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DS Game Port Wishlist 176

LATRINE! writes "Brittlefish has posted a wishlist of games that would make great ports to the Nintendo DS. While this isn't a comprehensive list, the idea of Starcraft on the DS is very exciting." From the article: "The Nintendo DS has given developers a chance to put forth new and innovative games. And with the addition of the touchscreen it has enabled developers to create game ideas that were previously impossible (or at best awkward) on any kind of console. Games like Nintendogs and Trauma Center are proof that new things are happening. One of the great possibilities the Nintendo DS offers is it's ability to emulate a mouse, and thus be able to handle PC ports that are mostly mouse-driven, but so far no ports have been done that utilize the DS hardware well." Any games you folks would like to see on two screens?
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DS Game Port Wishlist

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  • by Cutriss ( 262920 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @06:49PM (#13504783) Homepage
    See title.

    The Picross series didn't get its due over here, getting a port to the Game Boy late in its life, and a limited release at that. Japan got a whole *slew* of releases, including the really really good Super Famicom version. That one was great - every time you thought you almost had all the puzzles finished, *bam* - you unlocked a bunch more. And it's *fun*!

    Also, as I stated in the blog comments, Yoshi's Cookie could use a return to the limelight. Better multiplayer and user-customizeable puzzles. I'd also like to see Pipe Dream, but Nintendo's already working on a title of similar gameplay in Japan right now.
    • You know what they really need on Nintendo DS? Pong!
      • Yoshi's Cookie was a bad game.

        Now, Tetris Attack (Puzzle de Pon) could see a release around here, adn I wouldn't complain.
        • Screw Tetris Attack... I want The New Tetris []... ONLINE!
    • Picross was just Nintendo's name for an existing puzzle called Edel, or Nonograms. There's lots of books on them, and plenty of websites.

      And, if that type of puzzle appeals to you, visit Nikoli Puzzles [] who produces numerous books of many number/symbol logic puzzles. I particularly recommend Hashiwokakero, and wish there were other books on it apart from the one which Nikoli offers.
  • by mrseigen ( 518390 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @06:54PM (#13504817) Homepage Journal
    If we had Civilization on the DS, the IT community would fall apart, traffic fatalities would vastly increase and the world would be plunged into a state of anarchy. It's best we don't have it.
  • Languages (Score:3, Interesting)

    by BlueFiberOptics ( 883376 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @06:55PM (#13504821) Homepage
    Does anyone else see the Nintendo DS has a potential Educational Tool? Why can't companies create Language software for children/adults that want to learn another language.
  • by Excen ( 686416 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @06:58PM (#13504844) Homepage Journal
    I wanna see 'em port Duke Nukem Forever to DS, man.
  • Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @07:01PM (#13504862)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Rag Doll Kung Fu (Score:5, Interesting)

    by ikkonoishi ( 674762 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @07:03PM (#13504874) Journal
    I think that RDFK [] would make a good port to the DS.

    The developer of the program actually considered it, but couldn't get nintendo to give him an SDK since he wasn't with a major game firm.

    Recently, however, valve has taken his game, and will be releasing it on steam so maybe he will get a chance if the game sells well.
  • Talking of ports theres been a number of great emulators and homebrew released, in the last few days you have had a Vectrex Emulator [], an Atari 2600 Emulator [], a Spectrum Emulator [] and even a Homebrew Starwars gane released []. Although i do wish for Red Alert 1/2 for the DS :)
  • Where is the wish for Elite ?

    There is a serious hole in the market for a port of Elite, a seminal game!

  • by Toaster Assassin ( 910517 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @07:05PM (#13504887) Journal
    In my opinion this could go so far. The only problem is that Nintendo isn't taking it as far as it could. Example: Nintendogs- I was done with this game by the second hour. It used the touch screen very nicely. The only problem is the game itself wasn't very long or made for long extended play. You could only participate in 3 competitions, meaning you could play for 15 minutes and be done for the day. Not my style. When longer games come out it (IMO) will become much better, but for now I think it has many possiblities.
    • by dogbowl ( 75870 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @08:34PM (#13505397) Homepage
      done with the game in 2 hours?? methinks you haven't actually played nintendogs. First off -- there's nothing to actually 'finish'; theres nothign you have to be 'done' with. Its something you enjoy, not beat.
      • I read through what the parent was talking about and I had a reply written out as well but after reviewing it again I think he was trying to say that he was done playing the game in the second hour. Not that he "beat" the game in the second hour. He seems to know that you can only play in 3 competitions per day and for him that is the actual game part. Since playing through those three competitions a day doesn't take much time he was only getting maybe 15 minutes or so out of the game during the day.

