Xbox 360 - What You Get For Your Money 108
1up.com has a news post throwing together information from various sources, and revealing some release details about the Xbox 360. Scans of marketing flyers finally make clear the differences in the two skus. From the article: "There's ... a handy chart comparing the Core system to the standard system. The accessories are perhaps the most interesting, with specs and suggested retail prices listed. The wired controller is compatible with Windows XP, and the hard drive comes with some pre-loaded data, including an HD puzzle game. Of course, everything in the brochure is subject to change without notice, so check back for more confirmation as we get closer to the launch date." More commentary is available from Chris Morris's always excellent Game Over column. A transcript of the J. Allard chat is available at Major-Nelson.com.
Good setup (Score:1, Redundant)
Re:Good setup (Score:2)
Look Again, it's More Expensive (Score:1)
The 300 low end box is just a marketing ploy.
Re:Look Again, it's More Expensive (Score:2)
On your numbers, the only thing I don't like is the wireless networking kit. Millions of people are already connected to Live, and they won't need that.
I know that I went wireless at first, and then got too frustrated when something would affect my connection...so I fi
Re:Look Again, it's More Expensive (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Look Again, it's More Expensive (Score:1)
Re:Look Again, it's More Expensive (Score:1)
Re:Look Again, it's More Expensive (Score:1)
Re:Look Again, it's More Expensive (Score:1)
...is a PGR3 playing machine (Score:1)
HD puzzle game? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:HD puzzle game? (Score:5, Funny)
It'll be manual. You play the role of the processor determining what fragments go which places. Plug in extra controllers (or connect to XBox Live) for extra co-op threads. Overwrite an existing file and it's Game Over. Score is based on time spent; reading from a system or DRM-protected file causes a system crash and penalizes you with at least 3 seconds.
I'd love to see that implemented, actually.
It has already been done. (Score:2)
Re:HD puzzle game? (Score:1)
...and someone already did it. (Score:2)
There's a rather nice Defrag game from Outernet Productions. [geek-works.net]
Now that has got to be ported. NOW.
the hard drive (Score:5, Informative)
Re:the hard drive (Score:2)
Re:the hard drive (Score:1)
The reason for that is that the Xbox didn't abstract the storage device, so all the games are written as if there's always a hard drive there - so there has to be one to play them.
Uhhh.. no (Score:1)
"(Microsoft has) implemented compatibility purely through emulation (at the CPU level). It looks like emulation profiles for each game are going to be stored on the hard drive, and I imagine that a certain number will ship with the system. They already have the infrastructure to distribute more profiles via Live, and more and more can be made available online
Re:Uhhh.. no (Score:1)
Re:Uhhh.. no (Score:1)
J Allard (Expert): Another one from mail: What about backward compatibility in the core system?
J Allard (Expert): because we didn't abstract storage in the first generation xbox back compat will require a hard drive. the good news is that the core system owners can upgrade if they deside to update at a later date.
Re:Uhhh.. no (Score:1)
Although I had forgot about their deal with nVidea (replied to my orig. comment about it) but I still haven't seen any quotes from microsoft saying they are not going to need new executables. I HAVE seen quotes from microsoft saying they will need new executables. Until I see otherwise I'll just assume the harddrive is going to come packed with updated
Re:Uhhh.. no (Score:1)
Re:the hard drive (Score:2, Insightful)
I mean, that's only $5/gb compared to those expensive deals you get on hard drives today that are about 44cents/gb!
No way. You're insane if you believe that! (Score:1)
$100 for a 20 gig harddrive is INSANE!
You can buy a 300 gig drive for nearly the same price!
Re:No way. You're insane if you believe that! (Score:1)
You gave it the ol' college try, though.
Re:No way. You're insane if you believe that! (Score:1)
Re:No way. You're insane if you believe that! (Score:2, Informative)
Article saying which drive is used [teamxbox.com].
PDF spec sheet from Seagate [seagate.com].
I haven't been able to dig up any pricing info on the drives themselves. They come in 20/30/40gb capacities.
Re:the hard drive (Score:4, Informative)
Re:the hard drive (Score:1)
It looks like MS decided to get greedy (no surprise, there, really). While they could have implemented backwards compatibility through software emulation (of a hard drive, among other things), they decided to try and soak more cash out of gamers.
For me, this means that I will not be getting a new 360. I'll be picking up a used one, if I pick up a 360 at all.
Re:the hard drive (Score:1)
im probably going to be echoing your idea. ill probably pick up a used x360. they will most likely start going on sale around the time of the ps3 launch.
i usually wait until a console has been around for a while before i pick one up. that way, you limit the chances of defective units. the more and more i look at the x360, im not sure if its going to live up to its own hype. the ps3 either for that mat
"Backwards Compatibility"? Yeah, right. (Score:3, Insightful)
Unless I've missed something (which is certainly quite possible), there has been no talk of how to move your saved games/preferences/etc from the old Xbox to the X360. Sure, the X360 will have a drive so the old games will run, but unless you can move all the info over from one machine to the other, who is going to bother?
