GTA Sex Game Debate Intensifies 189
The ESRB kerfluffle with Rockstar shows no signs of ebbing. Gamespot is reporting that a watchdog group has gotten into the act. From the article: "The Minneapolis-based watchdog group, founded by Dr. David Walsh, previously decried the game for its glorification of cop-killing with an online petition. Now the group is issuing a National Parental Warning for the game, giving concerned mothers and fathers a heads-up that their children could be playing with their joysticks in an inappropriate way. The National Institute on Media and the Family joins an already active debate on the game, its content, and the appropriateness of its current M rating." Additionally, the Dutch hacker who claims to have uncovered the game content has been identified. From the article: "...the mod was authored by 36-year-old Patrick Wildenborg, a Dutch gamer and a member of the modder community...Wildenborg insists that the X-rated code is already in the game and that all his patch does is bypass the game's 'censor flags.'" Among many others, Game Girl Advance has commentary on the story.
Joysticks? (Score:5, Funny)
This came out way wayyy wrong.
An interesting read. (Score:4, Insightful)
One is the whole "It was locked out, had to be hacked to access" issue.
And the other, "It was still on the final master disc when it shipped."
It's a tough question, should the ESRB have access to all materials on the master disc? or just the materials that are available to anyone who doesn't attempt to hack the game?
However, GTA : SA is a Mature game, at least in terms of rating, and as far as I've seen, the sex, though more explict than that found in most video games isn't a big deal.
But then again, I'm one of those whackos who doesn't have a problem with sex.
And one of those who finds a certain catharsis through violence.
Sounds like a programmer joke that got left in (Score:2)
Once I used w
Re:Sounds like a programmer joke that got left in (Score:2)
Re:Sounds like a programmer joke that got left in (Score:2)
Irony (Score:2)
Irony - A slashdot post laughing at another's knowlage of computers because they failed to understand plain english.
BFD (Score:3, Interesting)
I could see it if the ESRB was only complaining about the violence (although even that would be debateable, since it is already rated mature), but Sex? If I had children, i would much prefer that they were exposed to sex, and educated about safe sex, rather than having the constant exposure to violence that kids nowadays seem to have.
Unfortunately, in my lifetime, it seems to have always been this way in the US. The media appears to promote violence and repress sex (unless it's violent sex, like rape - which is arguably not even about sex anyway).
This has become a country of minority (wealthy) rule over the majority (normal people).
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:BFD (Score:2)
With all the taboos attached to sex, it's no wonder we have the problems we have. It's no wonder were angry and violent and genocidal. But, ask yourself the question, what is more obscene: sex or war?
Larry Flynt
Re:BFD (Score:2)
If movies can be released on DVD without such inspection, why can't a computer game?
I'll answer my own question. It's because 'games' are for 'kids', supposedly. Also, people fear and hate what they do not understand.
Re:BFD (Score:2)
I have two grown kids, a boy and a girl, I am happy they have both found that special someone who will bonk thier brains out rather than blow thier brains out.
This is pure STUPID (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:5, Informative)
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
Look people have been complaining about the violence in GTA for a good long while now, and when they did that they were laughed at (believe it or not by people here) for saying that game violence might move kids to do real violence.
Now they find this and complain... the result is people complaining that they are ignoring the violence..
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:3, Insightful)
America is a nation of 300,000,000. How is that statistic possible?
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2, Informative)
(It's an Excel file, but loads fine in OO)
It only goes to 2003, seems like 2004 data is still preliminary
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:3, Insightful)
The link between this culture's openly permissive sexual attitude is clear. Currently, the national illegitimacy rate is over 30%, and black illegitimacy rate over 65% up from 22% in the early sixties. In the meantime was the "sexual revolution" and Roe vs Wade, which increased conceptions by 30% and dropped birth rate by 6%. Just
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:3, Insightful)
This entire country is filled to the brim with morons.
And how can we win against stupidity? We've got argument, he's got a gun (in the form of police), and isn't capable of listening to argument.
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
All that being said, I don't personally know too many people who would care enough to make that big of a deal out of this. But in this case, like almost every case, the negative voices are the loudest, the people with com
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:3, Informative)
It is purely because sex is TABOO in north america that teenagers migrate so much towards sex.
Teenagers are programmed to do one thing well, break rules. Push the boundaries. What's the biggest boundary presented to teenagers in north america? Yeah, you've got it.
