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Sony May Delay PS3 Until 2007 457

GodFather writes "ArsTechnica posted an article that claims the PS3 may be pushed back as far as 2007 if the Xbox 360 launch flops. The reasoning behind it? If Microsoft comes out with a weak set of titles at launch Sony could delay and build a larger launch library to lay the smack down on Microsoft."
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Sony May Delay PS3 Until 2007

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  • by Adrilla ( 830520 ) * on Thursday August 04, 2005 @09:53PM (#13246695) Homepage
    I can't imagine this being a good idea, Sony would be giving Microsoft a chance to keep moving next gen units and Nintendo a chance to leapfrog them with the Revolution while they sit idle just so they can have a larger library on launch? Every moment they sit without units on the shelves gives MS the chance to release the next Halo, plus they'll have next gen titles that would've been ported to both systems. Madden '06 may not be the difference maker, but '07 just might, EA will have had time to tweak to the system more, and make the games better on the 360, but Sony fanboys will be stuck with the weaker PS2 game. My suggestion is kill this idea immediately and get that PS3 out as soon as it's ready for production. Even if the 360 doesn't have a good launch, doesn't mean it wont be successful throughout it's lifetime, something they should think about with reference to their own PSP.
    • by MeanE ( 469971 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @09:56PM (#13246716) Homepage
      It might not sound the smartest idea, but Sony has done it before ...see Dreamcast.
      • The comparison doesn't hold... Sega wasn't in the best financial situation and the Dreamcast had to be a financial success for them. To MS the XBOX is just one front in their effort own the living room, and as we all know the have deep pockets.
        • No company ever has deep enough pockets to continually throw away shareholders money on products that are failing to generate a profit.

          Microsoft's continual failure to dominate with the xbox and their growing unpopularity with the general market place leaves them little hope of gaining significant access to the living room.

          They have managed to do considerable damage to their brand name and when it comes to accessing the living room that is terminal, except for the cheap junk market (microsoft's destiny?

          • their growing unpopularity with the general market place

            Growing unpopularity in the general market? Wait, since when was the general market slashdot geeks who put jabs at MS in their sigs? The Xbox is far from 'unpopular', and far from a 'failure'.

      • by Nikker ( 749551 ) on Friday August 05, 2005 @12:38AM (#13247401)
        They are playing US.

        They are telling the public (a la press release) that the M$ console is not really that big of a threat and is willing to wait while the paint dries on their product.

        Apply this to the mentality of little johnny Uber-1337, 'whoa I better make mommy and daddy wait until the sony comes out before I throw my tantrum because they already know they are better then M$!!!"

        This is all chess, its all about the moves... When some company tells the public something they are just that, telling you something. It has no warrenty, guarentee or even the assumption that they are telling you this in an unbiased whole hearted manner.

        They like M$ and pretty much evrey other high roller company is just trying to fuck with as many heads as they can and hope for the best.

        Take this with a pound of salt....
    • I totally agree with you. Also for me, I know that I'll have enough cash laying around for a ps3 this winter/spring.. but 2007, I'm not so sure about.
      • Ya know... If you have money now, and find out for fact you won't need it next year... You could say, invest it in something like a CD (Certificate of Deposit, not Compact Disk) That way your money won't sit there losing value...
    • If the 360 "flops" at launch then a lot of that may be because people have high(er) expectations of the PS3 and are prepared to wait and see before spending their hard earned cash.

      Possibly the worst thing they could do in that situation is to launch a PS3 that doesn't meet those expectations. If you do that then the main reason people haven't been buying the 360 suddenly disappears. As long as people do appear willing to wait it would make sense to use that time to ensure your product is better placed than
      • count me as one of those people.

        this will be the first time i'll be buying a console, and i'll be waiting for a PS3.
        because i was terribly disappointed by their "release" MTV gig, and because of their fumbling on the whole HD issue.
        as long as sony releases a solid console where I won't have to worry about hardware upgrades, i'll have no trouble waiting...

    • You're not thinkingly like a marketing department. You're thinking "this is a bad reason to delay release", when you should be thinking "this is an excuse for a release that's going to be delayed because the product is not ready".
    • I can't imagine [delaying its product] being a good idea, Sony would be giving Microsoft a chance to keep moving next gen units and Nintendo a chance to leapfrog them with the Revolution while they sit idle just so they can have a larger library on launch?