Oh, that's right -- "Backwards Compatibility" is only for NEW purchases of Xbox games so they'll pl
Re:"Backwards Compatibility"? Yeah, right. (Score:2)
(If it comes as a surprise that the Xbox 1 can use memory cards, that's only because they're a very rare sight because the hard disk is so much better that nobody needs them.)
Re:"Backwards Compatibility"? Yeah, right. (Score:2)
Re:"Backwards Compatibility"? Yeah, right. (Score:2)
The whole idea behind the XBox's hard drive was so you didn't have to buy a memory card in order to save games. There was no way to avoid buying a memory card if you wanted to enjoy PS1/PS2 games.
That being the case, you're saying that I should go out and purchase an Xbox memory card for the sole purpose of transfering games to my "backwards compatible" X360 console?
Doesn't make sense - not after Sony let the PS2 read PS1 mem
Re:"Backwards Compatibility"? Yeah, right. (Score:1)
I'll apologize for him. We're sorry. I guess you don't have any friends, otherwise you could have thought of mooching off of them, or having them all pitch together so that you all could share the memory card to transfer all of your saves over.
Has anyone thought of just networking the XBoxes, and transfering saves that way?
Re:"Backwards Compatibility"? Yeah, right. (Score:2)
Already said that in my original post where I mention that a one-time use peripheral would not be the best purchase to make. But thanks for playing.
Has anyone thought of just networking the XBoxes, and transfering saves that way?
Whatever it takes -- it certainly wouldn't be unheard of (yes, all of you with modded XBoxes; I see you waving your hands wildly in the air).
For example, XBox Music Mixer had software that allowed you to
I love the way... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:I love the way... (Score:1)
Which begs the question.... (Score:2)
Re:I love the way... (Score:3, Insightful)
I love it - last week we had people saying "why is this news? We all knew about this months ago!" and now we have people saying "why is this news? MS just released this info last week!"
Ok, I guess since all of you guys know the future two to three years in advance, the whole rest of the web may as well just close up shop. You could open up a ni
Gabe tells the truth about Xbox 360 pricing: (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Gabe tells the truth about Xbox 360 pricing: (Score:2, Interesting)
Anyways, regardless of the US pricing (I don't live there), the UK pricing is shockingly cheap. £210 for the Core System, and the proper bells-and-whistles one for £280. Just to compare, the basic Xbox package was £300 without anything bundled, same with the PS2 (the GCN was £150, IIRC - not that it helped sales at all)
I predict very good sales for this - at least as far as the UK is concerned.
Re:Gabe tells the truth about Xbox 360 pricing: (Score:1)
Re:Gabe tells the truth about Xbox 360 pricing: (Score:1, Informative)
Lookee here!!! [amazon.co.uk]
Standard package £209.99
Deluxe package £279.99
I hate it (Score:2)
I can actually feel my Maestro card burning in my pocket at the moment. I'm going to take a cold shower.
Re:I hate it (Score:1)
What does age have to do with owning a console (or any gaming system)?
Re:I hate it (Score:1)
I'll wait (Score:3, Insightful)
I'll probably pick up a Xbox or Playstation 2 this year. Hopefully the second hand market will get flooded with consoles from avid gamers trying to get the latest stuff.
500+ dollars? (Score:2, Interesting)
WTF is MS smoking? There are a couple of games that looked interesting, but I am sure as hell not going to blow that much cash unless the games look phenomenal - and so far the 360 stuff looks somewhere between crap and meh. Even the latest PGR3 news is talking about the game having frame rate problems. And that was supposed to be the big release t
Re:500+ dollars? (Score:2)
Expect similar pricing for the PS3. Believe it or not, Sony doesn't have any magic technology to make hard drives any cheaper to manufacture.
Re:500+ dollars? (Score:1)
Re:500+ dollars? (Score:1)
So take your $550 total price, and add in another $50 for the extra controller. Strangely, that equals $600. If you want the stupid play and charge cable, the total is greater than $600, which is the price you were disputing.
Re:500+ dollars? (Score:1)
Re:500+ dollars? (Score:1)
I've always bought two controllers. I think it's kind of lame they don't include two by default with any of the systems.
So buy a gaming quality PC then (Score:2)
But at the same time, that $400 will be just enough to buy a new model graphics card for a PC. Then you still need a mobo, RAM, sound card, case, power supply, keyboard, mouse, etc.
True, PCs can do other things. But most of those other things can be done on a $150 used PC you pick up out of the classified ads.
