Engineering Everquest 29
The IEEE Spectrum site has an article up discussing the engineering required to keep Norrath running. From the article: "The Death Star is a huge, warm, windowless room containing the rows and rows of servers that run Sony's online games. The whooshing of a massive air-conditioning system is so loud that conversation is almost impossible. A large steel cage surrounds more than 500 servers stacked 32 high in towering racks--and this is just one battalion, albeit the largest, in Sony's 1500-machine army of servers."
um , had to say it (Score:1, Funny)
Re:um , had to say it (Score:2, Funny)
Re:What For? (Score:3, Funny)
EQ doesn't have players anymore, what are the servers for?
To keep the NPCs alive?
Re:DRAMA! (Score:4, Insightful)
"Three people per shift work in the NOC, and there are three shifts per day. During each shift, NOC staff monitor game activity, responding to players in remote locations and working with a custom suite of software tools to fix problems along the way."
Maybe this is why the GM didn't answer your call. There were only 3 of them.
I seriously hope and imagine that there are more (maybe 10) but the article totally implies that 3 people handle problems with players in remote locations.
Which would totally explain SOE's tech support.
Re:DRAMA! (Score:3, Insightful)
You mean lack of it.
Not just Everquest (Score:3, Interesting)
Everquest is merely the highlight of the report, but theres also EQ2, Planetside and SWG all running off these servers. With that in mind, 150,000 users 'at any given time' isn't too impressive when spread out over 1,500 servers. Assuming the number of users is equally divided (37,500 users and 375 servers per game 'at any given time') then theres not much workload really being put on the servers. That comes out to roughly 1 server per 100 players.
Re:Not just Everquest (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Not just Everquest (Score:2)
1. Walk mob between predetermined points A and B when not fighting.
2. Chase after player who is running away in a straight line path. Maybe move around small obstacle to continue chasing player. On the other hand, maybe get stuck and decide following player is too much trouble, so return to path outlined in number 1 above.
Re:Not just Everquest (Score:2)
If that "pathfinding" requires 40% of their server resources, I
Re:Not just Everquest (Score:1)
On that note, I've wondered for a while what the WoW servers are like for a world, say, Uther where I am.
Re:Not just Everquest (Score:2)
Re:Not just Everquest (Score:2)
Re:Not just Everquest (Score:2)
Re:Not just Everquest (Score:2)
Re:Not just Everquest (Score:2)
As SWG is one of the (if not the) lowest populated games, I'd say there's something awry with the numbers. I'm on a faily low populated server, and at any given time there are (just guessing) 1-2k players on. The more heavily popilated servers have around 3k players. SOE stopped reporting number of active accounts some time ago when they dropped from the initial 350k, so I can only guess what the actual numbers are. What I don't know is how many servers run my galaxy. But I can
Second place (Score:4, Insightful)
I admit I'm new to reading this periodical, and skipped straight to this article, but... I sortof held IEEE to higher standards. Maybe I should go to journalism school, or something, but
"We budgeted the game to hit 200,000 subscribers, 20% churn, eleventy billion in cash, and so we set up servers (because YUO LIKES TEH OVERFLOWZ) to support 300,000. When 500,000 people showed up on opening day, Leeroy Jenkins shat his pants. He dropped a drumstick and suggested we throttle connectivity, so that players who do get on have the experience we designed, and players that don't have a tangible explanation as to our undercapacity. Thus was born the much hated queue system, and you can bet Leeroy a chicken that we burnt the midnight oil adding capacity. A unique issue games like EverWowSide face is that we can't just take the servers down for teh upgradez. So we had to do a cost benefits analysis and for the first two weeks we did rolling reboots [SEE SIDEPANEL]... our original upgrade-lifecycle plan [SEE SIDEPANEL] expected us to have this sort of user growth over the course of a year, but we had to have had it doned yesterdays liek JeffKs. So [INTERESTINGLY INFORMATIVE ARTICLE ABOUT A MASSIVE ROLLOUT IN A MONTH THAT WAS PLANNED FOR A YEAR, HOPEFULLY AVOIDING TOO MUCH BACK PATTING AND MAY POSSIBLY BE RELATED TO ENGINEERING, AS OPPOSED TO COME PLAY EVERSIDEGALAXIES2]"
No, wait. I'm wrong. An article about all those empty servers is much more interesting.
Re:Second place (Score:2)
EverQuest 2 servers are hardly empty.
Re:Second place (Score:2)
I checked on EQ about 3 months ago at a friend's house (I refuse to go back) and almost every zone he went on was either completely empty or had 1 person running through it en route to a raid zone where almost everyone plays in (since many guilds imploded and combined into 1 big guild just so they can handle the high end content).
We then played some EQ2 (for sh*ts and giggles) and zone
Wonder about UO server (Score:1)
I'm curious now as to how many servers run the oceania shard (supposedly in Sydney)
NO PICTURES? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:NO PICTURES? (Score:1, Informative)
Your local library may receive a subscription, but if you live near a university that offers electical or computer engineering degrees you might have better luck contacting the campus library.
SOE glue sniffers (Score:4, Funny)
That really goes a loooong way in explaining a lot of things that go on over at SOE. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they eat it too.