Ignorance is bliss, until your teenager comes home knocked up.
Nudity is our natural state, get over it.
Fucking is why we are here, get over it.
Trying to change or hide these pure tru
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
This is exactly what modern sex education does - it tries to hide the fundamental fact that sex and procreation and inevitably linked. Somehow, people who say "abstinence is the best way to prevent unintended pregnancy" are derided as being unrealistic - in reality, abstinence is the *only* way to 100% prevent unintended pregnancy, but people can't seem to "get over it" - they
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
Are you denying that abstinence is the best way to prevent pregnancy? That is all I said. If your goal is to stop teenage pregnancy, I'm afraid that the current problems are so deep that health class isn't really going to change anything.
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
Who the fuck brought up teenage pregnancy? Who the fuck turned this conversation into pregnancy prevention? Who suggested that that is anyones goal except for yours?
What if I believe we should be fucking and procreating like freaking rabbits?
Fucking one trick pony.
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
If I recall correctly, you brought it up [slashdot.org]:
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
All the denouncement, had absolutely no effect.
Parents and counselors, constantly scorn them.
But people are still having sex and nothing seems to stop them.
Do you realize that people are still having sex?
They've been told not to, perhaps they are perplexed.
When you see them holding hands, they're making future plans to engage in the activity.
Do you understand me?
People are still having sex.
Lust keeps on lurking.
Nothing makes them stop.
This AIDS things not
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2, Informative)
If you want to see the scene you can download a movie here
http://www.geenstijl.nl/paginas/hotcoffeemovie.htm l [geenstijl.nl]
The sex is not as abusive as the rest of the gameplay, you are supposed to give her pleasure. It is probably the most female frie
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
If a kid is playing GTA and installing sex "hacks", I am sure that downloading porno is nothing new either.
"Illegitimacy" does not mean a fucking thing except the parents are not married.
"Because when teenagers have sex, they are in no position to raise their children properly."
That should read
"The link betwe
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
The very unfortante downside is there is an entire generation that for the most part cannot be helped. It's not a pretty picture to say the least and America doesn't seem very interested in dealing with it at the moment we just like to gild the lily and act like we're tryin
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
You are assuming a priori that there is nothing wrong with teenagers having sex. This is of course a faulty assump
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
Teenagers are simply not emotionally ready for interacting with the real world, demonstrated by the plain fact that despite state mandated, rigorous education with lots of information and explicit directions, teenagers continue to get themselves killed or seriously injured.
Humans are
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
You are drawing an irrelevant conclusion. Your statement,
incorrectly assumes that there are no reasons for teenagers to be having sex. There are many reasons (it feels good, the drive to have sex is wired into the species, the desire to be closer to someone, gaining life experiences, etc.), you just may
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
I'm not sure where you
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
I don't know about the Swiss in particular, but in most of Europe there is at least toplessness on broadcast (not cable) television.
Or TV in Japan?
Japan is even more repressive of sex than the US, and look where it's gotten them in terms of their attitudes towards things like rape and schoolgirl BDSM tentacle fetishes.
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
One thing that really separates the US from Europe is the black population, which has a teenage pregnancy rate of 153.3 per 1,000 - the white non-hispanic rate is 54.7 (according to the AGI link), which is probably most similar to a standard European population. Astoundingly, the black abortion rate of 54.9 is higher than the white non-hispanic pregnancy rate! It is hard to wrap my head around such statistics.
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
I agree - this report [prb.org] that links poverty and birth rates comes to the same conclusion.
So at the end of the day, how much does sexual permissiveness at the societal level contribute to teenage pregnancy? Probably not that much either way. I think it is probably safe to say though the open sexual permissive makes it harder (but not impossible) for parents
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
It's also ironic that the same people who freak out over accidental nipples on tv look the other way when it comes to guns. It's ok and considered normal to handle
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
However I certainly agree with your sentiment!
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2, Informative)
Your post shows that you've never actually spent any time in the U.S. If you had, you would know that what is presented in the media is very unrepresentative of the average person in the U.S.
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:well-rounded (Score:2)
no one is as round as the americans are!
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
Yeah, they left because those "state-sponsored religions" were too "liberal".
Your post shows that you've never actually spent any time in the U.S. If you had, you would know that what is presented in the media is very unrepresentative of the average person in the U.S.
