BF2's Persistent Scoring More Harm Than Good? 55
jasoncart writes "Persistent scoring (where your score is counted from one gaming session to another) is the norm in MMORPGs, but using it in arguably less mature genres such as FPSs makes for interesting gameplay. " From the article: "The most prized asset for the competitive, ranking-sensitive Battlefield 2 player are the helicopters. These fearsome death machines are almost ludicrously overpowered, in the right hands. They feature a gunnery position with a nasty cannon (best for troop takedown), and TV-guided missiles (best for vehicles). The pilot, whose job is to grapple with the newbie unfriendly control system, and powerful engine also has access to a bank of effective-in-quantity missiles. Newbies inevitably do get hold of them sometimes, to disastrous effect - they are pretty difficult to fly until you get your head around the control system. I'm reminded of a driving school car around my way that says 'Everyone had to learn once!' on the back."
Having experienced Both BF2 and 1942.. (Score:1, Interesting)
As for the disarray, I couldn't agree more. I'd be surprised if it took more than 6 organized people on a map of 40+ players to win a game of BF2.
Describes the Attack Helicopters... (Score:2)
But I like flying gunner on the Black Hawk (or Chinese or MEC equiv.) better; and my buddy likes to pilot. Starting from scratch,
Re:Describes the Attack Helicopters... (Score:1, Funny)
Except for the saftey of not actually being in a helicopter.
The problem with BF2... (Score:1)
Re:The problem with BF2... (Score:1)
Works for me.
Re:The problem with BF2... (Score:1)
It kills the game (Score:2)
A newbie can typically last longer than 30 secs in other multiplayer FPS games like Counterstrike, so I
It's called air superiority, folks. (Score:2, Insightful)
Welcome to warfare. Air superiority matters.
Three words: (Score:2)
Read it or watch it. Air superiority is important, but in the real world, helicopters make easy targets.
Re:Three words: (Score:1)
But the original poster is kind of spot on, mostly. The first, in my opinion, major conflict that was won in part of control of the air was the Spanish civil war. The Pacific theater in WWII was next, thanks to the US's use of carriers.
Re:Three words: (Score:2)
They should make helocopters much more vunerable, as they were in BF:Vietnam; or introduce Desert Combat style anti-aircraft infantry.
Re:It kills the game (Score:2, Informative)
You'll alwa
Re:It kills the game (Score:1)
Wait for an aircraft to spawn? You'll be dead before the pilot lifts off, having been bombed to pieces by enemy aircraft. Go for the boats belowdecks? If there are any left, you can expect to be shot to pieces by armor on shore.
Wake Island 2007 is even worse.
Re:It kills the game (Score:2)
Re:It kills the game (Score:2)
Re:It kills the game (Score:2)
Re:It kills the game (Score:2)
Learn to aim! (Score:1)
"Makes for Interesting Gameplay" (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:"Makes for Interesting Gameplay" (Score:3, Informative)
During every major conflict, control of bridges, roads, etc. (choke points) has been critical. If you know where the enemy is coming from, sending his reinforcements in from, etc., then you can most efficiently use your resources.
During Operation Enduring Debacle, terrorists attacked a U.S. mess with mortars because going after the "s
Re:"Makes for Interesting Gameplay" (Score:1)
Re:"Makes for Interesting Gameplay" (Score:2)
Games are rewarding because they're a challenge that you ultimately get to feel you're getting better at. Make newbies just as successful as veterans and you lose any sense of them improving and thus any reason to keep trying.
Why, Zonk, why?! (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Why, Zonk, why?! (Score:1, Troll)
That's like saying George Bush sets the new standard for "presidential material". Just because he is the president doesn't mean he is everything a president should be, just like this story is on slashdot even though it isn't everything a slashdot story should be. "Slashdot material" is a constant term this equation.
PS - Sorry to make it political, but tha
Re:Why, Zonk, why?! (Score:3, Insightful)
Calm down, Zonk isn't apokolips. Yet.
Re:Why, Zonk, why?! (Score:2)
This karma-whoring tip brought to you by Microsfot - Where do you want to whore today?
You're kidding me (Score:4, Insightful)
Ah, yeah, brings back to mind the good old days of Air Warrior and Warbirds, before I even played them, where there was a "bomber" ranking for the most damage. Someone figured which hangars got the highest score, and would fly around the map bombing those. Or heck, before that, on that PLATO MP flight sim, I recall...
