The Evolution of MMOGs - Eve Online 84
Gamasutra is running an article about the Massively Multiplayer Game Eve Online. Information from senior producer Nathan Richardsson gives a look into the development of the largest concurrent MMO on the market. From the article: "Power to the players. Nothing compares to a player that is enabled to affect the universe. We create tools for players to create content. For example, a massive alliance of corporations - our versions of guilds - with real, legendary players, leading them, controlling large areas of space and building up infrastructure is truly awesome content. We can never create that, but we can create the environment and tools enabling to happen. We're also very iterative in our work and keep continuous feedback cycles on the features we do, then regularly improve them based on that feedback. The community is an incredible source for how to improve the game and what they do within the game gives us constant inspiration for what we should implement next. Being so open-ended means the players do what they want and we try to keep up and add support and tools to take emerging behavior further. Embrace and evolve are the keywords here."
Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2, Insightful)
That's enough to ensure I'll never even look at the game, or finish the FA for that matter.
I don't play games to be someone else's victim. I'm not interested in being part of their sociological experement. I want to be entertained, not greifed.
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
I call shenanigans. An extra 5% to gun damage because of a skill level doesn't determine a fight. Your tactical skill and your ship setup determine a fight. A 20 million SP player can be defeated by a 4 million SP player if the younger player knows what they're doing.
I can't find the link right now, but there is a forum
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Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
If you do it again, I might just join up.
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:1)
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:3, Informative)
There is a bit of a grind, as you need to level up your experience level and your reputation (with 3 different factions) to buy most equipment.
The physics are somewhat realistic. To stop your ship, you have to turn your ship around and reverse thrust. Docking is a little tricky, and new players sometimes mes
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:1)
I played around with the Jumpgate beta and at the time it had what I considered the "worst of all worlds" when it came to piloting their ships. Ships would slow down very quickly at high speeds but then never fully stop when you reached slow speeds. This meant that dogfighting wouldn't really let you strafe your target since your ship would naturally move in whatever direction you were facing - unless you cut your engines which lost you valuable speed. And yet your ships inertia was all too apparent whe
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:1)
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
Your math must be pretty whacked out. The games has barely been out two years, and there are plenty of battleship pilots. It's more like 6 months to be a competent battleship pilot. (Not maxed, but more than competitive)
Besides, frigates are MU
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
Your math must be pretty whacked out. The games has barely been out two years, and there are plenty of battleship pilots. It's more like 6 months to be a competent battleship pilot. (Not maxed, but more than competitive)
Umm.. you say his math is whacked out, and then go on to say that you're not talking about the same thing (i.e. being maxed out). So how exactly is his math whacked out?
Besides, frigates are MUCH more fun to fly anyway, and you can train for them in much less time.
Let me know just as soo
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:1)
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
Yes but the GP poster was implying that it was necessary to max out ALL of the skills to be able to fly a BS effectively, which is false.
I don't think he was implying that at all. He was just saying that it would take 3 years to max out all the weapon-related, piloting, and maneuvering skills for a BS. He didn't say it was absolutely necessary to be effective with a BS. He was just giving an idea of the kind of time it takes to max out your skill level in a particular area.
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:1)
And also, 3 years to max them out is way off base, I have all navigation skills to 5 and all hybrid base turret skills to 5, plus I have s/m/l railgun specialization to level 4 each. Plus I have all important engineering/mechanic/electronics sk
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
3 years to pilot a BS well is VERY wrong.
A well piloted AF can challenge a BS. It happens fairly often. And most frigates can survive BS attacks easily unless the BS is specifically fitted to kill frigs. (Not very common)
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
3 years to pilot a BS well is VERY wrong.
Again, I don't know what skills you are including in your estimate. Beginner level skills train very quickly, so the broadness of your skillbase doesn't have as much effect on the time as the depth of your skills. He said this:
I calculated how long it would take me to be fully trained on captaining a battleship, with all the necessary skills for both weapons use, piloting, and maneuvering.