I've met quite a lot of US exchange students, and I work for an American company (in their Australian office) - they were all really nice people, as long as y
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
For example, we haven't met. I'm an atheist. I'm socially liberal (I believe that those of us that are more fortunate should help take care of those that are less fortunate), but I am economically and politically conservative (Small government is good. [Generally] staying out of businesses way is good.) I also have a strong dislike for lieing, cheating or doing anything that wouldn't pa
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
Well, it's just a few years more, it'll be interesting after that.
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
But then who would come over to save you when the balances, well-rounded europians start yet another world war...
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
The fact we were not involved is what turned western Europe into German territory and England into a bombing range for German planes. Should we have gotten involved earlier? perhaps but the folks wanting to keep us out of WW2 at all cost are the same
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
"We, the German Führer and Chancellor, and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognizing that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the first importance for our two countries and for Europe. We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again.
We are re
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
I just pointed out the balanced, well-rounded euros manage to find their way into more than their fair share of wars, dictators, and atrocities.. (not that Americans are in any way immune to it..
Re:This is pure STUPID (Score:2)
Sex is violence!!!!
It's a Mature game +18 why warn parents? (Score:5, Insightful)
Sit down and play the games that your kid is playing, who cares if you're not interested, at least you won't be blind sided by your ignorance, when something like this comes out of left field.
Take an interest in your kids activities, and you won't have 12 year olds, playing games with organized crime, prostitution, assassinations and sex.
I think it's called parenting.
Re:It's a Mature game +18 why warn parents? (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't know about kids now but I stopped getting a fixed allowance when I was 10 [and even then it was only a couple bucks a week, basically enough to go out and buy balsa wood planes or pop or something], had to either beg or work for the things I bought when I was a teenager.
I remember working a few months at Zellers [Canadian version of Walmart] to buy a Cyrix MII computer to call my own...
If the parents just stopped writing off their children they wouldn't have this shit to worry about.
It isn't as if GTA is $5 or something. It usually sells for between 40 and 60 dollars. That's a shit load of cash for a 12 yr old kid.
But furthermore what I hate about these right wing "save the children" groups is
- Kids can't play video games because they will get violent tendencies
- War is heroic and patriotic
- Must fight the war on $NOUN_OR_OFTEN_VERB
Parents have no problems sending 17, 18, 19 yr old kids off to Iraq to get shot up and permenantly damaged. But if a 15 yr old plays GTA
Also I'm tired of this "kid world" we live in. I pay for cable, not 12 yr old kids. Fuck them. I want tits and explosions and hard core shit on tv. Why should it be all power rangers and FCC censored can't say "fuck" bullshit.
Maybe if all the american teenagers/kids started paying for cable, movies, video games instead of us adults it would be different.
In short, fuck kids and their hyperactive irresponsible parents too.
Re:It's a Mature game +18 why warn parents? (Score:2)
The only things these so called warnings do are increase sales and informing people that would have never heard about this mod in the first place.
Re:It's a Mature game +18 why warn parents? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:It's a Mature game +18 why warn parents? (Score:2)
Re:It's a Mature game +18 why warn parents? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:It's a Mature game +18 why warn parents? (Score:2)
I've seen this meme several times, and it always confuses me. Who in this country sends their children off to join the military? Nobody that I know of.
You cannot be forced to join the army -- not by the government (at the moment), and certainly not by your parents. The military recruits able-bodied adults of their own volition. Simply saying "parents send their kids to war" absolves the soldi
Re:It's a Mature game +18 why warn parents? (Score:2)
"My father joined, his father joined, and I joined. You join too, or you're out of this family" is a compelling reason to go for many kids.
Re:It's a Mature game +18 why warn parents? (Score:2)
You're right about that. Someone else's sig is "Labeling something that ISN'T terrorism AS terrorism IS TERRORISM!"
Therefore, the USA PATRIOT (or "U SAP AT RIOT") act is, itself, terrorism: it creates the fear in all US citizens that, if they say or do the wrong thing, they could wind up in jail on
Re:It's a Mature game +18 why warn parents? (Score:2)
The rest of your argument is right on, however. When I was a kid, I only got new video games on my birthday or christmas, and someone else was paying for them, because back then I thought $10 was a
Re:It's a Mature game +18 why warn parents? (Score:2)
Amen. I live in Minneapolis, and I had a conversation about this topic with a guy on the bus the other day (he saw me with my GBA, asked me about gaming, then jumped right to the GTA thing.)
