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Hot Coffee Content Within GTA Confirmed 188

Gamespot has confirmed, via a long and involved process, that the PS2 version of GTA: San Andreas contains the 'Hot Coffee' content. This essentially means that Rockstar was untruthful when it previously stated the content was added by a modder, but "Given that the minigame is about as raunchy as an episode of Sex and the City, cannot be accessed without entering a long string of cheat codes, and takes several hours of effort to access, charges that San Andreas is 'pornographic' may seem extreme to some."
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Hot Coffee Content Within GTA Confirmed

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  • by thenetbox ( 809459 ) on Saturday July 16, 2005 @07:15AM (#13080623)
    cannot be accessed without entering a long string of cheat codes, and takes several hours of effort to access

    That's what I was afraid of. Does any one have a torrent for the video?
  • by BrainstormOC ( 700265 ) <<moc.liamg> <ta> <retnuheibmoz>> on Saturday July 16, 2005 @07:21AM (#13080635)
    Doesn't matter what it takes to get to the mini-game. It's the content that matters, and after watching the video, yeah. It's pornographic. My wife and I don't have sex that hot.
  • Heh (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Punboy ( 737239 ) on Saturday July 16, 2005 @07:22AM (#13080636) Homepage
    Thats what you call.. cali-fornication :-p
  • by sinner0423 ( 687266 ) <sinner0423@@@gmail...com> on Saturday July 16, 2005 @07:23AM (#13080640)
    Why is this such a big deal with (insert FOTM political retard here) and not with everyone else who has played the game?

    Virtually murder scores of people, have gang wars, steal a car, blow up a military base, do drugs, but the second sex comes in to the picture - it's horrible and it kills little baby angels!

    This drama has gone a little bit too far, and I really hope the only thing it manages to do is bolster sales of GTA:SA.
    • The "big deal" is that San Andreas was given a M- Mature rating for all the "mature" content in the game, but it managed to just squeak by with that. Now that there's this in the game, the game has pushed well beyond into an AO - Adults Only game, and I don't believe there's been an AO game to date since the ESRB formed.

      It's also a "big deal" because Rockstar lied about the content being in the game at all, so this it's possible this could lead to criminal charges brought forth against the company and it'
      • For one, it's not in the game. For two, modding the game to enable this feature is unlawful. For three, they didn't lie, these self appointed "experts" just don't understand the press release or are deliberately misinterpreting it to accuse Rockstar of lying. Not to mention the fact that the game was rated MA, not M and there have indeed been AO rated games since ESRB was formed. Are we done now?
        • For one, it's not in the game. For two, modding the game to enable this feature is unlawful.

          Wrong on both counts. It sounds like an Easter Egg not a mod: "cannot be accessed without entering a long string of cheat codes, and takes several hours of effort to access".

          That is a big deal and quite idiotic of them. All copies of the game could be pulled from retail stores and a new manufacturing run could be required. That is a major financial mistake, someone should be fired, maybe even sued, by the pub
          • Everyone is using such loaded words to describe this.

            Yes, it exists within the code of the game. However, it is DISABLED. Without modifying the game in an unintended way (save game modification) it is inacessable. The cheat codes they are talking about are using game enhancement devices, not controller codes.

            The question is.. is it in the 'game' if it's not actually part of the game like that? is Crocomire in Metroid Zero Mission? Is a placeholer model that ended up being sent with the full version t
            • See, the thing is: the rating is supposed to represent what a person would experience playing the game. The sex scenes are NOT what a person would experience playing the game, unless you use the hot coffee mod to do it on purpose, after finding out about it.

              You're partially right, -these- sex scenes are not what a person would experience playing the game, but there are a couple ..'sexUAL" scenes, and foro that they hav in the Mature label "Strong Sexual Content" ... whether it needs to be unlocked or not,
          • It sounds like an Easter Egg not a mod: "cannot be accessed without entering a long string of cheat codes, and takes several hours of effort to access".

            That's what it sounded to me, too, so I read TFA. It's not a long string of cheat codes, it's manipulation of internal variables using Action Replay, ie an external tool. In my eyes, that makes all the difference.
          • How is modding the game to enable the feature against the law?
        • For one, it's not in the game.

          For one, you have no idea what you are talking about. Hot Coffee for the PC is a 41KB executable file that changes a bit flag in a save game file. it doesn't touch the installation folder or any data installed off of the CD. The sex scenes/mini-games are in the product but turned off by a boolean flag.

          There is no way a 41KB executable that only touches a save game file integrates any code, data, animation, art, or sound into the game.

          Rockstar blatantly lied.

          • The sex scenes/mini-games are in the product but turned off by a boolean flag.

