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Games Entertainment

Burnout Revenge Preview 32

Gamespot has a preview of the next title in the Burnout series, Burnout Revenge. From the article: "When we saw Burnout Revenge at E3, Criterion compared this year's crash mode courses to holes you might play during a game of golf, complete with a simplistic teeing-off mechanic that determines how fast you get off the line, fairways--aka freeways--full of hazards (like cars you don't want to crash into...yet), golf green-like areas (such as intersections that ooze carnage potential), and a hole that takes the form of a moving "target car" that's worth loads of points if you manage to wreck it. These comparisons still hold true, but Criterion has clearly been hard at work refining and improving upon the crash mode since it showed it off in Los Angeles." Given how good Burnout 3 was, I'm looking forward to this.
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Burnout Revenge Preview

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  • If only they could make it as exciting as golf!
  • Pros vs Cons (Score:2, Insightful)

    by RoadDoggFL ( 876257 )
    Unfortunately, I'm torn. You see, EA is far more evil than any game can be good. I shed a tear for missing out on Oddworld and the new Burnout installments but I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for actually giving money to EA. It's almost a shame, really.
    • Re:Pros vs Cons (Score:3, Insightful)

      by nc_yori ( 870325 )

      Or maybe you could just get over it and realize that they aren't the only game making company out there with questionable business ethic, just one of the biggest.

      If you like Burnout or Oddworld, then play Burnout or Oddworld. If you feel so compelled to tell us about why you irrationally dislike EA, submit an article with an actual explanation instead of talking about how they're "evil."

      Moving on the actual topic:

      I'm already excited about the game just from the fact that you can become airborne in par

      • Most of the offenses of EA that we care about are to their employees.

        Market manipulation? Nothing new. Nintendo did it. Microsoft does it. Sony does it. Hell, they all do it.

        Buyouts. Nintendo/MS are probably being the most "friendly" in how they do it(leaving the studios intact, game dev wise. Outside that context, remove MS), but they still do it. Everyone does.

        I can't speak for Sony, but I know Microsoft and Nintendo are great places to work, and I've never heard any complaints out of any of th
        • On a tangent, maybe you should stop to consider how very nice and awesome it is to work at McDonalds or your average grocery store.

          Now you tell me.. What's for dinner tonight?
        • Re:Pros vs Cons (Score:5, Informative)

          by LSD-OBS ( 183415 ) on Saturday July 16, 2005 @08:43AM (#13080889)
          Most of the offenses of EA that we care about are to their employees.

          And anyone who works in the industry will confirm that it's the exception to the rule to find a game development company that *doesn't* squeeze as many hours out of their employees as humanly possible at crunch time.

          EA is certainly a great place to work. Their employee perks are the best in the industry. The ruckus of last year was confined mainly to *one* of EA's many studios.

          Disclaimer: I work in the games industry and I have friends at various EA studios, and I'm reflecting their sentiments.
          • And anyone who works in the industry will confirm that it's the exception to the rule to find a game development company that *doesn't* squeeze as many hours out of their employees as humanly possible at crunch time.

            While this is largely true, the point of all the ruckus over EA last year (to me, at least) is that EA has the money and means and experience to alleviate some of the crunch, but largely through laziness, chooses not to.

            I've worked for smaller 3rd party game developers, and the crunch is ther
    • You could buy the games used, then they'd get no more money..
  • criterion did a spectacular job on burnout 3. i can only hope they improve from 3->revenge like they did going from 2->3, although i honestly have no idea what they can do to improve it that much. also, if you do like burnout 3, i suggest trying to play it using a force feedback ups the level of insanity that's already there by a fair margin (just make sure the wheel's secured damn good and well).
    • From a purely aesthetic perspective, I noticed that Burnout 3 had faux far-east characters while the screenshots for Burnout Revenge has real far-east characters.
      • by Anonymous Coward
        I assure you that thai writing is just as far-east as japanese.
    • Maybe they could disable the annoying DJ by default.
    • Re:awesome-o (Score:4, Insightful)

      by cowscows ( 103644 ) on Saturday July 16, 2005 @08:31AM (#13080848) Journal
      What they need to do is be smarter about all the damn loading screens. It really kills the energy of the game sitting through as many of them as you have to. Especially in crash mode. I did some of those crash levels a dozen times in a row trying to get gold. There's no reason I should've had to sit though a couple loading screens each time I reset the crash to try again. Everything should be there in memory, what are you loading for?

      That was, by far, the most aggravating part of Burnout 3. All that being said, what an awesome game. Even my girlfriend loves it. She bought herself a smaller xbox controller for it. Games that I can get her to play with me are automatically winners in my book.
    • Re:awesome-o (Score:4, Interesting)

      by NeMon'ess ( 160583 ) <flinxmid @ y> on Saturday July 16, 2005 @11:34AM (#13081634) Homepage Journal
      They can start by removing the tracks with pillars that lanes actually dead-end into. Those go against the spirit of the game. It isn't a racing sim, where I have real control over the car. It's no fun to powerslide around a corner and crash by bad luck. Even worse is when a race on that track starts, like Kings of the Road, the AI bumps the player around and possibly into pillars. But restart the race and perhaps that time the bump will miss the pillar. If skill can't save the player, and it's just a matter of chance, that's stupid.