This guy said that he was upset about "those game guys" (Rockstar) selling a game like that, with sex and stuff in it. He said he was really worried about his 12-yr-old son, who plays the game on his XBox.
My response: people are trying to get GTA:SA moved up to a "Adult Only" (AO) rating. That means 18 and over.
Re:It's a Mature game +18 why warn parents? (Score:2)
Here's the problem. Parents who are plenty educated about the ESRB rating system might want their 16 year old to play an M rated game, but not an AO rated game. They've read the labels, they know what the different ratings mean.
Unfortunately, since Rockstar apparently failed to properly disclose examples representative of the most extreme content on the game disc-- which is required
Re:It's a Mature game +18 why warn parents? (Score:2)
GTA:SA was rated M. If the hacked material would have been in game from the begining it would have gotten an AO rating (and subsiquently not sold many places). I believe the issues on the table are more about if R* knew this was in the code when they released it, whether they should have told the ERSB about it if they knew and whether the ERSB should even rate something based on material that isn't playable wi
Ever play risk (Score:2)
I also enjoy Chess , a game where you goal is to massacre the opposing army and capture their monarch.
Or even "the game of life" there is some implied sex in that you know , you can GET MARRIED Have a
Of-course you don't actually see any of those things, they are implied though
Re:Ever play risk (Score:2)
Yep. Take for example the Shakers, who forbade sex among their followers.
Small wonder they died out!
Pathetic (Score:4, Insightful)
There a thousands of 18+ movies/site with far more explicit sex scenes, and far more easily accessible.
Re:Pathetic (Score:2)
Re:Pathetic (Score:2)
Right... because when you're 17, you're not prepared to see polygons have sex, but the minute you turn 18, everything changes, right?
The M (Mature) and AO (Adult-only) rating is the worst I've ever seen... waaaayy too fine-grained. What the hell happens between your 17th and 18th birthday that make you all so much more mature?
Re:Pathetic (Score:2)
Do I need to give you a civics lesson?
The state laws are also uniform at 18+ as well, none consider 18 or over a minor. Of course we continue to make the whole alcohol thing a titillating illicit thrill until the age of 21, so the patronizing doesn't quite stop, but at least it's legal for 18 year olds to see see polygonal boobies.
Re:Pathetic (Score:2)
Nothing, you missed the point. I am just stating a fact, the meaning of the ratings. I am not questioning the maturity difference between 17 and 18 year olds. The point I think we can all agree on is that you wouldn't take a young child to see Pulp Fiction. Why would you let them play a game of an equivalent rating?
Re:Pathetic (Score:2)
But the voters, that politicians are targeting to blame everything on video games, watch movies. If they talked about controling content in movies they would lose support from a good portion of the population. Targeting video games only loses a younger population that doesn't vote anyway. Senetor Liberman doesn't care about losing a vote your not going to cast. Young people should get off their ass
How about some screenshots? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:How about some screenshots? (Score:2)
http://elliottback.com/wp/?p=908 [elliottback.com]
This is ridiculous!!! (Score:5, Interesting)
In Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, gamers can play basketball, play pool, dance, grab some fast food, buy clothes, work out at the gym, base jump, have girlfriends, and race remote-controlled cars--all completely legal activities in the real world. However, the game's main character can also shoot innocent bystanders, stomp the heads of prostitutes into a bloody pulp, and launch rocket-propelled grenades at police helicopters--all decidedly illegal outside the realm of gaming
There are crimes being committed inside a video game!!! Well gee, who would have thought that crimes could possibly be committed in a video game, why can't we think of the children!?
I will agree, the actual sex stuff is really unecessary and I don't personally think it adds any real value to the game, but that's as far as they should go. They shouldn't yell about being able to kill prostitutes, or shoot police helicopters with grenade launchers (where's this grenade launcher anyway?). You can do that to pedestrians and villians as well, and it's the open ended gameplay that people love and not the sex mod that gets them hooked on the game.
Re:This is ridiculous!!! (Score:2)
I oughta send them a link to PimpWars.
Or I could give em a copy of Dopewars for the Palm, if they want to commit crimes in a game on the go.
What I think... (Score:5, Funny)
Creators responsible? (Score:3, Insightful)
As the GamerGirlAdvance article said, this is just works of the anti-GTA crowd. There are no intellectual/logical base for these accusations, they are just flames that are thrown towards their enemy. In court, i doubt that these claims would stand. The only problem is some distributors and store owners that might ban the game from their shelves by these flames. On the other hand, the sales of the game will propably rise anyhow as it gains more free controversial press.
