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PlayStation (Games)

PS3 Industry Leader In 2007? 69

1up has a piece on a report indicating that the PS3 will likely be dominant in the industry by the holiday season of 2007. From the article: "Research and Markets also foresees online gaming becoming an increasingly important part of the gaming experience, with Microsoft's Xbox Live service leading the charge. The research overview provides no speculative details on whether Sony or Nintendo's services will be comparative. The next-generation console market as a whole will actually peak in 2008 according to the report, eventually generating $21.9 billion, whereas software sales will rise through 2010 at $16.8 billion. "
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PS3 Industry Leader In 2007?

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  • Possible... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Pxtl ( 151020 ) on Thursday November 17, 2005 @12:05PM (#14053635) Homepage
    Sony may have a usable devkit that doesn't cause permanent brain-damage by then.

    The difference between the 360 and PS3 is pretty much an ideological one only - PS3 is designed with a focus on hardware power and capability, while the 360 is focussed on software architecture.

    Notice how the antedeluvian PS2 hardware can still keep up with modern boxes - that's the payoff of Sony's approach. Conversely, the payoff of MS' approach is more solid launch titles and Live.

    Besides that underlying core difference, they're pretty much Coke and Pepsi. I couldn't care less who wins....

    at any rate, I'm buying a Rev.
    • at any rate, I'm buying a Rev.

      Mmm, RC Cola.
    • Sony may have a usable devkit that doesn't cause permanent brain-damage by then.

      Ah, the pathetic myths people perpetuate. Try [] again [] please [], thanks []. Plenty to go around.

      Gamespot has a good summary [] of the PS3 SDK. A choice quote:

      Sony chief technical officer Masami Chatani was also present at the PlayStation meeting. He disclosed that Nvidia, maker of the PS3's RSX graphics processor, is currently working on a lineup of programmable shader tools for the console. These include a CG compiler, whi

      • No. The software kits are nice, standard opensource tools - including doing all your testing and debugging while telnetted into the PS2 - afaik you debug through a bastardized command-line gdb.

        Compare that to integrated direct graphical debugger support in a full-blown Visual-Studio like solution that MS is using, and MS completely eats Sony for development environment.

        The PS3 is a big improvement over the PS2 for developers, but they're still lagging far behind MS in the tools department. Of course, I ex
      • Re:Possible... (Score:3, Interesting)

        >>Ah, the pathetic myths people perpetuate.

        Dude. You should really not talk about things you know nothing about.

        Brain damage? That may be a bit extreme, but the sony tools suck. Period. If you think they don't, please give concrete examples, contrasing them with what else is available.

        Right now what do you use to develop on the PS2? You either use Metroworks Codewarrior, or the product by SN Systems (I use the former).

        Notice --- neither of those are produced by sony.

        No big deal you say? So what happe
    • Notice how the antedeluvian PS2 hardware can still keep up with modern boxes - that's the payoff of Sony's approach. Conversely, the payoff of MS' approach is more solid launch titles and Live.

      This is a myth/illusion. Many publishers don't take advantage of the GC/Xbox.

      Want to see how much more power the XBox has? Compare the XBox GTA games to the same games on PS2 and get back to me.
  • by Guspaz ( 556486 ) on Thursday November 17, 2005 @12:06PM (#14053642)
    Another journalist predicted that the PS3 would fail because Microsoft would reduce the 360's price around the PS3 launch, and then release Halo 3 the same day as the PS3 launch. The exact opposite of 1up's position.

    So, why should we assume that 1up's predictions are any more accurate? Why should we trust any of these predictions, for that matter?
    • Exactly. Who wins the next generation, if any manufacturer does, will depend on so many factors it's just not funny. Sales at launch, launch price, games available at launch, rate of console production at launch, exact launch time, marketing success, ease of development, availability of developers with significant multi-threading support, demand for online gaming, number of developers signing exclusivity agreements, number of developers that decide to develop on either platform.

      And that's just off the top o
      • Exactly. Who wins the next generation, if any manufacturer does, will depend on so many factors it's just not funny.

        How about we wait till january of 2008 to determine who is the industry leader of 2007? What's the point of "predicting" which console will sell more? I won't be buying a PS3 because "it will dominate", if I buy a PS3, it's because it has good games, I couldn't care less about world domination.

      • If anyone wins the next gen of consoles, I hope the media realizes it's someone who actually has a profitable business model.


        Sorry. I think I'm coming down with a cold...
    • So, why should we assume that 1up's predictions are any more accurate?Because 1up's ad revenue kickback for Zonk is much more profitable.
    • The writer's machine got rootkitted by Sony? Maybe that's Sony's tactic for the future?
  • Wait a second! Stop the press! What about the prognostications of Sony's downfall? [] They predicted that PS3 would flop. We can't have it both ways.