            A flag that there is no way of controlling without external tools. In other words, the sex mini game is not part of the game, or, briefly, it is not in the game.
          • >> Rockstar blatantly lied.

            Rockstar might not have known about it... it could be just a little bit of fun by one (or more) of the developers.

            Rockstar, however, is responsible for the actions of these people when it gets included on the disk.

            I think this is being blown way out of proportion, however.
        • For one, it's not in the game.

          It's there, just disabled. And relatively easy to enable. Easy enough that they had to expect it to happen.

          For two, modding the game to enable this feature is unlawful.

          Did you have to sign a contract saying you couldn't tweak the game when you bought it? It's just as legal as modifying your new car.

          For three, they didn't lie, these self appointed "experts" just don't understand the press release or are deliberately misinterpreting it to accuse Rockstar of lying.

        • For one, it's not in the game
          Did you RTFA? The authors were able to unlock 'hot coffee' while running the game from a manufacturers CD-ROM. You can't patch or mod software on a CD-ROM, therefore - it most certainly is 'in the game'.
          • You're a tool. They had to use a third party game hacking product to modify the game in memory to activate the minigame. It is therefore clearly not "in the game". Unfortunately it's ignorant people like you who are going to get this game banned.
      • Adults Only game, and I don't believe there's been an AO game to date since the ESRB formed.

        There are 18 games with an AO [esrb.org] rating.

      • Get a friggin grip. You have to modify the game in order to play your little sex game. Further, there are no nude skins in the game, you need to add those in yourself. To put it bluntly, anyone who can figure out how to hack GTA enough to get the hot coffee mini game working has more then enough knowledge to download all manner of pr0n that makes hot coffee look like British tea.

        Further, have you people played this game? After using every single vulgar curse in the dictionary and a few that are not, yo
      • The "big deal" is that San Andreas was given a M- Mature rating for all the "mature" content in the game, but it managed to just squeak by with that. Now that there's this in the game, the game has pushed well beyond into an AO - Adults Only game, and I don't believe there's been an AO game to date since the ESRB formed.

        It's also a "big deal" because Rockstar lied about the content being in the game at all, so this it's possible this could lead to criminal charges brought forth against the company and it'
      • Here is the ESRB's list [esrb.org] of all games that have recieved an AO rating. (I don't know how complete it is, but I Can think of no better source than the ESRB itself).

        As many have noted, a game called "singles" is on there. One thing I think is noteworthy though is that you're kind of correct, there are 18 games on the list. But none of them are for a major console. Most are PC games, with one DVD game and one for CDi.

        Either the likes of Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sega don't want AO games on their cons
    • When you have sex, baby Jesus cries.
    • The best thing it could accomplish is to point out how shitty of a rating system the ESRB is, and maybe get it replaced with a good one.

      explanation [slashdot.org]

      I'm not holding my breath or anything.

      • The best thing it could accomplish is to point out how shitty of a rating system the ESRB is, and maybe get it replaced with a good one.

        We had the "good one". The software industry developed several game rating systems in response to the the Video Game Rating Act of 1994. The two major ones were the familiar ESRB rating system and another rating system developed by the Recreational Software Advisory Council (RSAC).

        The RSAC system is the one you describe that used the thermometer style markings. Th

    • but the second sex comes in to the picture - it's horrible and it kills little baby angels!

      Holy shit, do you live in a cave or something? The anger didn't start with the HotCoffee stuff. The game has pissed off alot of people ever since it came out.

      How could you miss all the angry parents and politicians who have complained about every single GTA release for months on end?
  • From TFA:
    To prove or disprove rumors that the PS2 San Andreas contains a sexually graphic minigame, GameSpot decided to test the cheat codes circulating around the Web on a sealed, first-edition copy of San Andreas.
    ... right.

  • by holiggan ( 522846 ) on Saturday July 16, 2005 @07:46AM (#13080697)
    ...instead of hidding behind the "hacker boogeyman". Now they made matters worst for themselves, since everyone will look at them as liars...

    The question here is not the (stupid and harmless) "sex" content that the game might have, the question is that Rockstar lied, plain and simple.

    It's very bad that Rockstar didn't had the balls to just say that the content was there, they tryed to duck out and now they are in a worst situation...

    Way to go, Rockstar... we want the games industry to be seen as mature and respectfull and you pull an 15-year-old stunt on us all. Shame on you...

