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Role Playing (Games) Businesses

World of Warcraft Card Game Coming Soon 199

Klytus writes " reports that Upper Deck is working with Blizzard Entertainment to release a Collectible Card Game of everyone's favorite MMORPG, World of Warcraft. From the sound of it the cards may also have an impact on your online gameplay as well."
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World of Warcraft Card Game Coming Soon

Comments Filter:
  • alright (Score:4, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:03AM (#13355234)
    Finally! A reason to beat up the geeky kid next door and take his stuff (in real life).
    • Re:alright (Score:3, Funny)

      by Cerdic ( 904049 )
      Finally! A reason to beat up the geeky kid next door and take his stuff (in real life).

      Since when do we need a reason to beat up the geeky kid next door?
    • Re:alright (Score:5, Funny)

      by ackthpt ( 218170 ) * on Friday August 19, 2005 @11:11AM (#13355810) Homepage Journal
      Finally! A reason to beat up the geeky kid next door and take his stuff (in real life).

      Which is probably what the geeky kid next door to you is thinking at this moment.

      I don't honestly know whether to laugh or cry at the vision of two geeks attempting to figure out how to throw a punch or swing a piece of sports equipment (cricket bat, baseball bat, hockey stick, lacrosse stick, etc.) at each other all the while berating each other "all your base are belong to us!", "y3r m0th3r i5 pwn3d!", etc. over cards.

      • Re:alright (Score:5, Funny)

        by d34thm0nk3y ( 653414 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @02:14PM (#13357217)
        You can't tell me you never made swords out of PVC piping, pipe insulation and duct tape. I ended up breaking a friends nose that way...

        Turned out to be a pretty good physics lesson. Padding doesn't do much when the thing is 10 feet long and weighs 20 lbs.
      • I don't honestly know whether to laugh or cry

        Don't worry; I imagine our world is quickly converging on the day when if you can't honestly do both and feel good
        about it, you'll just need to blink twice to tell your implant to up the dose of your favorite psychotropic drug*.

        * which will probably be named something like Happy or Bliss, which is kind of sad**...

        ** <blink> <blink>
    • Fuck! Time to hide my stuff...
    • I *am* the geeky kid next door.
    • Yeah... right. I know you were just being funny but here is one thing to think about: I am the geek next door (not a kid) and I own firearms. Which I know how to use _very_ well. I'm definitely not the only "geek" type with firearms either ;-) as I know a LOT of people who could be considered geek/nerd enjoy firearms of all types. Welcome to the well-armed new geek world!
  • by BlackCobra43 ( 596714 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:05AM (#13355250)
    2BBB, Enchantment Tap : Produce one 0/1 Gimmick token with ability "This creature cannot attack or block" and "Cannot be the target of spells or abilities". This creature dies after 3 turns and wasting a sizeable portion of the parent card's revenue in lost production, distribution andadvertising
  • BlizzCon (Score:2, Informative)

    by Unsus ( 901072 )
    They just announced that they will release card to people who attend their Blizzard Convention ( []). Not sure if they attend to sell them as well, or only give them out at special events.
    • Re:BlizzCon (Score:5, Informative)

      by PhilippeT ( 697931 ) <philippet AT gmail DOT com> on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:09AM (#13355290)
      At least try to read...

      Another souvenir item you'll find in your special BlizzCon goody bag is a full deck of BlizzCon playing cards, encased in a uniquely decorated box and decked out with Blizzard artwork from the Warcraft, Diablo, and StarCraft series.

      That means regular cards... you know so you can play solitaire while waiting for a 40 man raid to organize it self. Or like myself while you keep conjuring water and watching everyone else kill stuff during the raid.
      • Re:BlizzCon (Score:1, Troll)

        by Unsus ( 901072 )
        At least try to read... I just said they were going to be releasing cards at BlizzCon as well. I've never said they were the collectible ones referred to in the article; your rudeness was rather uncalled for. I would assume that Upper Deck is making these "regular" cards as well.
  • by Frastolator ( 908608 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:05AM (#13355254)
    Look out eBay!
  • Lag? (Score:4, Funny)

    by n00dles ( 88308 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:06AM (#13355255)
    To replicate the online experience, do they include a syringe of codeine with each pack?
  • by Musteval ( 817324 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:06AM (#13355263)
    Night Elf: *walking along* Orc: I WILL SELL YOU CARDS Tauren: 700 GOLD UBERBOSS CARD Human: CHEAP CARDS CHEAP CARDS Another Orc: COME TO MY SHOP WWW.EB4Y.COM COME NOW Night Elf: *takes out sword* Disclaimer: I do not actually play WoW.
  • Great news! (Score:5, Funny)