Basic law folks: when you make recognition A depend on artificial measure B, you generate experts in achieving B. "No child left behind" or "Battlefield 2" -- it's the same thing: you make everything depend on a test, and you generate good test-takers.
Of course, in a game where there are other metrics than the personal one, you won't get all score-whores, but you will get your share. Welcome to teh intardnet.
Re:You're kidding me (Score:2)
"Less mature"? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:"Less mature"? (Score:1)
Other people have realized that this is just someone's rant on helicopters veiled as a commentary on persistent scoring. The "less mature" potshot he takes only serves to drive home the point that the author's completely uninterested in actually saying anything worthwhile.
Article Synopsis: omg lay off u heli fag0t
Huh (Score:3, Insightful)
I think this article is somewhat one sided. It appears the author (who admits to being addicted, I feel his pain *grin*) only has bad experiences playing.
Yea, I see people standing in lines 3 or 4 deep to get a plane or some such, and it is foolish. However, I also think many players eventually realize that fundamentally this is a team game. Yea, 6 organized players can easily win if everyone else is just running around. Heck, I've been places with one other buddy, and we can quite easily orchestrate a victory just by knowing the map and playing off the fact that people don't know how to team play (think support and engineer at a good ambush point, or spec ops and support, or medic and sniper, etc).
But I also have played on servers where admins *are* around all the time, where people get booted immediatly for TKing intentionally, or not playing for the team, but padding. You just have to go find a good server. As far as that goes, also playing in a clan is wonderful. I'm a member of COT (Covert Operations and tactics) and everynight I play with two or three guys from it. We have our own TeamSpeak server, that allows for effective communication, and we use XFire to track each other and allies in other servers.
Basically, if you play by yourself, and ignore that nice new "favorites" button on servers, yea, its gonna suck a lot of the time. But if you play with people you know and can train with, and on servers where you know admins are real close, I think that most of the points made in TFA aren't valid.
In a well trained group, or even just a group good at team play, you'll have two good guys in the chopper, that's their job. No one else waits for it, as they're filling another role. This all comes down to the maturity of the player, and how much they'll play for the team and listen to the commander, versus playing for themselves and their stats.
Re:Huh (Score:2, Interesting)
For whatever reason, sometimes, when I join a server, my teammates don't have the right uniform. Or the titles are red where they should be blue. (Yes, I'm aware of which team I'm on.) So I'll spawn, knock off one or two baddies who look like they're trying to cap the spawn point, see "mikemol6453 [teamkills] soandso", and realize there's something screwy going on again, and cope with it.
And after a few minutes of playing, I'll get, "You have been kicked. This is
Re:Huh (Score:1)
Now, I did not comment on bugs in the game, merely gameplay itself. But yes, I know its very buggy. However, if you realize that you've got that bug (and its not hard to notice after the first teamkills notice) merely logging back fixes it. I'm not defending buggy software, just noting that most people complain about the bug in game, rather then just log back in. As for getting kicked, server's have an upper limit of TKs before you get kicked, though that can be turned off, I believe. Your score might be un
Re:Huh (Score:1)
Obvious (Score:2)
Thankfully those idiots apparently have moved out of the 20-29 bracket on my server, because there's now competition to run the flag. So now I and my friends (coordinated on teamspeak as well) sit midf
Re:Huh (Score:1)
I love the team aspect and always try to find a squad of competent players unless im playing with people I am friends with. I mainly use medic and dont bother with the planes/choppers. I will take time on single player mode some day and learn as I did with Desert Combat.
The thing that gets to me the most is when you have a squad leader who is just flying around in his 2 man helicopter and thus killing the chance to have a squad spawn on him. But that isnt a big issue when you can leave to create you
How about this: (Score:1)
The statement is very narrow in its perspective. (Score:4, Informative)
"Persistent scoring (where your score is counted from one gaming session to another) is the norm in MMORPGs, but using it in arguably less mature genres such as FPSs makes for interesting gameplay. " From the article: "The most prized asset for the competitive, ranking-sensitive Battlefield 2 player are the helicopters. These fearsome death machines are almost ludicrously overpowered, in the right hands. They feature a gunnery position with a nasty cannon (best for troop takedown), and TV-guided missiles (best for vehicles).