      That's what Sony is doing in Europe, especially with the intolerance toward imports of PSP units [].

  • by Xeger ( 20906 ) <slashdot@tracker.x e g> on Thursday August 04, 2005 @09:53PM (#13246702) Homepage
    If Sony insists on delaying ths long, they're having serious trouble.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Sony is having serious trouble financially. The company announced recently that they are trimming revenue forecasts for the year by 80%. That is just astronomically bad considering they can't seem to turn a profit as it is. Not all analysts are wrong, so just keep watching to see what happens.
    • Be first or... (Score:4, Insightful)

      by spagetti_code ( 773137 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @11:00PM (#13247013)
      There's an old marketing adage...

      Be first, or
      be second and be happy with that, or
      go play elsewhere.

      You cannot underestimate the value of being first into the market with a new gadget. The '360 and PS3 are 'new generation', and therefore I'll define them as new gadgets.

      Few will care if MS titles aren't *that* strong at the get go - the graphics will apparently be awesome. And, for a while anyway, that will be important.

      Sony: you have *got* to release the PS3.
      • Re:Be first or... (Score:3, Insightful)

        by wyldeone ( 785673 )
        (I know this has been said before, but nobody seems to hear it) Yeah, because that strategy worked wonders for sega with the dreamcast.
        • Re:Be first or... (Score:3, Insightful)

          by KirkH ( 148427 )
          So what would you suggest? MS has three choices:

          1. Launch first.
          2. Launch simulaneously.
          3. Launch second.

          #1 is what they chose, and it makes sense. People will buy because it's the first new console out in a while. If you remember the DC launch, it went very well -- most preorders and a console sales record for the time. They just got crushed later on by the PS2.

          If they went with #2, they would be going head-to-head against the PS3 and a lot of people would choose PS3 instead. Most don't have the cash to la
  • by mcc ( 14761 ) <> on Thursday August 04, 2005 @09:54PM (#13246707) Homepage
    The source for this is "an analyst".

    In other words, some random guy who doesn't work for Sony is predicting that Sony may delay the PS3, based basically on having read the same news reports you and I do.

    This should be taken with exactly as much credence as if you'd heard "well this guy on the internet thinks that Sony is going to..."

    Which is to say.

    • by ameoba ( 173803 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @10:15PM (#13246822)
      It's somewhat believable if you look at how Sony treated the Dreamcast. Sony was pushing the PSX while hyping the PS2, doing whatever they could to stop people from buying a DC until they could roll out their competition for it, almost a year after the DC shipped.
  • Xbox 360 Flop? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by nickj6282 ( 896871 ) <nickj6282@yaho[ ]om ['o.c' in gap]> on Thursday August 04, 2005 @09:59PM (#13246734)
    IF the 360 flops? Of course the 360 launch is going to flop. Let's not forget that Microsoft announced that 360s will ship with standard DVD drives and the HD-DVDs will be coming later (next year most likely). I was going to go out and get a 360 at launch, but now I'm going to wait for HD-DVD, as I suspect many other people are. A bad move on Microsoft's part is going to end up giving Sony the opportunity to delay their console without losing much market share. I do think, however, that the aging PS2 hardware is nearing the end of it's lifecycle. Consumers are ready for something new, and as far as I'm concerned, the PSP is a niche market.
    • Re:Xbox 360 Flop? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by stryck9 ( 670369 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @10:10PM (#13246810)
      I applaud your restraint, and if enough consumers had it we would get better products all around. However Microsoft's model is predicated on reoccurring revenue streams. Office does not change to drastically version from version yet enough people buy it to make MS tons o' cash. I bet enough people are going to buy the XBOX 360 and then turn around and buy the XBOX 360.5 to make them more than enough money to justify the launch of the 360 with out the HD-DVD. As long as MS has something out there can can create FUD with this is a lose for Sony.
      • That's completely incorrect. Unlike Office, Microsoft loses money on each console sold. If everyone threw out their old Xbox 360 and bought an xbox 360.5 when the new edition came out, Microsoft would lose obscene amounts of cash with 0 return. If microsoft had it's way, you would only buy one console and share it with like 10 friends who all still bought games. Everyone seems to think microsoft is out to sell Xboxes... they aren't, they just happen to have to sell them in order to charge license fee
        • Re:Xbox 360 Flop? (Score:3, Informative)

          by Cereal Box ( 4286 )
          If microsoft had it's way, you would only buy one console and share it with like 10 friends who all still bought games.