    • by NanoGator ( 522640 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @09:15PM (#13505658) Homepage Journal
      " The only problem is that Nintendo isn't taking it as far as it could. Example: Nintendogs- I was done with this game by the second hour."

      Admittedly I have not played this game extensively. But everything I've read (including a couple of reviews in Game Informer) suggested that the 'game' isn't so much a game, but rather a simulation. You can 'play' it endlessly. They also said Nintendogs was meant to be played an hour a day for a long time.

      I wouldn't have responded, but they very clearly said that there is no 'end' to the game, and for that they weren't sure whether to really call it a game. I cannot say you're wrong from personal experience, but I do wonder if you missed the point of it.
  • Black & White (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Anm ( 18575 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @07:06PM (#13504890)
    Now I'm not sure how to do this. I doubt the DS can simulate the all the townspeople. But the gestures for petting/spanking, and casting spells is perfect for the touch screen (could try camera control/navigation also, but it already has a plus pad). Plus wireless online creature to creature interaction.

    The islands and the challenges would have to be scaled back. Probably need to be some simplified puzzle-mission version of the original without the town building strategy elements.

    Admittedly, this is closer to Nintendogs with a proper AI: reward AND punishment; reinforce any action, not just the premade animations; and a world more lively and self sustaining than a barren apartment.

  • My Wishlist (Score:2, Interesting)

    King's Quest and Quest for Glory (my personal favorite Sierra games) were a good start, but there are many better games that should be there.

    First and foremost Legend of Zelda: OOT for obvious reasons, and it probably wouldnt be that hard to control since they got Mario 64 working. I have not purchased a DS yet, but I would get one the instant a OOT port was announced.

    Diablo 2. Starcraft would probably work better because the DS is perfect for RTS games, but the stylus is also perfect for the point-
    • "I have been trying to figure out why Nintendo has never come out with a portable version of SSB, and i still don't know why, but the DS would be perfect for it."

      My guess is the lack of analog control. SSB relies on the analog "smash" move for a lot of game mechanics, and to port the game as-is to a d-pad would eliminate a lot of functions. They'd have to ditch nearly half of the available attacks, running, one method of jumping, and dropping through platforms.

      Not that the game wouldn't work, but the c

    • If you really want a ssb game import Jump Superstars. It appears to be a good fighting game.
  • A decent FPS? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by focitrixilous P ( 690813 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @07:18PM (#13504952) Journal
    The Metroid Demo proved it was possible, but no one has made a really good FPS yet. I won't buy EA's ruination of GoldenEye, but the real Goldeneye / Perfect Dark would be pretty nice to have. Quake, Unreal, CS, anything would be nice, as Metroid keeps getting delayed.
    • With the $45 NDS Dev Kit [] + Compact Flash card and an original copy of hexen or heretic you can play DS Heretic [] or DS Hexen []. I only have an 8MB GBA flashcart which isn't enough space to try these out...

      The total cost is about the same as 2 DS games, plus you can now watch movies and do all the cool homebrew stuff on your DS.
  • If the DS is some bastion of originality and innovation, then certainly ports of existing games are out of the question!
  • Perfect Dark was not listed
  • Geneforge is a good example of Spiderwebs games. The graphics are simple and would display as well as they can. These games would not be a demo of the DS capabilities; just good RPGs'.

    The games from Spiderweb are alresdy ported to OSX Windows, and Linux. This would lead me to believe that porting them to the DS would not be a huge task. These are games that I would consider buying a DS for. As it is, I have purchased no consoles. I just havn't seen many story driven RPGs'. It is possible that I am just no

  • The 1993 PC game Syndicate [] by Bullfrog [] which was released for Super Nintendo would work awesome on the DS. That was a really fun game.
  • A nice port of the NES or PC game. I think using the stylus for general actions and having an inventory/map on the top screen would be pretty keen. Add the ability to play the same mansion/game with two friends over WiFi.
  • Netrek over infrastructure wireless would be excellent, with the galactic on one screen and the tactical on the other. I don't have any plans to buy a DS, but a decent blessed Netrek client might make me reconsider....
  • by Knetzar ( 698216 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @09:47PM (#13505858)
    make the top screen a place for all the popup windows, and the touch screen where the action happens.