I take that to mean more than just piloting, but many other skills as well
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Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
Perhaps to get all related skills for all race ships to level 5, yeah. But to say that is overkill is an understatement. NOONE has been playing the game for three years. MANY are battleship pilots. 3 years to fly one is just stupid.
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Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
Not one, but if you join a corperation and get into a cordinated group of frigates it's very possible to take out a BATTLECRUISER for much less than the cost of the possible firgates lost.
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:3, Informative)
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Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:1)
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Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
I just seemed that the new players had a lot of crawling to do before they were even remotely powerful or exciting.
And the combat, I mean, what kind of game has space combat without the classic top gun approach. It's just pick a target and let the computer atta
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Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:1)
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Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:1)
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Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
3 years is bullshit. A focused character can pilot battleships decently in PvP in less than 3 months(Besides, you need that time just to figure out the finer details of the game mechanics.
It's not bullshit if you read his post instead of posting some stupid straw-man response. He said this:
I calculated how long it would take me to be fully trained on captaining a battleship, with all the necessary skills for both weapons use, piloting, and maneuvering.
Notice how he says 3 years to max out all the necess
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Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
Besides, if you knew anything about the game mechanics, you'd know that the difference between level 4 and 5 is only really noticeable on a few specialist ships, such as Dominix(Drone control Bonus), ergo, there's no real "maxing out", unless you go for Tech 2, but then you move on to another level. Hence, it's not a straw-man argument.
I did play the beta for a a couple months, and then for several months after it was released before I got tired of it. I'm not an expert, but I do know how the system work
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Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
Not factoring in learning skills or implants would be a major mistake, hence it's not a straw-man argument.
A straw-man argument in this case would be any argument other than the one that the original poster made. Since he didn't post specifics criteria for his math, it's not possible to refute. I understand that he didn't make a realistic argument, but I never claimed that it was realistic either. Just that everyone else was making a different argument than he was, therefore they weren't really refutin
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Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:3, Informative)
It can take a week to get a skill from level 1 to 4, giving say a total bonu
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:1)
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
Now if there were race specific engineering, electronics, mechanic, and navigation trees, you'd be right.
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2, Insightful)
If you won't be satisfied unless your character is 100% proficient in _everything_, then Eve probably isn't the game for
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:4, Informative)
We will however never be a mainstream game and we have never intended to be so. We have a brutal and harsh universe and embrace PVP, and consciously live with the drawbacks of that decision as a cost of doing business. Your experience of being a miner attacked by a pirate a stellar example of such cost. Nevertheless, would EVE be so unique and growing if it didn't have such an extensive PVP system? I seriously doubt it
However, I can't agree with your estimation of the skill training system, time required to train to be proficient and the gap between experienced players. I'll go in to some basic details first so everyone reading is on the same page;
In EVE, a skill is trained off-line, each skill involving 5 levels, each level giving an additional cumulated benefit. Since we are talking about combat proficiency, lets take the Small Projectile Turret skill. It allows the Operation of small projectile turrets and gives a 5% Bonus to small projectile turret damage for each level trained, resulting in 25% bonus to damage at level 5.
The key here is to look at levels 1-4 and compare them to training from 4-5. Training from level 1-4 to get an accumulated bonus of 20% takes a day. Training from level 4-5 to get an accumulated bonus of 25% takes a bit more than 6 days. If I have a decent amount of learning skills trained and implants, these numbers would change to 3/4 of a day and 4 days respectively. I can shave more off with better learning skills, better implants and a character in a combat bloodline. I should also mention that advanced learning skills and implants were released considerably after launch, so older players are at a disadvantage, having spent more time achieving the level they are at today compared to the possible speed of a new player.
Therefore, the skill system inherently has a built in favoritism towards new players even though off-line skill training would seem to contradict that simply because you spend relatively more time achieving those extra percentages. Surely, a 2 year player will be better off in general than a 6 month player, but if you train wisely, fit for the occasion and position yourself well, you can have him running too.