          Uh, no. I think Microsoft would prefer that those ten friends also buy XBoxes in addition to all those games.

          I don't see why so many people have such a hard time grasping this "loss leader" concept. Microsoft loses money on each console sold, which they intend to recoup by game sales. However, Microsoft loses MORE money when those consoles AREN'T bought.

          It seems most Slashdotters think t
    • Re:Xbox 360 Flop? (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Pulzar ( 81031 )
      IF the 360 flops? Of course the 360 launch is going to flop. Let's not forget that Microsoft announced that 360s will ship with standard DVD drives and the HD-DVDs will be coming later (next year most likely).

      I, for one, couldn't care less about the lack of HD-DVD on Xbox 360. I'm going to get an Xbox 360 to play the games, and when in some distant future HD-DVD movies start becoming widely available, I'll get the Xbox upgrade or buy an HD-DVD player.

      Do you not think Microsoft did some market research to s
    • Re:Xbox 360 Flop? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by radish ( 98371 )
      Why this surprise about HD DVD? The Xbox360 has NEVER been advertised as supporting HD-DVD. When the specs we out back in May it said regular DVD. So if you only just decided not to buy one, well you haven't been paying attention.

      Of course the 360 launch is going to flop

      No, it won't. Microsoft's marketing machine will not let that occur.
      • The point is, Microsoft recently announced that future 360s will have HD-DVD. That's telling their entire customerbase that early-adopters are actually going to be penalized. That's like a big fat sticker on a DVD case saying, "Coming in a few months, the super-spiffy edition with tons of extra content!" Who's going to buy that DVD when they know ahead of time that a better version will be released?
        • More like "coming in a year, for the low price of $59, or 79, or 99 dollars." What, you don't think MS will sell an add-on drive?

          BTW, some Lord of the Rings fans paid twice for new editions released months later.

          Also, early-adopters who bought a first generation PS or PS2 got stuck with more faulty hardware than the later versions.
        • > Who's going to buy that DVD when they know ahead of time that a better version will be released?

          Well when one can't get anything comparable on the market, I think many people will buy whatever is available.
          Even with Sony's console comes out earlier, it will most likely be more expensive than the 360 + add-on HD-DVD.
 &btnG=Google+Search []

          Where are now all those PS3 Cell zealots?
          If Apple dumped IBM earlier, perhaps Sony would have gotten a clue. Heh
    • Re:Xbox 360 Flop? (Score:5, Informative)

      by DeeKayWon ( 155842 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @11:53PM (#13247225)
      Let's not forget that Microsoft announced that 360s will ship with standard DVD drives and the HD-DVDs will be coming later (next year most likely).

      No, they didn't.

      Read this. []

      • When the PS2 shipped, I'm fairly certain that all titles were on CD, even though it was a DVD drive. Once there is manufacturing capacity for HD-DVDs, I imagine that's what they will ship on. It would be beyond stupid for MS to have two incompatible units sold under the same name. I'd be willing to bet the hardware will be HD-DVD even if the initial discs are DVD, which may be the source of the confusion.
        • No.

          Most titles were CDs because the game fitted onto one, but there were DVD games. Kessen comes to mind, and I'm quite sure there was one or two others at launch (or very soon after it).
    • How did this comment get raised to a 4? While I think it's a dumb idea for them to go with plain ol' DVD, it by no means indicates that the 360 launch is a definate flop.

      I mean, most people don't honestly give a crap about what format the drive is. Most people likely don't know the difference (and with consoles, you're not expected to know all the different components).