    • Bah, it's just people misinterpreting their press release. When they say the "content" wasn't in GTA they mean the minigame wasn't enabled.
    • You cannot say for sure whether they lied or not. It could very well be a single coder/designer who lied. They could have coded the minigame and hidden it. And as the rest of the rockstar development knew, it was just some left over animations. Code in a game is not like code for apps. It is very messy, laced with old, unused code. The ability to track and remove this unused code is very difficult, especially with a game as large as GTA. It could also be that they really did believe that the game was remove
      • You got a point, but the image that will get across is that they lied, period. What do you think that the media or the politics will say? "Eh, it's not their fault, you see, the game making process is very complex blablabla"...

        They are going to jump on Rockstar all over, and on top of all the shit that they already say about Rockstar, they'll add "and they lied to protect themselves!"

        It's too easy a target to pickup on, I don't think that the politics and the media will overlook it.

        I just think that Ro

    • I'll save you time. Here's Rockstar's statement [pro-g.co.uk].

      Every single time, Rockstar stated, "altering the game's source code". They never said the content wasn't in there. That was a complete misinterpretation of their statement.

      What they said was the equivalent of saying, "We did not distribute porn to kids. The claims that we did were the equivalent of a bunch of guys who broke a window, climbed in to our locked house, raided every drawer and closet, finally found our safe, spent hours cracking it, and finally
    • "Way to go, Rockstar... we want the games industry to be seen as mature and respectfull and you pull an 15-year-old stunt on us all. Shame on you..."

      Um, to be fair, there was no way out. The media's on a witch hunt against Rockstar. In that event, no matter what they do, they'll be burned. If Rockstar had said: "Yes, there is sexual content in the game. It's very hard and impractical to get to." guess which part of that quote wouldn't have made it to the media.

      It would have been better if the content
  • by QuantumG ( 50515 ) <qg@biodome.org> on Saturday July 16, 2005 @08:01AM (#13080747) Homepage Journal
    After all this great press coverage, Rockstar should box up the Hot Coffee mod, slap an AO rating on it, and put it on store shelves. Maybe even make the minigame a little more playable. That'll show them "think of the children" wankers how it is. Spread the message: We don't expect your kids to play it, we don't want your kids to play it, the game is for adults.
    • After all this great press coverage, Rockstar should box up the Hot Coffee mod, slap an AO rating on it, and put it on store shelves. Maybe even make the minigame a little more playable. That'll show them "think of the children" wankers how it is.

      The middle class, "think of the children" wankers, as you call them, are a retailer's core market. They are politically aware, and politically potent. They have the power to grind Rockstar into pulp anytime they chose.

    • We don't expect your kids to play it, we don't want your kids to play it, the game is for adults.

      Except, what adult worth his mortgage plays that crap? And Rockstar knows it. Their revenue would drop like a rock if only adults bought their GTA series.

      The whole dirty truth-that-dare-not-speak-its-name here is that the GTA series is marketed to kids, bought and played by kids, but contains lots of material that is unsuitable for kids. Should the kids' parents be aware of what their children are playing,
      • Oddly enough, I know a large number of post-mid-life-crisis people who play GTA. It's not as bad as it has been made out to be in the press. It's not really stealing cars and killing people... think of it as picking fruit from a tree. You get to try out any car you want, at any time, just by seeing it. See a fruit on a tree you like? Pluck it and try it out. See a juicy car? Just get near and press the X button.

        You can run people down arbitrarily, but that pulls down the heat and ends your joyride r
  • From Rockstar:
    hackers created the 'hot coffee' modification by disassembling and then combining, recompiling and altering the game's source code.
    I don't see how what Rockstar said "goes against" what the modder said. Rockstar doesn't say that the modder added content, they said he combined, recompiled, and altered the game's source, which is what you would need to do to make the game take an alternate path into the mini-game.
  • by Xian97 ( 714198 ) on Saturday July 16, 2005 @08:05AM (#13080765)
    The game has a M rating in the US which is supposed to mean that it's to be played by 17 year olds and above. R Rated movies are the same, 17 and above, but are much more revealing than the pixelated scene in GTA. The question comes down to why the outrage over GTA but not a late night movie on Cinemax? I think it is because people still associate games with children, even if it is an adult themed game. Some children will get their hands on the game, just as some will be watching R rated movies. That's up to the parents to monitor.

    Where Rockstar can be found at fault is for not including that scene to be rated by the ESRB. They submitted it for ratings and were supposed to reveal everything for review.
  • by PhotoBoy ( 684898 ) on Saturday July 16, 2005 @08:27AM (#13080832)
    "This essentially means that Rockstar was untruthful when it previously stated the content was added by a modder"

    If you carefully re-read the statement by Rockstar again you will see it is very cleverly worded to point the blame at the people who released the mod while avoiding actually admitting the content was theirs. They were not untruthful, they were just assisted by some very expensive lawyers in preparing a statement that makes it look like it's not their fault without outright lying. Closer inspection shows they do not deny it.