    by wfberg ( 24378 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:07AM (#13355269)
    Great news! This mean my co-workers can now chat about WoW incessantly during work AND play a version of Wow during lunch break, so they won't run out of things to say to each other in the afternoon! They'll never have to leave their fantasy world at all!
    • I used to work at the help desk in a computer science department. With laptops, many students were either talking or playing constantly, if not they were talking about it WHILE playing. And yes, they formed groups together. When I go back to the fall, I will have the joy of watching them play online, while waiting for their turn in the card game, while talking about both.
    • Wfberg meets entertainment. "It burns! It burns!" Geez, people can't enjoy themselves?
  • Not unexpected (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Psionicist ( 561330 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:07AM (#13355272)
    I'm not surprised. There already exist a Warcraft pen and paper RPG [] based on the d20 system, so a card game is the next logical step. The paper RPG is actually very good though, so I wouldn't shout "sold out" just yet. I don't like the sound of the game affecting your play ingame though...
    • Re:Not unexpected (Score:4, Interesting)

      by fireduck ( 197000 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @11:21AM (#13355891)
      Not only is there already an RPG version of Warcraft, but there are 2 boardgames: A warcraft game [] based on warcraft 3 which has been out for around a year now, and an upcoming world of warcraft game board game, which is still in development, but looks absolutely insane [].
  • Is WOW: The Card Game going to be as addictive as Magic: The Gathering was? I practically kicked out of the university because of Magic in the mid-90s. Of course, playing Risk (the board game, we didn't own any PCs back then) until the early hours of the morning didn't help.
  • busted! (Score:3, Funny)

    by sewagemaster ( 466124 ) <sewagemaster&gmail,com> on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:08AM (#13355282) Homepage
    just make sure you don't get busted by your mom []!
    Brion is in trouble.

    Brion was in WoW till 2am.
    Brion's mom plays WoW.
    Brion's mom Grounded Brion.
    Haha Brion

    or wear this t-shirt [] while playing
  • Addiction? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by newandyh-r ( 724533 )
    In other words they are try to combine two of the most effective ways of extracting money from punters (CCGs and on-line games)
    • At some point they'll stop the subterfuge and just advertise special abilities, bonuses and in-game items if you send the company cash directly, instead of making people buy a bunch of playing cards to get them.
  • One With Everything (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Doc Ruby ( 173196 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:09AM (#13355289) Homepage Journal
    My favorite MMORPG, a LARP, has had a card game [] for many years. Hail Eris!
  • by msisden ( 761674 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:09AM (#13355291) Homepage
    Doesn't this assume that players can drag themselves away from the computer to play the CCG in the first place?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    And so now the argument spills over into Slashdot. Yet Even More Complaints about having to shell out additional real-world money for in-game content in five... four... three....

    (And, oh yeah, complaints about how I'm posting on a level 1 alt here.)
  • Now when I think about it, this is probably not so bad. Blizzard has a very good art department. The art book you get with WoW:Collectors Edition is gorgeous and the drawings in the Warcraft 2 manual were incredibly cool. I might buy a few of these cards if the artwork is good enough.

    Examples of Chris Metzen and Samwise art: h l=en&lr=&c2coff=1&safe=off&sa=N&tab=wi [] &sa []
  • by Nick of NSTime ( 597712 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:14AM (#13355343)
    The CCG will need to implement some important WoW features to be successful. These include:

    Evade - Players will be able to hold a handmade sign over their head with the text "Evade" if another player plays a hardhitting card.

    Laggy spell failure - If Player A hits Player B with a freeze spell, player B must run up and down the room, ultimately stopping directly in front of Player A, rendering the spell's affects worthless.

    Facing the wrong way - If Player A is directly facing Player B while throwing down a card, Player A's spells will fail and Player B will get free hits while holding up a sign that says, "You are not facing your enemy."

