic: even among pro athle
  • I usually don't say this...but...that really sucks. I mean..I see effort..and an 'idea' there...and used to make the sucks. When someone came up with this idea, if only a friend came to them and said 'Hey, that is pretty lame', then money and energy would have been saved. But! I still give a little credit because they did it, and it looks like it works. However, it still sucks.
    • Let me guess: You don't have many friends, right?

      This project seems like a really neat project as far as I'm concerned. It's quite a techical achivement too, as correctly finding the player in the video-strem is not a trivial task. And it seems like it is integrated quite well into the game.
  • It's not "Immersively Kick-Ass Kung-Fu" until the ass that gets kicked is *yours*.

    And then you might as well go down to your local martial-arts place and get your ass immersively-kung-fu-kicked for free.
    • And then you might as well go down to your local martial-arts place and get your ass immersively-kung-fu-kicked for free.

      Palace, ColaMan. I think you mean martial arts palace.

  • I can say that the coolest potential for this is as a training tool. It would be pretty neat to watch yourself real-time and possibly have a game designed around your art that required precision and skill to win.

    That is, if you had the $$$ for the equipment.

Top Ten Things Overheard At The ANSI C Draft Committee Meetings: (4) How many times do we have to tell you, "No prior art!"