      And having an HD-DVD in the 360 won't make a big difference to the owner, compared with the DVD version, other than being able to play HD-DV
  • by Sv-Manowar ( 772313 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @09:59PM (#13246736) Homepage Journal
    Its interesting that this comes quite soon after Bill Gates himself announced that the first next-gen Xboxes would ship with non-HD DVD drives, effectively limiting the launch software to dvd media, and perhaps even limiting all games throughout the lifetime of the platform. If Sony do choose to take extra time in ensuring the launch titles make the absolute most out of the additional storage capacity and performance available on the PS3, it could be enough to provide a killer blow even to a successful xbox 360. If the PS3 manages to blow the xbox away in terms of game visuals/depth, then they'll almost have skipped a generation and taken the fight right back to microsoft.
  • by ReformedExCon ( 897248 ) <> on Thursday August 04, 2005 @09:59PM (#13246740)
    Disclaimer: I do not own the Playstation 2.

    I used to own a Playstation years ago, and one of my favorite things about it was that the library of games for the system was incredibly vast. However, scratching the surface revealed that many of the games were cheap ripoffs of each other and that truly original games were few and far between.

    Nintendo has always seemed to have a talent for coming up with a decent library of original games that keeps the devoted coming back. Sony, on the other hand, seems to push quantity over quality when it comes to their library. If they are going to take 2 years to fill out their launch library, I wonder how much of that will be really good games and how much of it will be cutscene movies (Final Fantasy), sequels (anything by Rockstar), and played out genres (the FPS comes to mind).

    I really like Sony. I owned many of their walkmans years ago, and I enjoyed the gaming I did on the original Playstation. But both they and the audience must learn that just because you have many times the number of games as your competitor, it is not a very good metric because the number of good, original games in that library may be only a fraction of that amount.
  • I'd love it if sony took a little while longer to work on the PS3 before releaseing it, we (customers) will get a better product.

    Another year might not mean launching with drastically better hardware (think the newer slim ps2 vs the original layout) but we'll probably have fewer heat distribution problems, better wireless technology, all of that.

    Realistically though, all of the publishers working on games for a mid 2006 launch are unlikely to site on potential profits for a year so sony can have a PR "t

  • Personally (Score:5, Interesting)

    by LowbrowDeluxe ( 889277 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @10:02PM (#13246758)
    I don't think it's all that bad of a move. First off, both the Xbox 2 (Quick, give it a name with a 3 in it or it'll look bad compared to Sony...feh.) and the PS3 were rushed due to competition with each other. If the Xbox fails because of that, and because they rushed to undercut even Sony's timetable, then it clearly makes sense. Above and beyond that, though, Sony is really more about franchise loyalty and the flavor of games produced for it, and they have plenty of games slated all the way through next year for the PS2. They're not going to lose their core audience to Xbox. Most Playstation fans who want a game that comes out on XBox will wait and buy it for their actual computer. Meanwhile, if they did delay, the PS3 might actually manage to live up to part of it's hype, something I don't have a lot of hope for given the release-date war between Sony and Microsoft. Eventually it reached some obscure level of corporate triple-dog-dare, and Sony called them on it. If they succeed Sony will have to launch, if not they can stand their laughing and calling MS a dumbass for trying it. I can only imagine the screams of pain from engineers everytime MS and Sony's marketing teams released a revised release date.
    • I can only imagine the screams of pain from engineers everytime MS and Sony's marketing teams released a revised release date.

      AFAIK none of the dates have been announced yet. That aside, Microsoft have always (again, AFAIK) said "end of 2005", and that's what it looks like we're getting. Sony countered with a "H1 2006" (IIRC, from E3) and now some people are predicting that may change. I don't see either marketing dept partaking in "corporate triple-dog-dare" unless it's behind closed doors.
  • Hold 'em back (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Hobbes897 ( 782722 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @10:03PM (#13246763)
    I wouldn't mind seeing both of these consoles delayed for a year or so. It seems like both systems were hyped far too much to even begin meeting the expectations of gamers and programmers. This way the hardware might be upgraded some and developers would have more time to fiddle with it. This actually seems like a good move for overall quality.
  • Sure, at first the lack of another next generation system could allow Microsoft to grab more market share in the beginning, but it is the truth that if sony were to take this track, then when they do launch, many people will be more than willing to shell out the money for a next gen system with an extensive launch title list, rather than one with a short list that slowly grows. Additionally, with the extra time allowed to work on their games, many of the launch titles would probably be of high quality.
    • The only problem is that Sony develops a very small portion of their own games. Not a problem once a console is out and running, but for launch it's exceedingly hard to get 3rd parties working on titles right up to launch. Usually they're games that have been finished for a while, so they're short or underdeveloped (as they focused on a launch date rather than featureset) or do not utilize the hardware efficiently.