Remember, you only need to train for about 5 months to get everything to level 4 which a 2 year character all has to level 5. If you want to advance to higher tech levels however, you start getting training prerequisites of level 5 in certain skills, which again requires you to start selecting what you want to specialize in.
I assume you the 3 years you mention are to train all those skills to level 5 and you are right, if you want to max out the skills, you will need something in that ballpark. But that also means you can use almost any ship and any module from any race in the game and be pretty damn good at it. Currently, nobody has that ability, EVE is only 30 months old.
I'd also like to point out a new feature coming up, which is called "Eye for an Eye" which I believe might help your situation. If someone kills you illegitemately, like you describe, you get an "Eye for an Eye" contract on him which allows you to shoot him down whenever you see him - once. I don't know if that is the kind of retribution you are looking for, but it might be.
Thanks for voicing your concerns, although I don't agree with some of them - but I hope I addressed them to some extent.
Nathan "Oveur" Richardsson
Senior Producer - EVE Online
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:3, Informative)
This is not true. You are basically making the assumption that more Skill Points means they're better at everything. Many older players did not have the advanced skills we do now. I remember a time when training ANYTHING to level 5 was considered a waste of time. So most vets are a "jack of all trades" simply because t
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Simple improvement that would dramatically improve (Score:1)
Let players be able to put skills to train into a que so they don't have to log in exactly when the skill is done training to set the next one training.
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:2)
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Not as good as they would have you believe (Score:1)
Sounds familiar... (Score:1)
EVE is quite an interesting game (Score:3, Interesting)
That said, it's not for everyone, and it has a steep learning curve. However, that hasn't detered away their playerbase, and while it doesn't grow at exponential rates, it's stable and growning enough for them to afford the resouces to provide a new free expansion every six months. EVE is CCP's only game. They have no other priorities than EVE, and it's their job to make sure it's a great game...not necissarily one that appeals to the masses, but a great game nontheless.
Re:EVE is quite an interesting game (Score:2)
If you're a fan of Trade Wars style games or Elite style games,
I loved Tradewars and Elite, and I was ecstatic when I heard about EVE. However, I started playing when it came out and it was a complete letdown. Talk about a grind. It was the most yawn-inducing game I've played in a long time. Takes forever get anywhere, combat is automatic, skills are earned realtime, which is nice as a levelling idea, but reduces the game to one of social skills and free time being the dominant factors. Social skill
Re:EVE is quite an interesting game (Score:2)
I don't like griefing either, but people have been wailing that the non-consentual PVP would destroy Eve since it was released. However, the population keeps growing, so I guess people are okay
Re:EVE is quite an interesting game (Score:2)
There is a ton of player skill in combat. It's just tactical skills instead of twitch skills.
Well, there are tactics involved when choosing when and where to fight, ship types and loadouts, and how many ships to bring, but that's only for planned combat. Unplanned combat is when you get ambushed or have to fight at a time and place not of your choosing and for which you aren't prepared. The outcomes of such combat are usually foregone conclusions.
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Re:EVE is quite an interesting game (Score:2)
And you usually end up in such situations due to not thinking ahead and not using the tools at your disposal(Map, local channel, scanner, asking friends etc etc)
That goes back to another comment I made about social skills and free time being the main resources that will benefit a player in EVE. So, I agree with you on that.
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Re:EVE is quite an interesting game (Score:2)
A person with good social skills can form relationships with others in the game. A person with a lot of free time and good social skills can form a lot more relationships, and since they'll be in-game a lot more often, they'll be in on more opportunities and advance much faster in a corp than someone with less free time. Sure, the mechanics are easy, but it takes time and experience to learn how to interpret what others are telling you and what you're seeing in the game. Ultimately both social skills and
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Re:EVE is quite an interesting game (Score:2)
That person will also have more direct competitors, and even enemies. He'll also have more "responsibilities", since he'll most likely have joined a more "prestigious" corp.