    The buttons could be used for quick drink items, and for moving around your inventory.
  • by MilenCent ( 219397 ) <> on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @10:12PM (#13505995) Homepage
    An error in the article:

    The original control style for Marble Madness was *not* a control pad, or even a joystick. It was a trackball, of course - a touchscreen would make a good replacement, but that's already been done in Pac 'N' Roll.
    • It also wasn't a Nintendo game as the article implied, but was by Atari.

    • ...and there is already a release of Marble Madness on the GBA. It also has Klax on it. The control makes Marble Madness not so much fun. ax/ []
  • Blizzard classics (Score:3, Informative)

    by X_Caffeine ( 451624 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @10:47PM (#13506216)
    Apparently Blizzard sent out a newsletter [] asking fans if they'd be interested in ports of Starcraft and Diablo. Sounds good to me, although I'd prefer the PSP.
  • by nekoes ( 613370 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2005 @11:01PM (#13506300) Journal
    Where's the DS's most obvious yet most missed PDA software?

    I'm not talking anything extremely fancy, but why are they taking so long with launching this sort of software? I understand that Nintendo wants to stay dedicated to gaming, but the lack of regard for their market is incredible. The DS itself is basically a powerful clamshell PDA. While it is a gaming machine, adding support for these features would have been trivial. It's like they went out of their way to make the system as gimp as possible. This I guess should come as no surprise, since it is Nintendo calling the shots.

    While I do believe that gaming machines should be use to game with, I think that not including these sort of features is a terrible waste of potential. Imagine the kind of image they could have crafted for their system if they took the time to develop these tools for launch, or at least shortly after.

    At least for me, one of the major selling points was the unit's wireless capabilities. The mere possibility that I could potentially have a portable web device that did AIM made me cream myself. The touchscreen for the device gives it a leg up on the PSP for input. However, I was crushed to hear Nintendo's statements of non-interest in any sort of PDA style programs.

    I guess I'll be lucky to be getting a PDA-style cart, much less a much needed firmware revision. It would have been too awesome if they could have built all that shit in from the very beginning. It would have been way too cool to have a pocket console that could browse the web, sign onto AIM, and play awesome games.

    Of course most of the features rest upon the ability of the user to be in an open wireless network. I've come to realize I'm in the presense of those more often than I'm not these days.

    Well I guess I have to be satisfied with built in novelty chat client and an interface that can't even set the clock without rebooting the machine. I just hope that the wireless revolution they're planning on launching is well thought out and not a pile of novelty shit that most Japanese companies produce.

    • I think a PDA would only happen on a cart - but an Internet Browser being added to the firmware would be absolutely great. Its on my wish list higher than any game.
    • I'm inclined to agree with you. I'm usually against phones, mp3 players having too much additional functionality. But these devices are ultimately output devices T9 is not a keyboard replacement, and a scroll wheel doesn't replace a mouse.

      A game device is an input device, the DS, especially so. Two reasonable screens, a decent processor and ram, touch screen. Its crying out to be used as a web browswer, PIM even a Skype Phone (pushing it slightly). If someone could port NewtonOS to it they would really be o
    • I'm not talking anything extremely fancy, but why are they taking so long with launching this sort of software?

      Because the last time they tried that, it was a sales nightmare. Granted the Workboy required custom hardware, which a DS version wouldn't, which in turn totally changes the reasonability of such a device; still, Nintendo does not like to retake failed risks, even when the situation has changed.

      While it is a gaming machine, adding support for these features would have been trivial.

      Because of the w
      • Werd. I don't know what the hell you're on but, sure.

        Because the last time they tried that, it was a sales nightmare. Granted the Workboy required custom hardware, which a DS version wouldn't, which in turn totally changes the reasonability of such a device; still, Nintendo does not like to retake failed risks, even when the situation has changed.