      Plus, they released a year after the Dreamcast, stating similar reasons, but still had an

  • Might be stupid (Score:3, Insightful)

    by NekoXP ( 67564 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @10:04PM (#13246773) Homepage
    The guy I mean.

    How can Sony delay for a year and have more games on launch than a console
    which will have had an 18 month head start?

  • by Bananatree3 ( 872975 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @10:05PM (#13246784)
    If Microsoft comes out with a weak set of titles at launch Sony could delay and build a larger launch library to lay the smack down on Microsoft."

    [subconscious rant]so it is all about who can make the biggest buck!?! I know I may be playing against the grain, but is money all they really think about these days?! What about the 12 year olds who were dying for this on their next birthday, and they will have to wait another year, just because of the bottom line! Insane I tell you![/subconscious rant]

  • It seems to me that this is just a smokescreen. Maybe they're having problems getting the PS3 going? Maybe they're having yield problems with the Cell processor? Who knows, but a delay like this would really send the message that PS3 is vapor and lead to more people going out to buy the XBox 360.
  • by WormholeFiend ( 674934 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @10:10PM (#13246807)
    that the Phantom console has been waiting for!
  • by PetoskeyGuy ( 648788 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @10:16PM (#13246826)
    We believe that the company will attempt to disrupt the Xbox 360 launch with a price cut, and as a result may succeed in diverting attention away from the higher priced next generation console. We expect the Microsoft to attempt to engineer the Xbox 360 to be compatible with the current generation Xbox, and as a result, believe that Microsoft will maintain $149 pricing for its money-losing hardware.

    We are the Microsoft. You will be assimilated. The exact date of assimilation has slipped once again, but we expect to be at your planet sometime Q1 next year. Be sure to watch for us.

    We will bring your total cost of living down through universal cybernetic hardware implants. Periodic software updates may be purchased to allow you to control the new hardware that will periodically sprout from your body. Your normal motor functions will be replaced with an expensive yet inferior system that will only allow you to shuffle along like a crippled old man.

    You will have access to the ultimate Peer-to-Peer network with secure music downloads direct to the brain with properly activated frontal lobes.

    We will tell you where you want to go.
  • I could easily see where this could backfire. Sure, Xbox might have weak launch titles, but while Sony is preparing their launch, the Xbox will have had time to not only build upon their library as well as possibly lower their price.

    I am more inclined to think that any delay would be more indicative of a difficulty in churning out the required hardware rather than some willingness to delay the launch.
  • Nahhh (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Maserati ( 8679 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @10:25PM (#13246862) Homepage Journal
    Can't be a good idea. All the 3rd party publishers are waiting on the PS3 launch to start getting their investment back. An extra year before you can sell your game ? They'd scream bloody murder.
  • Whatever... (Score:2, Interesting)

    As long as I can get a $100 XBox out of the deal.
  • Err.. guys... (Score:2, Insightful)

    We're 1 month past mid 2005. I know I'm gonna be getting a haircut in 2007 and I know that's good planning, but I know for a fact that my hair is gonna grow longer then (if I'm not bald then). Who knows what's gonna happen to the console world 1.5 years down the road? Maybe this will be out then? ---> []
  • People have already pointed this out, but titles make so much of a difference. The problem with Xbox 360 right now is that the only strong title it has for itself is Halo 3. Sure some of the other titles look pretty, but who the hell knows if the actual game play is any good. Then they also have a good amount of titles that will probably be on the PC to, which wont turn people into dumping $300 when they can play it on their pc. Now add on top of that the Xbox 360 might add a HD-DVD down the line, and d

  • by DaveCBio ( 659840 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @10:50PM (#13246964)
    Wow,once again the clueless analysts have shown us the light. Honestly, if these people were really all that good at spotting industry trends and making accurate predictions they'd be working in the industry.
  • by Dubpal ( 860472 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @11:07PM (#13247045) Homepage
    After reading this Inquirer column [] it could be that Sony are waiting it out until they can make the console cheaper.