Re:Creators responsible? (Score:2)
Re:Creators responsible? (Score:2)
GTA has become a lightning rod, a symbol of trends that are not well-liked or trusted outside the gaming community.
If you were trying to defend "mature" content in gaming, access to M rated titles, you did not need to hear that Rockstar had embedded sex games within GTA:SA.
I don't much care about the future of GTA. I do care about losing the next Fallout, Half-Life, System Shock, Deux Ex, etc, because the M rating has be
Oh my GOD (Score:4, Insightful)
Right now millions of people do have sex. Almost everybody on this globe has, had, will have, has right now sex. Sex is everywhere. We reproduce through this.
And those american morons have nothing better to do than whine about such a stupid mini-game?
I think those people have a too god life. They should be sent to some poor areas in the world. Live there for 5 years in shelters, boxes and eat the dirt and trash from the others. I am sure they will never ever complain about such a stupid useless thing again.
Re:Oh my GOD (Score:2)
Not to mention that they will be out of our hair for a while.
Re:Oh my GOD (Score:2, Funny)
Execpt slashdotters
Re:Oh my GOD (Score:2)
Re:Oh my GOD (Score:2)
As always, one negtive person can make a million look like idiots.
How long... (Score:2)
Unlock sex games... in Real Life (Score:4, Funny)
She looked at me like I was insane, asked what I just said. When I explained, she slapped me.
There was no sex.
Oh well, I didn't think it would work, but I had to try... just in case.
That does it.. (Score:2)
Re:That does it.. (Score:2)
As a matter of fact, it does [gtagarage.com].
Personally, I think a lot of people (especially the "I know what's best for you" and the "Do it for the children" crowd) are missing the point. It's a sex scene that is disabled in the retail version. It was not meant to be played. Great. But more importantly, it's part of a *game* (and I can't emphasize that word enough) that requires the player to silently kill a bunc
WTF? (Score:2)
Maybe GTA should be rated AO. But I really don't think anyone gives enough of a shit about the difference between M and AO (17 and 18). Yeah, some stores say they won't sell AO games, but that's just because there's no AO game as popular as GTA. So all giving GTA an AO rating will do is put AO
Re:WTF? (Score:2)
This is going to backfire on the prudes (Score:3, Interesting)
We're the USA! (Score:3, Funny)
Seems like nitpicking... (Score:3, Interesting)
Considering the amount of inappropriate content already in the game, is this one thing really enough to warrant changing the rating? Especially considering that the game, as shipped, has this portion locked out? It's like complaining that they used the F-bomb one too many times in Pulp Fiction.
In addition, the M rating already restricts the sale of the game to those 17 and older. The AO rating would make it available to those 18 and older. Seems that one of the other is redundant. The only reason that the MPAA features an R and NC-17 rating (which are considered the equivalent of M and AO) is because in a theater setting, NO minors are allowed to view an NC-17 rating, regardless of parental consent. You cannot even take your own kids in. In a take-home setting (such as video/video games) there is no discernable difference between the two, because either way the parent can just hand it to the kid when they get home.
The only reason the two distinct ratings were created was to allow stores a black-and-white line to filter out which titles they would refuse to carry. God forbid the management make those decisions on their own.
Really, I think it was created less to give stores like Target and Wal-Mart an excuse not to carry AO rated games, and more an excuse for chains to explain why they DO carry certain M-rated titles. "I know it's inappropriate for kids, ma'am...but it is only M rated, and we do carry M rated games." That way they can milk the GTA cash cow (along with other "offensive" content) and still act like a family store.
This is the reason for the 1 year age difference as well...by making it 17 and under, they can claim that since it can be legally sold to minors it's appropriate for a family-oriented store.
What really bothers me.. (Score:2, Insightful)
Would I let my young son or daughter play GTA? Of course not, it is extremely violent. Would they play it behind my back? Probably. But like most rational people, I'd probably talk to my
Website anyone.... (Score:2)
Re:The whole deal should be viewed differently: (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Ban the violence? (Score:2, Insightful)
However, as a child from a dysfunctional household, my best advice is whatever happens, make damn sure that you keep communications open with your kids. In my experience, it's when the trust erodes and talking becomes forced that the real problems start. Talk to your kids as often as they let you, and remember talki