    I can't understand why they tried taking that tack in the first place though. In my post here [slashdot.org] I did a simple binary comparison of the mod's files to the originals and found only a few bytes difference. It wouldn't take long for anyone to work out that the content is theirs.

    A far better route to have taken IMHO is to just admit that it was a feature they removed and that they apologise for any upset caused as they did not think anyone would find it and unlock it.

    At the end of the day when the lawsuits start coming in, I think the crux of Rockstar's argument has to be that to access the sex game you have to download the mod which alters the game's files. This was never intended by Rockstar and therefore the responsibility lies with the person who applied the mod to exercise judgement. And if they are not mature enough to do this, their parents should be monitoring their computing activites anyway.
    • >This was never intended by Rockstar and therefore the responsibility lies with the person who applied the mod to exercise judgement. And if they are not mature enough to do this, their parents should be monitoring their computing activites anyway.

      Oh please, gimme a break. Rockstar deliberately left this in for someone to find. It's more than natural that somebody would stumble upon it, given the game mod community that's all over the PC versions of GTA and works better than Rockstar's own hyping mach
      • So responsibility lies with Rockstar that made that content (as a joke probably) and knowingly left it in.

        Has this been proved?
        • It only takes a little bit of common sense:

          a) Rockstar made the content for some reason.
          b) The game was betatested to death, yet that content was left in, other content has cut.
          c) Rockstar are aware of the modding community (they acknowledged MTA).

          Therefore it's their liability, or better, that their executives. I hope none of the devs lose their jobs, although I secretly hope that whoever wrote that press release gets canned.

          I'm sick of seeing the modding community praised and cuddled when things
          • It wouldn't be very likely that beta-testing would catch something which requires binary files modification, wouldn't you agree?

            My opinion is that people are worrying too much about this. It's not that any random kid will get a porn show thrown at their face out of nothing. They have to install the mod, etc.

            About the press release, as another poster said, it's very carefully worded and doesn't say any lies if you read it closely. It may be misleading but I think they'll get away with it, and I really hope
      • This was done by somebody. Somebody liked the idea, worked out a plan, and made a mini game about it. Several people, probably, as this required art, code, and sound support... maybe this was made just as a proof of concept so they could see how potentially offensive it might be.

        So the likely hood is that when somebody said "no, that's too offensive / stupid / not fun," the people tasked with removing it did so reluctantly. They did the bare minimum required and removed the way to access it, probably wi
  • Easier Way to Prove (Score:3, Informative)

    by prezkennedy.org ( 786501 ) on Saturday July 16, 2005 @10:08AM (#13081219) Homepage Journal
    All you have to do in order to prove this content wasn't actually added by the mod is to take a savegame from GTA: San Andreas with the "Hot Coffee" mod installed and run it on an install of San Andreas that doesn't have the mod installed. You'll notice the sex scenes are still in the game even though it isn't modded. I mentioned this awhile ago... on my own website [prezkennedy.org]
    • Either that or you didn't interpret correctly what they said - what Rockstar meant was that the MODDED code was not on the retail disc. The sex scene is, but it is unviewable, as in "dead code" which is never executed.
  • This part of the game wasn't availible until the modder released a patch to unlock it. The code was not availible to play until this time. So I guess it depends on what your definition of "is" is.
  • Well if that's the case, then I do think fault lies with Rockstar. I don't think the ESRB did anything wrong though, since the content is not achievable through normal play means.

    The question is why this material was left in the game in the first place... Was there any possibility that R* was planning on "leaking" a method to access this?
  • The facts (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Kent Simon ( 760127 )
    "So far we have learned that the "hot coffee" modification is the work of a determined group of hackers who have gone to significant trouble to alter scenes in the official version of the game," reads the statement. "In violation of the software user agreement, hackers created the 'hot coffee' modification by disassembling and then combining, recompiling and altering the game's source code. Since the 'hot coffee' scenes cannot be created without intentional and significant technical modifications and revers
  • SimCopter... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Wilson_6500 ( 896824 ) on Saturday July 16, 2005 @07:06PM (#13084118)
    I know that it wasn't quite as explicit, but does anyone remember that one version of SimCopter that had the little "boxer-clad men run around kissing" feature? Why didn't we hear such an uproar about that?
  • Rockstar has decided to take the politicians way out of this by lieing and denying everything, which rarely works. They should have simply said it was true and then have the ESRB change the games rating to AO and send stores new stickers to place on the box noting the new AO rating. Then do a new run of the game with the minigame ENABLED yes even put it on the box that it's available. Then do another run if want of the game witht he minigame completely ripped out and have that rated M and everyone is happy.

In specifications, Murphy's Law supersedes Ohm's.