      Also, they need more, if not all of the single-player tracks, available for multiplayer. My friend and I have played out all the multiplayer tracks, but half of the single-player tracks aren't available to us. How dumb is that?

      They also need it to remember my audio settings. I don't like their 40 tracks that all sound like weak Alien Ant Farm and 311 alternative-light ripoffs. When I do single or multiplayer I want my five albums of Offspring, and I want Burnout to remember that.
    • >although i honestly have no idea what they can do to improve it that much

      Saveable/shareable crash replays. I wanted those in BO3 and was disappointed they weren't implemented. I'd love to see them in BORevenge, but it looks like we're not getting them there, either.

  • Everything sounds like it's going to be great except the crash mode. I don't know if I like the idea of using a "launch control." I just want to be able to hit the gas button and go. Perhaps I'm reading it wrong, but this just doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
  • by syrion ( 744778 )
    Burnout 3 was fun for the first few hours of play, but it quickly got old, for me. Rubberbanding AI made unlocking the tons of special content a real pain, and versus mode can only go so far. Road rage was really the only multiplayer mode I found interesting, actually--and since the tactics varied only in whether you chose a heavy car (custom muscle...) or a fast car (assassin super...), the potential was exhausted fairly quickly.

    In the end, I was glad I paid only $5 (yes, legally) for the game. If I'd

    • Re:AI? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by NeMon'ess ( 160583 )
      The AI doesn't rubberband in the traditional sense. When it's winning, it drives more conservatively and lays off the boost, just like a human in the lead might. When the player is leading, it drives more aggressively to catch up. But since it plays by most of the same rules as the players, the AI crashes more often when trying to catch up. Just like players statistically do when boosting.

      Ever noticed the AI fighting with itself? It does all the time, and that's how it's possible for a human or AI car
      • Re:AI? (Score:3, Informative)

        by syrion ( 744778 )
        I have been in races where I have an 18-20 second lead, and a few seconds later will get a "on your tail" note and lose boost because of it. This is notable in the one-on-one races. It essentially makes the game one of "crash him once and then go the rest of the way without crashing, and don't boost to try to build a lead." If you boost, you are liable to crash, and you can come out of a crash with a twenty (or more) second deficit, when the actual crash should have cost you five at most.
        • Interesting, in my tens of hours of playtime I've never seen anything so dramatic. A crash only costs me 5 seconds, unless I don't have boost, because then it takes another second or two extra to get back to full speed.

          Even though the game says he's right on your tail, checking your rear view camera proves that's BS. The game just flat out lies most of the time with that warning. I figure it's a bug. You're still 20 seconds ahead. Just keep power sliding the turns and you'll keep your boost up. You c
      • Actually, I don't think this is entirely correct - at least it doesn't seem so from my experience.

        I believe AI cheats to some extent. I've literally seen AI cars drive through (matter occupies matter) civilian vehicles. This is most noticeable when you have finished a race and you see the AI cars coming to the finish line - they will drive through any existing vehicles.

        Also, I have seen the dramatic swings that syrion mentions. I will sometimes lose up to 10 seconds on a crash to the AI, but when t

  • Andy Hunter! (Score:2, Informative)

    by Khakionion ( 544166 )

    The preview video available at the official site [] features the music of Andy Hunter [], a badass DJ.

    If that's the direction they're going with the soundtrack (which, IMO, was the only real weakness of Burnout 3), then I'm sold.

  • by snorklewacker ( 836663 ) on Saturday July 16, 2005 @12:26PM (#13081914)
    Granted, it's hard to make Burnout prettier than it is already ... Let's hope the sequel has better physics than the "matchbox car physics" of the original. Buses that hit a curb and flip up onto their end, for example...

    I have burnout 3, and it's certainly entertaining (except for the DJ and 2/3 of the idiotic tracks), but I'll definitely wait for burnout 4 until it's in the $20 bin before getting More Of The Same.

    Given how many tracks in this game are repeats with different cars that handle barely different from the others (compacts and coupes, anyone), there's really only 1/3 as much game as there really are. It's still not an overly short game, but I still would have felt cheated if I shelled out $40 for it (I got it bargain bin).
  • I mastered Burnout 2 with lots of practice, and enjoyed it. I was able to power slide aronud intersections easily once i learned the tracks.

    Burnout 3, that's where I got stuck short of the top-level cars & tracks. I tried a preview race with the F1 racecar and was literally crashing every 6 seconds. Or I was doing donuts just trying to get the hang of the car.

    Online mode was incredibly bad. You got booted out of rooms(ie when the race is about to start) due to communications problems as often as i cra
    • Burnout 3 Roks!!!! Online ps2 games suk anyway as its too splintered and awakard but when its played one to one with a mate i wld love to play b3 on xbx live thgh......... Also b3 is a bit too hard........ but thats its only fault..........
  • As a couple who owns two $80 force-feedback steering wheels, let's hope they fix their Shit.

    Burnout 2: 2 steering wheels work simulteanous - race the wife.
    Burnout 3: only 1 steering wheel works at once.

    Waste $80 of mine?

Your code should be more efficient!