As far as gaming goes, consoles are usually a great value.
Re:So buy a gaming quality PC then (Score:2)
"Best Experience: Multiple faceplates" (Score:2)
Good Experience: Faceplate
Best Experience: Multiple faceplates
Seriously who is going to waste money on more than one plastic faceplate for these things? I can see maybe one to match the room, but several?
I think whoever in marketing over there came up with the face plate thing is getting a little desperate.
Re:"Best Experience: Multiple faceplates" (Score:1)
Question: Do you actually know any 13 year olds?
Trust me, those things will sell like hot cakes.
Re:"Best Experience: Multiple faceplates" (Score:1)
Video cables... (Score:2)
Then again, they are offering a VGA cable, that is going to
Re:Video cables... (Score:1)
1) it can't carry digital signals
2) it can't carry surround sound signals
SCART was an interesting all-in-one design that was great in its day, but it wasn't adequately future-proofed, and it never made any impression in markets outside of Europe. See this page [wikipedia.org] for more info. Welcome to the digital future, I hope a new TV is in your budget! Seriously though, they're going to all the trouble of enforcing HD content, they want to encourage
Business-related FYI (Score:3, Interesting)
In fact, the XBOX360 will probably have hundreds of SKUs if you consider the number of retailers that will carry it...
Pricing (Score:1)
$399.99 for console
$ 49.99 for a second wireless console
$ 59.99 for a game
$ 59.99 for a second game
$569.96 for a system
Then you must wait until the PS3 comes out to get Halo 3. While I'm extremely excited about the XBOX 360, I may have to wait a while before I pick one up.
Re:Pricing (Score:2)
What You Get For Your Money? (Score:2, Funny)
But without backward compatibility. (Yes without Xbox 1 compatibility either.)
That's it.
I think most people are missing the real battle... (Score:4, Insightful)
One look at the brochure, and all I can say is HO...LY...CR...AP that stuff is expensive!!! $40 for a memory card?!? $40 for a WIRED controller?!?
$30-40 for an AV cable ?!? I can't think of any console in recent memory that cost THAT much for BASIC accessories, let alone the specialty ones.
And combine this with the news from a few weeks ago that says that 3rd part manufacturs will have to pay up to MS or their hardware won't work with the system, so there goes any chance of cheaper options for cables and such.
Folks, we are getting ripped off here, regardless of which package we buy!
Re:I think most people are missing the real battle (Score:1)
I looked through the UK RRPs (Recommended Retail Prices), and all the various acessories seem about the same price, RRP-wise, as the Xbox 1 equivelants (or in the case of the wireless controller, the Nintendo Wavebird). And they tally with the US prices you give, in rough GBP->USD conversions.
Although looking at PS2 accessories, they're slightly cheaper than Xbox stuff. (PS2 controller RRP is £20, Xbox is £25, same
Re:I think most people are missing the real battle (Score:1, Insightful)
You mean as opposed to $25 for an 8MB Playstation 2 memory card? That's $3.1 per MB vs the 360's $0.63 per MB (assuming it's 64MB) - for the capacity the 360's memory card is five times cheaper.
http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/181973.asp [ebgames.com]
$40 for a WIRED controller?
The ceramic white Playstation 2 controller is $45. Sure, the regular ones are $30, but my point is: there's a wired Playstation 2 controller that you have to pay more than $40 to get (if you can get it) anywhere:
http://f [google.com]
Re:I think most people are missing the real battle (Score:3, Insightful)
You're only getting ripped off if you, you know, actually buy one. Nobody's forcing you to do so.
Why even look at the lower model. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Why even look at the lower model. (Score:1)
The base system costs $299 and has not way to save games.
The smallest and cheapest memory card I see for saving games costs $40. You pretty much have to have that.
I suppose you could get that and 1 game for the price of the standard(*cough* delux *cough* yeah we all know it's not delux it's the fucking standard system. MS marketing at its best) system, but why not just spend the extra $60 for the full package?
Bah nevermind. You're right. Parents will probably still go for the stripped down sys
Overpriced? Buy Revolution! (Score:2)
What happened to wireless built-in? (Score:1)
Since the Gamecube and PS2 were failures too (Score:2)
Re:The Greatest Console Fiasco In History (Score:1)
Re:I wonder.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I wonder.... (Score:1)
I gotta say the xbox 360 looks nice from the specs.. but I haven't seen one game that would make me drop that kinda cash.
Re:I wonder.... (Score:1)
Somehow, something about the X360 launch was a Very Bad Thing according the the parent, but they didn't state quite what or why.
Re:I wonder.... (Score:1)
Anyway it will be interesting to see what packages Sony comes up with when PS3 is released... maybe they'll make everyone buy it with a Spiderman bluray