        I know Nintendo makes lots of stupid decisions, because, well it's Nintendo. But I highly doubt they'd be holding off on a simple application just because the nove
  • I'm shocked this hasn't been mentioned... SCUMMVM is already ported to the DS, so all the LucasArts adventure games are ready to go (you have to mod your DS to run this, but it's firmware and undoable). []

    Next up is the AGI 'emulator' already out there for the GBA. this will play the first couple Space Quests and something like the first 4 or 5 Kings Quests, etc. REALLY clever design on the interface for it to work with the GBA. Anyways, this will work on the DS with a regu

  • Populous! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by samael ( 12612 ) <> on Thursday September 08, 2005 @02:56AM (#13507242) Homepage
    I'd kill for a copy of Populous on the DS! The hand of god would finally be my hand!
    • AfterLife has got to be ported. Sure with Populous, you can play God, but in AfterLife, you can play Satan. :)

      And the DS is a platform that cries out for the different variations of SimCity. No SimCity 4, though. It's starting to get that "EA owns me" feel.
  • LEMMINGS!!!! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by enjoys-pigeons ( 836496 ) on Thursday September 08, 2005 @03:53AM (#13507376)
    What about lemmings? The snes version sucked, but with a stylus, it seems like an obvious choice...
    • Was lemmings actually a good game? I remember liking it as a kid, but I recently revisited it, and thought it was slow, boring, and not challenging. I think it was a fad merely because you could make the lemmings blow up.
  • While I'm sure it won't happen because Squeenix are busy making Final Fantasy sequels, I'd love a new version of Actraiser. The touch screen would be excellent for the "sim" mode where you have to help the people build a town and survive, while normal controls could be used for the "action" parts.

    The two screens could also be used to good effect by perhaps having the "action" and "sim" portions of the game occurring simultaneously (with the "action" on the top screen) forcing players to switch between looki
  • Picross could make it very easily. There's already a picross game on the Palm platform that someone made, so Picross is almost a natural fit.

    For that matter, I'm very surprised Astraware and Popcap haven't been porting their Palm titles to the DS. The stylus is nothing new in gaming (heck, its just a one button mouse essentially), since Palm/PocketPC games usually involve the stylus. The DS is different with the two screens and the introduction of the stylus to the mainstream.

    Regardless, Panel de Pon/Tet
    • Panel de Pon is different from Yoshi's Cookie in that in Panel de Pon you can remove 3 squares at a time from the field. In Yoshi's Cookie, you remove entire rows or columns at a time.

      Both are different from Diamond Mine/Bejewelled/Zookeeper because in those games, you can only move one tile one space to make your grouping of the three. This isn't the case in Yoshi's Cookie, and I don't think it's how Panel de Pon works.
    • For that matter, I'm very surprised Astraware and Popcap haven't been porting their Palm titles to the DS.

      Most developers for PC shovelhouses are absolute assclowns. That's why games like Jewel Quest lag on your pentium 4, when they would run without lag on the NES. Popcap doesn't have actual domain control over their games; they just publish what people sell to them.

      Besides, writing embedded games isn't easy, especially for people who can't make trivial PC games perform.

      Regardless, Panel de Pon/Tetris At
  • Another Code was a great game - I'd like to play more Point and Click adventure Myst like games (in fact even the original one would be great - it seemed to old to play on my PC when I tried). LucasArts Adventures have a good rep as well.
  • The DS is a wonderful platform for RPGs, but SRPGs, in particular, would benefit from the 2 screen setup. The bottom half is your playfield, and the top is the battle order, current unit's stats, and action list.

    Just being able to see the area of affect without having to block out the playing field first would be great.
  • Nintendo really needs to make some sort of hybrid of these two items.

    I think it would be a blast taking pictures of people/things and then drawing stuff on them like you can with photoshop and then transmitting them to other DS owners in the area.

    Also, they could use the camera/wireless to do video chat. It would be like having a video walkie talkie. :-)
  • Noone has mentioned Nethack yet? The nerd quotient at slashdot is really declining.
  • Come on, people. This device has a top screen and a bottom screen. It has a built-in clock with an alarm, and you're trying to tell me I can't play old-school Donkey Kong on it?

Order and simplification are the first steps toward mastery of a subject -- the actual enemy is the unknown. -- Thomas Mann