Bull. They're not all that easy to fly and a lot of times you'll get two helicopter pilots in the same level who are skilled and therefore see each other as the threat. So, while they're busy trying to take each other out, I'm busy manning the anti-aircraft or the anti-tank. (Yes, I've actually taken down helicopters with a combination of two anti-tank rounds and the shotgun upgrade.) Having played just short of 100 hours, the times that I've had to deal with helicopter pilots that do nothing but massacre are very rare. And if you find a server with that kind of pilot and no one to counter-act, there are hundreds (sometimes thousands) of other servers that you're more than welcome to connect to. And - believe it or not - vehicle-mounted machines gun can be devastating to helicopters!
Additionally, being a gunner means shit if the pilot (A) is more focused on his own points and (B) can't get it through his head that the pilot is supposed to line up the shot for the gunner.
Personally, I find the jets in the hands of a good pilot to be far more devastating than a helicopter.
The pilot, whose job is to grapple with the newbie unfriendly control system, and powerful engine also has access to a bank of effective-in-quantity missiles. Newbies inevitably do get hold of them sometimes, to disastrous effect - they are pretty difficult to fly until you get your head around the control system. I'm reminded of a driving school car around my way that says 'Everyone had to learn once!' on the back."
That's why you do one of two things:
This article sounds more to me like sour grapes. "Oh, wah. That helicopter guy is just SO good! How can we ever compete against him!" Well, he was once a helicopter newbie, too. He was once clueless about how to fly it, too. Just because you're not very good now doesn't mean that you can't get to his skill level if you stop whining and do one of the things that I mention above. And once you get your first helicopter-based kill, you'll just be more eager to get even better. So, stop whining and just do it. The other guy did. That's why he's good!!
Re:The statement is very narrow in its perspective (Score:1)
Yeah except he probably did it for eight hours a day for two months. I'm a decent copter pilot, but some of the people that play that game really are cheap.
Oh yeah, and the missiles are still a joke. If it were that easy to evade them in real life, nobody would ever get shot down, even the Iraqis during Desert Storm.
Re:The statement is very narrow in its perspective (Score:1)
There are approximately three ways to take out a helicopter with a decent pilot. The first and least likely is with AT rockets. Don't get me wrong, I love playing anti-tank, but you'll never hit a moving helicopter unless you get the perfect shot
Re:The statement is very narrow in its perspective (Score:2)
Actually, when you learn how to lead properly, it's not that difficult to hit a moving chopper with AT unless he's mo
Re:The statement is very narrow in its perspective (Score:1)
The almighty .50 cal sniper rifle. It's tough as nails to get a good shot lined up on a heli pilot, but when you get one it's like heaven shined down on you for a moment. I always love watching a fairly noob pilot (I say fairly because they have to learn how to hover first) hover over a spawn point. They always act surprised when suddenly they're slumping over the controls and the heli drops like a rock into the awaiting defense force.
Thresh and the PGL (Score:1)
The basic idea is that you needed 250 kills on monitored servers in order to qualify for a tournament. Thresh was so well known, that whenever he joined a server, everyone else would leave, assuming that it would no longer be useful to stick around. In the end, he just got a bye.
He Hasn't Played Much BF2 (Score:2)
HAHAHA (Score:2)
As for the controls....well, it makes hovering a bit easier, but I like a lot of other pre-bf2 desert combat chopper whores much preferred flying the old choppers. Sure, it wasn't exactly realistic, but made for MUCH better gamepl
Re:HAHAHA (Score:1)
It's an explosive shell. For whatever reason, explosive weapons don't seem to hit player models directly. Aim at the ground under them, and let the explosion harm them.
I WILL admit the TV is a very cool weapon, but usually only when you're on teamspeak as it usually requires communication to line up correctly.
Yeah, it's hard if the pilot's rotating a great deal. But if he's hea
Blah (Score:1)
Stat padders and spawn campers are owned regularly by good admins. If you play on a ranked server visit the website/forums that support them! Get into the communities so you know what to expect. Works wonders!
So far they have been relatively good at ban
Re:Blah (Score:2)
How true. Karkand has definately become the 'Omaha Beach' map of BF2.......
Depends on the server (Score:2)
Another issue is the maps - I always play the more urban maps like Sharqi, where helicopters and tanks have much less advantage. I don't know why they bothered putting in the AntiAir missiles as they are so
persistent scoring for counter-strike in australia (Score:1)
from the FAQ:
How are statistics collected?
Your data is collected by doing a server query to every server once every two minutes. The server returns a list of players, their current score and how long they've been in the server for.
How is the score measured?
I've tried to calculate your score fairly. If you have a high P/M (points per minute) value but only have played for an hour, your score will be lower then someone with the same P/M over a longer time. On the othe
Just too hard to shoot down (Score:1)