    From the column:
    Merrill Lynch estimated that the cost to produce a single PS3 would be a shade under $500. Considering that the Xbox 360 is expected will be priced at around $299, it was felt that even a $399 price tag on the PS3 meant Sony taking a $1bn hit on hardware costs alone in the first year.

    When you consider that they've packed Bluetooth, HDTV (a feature Nintendo ended up dropping because of cost) and the first Commercial release of Blu-Ray in there, it's not too surprising that the earlier they launch the console, the harder Sony's going to get hit in the pocket.

    • "HDTV (a feature Nintendo ended up dropping because of cost)"

      Nintendo dropped the HDTV because of costs to the developers. Supporting HDTV, the other two cases mandating it, forces companies, who want to make more gameplay focused games on throwing resources (i.e.$$$) that so that they make the graphics quality not look like ass on HDTV.
  • aging hardware (Score:5, Insightful)

    by cybpunks3 ( 612218 ) on Thursday August 04, 2005 @11:09PM (#13247054)
    Sony risks shipping hardware that is outdated at the day of launch. If it takes years for launch software to be written for a new platform then how can the hardware be bleeding edge?? The hardware spec gets finalized the day your developers start working. From that point onward you are obsolete.

    What I think Sony or others should do, if they are moving in a parallel direction, is try to anticipate this gap between initial hardware finalization and the launch of the console, and have developers write to a more stripped down version of the hardware while you anticipate the final version having more cores or an additional CPU by the time you launch. That way the initial games might not take full advantage of the hardware but the second you start making consoles you'll know you are at as close to the bleeding edge as possible. When the 2nd wave of software gets finished it will be able to take advantage of the "last minute" extra hardware.

    You either do that or you write the software to automatically elegantly upscale to theoretical extra parallelism.

  • My theory is that waiting until later is the best strategy for selling to people who buy more than one console. Lots of people own more than one console (I know a friend who has a PS2, XBox, AND Gamecube).

    If you release too close, you're telling consumers, "Okay, pick one." People don't want to spend too much money all at once. The company that forces this situation is the one that things it will be the first choice, and maybe Sony is having some reservations about this.

    On the other hand, if they wait

  • Larger library? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by kreyg ( 103130 ) <> on Friday August 05, 2005 @12:08AM (#13247293) Homepage
    Sony could delay and build a larger launch library

    Delay so they can go head to head with Microsoft, who will have also increased their title library since launch, and already have an install base? We'll see how it plays out, sounds like a stupid strategy to me...

  • I'm amazed no one has looked at what this means for Blu-ray - that would seem to be the biggest casualty of all. If it's delayed a year, then it definitely will be the next betamax.
  • I really think Nintendo is going to do well next generation, what with five excellent game consoles in one (NES, SNES, N64, GC, Revolution!) Third parties will re-release their old software via download (Square-Enix's original Final Fintasy or Tecmo's Ninja Gaiden anyone?), then have a built in customer base to sell their more recent version of classic IP to. They just announced Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest will no longer be PS2 exclusives, opening the door for the regular series to come back to Revolut
  • by AstrumPreliator ( 708436 ) on Friday August 05, 2005 @12:53AM (#13247464)
    Alright, let's assume for a moment that the Xbox 360 launch is a total flop. People just can't seem to justify the price tag for the one or two games they want to play at launch. Sony then delays the PS3 for a year so they can bolster their game library. Seems reasonable, except for the fact that the Xbox 360 will ALSO be bolstering it's game library continuously from the day of it's launch. Is the analyst just assuming no more games will be released after the launch titles? That's simply ludicrous. Hell, if Sony delays the PS3 for a year to improve it's game library then Microsoft will have a chance to lower it's console's price during the PS3's launch a year later. Then you have an interesting scenario where the Xbox 360 is cheaper and has more games that people know are good while the PS3 is more expensive with a ton of games that nobody has played yet.