Right. He'll be more "in the game" than the other player. I don't see competitors being any worse than someone who only plays a few hours a week though. If anything he'll have more experience and time to deal with them. All in all, he'll be moving at a much faster pace.
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Re:EVE is quite an interesting game (Score:2)
More time spent playing can also mean bigger losses.
If you're losing more the more you play, then you should probably play a different game
Stunningly Beautiful -- Incredibly Boring (Score:3, Interesting)
Simply put: EVE is boring. Its a slog. It requires an enormous amount of time to mine resources and travel between points. There is nothing approaching the immediacy of an instanced dungeon. (Yes, they try. No, it doesn't work.)
Some of the problems are fundamental. Like: "Space is boring". Ultimately space is just a big vacuum. To the developer's credit, they've made it look stunningly beautiful, but after drooling on your keyboard for the first couple hours you'll realize you're in a matter-poor environment. There aren't trees or rocks to hide behind, mountains to get a better view from, stairs to escape up, etc. The occasional floating asteroid doesn't offer much respite from the monotony of, well... nothingness.
EVE's other problems are more game oriented: The game is mind-numbingly impersonal at first. Despite a few training missions, which teach the player about the interface more than the gameplay there is little in the way of indoctrinating new players into the EVE universe. You feel like a punk. You are a punk. Don't like it? Play for another year. Don't know what to do? Consult another player. (They'll tell you to spend more time
The game cries out for a starter-universe. But more than that, the game cries out for more interaction. In a nutshell, "telling" your ship to dock, is not nearly as much fun as "docking" manually. "Telling" your ship to fire on another ship, isn't nearly as much fun as "Trying to hit" another ship. Granted, the game is not a videogame requiring hand-eye coordination. But in the absence of physical matter and with only scant human beings sighted here and there, an element of competitive gameplay or two might be nice for early players.
EVE has focused far too much on player retention and not enough on player acquisition.
If anything, EVE has paved the way for someone to write the next great space-based MMORPG. Its what Everquest or Dark Age of Camelot are to World of Warcraft: the predecessor that vividly paints examples of "what not to do".
And primarily "what not to do" is annoy early players.
Re:Stunningly Beautiful -- Incredibly Boring (Score:1)
Smething else - you can't really 'pilot' your ship. No joystick.
Re:Stunningly Beautiful -- Incredibly Boring (Score:1)
If that aspect bothers you that much then I be
Re:Stunningly Beautiful -- Incredibly Boring (Score:2)
When I was playing Eve I had a hard time understanding the scale of the ships. Many of the newbie ships had surface features that seemed fighter-like in scale. It didn't feel like a capital ship.
a shame really (Score:2)
There are some seriously cool things about the game, the depth of the story is very impressive, and as an old PnPer (pen and paper role player), I loved soaking it all in.
But, it's slow a
Gamasutra. (Score:1)
Not for every taste (Score:1)
I have thought for some time that a game with the mechanics of Frontier Elite II or Privateer and the graphics of Freelancer would be the one thing that would get me into MMO gaming, and Eve pretty much fits the bill.
Levelling is indeed quite slow, though there are things you can do up front to accelerate it - the learning skills speed up the acquisition of other skills. Implants can help too, b
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Re:Not for every taste (Score:1)
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People don't get it (Score:2, Insightful)
First of all eve does not require massive time investment to become competitive. You don't need 20+million skill points to have a chance only 2million. Player skill is much more important than character skill. Furthermore 2 1million characters > 1 20 million if the 1mils know what they're
Re:People don't get it (Score:2)
WoW has never had 13k+ concurrent users on a shard. Eve has.
And WoW is an excellent example.
Re:People don't get it (Score:1)
And there is nothing wrong with being a niche game. Actually I'd much rather play a niche game that is done well f.ex Eve than a cookie-cutter one that is done purely for profit f.ex WoW/SOE Games. The next fantasy MMORPG that I'm going to even look at trying will be Dark & Light beca
Sounds good on paper... (Score:1)
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