    Lag - When Player A puts down his card, he must stop in midair. During this, Player B may repeatedly hit Player A for 10 seconds.
    • If while cutting the decks to see who goes first either player draws a card with a Q anywhere in the title or description the game has a queue. Wait one minute for each card in that deck before playing.
  • by vjmurphy ( 190266 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:18AM (#13355370) Homepage
    • When you go to the store to buy the cards, you have to wait in a queue.
    • Sometimes, while waiting in the line, a guy from the store comes out and tells you the card game is down and you'll have to go home and come back in an hour. By "hour" they mean "day."
    • Playing the actual card game is great, once you buy the cards, but the cards burst into flames randomly.
    • You can play all the game strategies in about two months. Then you just throw the cards at your friends while they throw theirs at you.
    • Penny Arcade declares it the best card game ever.
    • A month later, Penny Arcade strips the game of the "best card game ever" title, citing the problems with queuing for buying cards and the aformentioned cards bursting into flames.
    • Penny Arcade and PvP Online form a card game rivalry, meeting each other in cities across the nation and throwing cards at each other.
    • Every time you play, some jerk starts yelling "Hey, anyone want to play with me?"
    • Cries of "Nerf the Card Draw Phase" become common.
      • 8 year olds constantly interrupt you and beg you to give them free gold, give them water, "teleport" them somewhere, lockpick their chest, etc
      • people yell so loudly that others can hear them for blocks around, and they choose to only yell about inane stupid things
      • every once in a while, someone tries to sell something for 20 times its market price, and 40 people suddenly show up solely for the purpose of heckling them
    • I'm sure this will open new avenues for cheating that no one thought of.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    What is it with these MMORPG's and their thirst for cash? I pay the 15 bucks a month already, along with the millions of other subscribers. I shouldn't have to see people with 'character alterations' or other goodies just because they have the money to go out and buy these retarded cards.

    It's similiar to SOE releasing boring addons to everquest back in the day. Each cost around 40-60 dollars, and if you DIDNT buy it, you had to watch people around you gaining "cool" items. This sounds to me like the sam
    • What is it with these MMORPG's and their thirst for cash?

      Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they are a business, and a CCG will bring in a lot of money. If everyone buys it, then, from a business standpoint, it was a success. I 'feel' you in that I don't feel like shelling out anymore cash, but it's not like it doesn't make sense.

    • I hear ya, but since when do\will companies *really* put customer satisfaction before profit? Sure, some may look like they care, but it may just be a ploy.

      Every now and then a good company comes along with the hope of being good to their customers (or simply being the best) and not caring all that much about profit, but if you ask me, there'll come a point where the vast majority either:
      • Realise how popular they are and become too greedy to care anymore
      • The novelty starts to wear off and they want a littl
      • One thing you can say for Blizzard is that they do a good job of supporting older games. They've released patches for Starcraft & Dialo 2 so they could be OS X compatible. I doubt it lead to many more sales, but it was really cool of them.
    • Unfortunately, it doesn't sound too much different than how the game is played already. There are tons of people in WoW wearing epic weapons and armor that that they bought with real money outside of the game, which gives them a HUGE advantage in things like dueling and PvP quests.

      The only difference now is that Blizzard is endorsing it, instead of turning a blind eye to it like they are currently doing.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    ...if Blizzard catch you with cards up your sleeve, they'll send the Banhammer Squad to kick your door down and confiscate your deck.
  • How do I connect to Blizzard's servers so they can validate that I am running a legally-purchased copy of their card game?
  • by bradbeattie ( 908320 ) <bradbeattie@[ ]m ... a ['alu' in gap]> on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:26AM (#13355444) Homepage Journal
    Because this is just another step towards The Visa Crucible [].
    • What, any more than any of the gazillions of cross-related Pokemon games, etc? Or the Mortal Kombat 3 circus?

      Man, if a collectable card game has you worried then go check out the plethora of products that those two franchises I mentioned had surrounding them. And, if you could, get a friend to video you doing it: I'm sure that there are plenty of Slashdotters who want to see what someone's head spontaneously exploding in amazement looks like.
  • ahh, cashola (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Red Flayer ( 890720 )
    So, some online content will only be available by purchasing packs of cards...

    Genius, really. Sure beats multi-tiered memberships.

    Blizzard could be doing a much better job of promoting itself as a marketing target.

    I would hate to see in-game advertising for real-world products, but Blizzard could be capitalizing on its subscriber base more effectively.

    So, when do we get WoW Happy Meals, with scratch-off extra game content?

    Or a Pepsi under-the-lid promotion?
  • . . . the BnetD card, or jackbooted DMCA-wielding thugs will kick down your door and hand you a subpoena.
  • 2 Questions (Score:3, Funny)

    by ARRRLovin ( 807926 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:27AM (#13355453)
    How much per month?