    Second, I don't think the new PS2 price cut is going to take away the Xbox 360's thunder. That's just on opinion of course and I have no idea how it will pan out. But considering the PS3 launch is (supposedly) fairly soon after the 360's launch I would rather save my money and buy that than an aging PS2.

    Third, I've seen a lot of mention about the whole HD-DVD thing in this thread. Now console players are usually not as tech savvy as say a PC gamer. They don't have to be. Out of idle curiosity I asked my friend who is a major console gamer what he thought of Microsoft decision to not include an HD-DVD drive with the 360. He just sort of looked at me blankly, he had no fucking clue what it was. So will this hurt Microsoft in the slightest? Possibly if the media screams about them not having HD-DVD, but more than likely, no. I personally feel that an HD-DVD isn't even needed for the next-gen consoles, but hey, everyone can have an opinion eh?

    Now assuming Microsoft doesn't completely fuck up the launch (i.e. - letting a major bug that renders the console useless slip by them, such as exploding power supplies) then I can't even see the console flopping. But even if it does Sony would be making a huge mistake by delaying the PS3 another year.

    Besides, the Xbox has Halo and a few other decent games. The main one is Halo though. Halo 3 will sell the Xbox 360, there's no question about it. This is a moot speculation by an analyst who obviously doesn't know what he's talking about.
  • Hah, that's an amusing and incredibly stupid idea. Sony wouldn't be that dumb. Yet another non-article.
  • by Gogo0 ( 877020 ) on Friday August 05, 2005 @01:14AM (#13247526)
    Yes, because the launch library matters.

    Wait, no it doesnt.
    The PS2 had a bunch of crap right out of the gate. The leader of the pack was a mediocre snowboarding game that was propelled to stardom by the fact that it was one of the very few games worth owning at the time.

    Yeah, the xbox had Halo at launch, but that didnt matter either. They could have released it at any time and still garnered the same results (a lot of sold hardware).

    The Gamecube had one outstanding game (Rogue Leader) at launch, and then THREE MONTHS OF NOTHING until Super Smash Bros Melee, and the console continues to be #2 worldwide.

    Two crappy launches (in regards to titles) and those are beating out a wildly successful launch in the long run.

    Now, if the consoles launch at the same time it matters... Or at least one would think so. The cube's poor launch was within days of the xbox's great one (again, in regards to games only), and they are in a dead heat now.

    So I guess my point is: "Analyst" speculation is less than worthless, and history reveals that supposedly obvious things make no sense at all.

    Quit posting what amounts to random guessing about the ps3 and 360. We dont see a story every time a new fake Revolution controller pic hits the net, so why do we still get this crap?
  • by tod_miller ( 792541 ) on Friday August 05, 2005 @01:59AM (#13247655) Journal
    Console release is like F1 pit tactics. YOu have to release a console, but when?

    PS1 relied on some great timing and release games. Will the XBOX and the PS3 both delay and build up their game offerings until one makes the first move?

    I think the PS3 will not delay to be honest - Christmas is looming, and if they can release in time for this, then they will lead in many respects.

    My newphew (who as you may have heard knows everything about every gaming platform, game and addon) sold his PS2 (for much more than the $70 described in the recent /. article) but kept his gamecube, and shrugged, I am sure someone will buy me a PS3 for Christmas. He thinks the XBOX/360 sucks, and doesn't even know who Microsoft are.

    Aaaanyway. The innocence of youth.

    This next gen of consoles may break some more competitors out of the ring. As multiplayer gets hotter, and platform exclusive games get more prevelant, then for the consumers one platform is the best choice, as kids want to play the same games together.

    Therefore this may be a case of survival of the fittest, and my money is on PS3, as sony have 2 very successful releases under their belts, and XBOX was just a couple of trillion gajillion dollars of advertising, and Halo, which was a SHIT game, and I don't care what you say. An FPS with vehicles that feels like tribes, but can the playability of a 1997 game.

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  • by JaF893 ( 745419 ) on Friday August 05, 2005 @02:19AM (#13247700) Journal
    ...I heard they were waiting to launch it with Duke Nukem Forever.