    I predict the Nokia N-Gage 17 will be the leader in 2051. Just as valid as these other predictions.

    • Both are true. It will flop, but then it will rebound and dominate the 2007 Christmas season.

      Also, researchers will find a cure for cancer in June of 2009, the next two martian probes will fail, one because of a math error, the other mistaken for an invader and shot down by the Martian Defense Alliance, which so far has spent most of their resources on stealth technology to hide their vast cities from our telescopes and rovers. In other news, we will all have hydrogen fuel-cell based flying cars, which w
  • RTFA? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by interiot ( 50685 ) on Thursday November 17, 2005 @12:11PM (#14053702) Homepage
    What's the point of this article? I'd like to RTFA, but as TFA notes, 1UP wasn't even able to get their hands on the report, so it's kind of hard to nit-pick at the details.

    Anyway, the detail I'd like to nit-pick at is... how do they justify the huge difference in statements that "online play is becoming more significant" and "Sony will take the lead"? XBox 360's online play is VASTLY better than PS3 or Revolution. It's shocking how big of a difference there is. Is online play not going to be that significant after all, or are does PS3 have some significant strengths over the XBox that win out?

    • Vastly better? How about "They have it PERIOD". The PS3 isn't getting its own central online service at all, they're leaving it up to the game publishers/developers to determine how best to offer online services. For a lot of people, that could end up swinging their decision towards the 360.
      • So the PS3 really is going that route, then? That seems preposterous. In 360, you have a single global friends list, and you can see if your friend is playing their 360, no matter what game they're playing. On the PS3, the friend has to be playing the same game for you to see them, AND you have a bunch of different friends lists (one for each game). It's kind of stunning to see only one console maker go with the centralized model.

        So, in summary, your options are:

        XBox 360: centralized network and HDT

        • Re:RTFA? (Score:3, Interesting)

          by AuMatar ( 183847 )
          A lot of us don't want a centralized service, especially not with a monthly fee. What do I get out of live? A friend's list and voice chat? You couldn't pay me enough to use the voice chat, I don't want to listen to a bunch of 13 year olds calling each other faggots. The friends list is an ok feature, but not worth 10 bucks a month. Oh, and if I do anything MS disagrees to (modding a chip, or get reported for cheating by someone who doesn't realize I'm just better than him), I can get banned for life f
          • I love it when people try to slip by an exagerated price for something when railing against a product. XBox Live isn't even close to $10 a month. In fact, it is only $50 a year, which makes it a whopping $6 a month. Nice try though.
            • No, I don't know the exact price because I don't own an xbox. I wouldn't pay $50 a year either. Free, or I'll play single player games.
              • It's all about demographics. They're targeting customers who are willing to pay for a superior online service. You don't fit in that category, and that's fine.
        • What I found interesting was that the 360 has HDTV support, but only analog... There's no DVI or HDMI support.... Which means I can't connect it to the only HD display I currently own.

          • Do you have a computer monitor or something? In that case, VGA should work semi-well.

            Yeah, DVI/HDMI is a little better quality than component connections, but most consumer equipment these days is still hooked up with component, especially since everyone is waiting for HDMI to fully catch on.

    • Re:RTFA? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by oGMo ( 379 )
      XBox 360's online play is VASTLY better than PS3 or Revolution.

      And you've played them all to know, I'm sure.

      • You don't need to. Read the other comments, and generally the official features of each console. XBox 360 will have a well-thought-out centralized online service. PS3 plans to provide no online service of its own. PS3 plans to have a separate friends list for every game you own. XBox 360 plans to have a single friends list that works across all games.
        • by oGMo ( 379 )

          You don't need to. Read the other comments, and generally the official features of each console. XBox 360 will have a well-thought-out centralized online service. PS3 plans to provide no online service of its own. PS3 plans to have a separate friends list for every game you own. XBox 360 plans to have a single friends list that works across all games.

          Perhaps you have a group of friends that plays all the same games online you do. I don't. Having a unified friend list, and having to pay for it, is ha

    • sonys online plans have still not been officially announced as of yet. there are still only rumors. ive read a rumor from one developer that sony isnt going to go centralized, and another from a sony UK exec that they plan to go centralized. so what? we are all still in the dark until sony actually makes their big announcement. until it comes directly from sony, we have to take the rumors with a grain of salt [actually... even IF it comes from sony, we have to take the speculation with a grain of salt]

      as fo
  • Same old guff (Score:2, Insightful)

    by cluke ( 30394 )
    Research and Markets also foresees online gaming becoming an increasingly important part of the gaming experience

    Oh come on, they have been trotting out this old chestnut since the launch of the PS2! I just don't think the majority of people are that interested in online multiplayer for consoles - people want good 'party games', or a high-quality single-player experience, Joe Blow doesn't want to be faffing about with wireless networking to get his console online in his living room. The people who are reall
    • Re:Same old guff (Score:3, Informative)

      by interiot ( 50685 )

      The people who are really into multiplayer get PCs.