    Which server is everyone going to play on?!?! lol
  • by leftie ( 667677 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:29AM (#13355466)
    The moment you log in, the software re-connects you to your prepaid supply of official World of Warcraft heroin which is supplied to you through a wrist shunt connected to your mouse. As long as you are logged in and keep your hand on the mouse, you are jones free.
  • ok.. great, but this begs the question, when I level up in the card game or aquire items does Blizzard have a mechanism for transferring them to my WoW account online?
  • by charlesbakerharris ( 623282 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:36AM (#13355519)
    How the hell do they plan to implement lag and downtime into a card game? This game will be nothing like WoW.
  • Great... (Score:3, Funny)

    by utopianfiat ( 774016 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:40AM (#13355547) Journal
    Great, I've always wanted even _more_ antisocial, nerdy, squealy geeks to hardcore scream "YOU FUCKING ZERGED MY CLOUDSONG!"
  • by convex_mirror ( 905839 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:45AM (#13355577) doing its part to promote abstinence.
  • Console games, handheld games, then MMORPG's and card games to bind them together...

    The things that made Blizzard great wasn't these things, but quality PC games. I wish they'd revisit the platform in brand new titles, but the rumor has it that the next thing on their schedule is a WoW expansion. :-/

    Not sure if it's just me getting the feeling they finally grew too big and is just concerned about milking the cash cow, inventing any kind of products to tie into their past successes, and being too feared of s
    • I still like the original Diablo development team the most. Until you mention it, I was curious as to where those guys went. No wonder Guild War is so good.

      • Guild Wars was written by Arena.NET, which was started by the three main blizzard south programmers, who did Warcraft II and Starcraft. They are also largely responsible for Warcraft III, and the client for WoW -- they wrote the 3D engine.

        Diablo is from Blizzard North, I believe some credit goes to Bill Roper for its success.
  • by nightsweat ( 604367 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:52AM (#13355632)
    Shark? Check
    Ramp? Check
    Fonz? Check

    Rev that engine, WoW.
  • by El_Smack ( 267329 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @10:56AM (#13355670)
    A: I play my Abe Lincoln, doing 5 damage to your Hamilton.
    B: My Hamilton does 10 damage to your Lincoln killing it.
    A: I draw *yes*,*yes*,*yes!* Ben Franklin! I defeat your Hamilton and add a +5 defense of Sacagawea.
    B: I'm going home.
  • Like a virus, they spread through my gaming community. Like a cancer, they grew to crowd out other, healthier pursuits like AD&D, Shadowrun, Starfleet Battles, Gamma World, etc. I stood against the tide only to watch friend after friend fall into the CCG trap. Steve Jackson stabbed me in the back after discontinuing the old hotness Illuminati for the new and busted INWO. And now they threaten WoW? In the immortal words of one of my greatest heroes, "Oh, my valve!"

    Then again, an Arcanite Reaper lott
  • Now I have to decide between playing the game on paper [] or with cards? []


    Disclaimer: No Slashdot discussion (stretching that term) can be considered complete without a link to VGCats.
  • This from Ebert's review of 40-year-old-virgin:
    'His strategy for dealing with life is to surround himself with obsessions, including action figures, video games, high-tech equipment, and "collectibles," a word which, like "drinkable," never sounds like a glowing endorsement.'
  • by hoozio ( 662921 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @11:50AM (#13356105)
    WoW isn't the same without someone coming along and ruining everything. That aspect will be totally lost (short of someone coming along and running of with you deck shouting "Time's Up! .."
  • Has no-one else noticed the release of cards in game and out of game in short order? The Elementals, Warlords, Portals, and Beasts cards - in game, Darkmoon Faire, combine the set to make a handin for which you get a funky trinket. What *I'm* interested in is (a) whether the CCG cards are related to the Darkmoon Faire cards and (b) how they're supposed to affect your ingame experience. I can think that the CCG cards may direct you to do something you wouldn't think of or find in game, or tell you other thin
  • by LabRat007 ( 765435 ) on Friday August 19, 2005 @12:36PM (#13356480) Homepage

    ...but aparently the decks are bind on pick up.

  • From the sound of it the cards may also have an impact on your online gameplay as well." So lemme get this straight. The game is pay-to-play already, and now there's a possibility that you have to buy into a collectible card game to get the full experience? No thanks.
  • Player 1: Do you have any...Tauren?
    Player 2: Go fish.
  • I heard that SOE was going to do the same with Star Wars Galaxies. Problem was, as soon as they released the card game, they'd change it to SWG:Episode II -- The Dice Game and you'd have to respec your cards into six-sided dice. Of course, once you FINALLY got used to the new rules they'd bring out SWG:Episode III -- The Pick-up Stix Game, and you'd have to unfold your card/dice and roll them into little sticks....

    I think I'll just wait for SWG:EpIV -- The Monkeys-in-the-Barrel Game.
  • Hey, that explains why the statue I won [] hasn't arrived yet. They're using her in that display booth!

Them as has, gets.
