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Journey To The Heart of Castlevania 23

Via Press the Buttons, a website entitled The Castlevania Dungeon. Everything you could want to know about the Belmonts and their quest against undead ickyness is detailed here, with extensive plot details and screenshots. The site also has several features, including details on who made the games, magazine scans from previews and reviews, and Simon Belmont on Captain N.
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Journey To The Heart of Castlevania

Comments Filter:
  • This site has been around for at least 6-7 years.
  • Yes.. (Score:2, Funny)

    by sinner0423 ( 687266 )
    The classicgaming site is kind of old, the only really interesting link one would find on it would be the emulation [] one.

    I love the little disclaimer they have regarding the "24 hour rule" about downloading roms. It's about as good as the whole Bill Clinton Privacy Act of 1995 I see on every other irc channel.

    I wish stuff like that actually worked - I'd warn all the cops that walking up to my window automatically disqualifies me from any speeding tickets.
  • I think it's pretty cool that old sites like this get mentioned - even if the more fascinating thing about this one is - for me, personally - that it's been around for at LEAST 8 years. Pretty cool, eh?
  • some games get fansites
  • OSTs (Score:2, Informative)

    One of the coolest things about this site for me is the soundtrack stuff it has. Castlevania has had some awesome music, and even more awesome albums of it. I found this site a couple years ago and would HIGHLY recommend the Dracula New Classic, Dracula Battle Perfect Selection, and Dracula Battle 2 Perfect Selection albums. Some of the best video game music albums ever. Not to mention there's no way in Hell most people will hear Dracula New Classic if they don't get it from this site - last time I look
  • What? (Score:1, Insightful)

    Submitting a story about an old website on your favorite retro-game can get you accepted? I have gone about this completely the wrong way!
    • Re:What? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by WidescreenFreak ( 830043 ) on Wednesday July 13, 2005 @07:42AM (#13052202) Homepage Journal
      The incompetent mods strike again. This should have been +5 insightful or a combination of insightful/funny by now because he's absolutely right. A fan site that has been around for years gets picked as a topic of the day? If this was the criteria for a submission, we'd have tens of thousands of fan sites getting /. headlines every month.

      That's not to say that the mentioned web site is not of particular value; but considering that this is a site that touts "News for Nerds", that also assumes that nerds know how to use search engines for fan sites that have been around for a long time. And this is not news particularly when you consider that the first three letters of "news" is "new", which this web site is not.

      Karma be damned in this particular instance. I've learned that many times negative moderation means that the poster is right but the mods just don't like the fact that the poster was right.
  • i know that the series jumped around a bit in the Belmont family history, but was there ever a game set in the 20th century?

    i always thought a good Castlevania game could be done during or before World War II, with a Wolfenstein-esque story of Drac aligning himself with the nazis in a bit of comic-book geekery
    • Re:time periods (Score:2, Informative)

      IIRC Castlevania Bloodlines (Genesis) was set in the early 20th Century (World War I era). There was a level where you went through a German factory and had to defeat skeletons that were wearing army helmets. There was also a level that was cut out of the final version that featured a German dirigible in the background.
      • Aria of Sorrows (and the upcoming, DS sequel) takes place in the future, after a mysterious event that was supposed to have taken place in the year 2000 that resulted in Drac's castle being sealed away "inside an eclipse." Interestingly, although the game takes place in the future you wouldn't know it by the graphics, except for a few cool weapons found late in the game, you'd think it was the 16th century still.
  • Their Dawn of Sorry page also has no link to any of the rather groovy trailers. []
  • Well, if today is "Old NES Game Fansite Day", I'll mention my NES Contra Strategy Guide [], the web's premier guide to Contra.
  • with LOTS of graphics and sprites, and very well-written backstory and speculation: Mr. P's Castlevania Realm []! I've always preferred this site to Classicgaming's one, although I did discover the Blood Debts fanfic on Classicgaming's Castlevania Dungeon. Very very cool fanfic.
  • Holy crap. I've got that issue [] sitting on my desk. For some reason that issue of EGM has been sitting on my desk for years and I don't know why.

    it's weird to see it on-screen.

Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