      * or they get a mouse-to-controller converter [].

      Seriously though, I don't think that's completely true. Even if consoles are lacking in their network play in the current gen of consoles, is there any reason that consoles should ignore online play and leave that to PC's only? I think it would be great if consoles brought the LAN gaming feel to bigger TV screens, made the process easier, and allowed you to sync up with your real-life friends.

    • While I don't think it's going to be a crucial selling point, the differences between Xbox and PS3 online play are going to be important. This is based on anecdotal evidence, but since the pattern has repeated itself ad nauseam, it's worth noting:

      Typical conversation I have with Xbox owners: blah blah blah playing online/Xbox live/fucking cool/hooked up with buddies A, B and C, blah blah blah

      Typical conversation PS2 owners: blah blah blah latest cool-as-shit game out for PS, blah blah blah. ZERO ment

  • It's "News for Nerds." Enough of these retarded speculation stories.
  • If they implement that signature signing for each Blu-ray disc to a specific device. The article that stated that you can only use the disc with the first device it is used on. If that is on the PS3, then i'm sure we won't see Sony soaring in console sales come 2007. Sony is not dumb enough to do that, you might ask? I think the problems with the rootkit has proven their stupidity.
    • FUD #1 - sony has verified that blu-ray discs are not being specifically signed for each console. []
      sometimes companies take out "defensive patents"; patents they dont intend to use, but to ensure that their competitors can't claim the technology and implement it into their industry. maybe they have other plans on how to use the technology described in the patent, [maybe cheap disposable one-time use movies] but the fact remains... its not intended for the ps3.

  • This just in: analysts change their minds yet again

    oh wait, who cares what analysts think since they know nothing.
    • I love how you seem to think that "analysts" comprise one big collective group, that makes a single decision. I mean, if I say I prefer coke and then a friend of mine says they prefer pepsi, because we disagree does that mean we changed our minds? You're a moron.
      • I consider analysts one gigantic group because their basis are half-backed a great deal of the time and moreover wrong. It's all generalized assumptions made from article reading. I have yet to see any analyst say something intelligible about the game industry with firm backing.
  • People's Tastes (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 17, 2005 @12:34PM (#14053968)
    Believe it or not, the general public's tastes change rapidly (and in, somewhat, unpredictable ways); one day 'Grunge' and 'Alternative' music is king, the next day Pop and Hip-Hop rule all. This patern exists in all entertainment fields and the companies who successfuly predict the next wave become highly profitable and culturally important. Sony benefited, more than any other company, from the shift from videogames becoming more of an acceptable pastime (for adults) and the importance of 'Mature' videogames.

    The question becomes, where are videogames going?
    • Are they going to become simpler with a greater focus on control (Nintendo)

    • Is conventional online play going to become more important (XBox)

    • Are Massively Multiplayer games the wave of the future (PC)

    • Are simple web-based games the next big thing

    • Or is everyting going to stay pretty much the same (PS3)

  • Zonk... (Score:3, Funny)

    by SetupWeasel ( 54062 ) on Thursday November 17, 2005 @12:40PM (#14054030) Homepage
    You lost me at "1up."
  • Look around everybody. I'm guessing we all see gamers on both sides. This report was for stock analysts and brokers. Reports like this have no relevance to people like us, its purpose is to "inform" those who have absolutely no idea what is going on in the gaming world other than it is a $5billion a year industry with some high performance stock. Lets leave these types of articles were they belong, because here they are just flamebait for fanboys.
    Mod: -1 Flamebait to

    Ps. If you follow the game i
  • When I see stories like these now, I just ignore what they say. Everyone predicts everything, and, even if they're right, it doesn't affect me, because I'll be getting a Revolution, thankyouverymuch.

    Nintendo has, for a couple of generations now, been the runner up in the console wars, as far as pure sales go. But, despite this, they continue to work on their product (turning a handsome profit at the same time,) and continue putting out fun, ingenious games that I enjoy.

    Plus, if it does have a smaller fanbas
  • depends. hardware is hardware, but most titles will look almost the same on all three consoles; limited by whichever system is the lowest common denominator. i predict it will be a repeat of this generation.

    with the industry budgeoning us with sequels, i can see most users going with the system or systems that will allow them to continue to follow the franchises that they have come to enjoy. bill likes final fantasy, so chances are that he will continue following the series on playstation hardware. john lik

Human resources are human first, and resources second. -- J. Garbers
